943 resultados para shoot number


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A profile is a finite sequence of vertices of a graph. The set of all vertices of the graph which minimises the sum of the distances to the vertices of the profile is the median of the profile. Any subset of the vertex set such that it is the median of some profile is called a median set. The number of median sets of a graph is defined to be the median number of the graph. In this paper, we identify the median sets of various classes of graphs such as Kp − e, Kp,q forP > 2, and wheel graph and so forth. The median numbers of these graphs and hypercubes are found out, and an upper bound for the median number of even cycles is established.We also express the median number of a product graph in terms of the median number of their factors.


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A periphery transversal of a median graph G is introduced as a set of vertices that meets all the peripheral subgraphs of G. Using this concept, median graphs with geodetic number 2 are characterized in two ways. They are precisely the median graphs that contain a periphery transversal of order 2 as well as the median graphs for which there exists a profile such that the remoteness function is constant on G. Moreover, an algorithm is presented that decides in O(mlog n) time whether a given graph G with n vertices and m edges is a median graph with geodetic number 2. Several additional structural properties of the remoteness function on hypercubes and median graphs are obtained and some problems listed


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Die hier vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen eines europäischen Projektes mit dem Titel „Improving Fraxinus (Ash) productivity for European needs by testing, selection, propagation and promotion of improved genetic resources“ an der Niedersächsischen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt, Abteilung Waldgenressourcen erstellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden 62 Plusbäume aus einem 15 Jahre alten europäischen Herkunfts-/ Nachkommenschaftsversuch in den Niedersächsischen Forstämtern Bovenden und Dannenberg nach den Kriterien Stammform und Wuchsleistung für die vegetative Vermehrung ausgewählt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Optimierung bestehender in vitro Protokolle sowie die Entwicklung eines bisher noch nicht existierenden Kryokonservierungsprotokolls für in vitro Sprossspitzen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des in vitro Protokolls für Fraxinus excelsior dargestellt. Die Optimierung der Methoden zur Etablierung, Vermehrung und Bewurzelung erfolgte durch Versuchsreihen mit unterschiedlichen Klonen, so dass insgesamt 26 der selektierten Plusbäume erfolgreich in vitro etabliert werden konnten. Achselknospen frischer Triebe der Pfropflinge der Mutterbäume stellten die beste Explantatquelle dar. Die Explantate wurden mit 0,2 % Quecksilberchlorid (HgCl2) oberflächensterilisiert bevor sie auf hormonfreies Woody Plant Medium (WPM) transferiert wurden. Nach zwei Wochen erfolgte ein Transfer auf WPM mit 4 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) und 0,15 mg/l Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Die besten Vermehrungsraten wurden auf WPM mit 4 mg/l BAP, 0,15 mg/l IBA und 0,01 mg/l TDZ und 0,7 % Agar in Honiggläsern mit einem Plastikdeckel erzielt. Als Bewurzelungsmedium wurde 0,5 konzentriertes Murashige und Skoog (MS) Medium mit 2 mg/l IBA, 0,25 mg/l BAP und 0,8 % Agar verwandt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die Versuchsreihen zur Entwicklung des Kryokonservierungsprotokolls von in vitro Sprossspitzen dargestellt. Zur Entwicklung der Methode wurden die Vorbehandlungsbedingungen verbessert und zwei Techniken, die Alginat- / Dehydrati-onsmethode und die Vitrifikationsmethode mit Hilfe der sogenannten PVS2-Lösung (Plant Vitrification solution number 2) getestet. Die optimierte PVS2-Methode erwies sich als die für Esche besser geeignete Technik und ließ sich erfolgreich zur Kryokonservierung juveniler und adulter Kulturen anwenden. Die Regenerationsraten lagen zwischen 50 und 100 % für juvenile bzw. 50 und 80 % für adulte Kulturen.


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We study the asymptotics conjecture of Malle for dihedral groups Dl of order 2l, where l is an odd prime. We prove the expected lower bound for those groups. For the upper bounds we show that there is a connection to class groups of quadratic number fields. The asymptotic behavior of those class groups is predicted by the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics. Under the assumption of this heuristic we are able to prove the expected upper bounds.


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Let k be a quadratic imaginary field, p a prime which splits in k/Q and does not divide the class number hk of k. Let L denote a finite abelian extention of k and let K be a subextention of L/k. In this article we prove the p-part of the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture for the pair (h0(Spec(L)),Z[Gal(L/K)]).


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The utilization and management of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis may improve production and sustainability of the cropping system. For this purpose, native AM fungi (AMF) were sought and tested for their efficiency to increase plant growth by enhanced P uptake and by alleviation of drought stress. Pot experiments with safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and pea (Pisum sativum) in five soils (mostly sandy loamy Luvisols) and field experiments with peas were carried out during three years at four different sites. Host plants were grown in heated soils inoculated with AMF or the respective heat sterilized inoculum. In the case of peas, mutants resistant to AMF colonization were used as non-mycorrhizal controls. The mycorrhizal impact on yields and its components, transpiration, and P and N uptake was studied in several experiments, partly under varying P and N levels and water supply. Screening of native AMF by most probable number bioassays was not very meaningful. Soil monoliths were placed in the open to simulate field conditions. Inoculation with a native AMF mix improved grain yield, shoot and leaf growth variables as compared to control. Exposed to drought, higher soil water depletion of mycorrhizal plants resulted in a haying-off effect. The growth response to this inoculum could not be significantly reproduced in a subsequent open air pot experiment at two levels of irrigation and P fertilization, however, safflower grew better at higher P and water supply by multiples. The water use efficiency concerning biomass was improved by the AMF inoculum in the two experiments. Transpiration rates were not significantly affected by AM but as a tendency were higher in non-mycorrhizal safflower. A fundamental methodological problem in mycorrhiza field research is providing an appropriate (negative) control for the experimental factor arbuscular mycorrhiza. Soil sterilization or fungicide treatment have undesirable side effects in field and greenhouse settings. Furthermore, artificial rooting, temperature and light conditions in pot experiments may interfere with the interpretation of mycorrhiza effects. Therefore, the myc- pea mutant P2 was tested as a non-mycorrhizal control in a bioassay to evaluate AMF under field conditions in comparison to the symbiotic isogenetic wild type of var. FRISSON as a new integrative approach. However, mutant P2 is also of nod- phenotype and therefore unable to fix N2. A 3-factorial experiment was carried out in a climate chamber at high NPK fertilization to examine the two isolines under non-symbiotic and symbiotic conditions. P2 achieved the same (or higher) biomass as wild type both under good and poor water supply. However, inoculation with the AMF Glomus manihot did not improve plant growth. Differences of grain and straw yields in field trials were large (up to 80 per cent) between those isogenetic pea lines mainly due to higher P uptake under P and water limited conditions. The lacking N2 fixation in mutants was compensated for by high mineral N supply as indicated by the high N status of the pea mutant plants. This finding was corroborated by the results of a major field experiment at three sites with two levels of N fertilization. The higher N rate did not affect grain or straw yields of the non-fixing mutants. Very efficient AMF were detected in a Ferric Luvisol on pasture land as revealed by yield levels of the evaluation crop and by functional vital staining of highly colonized roots. Generally, levels of grain yield were low, at between 40 and 980 kg ha-1. An additional pot trial was carried out to elucidate the strong mycorrhizal effect in the Ferric Luvisol. A triplication of the plant equivalent field P fertilization was necessary to compensate for the mycorrhizal benefit which was with five times higher grain yield very similar to that found in the field experiment. However, the yield differences between the two isolines were not always plausible as the evaluation variable because they were also found in (small) field test trials with apparently sufficient P and N supply and in a soil of almost no AMF potential. This similarly occurred for pea lines of var. SPARKLE and its non-fixing mycorrhizal (E135) and non-symbiotic (R25) isomutants, which were tested in order to exclude experimentally undesirable benefits by N2 fixation. In contrast to var. FRISSON, SPARKLE was not a suitable variety for Mediterranean field conditions. This raises suspicion putative genetic defects other than symbiotic ones may be effective under field conditions, which would conflict with the concept of an appropriate control. It was concluded that AMF resistant plants may help to overcome fundamental problems of present research on arbuscular mycorrhiza, but may create new ones.


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It is well known that Stickelberger-Swan theorem is very important for determining reducibility of polynomials over a binary field. Using this theorem it was determined the parity of the number of irreducible factors for some kinds of polynomials over a binary field, for instance, trinomials, tetranomials, self-reciprocal polynomials and so on. We discuss this problem for type II pentanomials namely x^m +x^{n+2} +x^{n+1} +x^n +1 \in\ IF_2 [x]. Such pentanomials can be used for efficient implementing multiplication in finite fields of characteristic two. Based on the computation of discriminant of these pentanomials with integer coefficients, it will be characterized the parity of the number of irreducible factors over IF_2 and be established the necessary conditions for the existence of this kind of irreducible pentanomials.


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Various results on parity of the number of irreducible factors of given polynomials over finite fields have been obtained in the recent literature. Those are mainly based on Swan’s theorem in which discriminants of polynomials over a finite field or the integral ring Z play an important role. In this paper we consider discriminants of the composition of some polynomials over finite fields. The relation between the discriminants of composed polynomial and the original ones will be established. We apply this to obtain some results concerning the parity of the number of irreducible factors for several special polynomials over finite fields.


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The influence of the occupation of the single particle levels on the impact parameter dependent K - K charge transfer occuring in collisions of 90 keV Ne{^9+} on Ne was studied using coupled channel calculations. The energy eigenvalues and matrixelements for the single particle levels were taken from ab initio self consistent MO-LCAO-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER calculations with occupation numbers corresponding to the single particle amplitudes given by the coupled channel calculations.


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In dieser Arbeit werden Algorithmen zur Untersuchung der äquivarianten Tamagawazahlvermutung von Burns und Flach entwickelt. Zunächst werden Algorithmen angegeben mit denen die lokale Fundamentalklasse, die globale Fundamentalklasse und Tates kanonische Klasse berechnet werden können. Dies ermöglicht unter anderem Berechnungen in Brauergruppen von Zahlkörpererweiterungen. Anschließend werden diese Algorithmen auf die Tamagawazahlvermutung angewendet. Die Epsilonkonstantenvermutung kann dadurch für alle Galoiserweiterungen L|K bewiesen werden, bei denen L in einer Galoiserweiterung E|Q vom Grad kleiner gleich 15 eingebettet werden kann. Für die Tamagawazahlvermutung an der Stelle 1 wird ein Algorithmus angegeben, der die Vermutung für ein gegebenes Fallbeispiel L|Q numerischen verifizieren kann. Im Spezialfall, dass alle Charaktere rational oder abelsch sind, kann dieser Algorithmus die Vermutung für L|Q sogar beweisen.


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The objective of this study was to report single season effects of wood biochar (char) application coupled with N fertilization on soil chemical properties, aerobic rice growth and grain yield in a clayey Rhodic Ferralsol in the Brazilian Savannah. Char application effected an increase in soil pH, K, Ca, Mg, CEC, Mn and nitrate while decreasing Al content and potential acidity of soils. No distinct effect of char application on grain yield of aerobic rice was observed. We believe that soil properties impacted by char application were inconsequential for rice yields because neither water, low pH, nor the availability of K or P were limiting factors for rice production. Rate of char above 16 Mg ha^(−1) reduced leaf area index and total shoot dry matter by 72 days after sowing. The number of panicles infected by rice blast decreased with increasing char rate. Increased dry matter beyond the remobilization capacity of the crop, and high number of panicles infected by rice blast were the likely cause of the lower grain yield observed when more than 60 kg N ha^(−1) was applied. The optimal rate of N was 46 kg ha^(−1) and resulted in a rice grain yield above 3 Mg ha^(−1).


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This research work aimed at investigating the physiological mechanisms of tolerance of pearl millet to low soil Phosphorus availability and drought under the Sahelian conditions.


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Vegetables represent a main source of micro-nutrients which can improve the health status of malnourished poor in the world. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a popular leafy vegetable in many countries which is rich with several important micro-nutrients. Thus, consuming Spinach helps to overcome micro-nutrient deficiencies. Pests and pathogens act as major yield constraints in food production. Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne species, constitute a large group of highly destructive plant pests. Spinach is found to be highly susceptible for these nematode attacks. Though agricultural production has largely benefited from modern technologies and innovations, some important dimensions which can minimize the yield losses have been neglected by most of the growers. Pre-plant or initial nematode density in soil is a crucial biotic factor which is directly responsible for crop losses. Hence, information on preplant nematode densities and the corresponding damage is of vital importance to develop successful control procedures to enhance crop production. In the present study, effect of seven initial densities of M. incognita, i.e., 156, 312, 625, 1250, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 infective juveniles (IJs)/plant (equivalent to 1000cm3 soil) on the growth and root infestation on potted spinach plants was determined in a screen house. In order to ensure a high accuracy, root infestation was ascertained by the number of galls formed, the percentage galled-length of feeder roots and galled-feeder roots, and egg production, per plant. Fifty days post-inoculation, shoot length and weight, and root length were suppressed at the lowest IJs density. However, the pathogenic effect was pronounced at the highest density at which 43%, 46% and 45% reduction in shoot length and weight, and root length, respectively, was recorded. The highest reduction in root weight (26%) was detected at the second highest density. The Number of galls and percentage galled-length of feeder roots/per plant showed significant progressive increase across the increasing IJs density with the highest mean value of 432.3 and 54%, respectively. The two shoot growth parameters and root length showed significant inverse relationship with the increasing gall formation. Moreover, the shoot and root length were shown to be mutually dependent on each other. Suppression of shoot growth of spinach greatly affects the grower’s economy. Hence, control measures are essentially needed to ensure a better production of spinach via reducing the pre-plant density below the level of 0.156 IJs/cm3.


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Lecture notes for a number theory course