992 resultados para requirements practices
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kehittää teollisuusyrityksen toimittajahallintaa suorituskykymittauksen avulla. Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan toimittajien suorituskykymittaristo teoriatiedon avulla. Projektin lopputuloksena case-yrityksellä on käytössään kokonaisvaltainen toimittajien suorituskykymittaristo ja kehittyneet toimittajahallinnan prosessit. Työn teoriaosuudessa syvennytään erilaisiin suorituskykymittariston kehittämisen viitekehyksiin. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa käsitellään hyvän suorituskykymittariston vaatimuksia ja suositeltuja mittauksen seuranta-alueita. Työn empiriaosuudessa rakennetaan suorituskykymittaristo vaihe vaiheelta perustuen tapaustutkimukseen. Kehitettyä suorituskykymittaristoa testattiin simulaatiovaiheen aikana case-yrityksen kolmella tehtaalla. Käyttäjäpalautteen perusteella mittaristo täytti teoriaosuudessa löydetyt tärkeimmät vaatimukset suorituskykymittaristolle. Mittaristo on helppokäyttöinen, visuaalinen ja sen raportoinnista saa arvokasta informaatiota toimittajien arviointiin. Diplomityön konkreettisia hyötyjä case-yritykselle ovat olleet laatupoikkeamien kehittynyt havaitseminen ja toimittajan hintakilpailukyvyn parantunut arviointi. Kaikkein merkittävin hyöty case-yritykselle on kuitenkin ollut systemaattinen toimittaja-arviointiprosessi, minkä suorituskykymittaristo mahdollistaa.
Valmistavan teollisuuden kiristyvät vaatimukset suunnittelusta markkinoille -ajassa (engl. time-to-market), laadussa, kustannustehokkuudessa ja turvallisuudessa luovat paineita uusien toimintatapojen etsimisessä. Usein laitteiston ohjausalgoritmeja ei ole mahdollista testata todellisen laitteiston kanssa, vaan ainoaksi ennakoivaksi vaihtoehdoksi jää todellisen laitteiston virtuaalinen mallintaminen. Eräs uusista toimintavoista on virtuaalinen käyttöönotto, jossa tuotantolinja tai laitteisto mallinnetaan ja sen käyttäytymistä simuloidaan ohjausalgoritmien parantamista ja todentamista varten. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa virtuaalinen käyttöönottoympäristö, jolla laitteiston 3D-mallinnettua virtuaalista mallia voidaan ohjata reaaliajassa todellisen laitteiston ohjauslaitteistolla. Käyttöönottoympäristön toteuttamisen lopullisena tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia hyötyjä sillä voidaan saavuttaa Outotec (Finland) Oy:n automaatiojärjestelmien suunnittelussa ja käyttöönotossa kiristyvien vaatimusten täyttämiseksi. Työssä toteutetulla käyttöönottoympäristöllä pystytään simuloimaan 3D-mallinnetun laitteiston osan toimintaa reaaliajassa. Todellisen laitteiston ominaisuuksista määritettyjä vaatimuksia ei kustannussyistä täytetty, sillä ennen sitä haluttiin varmistua valitun alustan ominaisuuksista, toimivuudesta ja soveltuvuudesta. Toteutuksen katsotaan kuitenkin täyttävän pehmeän reaaliaikaisuuden kriteerin noin 40 ms aikatasolla ja 80 ms reaktioajalla. Toteutettu virtuaalinen käyttöönottoympäristö osoittautui toimivaksi ja soveltuvaksi, sekä sen todettiin tuovan potentiaalisia hyötyjä Outotec (Finland) Oy:lle, esimerkiksi kosketusnäyttöjen visualisoinnin parannus, hybridikäyttöönottomahdollisuus sekä automaatio-ohjauksien kehittäminen. Työn perusteella arvioidaan onko Outotec:lla tarvetta jatkaa valitulla alustalla todellisen laitteiston aikavaatimukset täyttävään reaaliaika-toteutukseen, jota työssä esitellään.
The objective of the research was to identify knowledge conversion states in consultancy sales and delivery processes for the company’s one business unit, to know where to store certain types of information and knowledge, and to create best practices for the company’s knowledge management activities in the selected business processes. The used research methodology was action research. The current business processes were analyzed by interviewing people involved in them. The results were documented and catego- rized, and based on them the target states of the processes were developed. Knowledge man- agement activities were integrated to the business processes. The main findings of the research were that roles and responsibilities in the processes were not clear to people, information systems did not fully support individuals and time was wasted searching for information and knowledge. There were also many variations of how the processes actually realized, which affected the overall quality of the process. The conclusions of the research were that knowledge management activities should be high- lighted in businesses where knowledge workers are the main assets of the company. Knowledge management practices can be supported by company culture, leadership and in- formation systems. However, one main factor is each individual’s willingness to share knowledge. By integrating knowledge management activities to business processes and hav- ing information systems supporting knowledge management, individual productivity can be improved.
In Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion in Premodern Culture a group of Finnish cultural historians discuss the meanings of cultural belonging, experiences and practices of construing boundaries between cultures and their others. What were the motives behind these constructions of differences in Premodern cultures? Why and through what kind of practices were differences created in specific cultural contexts? This book deals with Premodern people having multiple ways of construing their relationship to others, simultaneously being active agents in their own lives. Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion in Premodern Culture is suitable for course book for Master's Degree studies of history.
This study focuses on teacher practices in publicly funded music schools in Finland. As views on the aims of music education change and broaden, music schools across Europe share the challenge of developing their activities in response. In public and scholarly debate, there have been calls for increased diversity of contents and concepts of teaching. In Finland, the official national curriculum for state-funded music schools builds on the ideal that teaching and learning should create conditions which promote ‘a good relationship to music’. The meaning of this concept has been deliberately left open in order to leave room for dialogue, flexibility, and teacher autonomy. Since what is meant by ‘good’ is not defined in advance, the notion of ‘improving’ practices is also open to discussion. The purpose of the study is to examine these issues from teachers’ point of view by asking what music school teachers aim to accomplish as they develop their practices. Methodologically, the study introduces a suggestion for building empirical research on Alperson’s ‘robust’ praxial approach to music education, a philosophical theory which is strongly committed to practitioner perspectives and musical diversity. A systematic method for analysing music education practices, interpretive practice analysis, is elaborated with support from interpretive research methods originally used in policy analysis. In addition, the research design shows how reflecting conversations (a collaborative approach well-known in Nordic social work) can be fruitfully applied in interpretive research and combined with teacher inquiry. Data have been generated in a collaborative project involving five experienced music school teachers and the researcher. The empirical material includes transcripts from group conversations, data from teacher inquiry conducted within the project, and transcripts from follow-up interviews. The teachers’ aspirations can be understood as strivings to reinforce the connection between musical practices and various forms of human flourishing such that music and flourishing can sustain each other. Examples from their practices show how the word ‘good’ receives its meaning in context. Central among the teachers’ concerns is their hope that students develop a free and sustainable interest in music, often described as inspiration. I propose that ‘good relationships to music’ and ‘inspiration’ can be understood as philosophical mediators which support the transition from an indeterminate ‘interest in music’ towards specific ways in which music can become a (co-)constitutive part of living well in each person’s particular circumstances. Different musical practices emphasise different aspects of what is considered important in music and in human life. Music school teachers consciously balance between a variety of such values. They also make efforts to resist pressure which might threaten the goods they think are most important. Such goods include joy, participation, perseverance, solid musical skills related to specific practices, and a strong sense of vitality. The insights from this study suggest that when teachers are able to create inspiration, they seem to do so by performing complex work which combines musical and educational aims and makes general positive contributions to their students’ lives. Ensuring that teaching and learning in music schools remain as constructive and meaningful as possible for both students and teachers is a demanding task. The study indicates that collaborative, reflective and interdisciplinary work may be helpful as support for development processes on both individual and collective levels of music school teacher practices.
Researchers have widely recognised and accepted that firm performance is increasingly related to knowledge-based issues. Two separately developed literature streams, intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM), have been established as the key discussions related to knowledge-based competitive advantage of the firm. Intellectual capital has provided evidence on the strategic key intangible resources of the firm, which could be deployed to create competitive advantage. Knowledge management, in turn, has focused on the managerial processes and practices which can be used to leverage IC to create competitive advantage. Despite extensive literature on both issues, some notable research gaps remain to be closed. In effect, one major gap within the knowledge management research is the lack of understanding related to its influence on firm performance, while IC researchers have articulated a need to utilise more finegrained conceptual models to better understand the key strategic value-creating resources of the firm. In this dissertation, IC is regarded as the entire intellectual capacity, knowledge and competences of the firm that can be leveraged to achieve sustained competitive advantage. KM practices are defined as organisational and managerial activities that enable the firm to leverage its IC to create value. The objective of this dissertation is to answer the research question: “What is the relationship between intellectual capital, knowledge management practices and firm performance?” Five publications have addressed the research question using different approaches. The first two publications were systematic literature reviews of the extant empirical IC and KM research, which established the current state of understanding regarding the relationship between IC, KM practices and firm performance. Publications III and IV were empirical research articles that assessed the developed conceptual model related to IC, KM practices and firm performance. Finally, Publication V was among the first research papers to merge IC and KM disciplines in order to find out which configurations could yield organisational benefits in terms of innovation and market performance outcomes.
This study discusses the formation phase of Chinese-Finnish joint ventures in China. The purpose of this thesis is to create best practices for Finnish software companies in forming a joint venture with a local Chinese company in China. Therefore, the main research question, in what are the best practices for forming Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China for Finnish software firms, is examined through four different themes within the joint venture formation phase; the motives, the partner se-lection, the choice of a joint venture type and joint venture negotiations. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the establishment process of Sino-Western joint ventures in China. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on the expert interviews. The empirical data was gathered via nine semi-structured interviews with both Chinese and Finnish experts in software and technology industry, who have experience or knowledge in establishing Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China. Thematic analysis was used to cat-egorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, a thematic network was built to act as a basis of the analysis. According to the main findings, the main motives for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China are lack of skills or experience, little resources to enter on their own, and China’s large market. The main motives for Chinese companies are to gain new technology or man-agerial skills, and expand internationally. The intellectual property rights (IPR) have recently im-proved a lot in China, but the Finnish companies’ knowledge on IPR is inadequate. The Finnish software companies should conduct a market and industry research in order to understand their po-sition in the market and to find a suitable location and potential joint venture partners. It is essential to define partner selection criteria and partner attributes. In addition, it is important to build the joint venture around complementary motives and a win-win situation between the joint venture partners. The Finnish companies should be prepared that the joint venture negotiations will be challenging and they will take a long time. The challenges can be overcome by gaining understanding about the Chinese culture and business environment. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the joint venture formation phase in China. This study provides guidelines for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China. In addition, this study brings new insights to the Sino-Western joint venture literature with its soft-ware industry context. Future research is, however, necessary in order to gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a joint venture as an entry mode into China for Finnish soft-ware companies.
After sales business is an effective way to create profit and increase customer satisfaction in manufacturing companies. Despite this, some special business characteristics that are linked to these functions, make it exceptionally challenging in its own way. This Master’s Thesis examines the current situation of the data and inventory management in the case company regarding possibilities and challenges related to the consolidation of current business operations. The research examines process steps, procedures, data requirements, data mining practices and data storage management of spare part sales process, whereas the part focusing on inventory management is reviewing the current stock value and examining current practices and operational principles. There are two global after sales units which supply spare parts and issues reviewed in this study are examined from both units’ perspective. The analysis is focused on the operations of that unit where functions would be centralized by default, if change decisions are carried out. It was discovered that both data and inventory management include clear shortcomings, which result from lack of internal instructions and established processes as well as lack of cooperation with other stakeholders related to product’s lifecycle. The main product of data management was a guideline for consolidating the functions, tailored for the company’s needs. Additionally, potentially scrapped spare part were listed and a proposal of inventory management instructions was drafted. If the suggested spare part materials will be scrapped, stock value will decrease 46 percent. A guideline which was reviewed and commented in this thesis was chosen as the basis of the inventory management instructions.
The User Experience (UX) designers are undoubtedly aware of how many UX design methods currently exist and that sometimes it becomes a problem to choose an appropriate one. What are all of methods that designers have in their “arsenal”? When can they use them? This thesis presents the research on the design methods in the contemporary context of User Experience (UX) and Innovations by using a survey approach. The study is limited to cover the domain of consumer mobile services development and provider companies around the world. The study follows 2 clear objectives: (1) to understand what design methods are currently used in that context and to what extent they are used (2) to identify at what stage according to the UX design thinking process for creating innovations they are placed. The study contributes to the research in the field of UX design and Innovations and extends the knowledge in that field together with communities’ (UXPA, SIGCHI, SIGSOFT) members’ cooperation. The research is vital due to lack of information on design practices and their application in the chosen context.
Development of risk management practices became significant part of transportation companies’ strategy. Evolution from insurance management into enterprise risk management (ERM) led to development of risk management tools and methods. The purpose of this thesis is to design technique for evaluation of risk management practices of national transportation companies. The empirical research is made on the example of Russian and Finnish transportation companies. The required data was conducted with a help of survey. The result of the thesis is designed technique for risk management practices evaluation that allows to compare practices of different countries and organizations with different characteristics. The Master thesis has novelty in theoretical and practical contribution. It was designed new technique based on realization of the method of APIS. Moreover, it has practical implication as managers can utilize this method for comparison of practices between different countries, different organization and even different units within particular organization.
Collection : Publications of the University of Pennsylvania ; n° 6
Individuals with disabiliiies are increasingly accessing post secondary education opportunities to further develop their educational and career goals. This study examines the current facilitative practices of Canadian university activity-based physical education degree programs on the participation of individuals with disabilities. A critical orientation and descriptive/interpretative approach allows insight into unique stories and experiences of physical education practitioners and special needs professionals as they attempt to provide equitable educational experiences within a least restrictive environment. Leading practitioners are used to triangulate and strengthen the validity of the data while providing direction and advocacy for future development and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. The study concludes with seven recommendations, each providing university activity-based physical education degree programs with viable opportunities for helping create equitable opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Parenting goals are the behavioral, cognitive, and affective outcomes that parents implicitly or explicitly strive to achieve during specific interactions with their children. In the present study, intergenerational parenting practices and goals in Italian-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian families were examined. The association between parenting goals, parents' socialization practices, and the quality of relationship between parent and child were investigated. Participants included individuals ranging in age from 1 8-26 years and their mothers from Anglo-Canadian (n= 31) and Italian-Canadian families (n= 50). The young adults and their mothers were asked to imagine how their respective parents would have reacted to five hypothetical vignettes depicting difficult parent-child interactions. Young adults and their mothers were also asked to rate the importance of parenting goals within these parent-child situations. In addition, young adults assessed the perceived quality of their present relationships with each parent. Cultural differences were revealed such that Italian-Canadian parents endorsed more authoritarian parenting strategies and relationship-centered goals than Anglo-Canadian parents. However, Italian-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian parents were not found to differ on their endorsement of parent-centered goals. Italian-Canadian parents' who did use authoritarian strategies were found to have young-adult children who perceived their relationship with their parents as less satisfying, intimate, affectionate and having relatively high levels of conflict than parents who did not use authoritarian strategies. Anglo-Canadian parents' authoritative strategies were correlated with a better perceived relationship quality by young-adult children.