997 resultados para sensory test
Topological indices have been applied to build QSAR models for a set of 20 antimalarial cyclic peroxy cetals. In order to evaluate the reliability of the proposed linear models leave-n-out and Internal Test Sets (ITS) approaches have been considered. The proposed procedure resulted in a robust and consensued prediction equation and here it is shown why it is superior to the employed standard cross-validation algorithms involving multilinear regression models
Visual attention depends on bottom-up sensory activation and top-down attentional guidance. Although aging is known to affect sensory processing, its impact on the top-down control of attention remains a matter of debate. We investigated age-related modulations of brain oscillatory activity during visual attention using a variant of the attention network test (ANT) in 20 young and 28 elderly adults. We examined the EEG oscillatory responses to warning and target signals, and explored the correlates of temporal and spatial orienting as well as conflict resolution at target presentation. Time-frequency analysis was performed between 4 and 30Hz, and the relationship between behavioral and brain oscillatory responses was analyzed. Whereas temporal cueing and conflict had similar reaction time effects in both age groups, spatial cueing was more beneficial to older than younger subjects. In the absence of cue, posterior alpha activation was drastically reduced in older adults, pointing to an age-related decline in anticipatory attention. Following both cues and targets, older adults displayed pronounced motor-related activation in the low beta frequency range at the expense of attention-related posterior alpha activation prominent in younger adults. These findings support the recruitment of alternative motor-related circuits in the elderly, in line with the dedifferentiation hypothesis. Furthermore, older adults showed reduced midparietal alpha inhibition induced by temporal orienting as well as decreased posterior alpha activation associated with both spatial orienting and conflict resolution. Altogether, the results are consistent with an overall reduction of task-related alpha activity in the elderly, and provide functional evidence that younger and older adults engage distinct brain circuits at different oscillatory frequencies during attentional functions.
Inner ear hair cells and supporting cells arise from common precursors and, in mammals, do not show phenotypic conversion. Here, we studied the role of the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 in the inner ear sensory epithelia. Adenoviral-mediated Prox1 transduction into hair cells in explant cultures led to strong repression of Atoh1 and Gfi1, two transcription factors critical for hair cell differentiation and survival. Luciferase assays showed that Prox1 can repress transcriptional activity of Gfi1 independently of Atoh1. Prox1 transduction into cochlear outer hair cells resulted in degeneration of these cells, consistent with the known phenotype of Gfi1-deficient mice. These results together with the widespread expression of endogenous Prox1 within the population of inner ear supporting cells point to the role for Prox1 in antagonizing the hair cell phenotype in these non-sensory cells. Further, in vivo analyses of hair cells from Gfi1-deficient mice suggest that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57(Kip2) mediates the differentiation- and survival-promoting functions of Gfi1. These data reveal novel gene interactions and show that these interactions regulate cellular differentiation within the inner ear sensory epithelia. The data point to the tight regulation of phenotypic characteristics of hair cells and supporting cells.
La modélisation, chez l'animal, de maladies psychiatriques telles que la schizophrénie repose sur différentes démarches visant à induire des perturbations cérébrales similaires à celles observées dans la maladie. Nous avons cherché à étudier chez le rat les effets d'une diminution (50%) transitoire en glutathion (GSH) durant le développement (PND 5 à PND 16) à partir de l'implication, chez des adultes, des conséquences de cette perturbation dans des mécanismes fondamentaux de traitement de l'information sensorielle. Cette thèse évalue et documente les déficits de compétences de navigation spatiale dans ce modèle. Nous avons mis en évidence des effets comportementaux à partir de l'identification de différences particulières dans des tâches d'orientation: des difficultés, chez les rats ayant subi un déficit en GSH, à élaborer une représentation globale de l'environnement dans lequel ils se déplacent, difficultés compensées par une attention particulière aux détails visuels le composant. Cette stratégie réactive compensatoire est efficace lorsque les conditions permettent un ajustement continu aux repères visuels environnementaux. Elle ne permet cependant pas des prédictions et des attentes sur ce qui devrait être rencontré et perçu dans une certaine direction, dès qu'une partie des informations visuelles familières disparaît. Il faudrait pour cela une capacité fondée sur une représentation abstraite, à distance des modalités sensorielles qui en ont permis son élaboration. Notre thèse soutient que les déficits, supposés participer à l'émergence de certains symptômes de la maladie, auraient également des conséquences sur l'élaboration de la représentation spatiale nécessaire à des capacités d'orientation effectives et symboliques. - The study of a psychiatric disease such as schizophrenia in an animal model relies on different approaches attempting to replicate brain perturbations similar to those observed in the illness. In the present work, behavioural consequences of a functional deficit in brain connectivity and coordination were assessed in rats with a transitory glutathione (GSH) deficit induced during the postnatal development (PND 5-PND 16) with daily injections of BSO (1- buthionine-(S,R)- sulfoximine). We searched for a theoretical syndrome associating ecologically relevant behavioural adaptive deficits and resulting from the weakening of sensory integration processes. Our results revealed significant and specific deficit of BSO treated rats in spatial orientation tasks designed to test for cognitive mapping abilities. Treated rats behaved as if impaired in the proactive strategies supported by an abstract representation such as a cognitive map. In contrast their performances were preserved whenever the environmental conditions allowed for adaptative reactive strategies, an equivalent of the visual affordances described by Gibson (1958). This supports our thesis that BSO treated rats expressed difficulties in elaborating a global representation of the environment. This deficit was completely - or - partially compensated by the development of an increased attention to the environment's visual details. This compensatory reactive strategy requires a rich environment allowing for continuous adjustment to visual cues. However, such adjustment doesn't allow to predictions and expectancies about what should be met and perceived in a certain direction, when familiar visual spatial cues are missing. Such competencies require orientation based on the use of an abstract spatial representation, independent from the specific sensory modalities that have participated to its elaboration. The impairment of BSO rats such spatial representation could result from a deficit in the integration and organization of perceptual information. Our model leads to the hypothesis that these fundamental deficits might account for certain symptoms of schizophrenia. They would also interfere with in the capacity to elaborate spatial representation necessary for optimal orientation in natural, artificial or symbolic environment.
En el present treball es pretén determinar si existeix una correlació entre la dislèxia (dificultat en l'aprenentatge de la lectura i l'escriptura) i els resultats en el test IGF (intel·ligència general i factorial), concretament els resultats d'eficàcia. Es va seleccionar una mostra d'alumnes a la que, en primer lloc, es va diagnosticar o descartar la dislèxia, i després se'ls-hi va administrar l'IGF. No es van observar diferències significatives en els resultats d'eficàcia del test IGF entre dislèxics i no-dislèxics en dits resultats.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte final de carrera consisteix en desenvolupar una aplicació web que oferisca un entorn simplificat de desenvolupament integrat (IDE) en el llenguatge C/C++, on els estudiants de batxillerat (o secundària en general) puguen iniciar-se en el seu estudi. La finalitat és proveir un entorn agradable a l'alumnat perquè puga seguir correctament les pràctiques que proposa el professor independentment de les circumstàncies pròpies d'aquest (ubicació temporal o permanentde l'alumnat, sistema operatiu que utilitza, dispositiu emprat per a fer les pràctiques, etc..).
O trauma crânio-encefálico contuso (TCEC) é freqüentemente seguido pela amnésia pós-traumática (APT), caracterizada como um estado transitório de confusão e desorientação. Sua duração tem sido utilizada para quantificar a gravidade do TCEC e prever distúrbios nas funções cognitivas, assim como para antever as alterações na capacidade funcional das vítimas pós-trauma. O Galveston Orientation Amnesia Test (GOAT) é o primeiro instrumento sistematizado criado e o mais amplamente utilizado para avaliar a APT. Este artigo apresenta esse instrumento, as bases conceituais para seu desenvolvimento e a adaptação e validação do GOAT para cultura brasileira. Além disso, descreve sua aplicação e comenta as restrições do seu uso. Resultados de pesquisas realizadas em nosso meio contribuíram para as evidências sobre a validade do GOAT. Também apontaram os indicadores do momento pós-trauma em que o GOAT deve ser aplicado e destacaram as dificuldades no uso desse instrumento.
Aplicació web per a la correcció automàtica de proves tipus test realitzada amb un framework PHP MVC propi i no comercial.
Ideally, reconstruction of lower extremity soft tissue defects includes not only an esthetically pleasing 3-dimensional shape and solid anchoring to the underlying structures to resist shear forces, but should also address the restoration of sensation. Therefore, we present a prospective study on defect reconstruction of the lower leg and ankle to evaluate the role of sensate free fasciocutaneous lateral arm flap and the impact of sensory nerve reconstruction. Thirty patients were allocated randomly to the study group (n = 15) that obtained end-to-side sensate coaptation using the lower lateral cutaneous brachial nerve to the tibial nerve using the epineural window technique, or to the control group reconstructed without nerve coaptation. At 1-year follow-up the patients were evaluated for pain sensation, thermal sensibility, static and moving 2-point discrimination, and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests. Data from both groups were compared and statistically analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test and the Fisher exact test. Flaps of the study group reached a static and moving 2-point discrimination and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests nearly equal to the contralateral leg area and significantly better than flaps of the control group. Donor damage morbidity of the tibial nerve did not occur. To our point of view resensation should be carried out by end-to-side neurorrhaphy to the tibial nerve because of the superior restoration of sensibility.
The inner ear is responsible for the perception of motion and sound in vertebrates. Its functional unit, the sensory patch, contains mechanosensory hair cells innervated by sensory neurons from the statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) that project to the corresponding nuclei in the brainstem. How hair cells develop at specific positions, and how otic neurons are sorted to specifically innervate each endorgan and to convey the extracted information to the hindbrain is not completely understood. In this work, we study the generation of macular sensory patches and investigate the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in the production of their neurosensory elements. Using zebrafish transgenic lines to visualize the dynamics of hair cell and neuron production, we show that the development of the anterior and posterior maculae is asynchronic, suggesting they are independently regulated. Tracing experiments demonstrate the SAG is topologically organized in two different neuronal subpopulations, which are spatially segregated and innervate specifically each macula. Functional experiments identify the Hh pathway as crucial in coordinating the production of hair cells in the posterior macula, and the formation of its specific innervation. Finally, gene expression analyses suggest that Hh influences the balance between different SAG neuronal subpopulations. These results lead to a model in which Hh orients functionally the development of inner ear towards an auditory fate in all vertebrate species.
This review paper reports the consensus of a technical workshop hosted by the European network, NanoImpactNet (NIN). The workshop aimed to review the collective experience of working at the bench with manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs), and to recommend modifications to existing experimental methods and OECD protocols. Current procedures for cleaning glassware are appropriate for most MNMs, although interference with electrodes may occur. Maintaining exposure is more difficult with MNMs compared to conventional chemicals. A metal salt control is recommended for experiments with metallic MNMs that may release free metal ions. Dispersing agents should be avoided, but if they must be used, then natural or synthetic dispersing agents are possible, and dispersion controls essential. Time constraints and technology gaps indicate that full characterisation of test media during ecotoxicity tests is currently not practical. Details of electron microscopy, dark-field microscopy, a range of spectroscopic methods (EDX, XRD, XANES, EXAFS), light scattering techniques (DLS, SLS) and chromatography are discussed. The development of user-friendly software to predict particle behaviour in test media according to DLVO theory is in progress, and simple optical methods are available to estimate the settling behaviour of suspensions during experiments. However, for soil matrices such simple approaches may not be applicable. Alternatively, a Critical Body Residue approach may be taken in which body concentrations in organisms are related to effects, and toxicity thresholds derived. For microbial assays, the cell wall is a formidable barrier to MNMs and end points that rely on the test substance penetrating the cell may be insensitive. Instead assays based on the cell envelope should be developed for MNMs. In algal growth tests, the abiotic factors that promote particle aggregation in the media (e.g. ionic strength) are also important in providing nutrients, and manipulation of the media to control the dispersion may also inhibit growth. Controls to quantify shading effects, and precise details of lighting regimes, shaking or mixing should be reported in algal tests. Photosynthesis may be more sensitive than traditional growth end points for algae and plants. Tests with invertebrates should consider non-chemical toxicity from particle adherence to the organisms. The use of semi-static exposure methods with fish can reduce the logistical issues of waste water disposal and facilitate aspects of animal husbandry relevant to MMNs. There are concerns that the existing bioaccumulation tests are conceptually flawed for MNMs and that new test(s) are required. In vitro testing strategies, as exemplified by genotoxicity assays, can be modified for MNMs, but the risk of false negatives in some assays is highlighted. In conclusion, most protocols will require some modifications and recommendations are made to aid the researcher at the bench. [Authors]
Objective: To test the efficacy of teaching motivational interviewing (MI) to medical students. Methods: Thirteen 4th year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and 7 days after an 8-hour interactive training MI workshop, each student performed a videorecorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year old alcohol dependent woman and a 50 year old cigarette smoking man. Students' counseling skills were coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity 3.0 (MITI). Inter-rater reliability was calculated for all interviews and a test-retest was completed in a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews three days apart. Difference between MITI scores before and after training were calculated and tested using non-parametric tests. Effect size was approximated by calculating the probability that posttest scores are greater than pretest scores (P*=P(Pre<Post)+1/2P(Pre=Post)), P*>1/2 indicating greater scores in posttest, P*=1/2 no effect, and P*<1/2 smaller scores in posttest. Results: Median differences between MITI scores before and after MI training indicated a general progression in MI skills: MI spirit global score (median difference=1.5, Inter quartile range=1.5, p<0.001, P*=0.90); Empathy global score (med diff=1, IQR=0.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of MI adherent skills (med diff=36.6, IQR=50.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of open questions (med diff=18.6, IQR=21.6, p<0.001, P*=0.96); reflections/ questions ratio (med diff=0.2, IQR=0.4, p<0.001, P*=0.81). Only Direction global score and the percentage of complex reflections were not significantly improved (med diff=0, IQR=1, p=0.53, P*=0.44, and med diff=4.3, IQR=24.8, p=0.48, P*=0.62, respectively). Inter-rater reliability indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.14 for Direction to 0.51 for Collaboration and ICC ranged between 0.28 for Simple reflection to 0.95 for Closed question. Test-retests indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.27 for Direction to 0.80 for Empathy and ICC ranged between 0.87 for Complex reflection to 0.98 for Closed question. Conclusion: This pilot study indicated that an 8-hour training in MI for voluntary 4th year medical students resulted in significant improvement of MI skills. Larger sample of unselected medical students should be studied to generalize the benefit of MI training to medical students. Interrater reliability and test-retests suggested that coders' training should be intensified.
Recently published criteria using clinical (ataxia or asymmetrical distribution at onset or full development, and sensory loss not restricted to the lower limbs) and electrophysiological items (less than two abnormal lower limb motor nerves and at least an abolished SAP or three SAP below 30% of lower limit of normal in the upper limbs) were sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of sensory neuronopathy (SNN) (Camdessanche et al., Brain, 2009). However, these criteria need to be validated on a large multicenter population. For this, a database collecting cases from fifteen Reference Centers for Neuromuscular diseases in France and Switzerland is currently developed. So far, data from 120 patients with clinically pure sensory neuropathy have been collected. Cases were classified independently from the evaluated criteria as SNN (53), non-SNN (46) or suspected SNN (21) according to the expert's diagnosis. Using the criteria, SNN was possible in 83% (44/53), 23.9% (11/46) and 71.4% (15/21) of cases, respectively. In the non-SSN group, half of the patients with a diagnosis of possible SSN had an ataxic form of inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. In the SNN group, half of those not retained as possible SNN had CANOMAD, paraneoplasia, or B12 deficiency. In a second step, after application of the items necessary to reach the level of probable SNN (no biological or electrophysiological abnormalities excluding SNN; presence of onconeural antibody, cisplatin treatment, Sj ¨ ogren's syndrome or spinal cord MRI high signal in the posterior column), a final diagnosis of possible or probable SNN was obtained in, respectively, 90.6% (48/53), 8.8% (4/45), and 71.4% (15/21) of patients in the three groups. Among the 5 patients with a final non-SNN but initial SNN diagnosis, 3 had motor conduction abnormalities (one with CANOMAD) and among the 4 patients with a final SNN but initial non-SSN diagnosis, one had anti-Hu antibody and one was discussed as a possible ataxic CIDP. These preliminary results confirm the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed criteria for the diagnosis of SNN.
Swain corrects the chi-square overidentification test (i.e., likelihood ratio test of fit) for structural equation models whethr with or without latent variables. The chi-square statistic is asymptotically correct; however, it does not behave as expected in small samples and/or when the model is complex (cf. Herzog, Boomsma, & Reinecke, 2007). Thus, particularly in situations where the ratio of sample size (n) to the number of parameters estimated (p) is relatively small (i.e., the p to n ratio is large), the chi-square test will tend to overreject correctly specified models. To obtain a closer approximation to the distribution of the chi-square statistic, Swain (1975) developed a correction; this scaling factor, which converges to 1 asymptotically, is multiplied with the chi-square statistic. The correction better approximates the chi-square distribution resulting in more appropriate Type 1 reject error rates (see Herzog & Boomsma, 2009; Herzog, et al., 2007).