962 resultados para retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
Protein-Protein Interactions That Regulate Neurotransmitter Release from Retinal Ribbon Synapses Photoreceptors and bipolar cells in the retina form specialized chemical synapses called ribbon synapses. This type of synapse differs physiologically from “conventional” chemical synapses. While “conventional” synapses exocytose neurotransmitter-filled vesicles in an all-or-none fashion in response to an action potential, a retinal ribbon synapse can release neurotransmitter tonically (sustained) in response to graded changes in membrane potential or phasically (transient) in response to a large change in membrane potential. Synaptic vesicle exocytosis is a tightly controlled process involving many protein-protein interactions. Therefore, it is likely that the dissimilarity in the release properties of retinal ribbon synapses and conventional synapses is the result of molecular differences between the two synapse types. Consistent with this idea, previous studies have demonstrated that ribbon synapses in the retina do not contain the t-SNARE (target-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) syntaxin 1A that is found in conventional synapses of the nervous system. In contrast, ribbon synapses of the mammalian retina contain the related isoform, syntaxin 3B. Given that SNARE proteins play an important role in neurotransmitter release in conventional synapses, the purpose of this study was to characterize syntaxin 3B in order to elucidate what role this protein plays in neurotransmitter release from retinal ribbon synapses. Using molecular and biochemical techniques, it was demonstrated that syntaxin 3B is a binding partner of several presynaptic proteins that play a important role in synaptic vesicle exocytosis from retinal ribbon synapses and it is an evolutionarily conserved protein.
Gap junctions between neurons form the structural substrate for electrical synapses. Connexin 36 (Cx36, and its non-mammalian ortholog connexin 35) is the major neuronal gap junction protein in the central nervous system (CNS), and contributes to several important neuronal functions including neuronal synchronization, signal averaging, network oscillations, and motor learning. Connexin 36 is strongly expressed in the retina, where it is an obligatory component of the high-sensitivity rod photoreceptor pathway. A fundamental requirement of the retina is to adapt to broadly varying inputs in order to maintain a dynamic range of signaling output. Modulation of the strength of electrical coupling between networks of retinal neurons, including the Cx36-coupled AII amacrine cell in the primary rod circuit, is a hallmark of retinal luminance adaptation. However, very little is known about the mechanisms regulating dynamic modulation of Cx36-mediated coupling. The primary goal of this work was to understand how cellular signaling mechanisms regulate coupling through Cx36 gap junctions. We began by developing and characterizing phospho-specific antibodies against key regulatory phosphorylation sites on Cx36. Using these tools we showed that phosphorylation of Cx35 in fish models varies with light adaptation state, and is modulated by acute changes in background illumination. We next turned our focus to the well-studied and readily identifiable AII amacrine cell in mammalian retina. Using this model we showed that increased phosphorylation of Cx36 is directly related to increased coupling through these gap junctions, and that the dopamine-stimulated uncoupling of the AII network is mediated by dephosphorylation of Cx36 via protein kinase A-stimulated protein phosphatase 2A activity. We then showed that increased phosphorylation of Cx36 on the AII amacrine network is driven by depolarization of presynaptic ON-type bipolar cells as well as background light increments. This increase in phosphorylation is mediated by activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors associated with Cx36 gap junctions on AII amacrine cells and by Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activation. Finally, these studies indicated that coupling is regulated locally at individual gap junction plaques. This work provides a framework for future study of regulation of Cx36-mediated coupling, in which increased phosphorylation of Cx36 indicates increased neuronal coupling.
The mechanisms regulating retinal ganglion cell (RGC) development are crucial for retinogenesis and for the establishment of normal vision. However, these mechanisms are only vaguely understood. RGCs are the first neuronal lineage to segregate from pluripotent progenitors in the developing retina. As output neurons, RGCs display developmental features very distinct from those of the other retinal cell types. To better understand RGC development, we have previously constructed a gene regulatory network featuring a hierarchical cascade of transcription factors that ultimately controls the expression of downstream effector genes. This has revealed the existence of a Pou domain transcription factor, Pou4f2, that occupies a key node in the RGC gene regulatory network and that is essential for RGC differentiation. However, little is known about the genes that connect upstream regulatory genes, such as Pou4f2 with downstream effector genes responsible for RGC differentiation. The purpose of this study was to characterize the retinal function of eomesodermin (Eomes), a T-box transcription factor with previously unsuspected roles in retinogenesis. We show that Eomes is expressed in developing RGCs and is a mediator of Pou4f2 function. Pou4f2 directly regulates Eomes expression through a cis-regulatory element within a conserved retinal enhancer. Deleting Eomes in the developing retina causes defects reminiscent of those in Pou4f2(-/-) retinas. Moreover, myelin ensheathment in the optic nerves of Eomes(-/-) embryos is severely impaired, suggesting that Eomes regulates this process. We conclude that Eomes is a crucial regulator positioned immediately downstream of Pou4f2 and is required for RGC differentiation and optic nerve development.
PURPOSE: The present study defines genomic loci underlying coordinate changes in gene expression following retinal injury. METHODS: A group of acute phase genes expressed in diverse nervous system tissues was defined by combining microarray results from injury studies from rat retina, brain, and spinal cord. Genomic loci regulating the brain expression of acute phase genes were identified using a panel of BXD recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. Candidate upstream regulators within a locus were defined using single nucleotide polymorphism databases and promoter motif databases. RESULTS: The acute phase response of rat retina, brain, and spinal cord was dominated by transcription factors. Three genomic loci control transcript expression of acute phase genes in brains of BXD RI mouse strains. One locus was identified on chromosome 12 and was highly correlated with the expression of classic acute phase genes. Within the locus we identified the inhibitor of DNA binding 2 (Id2) as a candidate upstream regulator. Id2 was upregulated as an acute phase transcript in injury models of rat retina, brain, and spinal cord. CONCLUSIONS: We defined a group of transcriptional changes associated with the retinal acute injury response. Using genetic linkage analysis of natural transcript variation, we identified regulatory loci and candidate regulators that control transcript levels of acute phase genes.
PURPOSE: Early visual defects in degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) may arise from phased remodeling of the neural retina. The authors sought to explore the functional expression of ionotropic (iGluR) and group 3, type 6 metabotropic (mGluR6) glutamate receptors in late-stage photoreceptor degeneration. METHODS: Excitation mapping with organic cations and computational molecular phenotyping were used to determine whether retinal neurons displayed functional glutamate receptor signaling in rodent models of retinal degeneration and a sample of human RP. RESULTS: After photoreceptor loss in rodent models of RP, bipolar cells lose mGluR6 and iGluR glutamate-activated currents, whereas amacrine and ganglion cells retain iGluR-mediated responsivity. Paradoxically, amacrine and ganglion cells show spontaneous iGluR signals in vivo even though bipolar cells lack glutamate-coupled depolarization mechanisms. Cone survival can rescue iGluR expression by OFF bipolar cells. In a case of human RP with cone sparing, iGluR signaling appeared intact, but the number of bipolar cells expressing functional iGluRs was double that of normal retina. CONCLUSIONS: RP triggers permanent loss of bipolar cell glutamate receptor expression, though spontaneous iGluR-mediated signaling by amacrine and ganglion cells implies that such truncated bipolar cells still release glutamate in response to some nonglutamatergic depolarization. Focal cone-sparing can preserve iGluR display by nearby bipolar cells, which may facilitate late RP photoreceptor transplantation attempts. An instance of human RP provides evidence that rod bipolar cell dendrite switching likely triggers new gene expression patterns and may impair cone pathway function.
Chronic hepatitis occurs when effector lymphocytes are recruited to the liver from blood and retained in tissue to interact with target cells, such as hepatocytes or bile ducts (BDs). Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1; CD106), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, supports leukocyte adhesion by binding a4b1 integrins and is critical for the recruitment of monocytes and lymphocytes during inflammation. We detected VCAM-1 on cholangiocytes in chronic liver disease (CLD) and hypothesized that biliary expression of VCAM-1 contributes to the persistence of liver inflammation. Hence, in this study, we examined whether cholangiocyte expression of VCAM-1 promotes the survival of intrahepatic a4b1 expressing effector T cells. We examined interactions between primary human cholangiocytes and isolated intrahepatic T cells ex vivo and in vivo using the Ova-bil antigen-driven murine model of biliary inflammation. VCAM-1 was detected on BDs in CLDs (primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, alcoholic liver disease, and chronic hepatitis C), and human cholangiocytes expressed VCAM-1 in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha alone or in combination with CD40L or interleukin-17. Liver-derived T cells adhered to cholangiocytes in vitro by a4b1, which resulted in signaling through nuclear factor kappa B p65, protein kinase B1, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. This led to increased mitochondrial B-cell lymphoma 2 accumulation and decreased activation of caspase 3, causing increased cell survival. We confirmed our findings in a murine model of hepatobiliary inflammation where inhibition of VCAM-1 decreased liver inflammation by reducing lymphocyte recruitment and increasing CD8 and T helper 17 CD4 Tcell survival. Conclusions: VCAM-1 expression by cholangiocytes contributes to persistent inflammation by conferring a survival signal to a4b1 expressing proinflammatory T lymphocytes in CLD.
{\it In vivo\/} induction of DNA changes in cervicovaginal epithelium by perinatal estrogen exposure
Epidemiological studies have associated estrogens with human neoplasm such as the endometrium, cervix, vagina, breast, and liver. Perinatal exposure to natural (17$\beta$-estradiol (17$\beta$-E$\sb2)\rbrack$ and synthetic (diethylstilbestrol (DES)) estrogens induces neoplastic changes in humans and rodents. Previous studies demonstrated that neonatal 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$ treatment increased the nuclear DNA content of mouse cervicovaginal epithelium that preceded histologically evident neoplasia. In order to determine whether this effect was specific to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ associated with chromosomal changes, and relevant to the human, female BALB/c mice were treated neonatally with either 17$\alpha$-estradiol (17$\alpha$-E$\sb2)$ and 5$\beta$-dihydrotestosterone ($5\beta$-DHT), both inactive steroids in adult reproductive tissue, or 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Ten-day-old mice received pellet implants of 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2,$ $5\beta$-DHT, or cholesterol. Seventy-day-old cervicovaginal tracts were examined histologically and flow cytometrically. 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$-treated animals were evaluated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using a probe specific for chromosome 1. Trisomy of chromosomes 1, 7, 11, and 17 was evaluated by FISH in cervicovaginal material from 19 DES-exposed and 19 control patients.^ $17\beta$-E$\sb2, 17\alpha$-E$\sb2$, and $5\beta$-DHT-induced dramatic developmental and histological changes in the cervicovaginal tract, including hypospadia, hyperplasia, and persistent cornification. The changes induced by 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ were equivalent to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Neonatal 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$-induced adenosquamous cervicovaginal tumors at 24 months. 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT significantly increased the nuclear DNA content over control animals, but at significantly lower levels than 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ DNA ploidy changes were highest (80%) in animals treated neonatally and secondarily with 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Secondary 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT administration, unlike 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ didn't significantly increase DNA content. Chromosome 1 trisomy incidence was 66% in neonatal 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$-treated animals. Trisomy was evident in 4 DES-exposed patients: one patient with trisomy of chromosomes 1, 7, and 11; one patient with chromosome 7 trisomy; and two patients with chromosome 1 trisomy. These data demonstrated the biological effects of 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT were age-dependent, 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ was equivalent to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$ and tumorigenic when administered neonatally, and histological changes were not steroid specific. Chromosomal changes were associated with increased nuclear DNA content and chromosomal changes may be an early event in the development of tumors in human DES-exposed tissues. ^
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease that is the leading cause of inherited blindness worldwide. Characteristic features of the disease include night blindness, progressive loss of visual fields, and deposition of pigment on the retina in a bone spicule-like pattern. RP is marked by extreme genetic heterogeneity with at least 19 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked loci identified. RP10, which maps to chromosome 7q, was the fifth autosomal dominant RP locus identified, and accounts for the early-onset disease in two independent families. Extensive linkage and haplotype analyses have been performed in these two families which have allowed the assignment of the disease locus to a 5-cM region on chromosome 7q31.3. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Green (National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health), a well-characterized physical map of the region was constructed which includes YAC, BAC and cosmid coverage. The entire RP10 critical region resides within a 9-Mb well-characterized YAC contig. These physical maps not only provided the resources to undertake the CAIGES (cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences) procedure for identification of retinal candidate genes within the critical region, but also identified a number of candidate genes, including transducin-$\gamma$ and blue cone pigment genes. All candidate genes examined were excluded. In addition, a number of ESTs were mapped within the critical region. EST20241, which was isolated from an eye library, corresponded to the 3$\sp\prime$ region of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 5 gene. ARF5, with its role in vesicle transport and possible participation in the regulation of the visual transduction pathway, became an extremely interesting candidate gene. Using a primer walking approach, the entire 3.2 kb genomic sequence of the ARF5 gene was generated and developed intronic primers to screen for coding region mutations in affected family members. No mutations were found in the ARF5 gene, however, a number of additional ESTs have been mapped to the critical region, and, as the large-scale sequencing projects get underway, megabases of raw sequence data from the RP10 region are becoming available. These resources will hasten the isolation and characterization of the RP10 gene. ^
Sensory rhodopsins I and II (SRI and SRII) are visual pigment-like phototaxis receptors in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. The receptor proteins each consist of a single polypeptide that folds into 7 $\alpha$-helical membrane-spanning segments forming an internal pocket where the chromophore retinal is bound. They transmit signals to their tightly bound transducer proteins, HtrI and HtrII, respectively, which in turn control a phosphotransfer pathway modulating the flagellar motors. SRI-HtrI mediates attractant responses to orange-light and repellent responses to UV light, while SRII-HtrII mediates repellent response to blue light. Experiments were designed to analyze the molecular processes in the SR-Htr complexes responsible for receptor activation, which previously had been shown by our laboratory to involve proton transfer reactions of the retinylidene Schiff base in the photoactive site, transfer of signals from receptor to transducer, and signaling specificity by the receptor-transducer complex.^ Site-directed mutagenesis and laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy revealed that His-166 in SRI (i) plays a role in the proton transfers both to and from the Schiffbase, either as a structurally critical residue or possibly as a direct participant, (ii) is involved in the modulation of SIU photoreaction kinetics by HtrI, and (iii) modulates the pKa of Asp-76, an important residue in the photoactive site, through a long-distance electrostatic interaction. Computerized cell tracking and motion analysis demonstrated that (iv) His-166 is crucial in phototaxis signaling: a spectrum of substitutions either eliminate signaling or greatly perturb the activation process that produces attractant and repellent signaling states of the receptor.^ The signaling states of SRI are communicated to HtrI, whose oligomeric structure and conformational changes were investigated by engineered sulfhydryl probes. It was found that signaling by the SRI-HtrI complex involves reversible conformational changes within a preexisting HtrI dimer, which is likely accomplished through a slight winding or unwinding of the two HtrT monomers via their loose coiled coil association. To elucidate which domains of the Htr dimers confer specificity for interaction with SRI or SRII, chimeras of HtrI and HtrII were constructed. The only determinant needed for functional and specific interaction with SRI or SRII was found to be the four transmembrane segments of the HtrI or HtrII dimers, respectively. The entire cytoplasmic parts of HtrI and HtrII, which include the functionally important signaling and adaptation domains, were interchangeable.^ These observations support a model in which SRI and SRII undergo conformational changes coupled to light-induced proton transfers in their photoactive sites, and that lateral helix-helix interactions with their cognate transducers' 4-helix bundle in the membrane relay these conformational changes into different states of the Htr proteins which regulate the down-stream phosphotransfer pathway. ^
Ex vivo porcine retina laser lesions applied with varying laser power (20 mW–2 W, 10 ms pulse, 196 lesions) are manually evaluated by microscopic and optical coherence tomography (OCT) visibility, as well as in histological sections immediately after the deposition of the laser energy. An optical coherence tomography system with 1.78 um axial resolution specifically developed to image thin retinal layers simultaneously to laser therapy is presented, and visibility thresholds of the laser lesions in OCT data and fundus imaging are compared. Optical coherence tomography scans are compared with histological sections to estimate the resolving power for small optical changes in the retinal layers, and real-time time-lapse scans during laser application are shown and analyzed quantitatively. Ultrahigh-resolution OCT inspection features a lesion visibility threshold 40–50 mW (17 reduction) lower than for visual inspection. With the new measurement system, 42 of the lesions that were invisible using state-of-the-art ophthalmoscopic methods could be detected.
Retinal degenerative diseases, e.g. retinitis pigmentosa, with resulting photoreceptor damage account for the majority of vision loss in the industrial world. Animal models are of pivotal importance to study such diseases. In this regard the photoreceptor-specific toxin N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) has been widely used in rodents to pharmacologically induce retinal degeneration. Previously, we have established a MNU-induced retinal degeneration model in the zebrafish, another popular model system in visual research. A fascinating difference to mammals is the persistent neurogenesis in the adult zebrafish retina and its regeneration after damage. To quantify this observation we have employed visual acuity measurements in the adult zebrafish. Thereby, the optokinetic reflex was used to follow functional changes in non-anesthetized fish. This was supplemented with histology as well as immunohistochemical staining for apoptosis (TUNEL) and proliferation (PCNA) to correlate the developing morphological changes. In summary, apoptosis of photoreceptors occurs three days after MNU treatment, which is followed by a marked reduction of cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). Thereafter, proliferation of cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) and ONL is observed. Herein, we reveal that not only a complete histological but also a functional regeneration occurs over a time course of 30 days. Now we illustrate the methods to quantify and follow up zebrafish retinal de- and regeneration using MNU in a video-format.
Postnatally, the mammary gland undergoes continuous morphogenesis and thereby is especially prone to malignant transformation. Thus, the maintenance of the epithelium depends on a tight control of stem cell recruitment. We have previously shown that epithelial overexpression of the EphB4 receptor results in defective mammary epithelial development and conferred a metastasizing tumor phenotype on experimental mouse mammary tumors accompanied by a preponderance of progenitor cells. To analyze the effect of EphB4 overexpression on mammary epithelial cell fate, we have used Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) analyses to quantify epithelial sub-populations and repopulation assays of cleared fat pads to investigate their regenerative potential. These experiments revealed that deregulated EphB4 expression leads to an augmentation of bi-potent progenitor cells and to a shift of the differentiation pathway towards the luminal lineage. The analyses of the ductal outgrowths indicated that EphB4 overexpression leads to enforced branching activity, impedes ductal differentiation and stimulates angiogenesis. To elucidate the mechanisms forwarding EphB4 signals, we have compared the expression profile of defined cell populations between EphB4 transgene and wild type mammary glands concentrating on the wnt signaling pathway and on genes implicated in cell migration. With respect to wnt signaling, the progenitor cell population was the most affected, whereas the stem cell-enriched population showed the most pronounced deregulation of migration-associated genes. Thus, the luminal epithelial EphB4 signaling contributes, most likely via wnt signaling, to the regulation of migration and cell fate of early progenitors and is involved in the determination of branching points along the ductal tree.
BACKGROUND Retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) permits quantification of retinal layer atrophy relevant to assessment of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). Measurement artefacts may limit the use of OCT to MS research. OBJECTIVE An expert task force convened with the aim to provide guidance on the use of validated quality control (QC) criteria for the use of OCT in MS research and clinical trials. METHODS A prospective multi-centre (n = 13) study. Peripapillary ring scan QC rating of an OCT training set (n = 50) was followed by a test set (n = 50). Inter-rater agreement was calculated using kappa statistics. Results were discussed at a round table after the assessment had taken place. RESULTS The inter-rater QC agreement was substantial (kappa = 0.7). Disagreement was found highest for judging signal strength (kappa = 0.40). Future steps to resolve these issues were discussed. CONCLUSION Substantial agreement for QC assessment was achieved with aid of the OSCAR-IB criteria. The task force has developed a website for free online training and QC certification. The criteria may prove useful for future research and trials in MS using OCT as a secondary outcome measure in a multi-centre setting.
BACKGROUND Rhinovirus infections are the dominant cause of asthma exacerbations, and deficient virus induction of IFN-α/β/λ in asthmatic patients is important in asthma exacerbation pathogenesis. Mechanisms causing this interferon deficiency in asthmatic patients are unknown. OBJECTIVE We sought to investigate the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1 in tissues from asthmatic patients and its possible role in impaired virus-induced interferon induction in these patients. METHODS We assessed SOCS1 mRNA and protein levels in vitro, bronchial biopsy specimens, and mice. The role of SOCS1 was inferred by proof-of-concept studies using overexpression with reporter genes and SOCS1-deficient mice. A nuclear role of SOCS1 was shown by using bronchial biopsy staining, overexpression of mutant SOCS1 constructs, and confocal microscopy. SOCS1 levels were also correlated with asthma-related clinical outcomes. RESULTS We report induction of SOCS1 in bronchial epithelial cells (BECs) by asthma exacerbation-related cytokines and by rhinovirus infection in vitro. We found that SOCS1 was increased in vivo in bronchial epithelium and related to asthma severity. SOCS1 expression was also increased in primary BECs from asthmatic patients ex vivo and was related to interferon deficiency and increased viral replication. In primary human epithelium, mouse lung macrophages, and SOCS1-deficient mice, SOCS1 suppressed rhinovirus induction of interferons. Suppression of virus-induced interferon levels was dependent on SOCS1 nuclear translocation but independent of proteasomal degradation of transcription factors. Nuclear SOCS1 levels were also increased in BECs from asthmatic patients. CONCLUSION We describe a novel mechanism explaining interferon deficiency in asthmatic patients through a novel nuclear function of SOCS1 and identify SOCS1 as an important therapeutic target for asthma exacerbations.