1000 resultados para razão protéica líquida


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Este estudio se realizó con el objeto de conocer el nivel de aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) presenteen quesillos artesanales comercializados en los mercados 9 de Octubre, 12 de Abril, 10 de Agosto y Feria Libre de la Ciudad de Cuenca mediante la técnica de Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución (HPLC)y su grado de adecuación con la normativa de Brasilcorrespondiente a 2.5 ug/Kg de AFM1 en quesos. Se analizaron 33 muestras, donde 7 muestras fueron positivas de las cuales 4 estaban entre el límite de detección y cuantificación (0,04 – 0,08ug/kg), 3 fueron cuantificables, siendo la máxima concentración 0.83 ug/kg.Los valores de AFM1 fueron inferiores al límite máximo permitido por la normativa , por lo tanto, las distintas muestras de quesillos artesanales comercializados en los mercados 9 de Octubre, 12 de Abril, 10 de Agosto y Feria Libre de la Ciudad de Cuenca estudiadas en esta investigación podrían considerarse aptas para el consumo humanoen cuanto a exposición a AFM1.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.


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Caracterizado muitas vezes e talvez algo injustamente como um escritor que publicou sobretudo romances de ideias, expressão que não deixa de ser equívoca, é indiscutível que a obra de Vergílio Ferreira, nas suas múltiplas dimensões, transita frequentemente entre os territórios classicamente definidos como literatura e filosofia. Por isso, é habitual associar-se alguns dos seus romances, nomeadamente aquele que tem por cenário a cidade de Évora (Aparição, 1959), ao existencialismo sartriano. Essa colagem merece ainda assim ser questionada. Até porque, noutros passos da sua obra, Vergílio discute longa e pertinentemente algumas teses do autor de L’Être et le Néant (cf., por exemplo, as páginas 128-138, escritas precisamente em Évora, do Diário Inédito, 2010). Menos referida é, contudo, a relação que os escritos de Vergílio têm com outro filósofo francês, Jacques Derrida. Essa relação não é, com certeza, de circunstância. Aliás, deve-se a Vergílio aquela que é, seguramente, uma das primeiras tentativas de traduzir para a língua portuguesa a famosa expressão cunhada por Derrida: différance (cf. Espaço do Invisível II, 1976, pp. 82-83). A presente comunicação visa pôr em diálogo dois livros de Vergílio Ferreira que estão, como se sabe, intimamente vinculados entre si – Para Sempre (1983) e a Cartas para Sandra (1996) – com a matriz teórica derridiana, designadamente com as suas concepções de escrita, de destinação e até de destinerrância. Fá-lo-á sobretudo a partir de La Carte Postale – de Socrate à Freud et au-delà (1980), obra singular no próprio trajecto do filósofo francês em que se mesclam o diário e a ficção, a teoria e o género epistolar.


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Estuda-se a poesia de Carlos Braga do ponto de vista duma tradição contemporânea que remonta ao surrealismo.


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Este trabalho descreve um método para determinação de paclobutrazol em amostras de manga. A extração foi feita em metanol e as análises por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), usando coluna de fase-reversa, C-18, fase móvel metanol/água 60:40, v/v, detecção e quantificação a 220 nm. Os seguintes parâmetros de validação foram obtidos: limite de detecção do método de 0,025 mg kg-1, limite de quantificação do método de 0,050 mg kg-1, linearidade de 0,100?5,00 mg L-1 (r2? 0,9994); recuperação de 82 a 92%, precisão intermediária (%RSD) < 12%, para paclobutrazol. O método mostrou ser simples, eficiente e confiável para a determinação de resíduos de paclobutrazol em amostras de manga.


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Este estudo trata da comunicação face a face nas organizações sob diferentes abordagens teóricas. Considera a perspectiva da simultaneidade dos meios, já que as empresas utilizam diversos canais para dialogar com seus públicos de interesse. Leva em conta o fenômeno da midiatização, que reestrutura o modo como as pessoas se relacionam na sociedade contemporânea. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é sistematizar papeis potencialmente exercidos pela interação face a face e conhecer algumas circunstâncias que envolvem sua prática nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tese teórica, a pesquisa bibliográfica se apresenta como um dos principais procedimentos metodológicos; análises de casos empíricos e um estudo de caso desenvolvido na Embrapa Pantanal constituem situações ilustrativas. Conclui-se que a comunicação face a face nas empresas ocorre de forma simultânea e combinada a outros canais de comunicação, porém, ela proporciona resultados práticos e filosóficos ainda pouco explorados. É rara a utilização estratégica de contatos presenciais como mecanismo para estabelecer relacionamentos, conhecer as reações alheias e ajustar a comunicação, aliar o discurso corporativo às práticas empresariais e avaliar o contexto onde se desenvolvem as interações, o que pode ser decisivo para a comunicação organizacional.


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The Orchidaceae is one of the largest flowering plants family and with a great importance to conservation. However, no survey on orchid flowers can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. Thus, the objective of this work was to make a survey of the Orchidaceae species and of its ecology features in a riparian forest in a fragment of Floresta Estacional Semi-Decidual that belongs to the riparian forest of the Dourados River. The inventory was made by using a sweeping method for collection, and in addition to this the vertical and horizontal position of epiphytes were assessed on the hosts. For characterization of microclimate, it was used a thermohygrometer and luximeter. It was identified 17 species of 13 genera. Of the listed genera, the most abundant ones were: Acianthera, Macradenia and Capanemia. It was also noted a vertical and horizontal distribution of the Orchidaceae in relation to inverse gradient of water and light availability. Some species tended to be sensitive to height level categorization, whereas others seemed to occur with similar frequency along the host. In relation to the cardinal orientation, the apparent preferential response for south and east directions was associated to the low sampling effort and lower water availability, which could occur because the north face is opposed to the water body.


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Postharvest losses vary among the different vegetable products. However, among fruits and vegetables the losses generally range from 30% to 50%. Thus, this paper aimed the application of 1-methylcycloprene (1-MCP) and fast cooling with forced air (PC) on peaches, in order to estimate their effects in the ripening process of this fruit. Physiological analyses were performed, such as loss of fresh mass, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and CO2 production, as well as sensorial analyses such as color, texture and flavor. The experiment was divided in two phases. In the first one, concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 nL/L 1-MCP, applied at 0 ºC and 20 ºC, were tested. The fruits treated without 1-MCP were denominated control for both temperatures studied. The second phase was composed by the following treatments: cold storage (CS) or control, cooling with forced air (CFA), cooling with forced air followed by 1-MCP application (CFA + 1-MCP) and 1-MCP application (1-MCP). Among these, the CFA + 1-MCP treatment provided more firmness of the fruits in comparison to the control fruits. The respiratory rate of peaches under CFA and CFA + 1-MCP treatments decreased in comparison to the control fruit respiratory rates.


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This study presents the results of a cost-effectiveness analysis in a controlled clinical trial on the effectiveness of a modified glass ionomer resin sealant ( Vitremer, 3M ESPE) and the application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat, Colgate) on occlusal surfaces of first permanent molars in children 6-8 years of age (N = 268), according to caries risk (high versus low). Children were examined semiannually by the same calibrated dentist for 24 months after allocation in six groups: high and low risk controls (oral health education every three months); high and low risk with varnish (oral health education every three months + varnish biannually); and high and low risk with sealant (oral health education every three months + a single application of sealant). Economic analysis showed that sealing permanent first molars of high-risk schoolchildren showed a C/E ratio of US$ 119.80 per saved occlusal surface and an incremental C/E ratio of US$ 108.36 per additional saved occlusal surface. The study concluded that sealing permanent first molars of high-risk schoolchildren was the most cost-effective intervention.


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This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.


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Annona dioica St. Hil. is a species that grows to approximately 2 m tall and is very widespread in the cerrados. Individual plants of this androdioecious species produce numerous hermaphroditic or male flowers, but few fruits. The aim of this study was to determine the sex ratio among the plants and to compare the frequency of herbivory between male and hermaphroditic flowers. The fieldwork was done by studying flowering plants in grasslands used as pasture for cattle at Fazenda Nhumirim. One hundred and forty-seven male plants and 71 hermaphroditic plants were examined and produced a total of 194 and 94 flowers, respectively, during the study period. The male:hermaphrodite sex ratio was 2.07:1, and was similar to the male:hermaphrodite flower ratio of 2.06:1. The frequency of florivory rate in hermaphrodites was significantly higher than in male flowers (33.0%, n = 31, and 25.7%, n = 50, respectively; G = 14.83; d.f. = 1; p < 0.001). The mean fresh weights of male and hermaphroditic flowers were significantly different (8.38 ± 2.40 g vs. 6.93 ± 2.68 g, respectively; 0 ± SEM; n = 50 each; t = 2.479; d.f. = 49; p = 0.017). These results indicate that the low fruit set in this species can be explained by the sex ratio, the greater herbivory of hermaphroditic flowers and the probable absence of pollinators.


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The theme of human formation is at the centre of the philosophy of education, whose aim is precisely the process of human promotion brought about by education. Starting from the critical vigilance proper to philosophy, the text sketches a phenomenology of the present time, verifying that the ideas prevailing in education at present are centred on the critique of reason and on the notions of truth and objectivity. This neo-pragmatism, which in the attempt to oppose metaphysics becomes deeply metaphysical, reducing everything to language, is contested by the authors with Marx's thoughts as a historicising philosophy that concerns not abstract subjects, but real individuals, historical subjects that are constituted as a synthesis of social relations. To that end, the authors resort to the historical ontological reflection on human formation contained in Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. The article concludes by defending the proposition that access to the classics is a necessary condition for human formation.