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During the past decade, influenced strongly by World Bank land policies, many governments instituted a new mode of recreating the peasantry, one supposedly led by market forces through credit programs secured by land. Supported by large landowner organizations, defended as a conquest by the rural labor movement and combated by member organizations of the Via Campesina, the new mode of peasant renovation has inspired a diversity of interpretations both positive and negative. To evaluate these events, this article seeks to demonstrate the World Bank's intentionality in urging the implementation of market-led agrarian reform in developing countries; discusses the construction of immaterial territories in the context of this policy; analyzes the development of a people's think tank in response to the agitation of the Via Campesina Brazil and the negative impact of the credit system on peasants.
The sugar cane crop has been cultivated in all regions of the Brazil, occupying different soil types. The north region of Mato Grosso has favorable climate conditions for the culture, however, has been achieved low productivity due to the not application of fertilizer and inefficient doses. Being the potassium the mineral element absorbed in large amount by culture. Aimed to with this work to evaluate the effect of growing doses of the nutrient applied in coverage in the second cycle of the variety of sugar cane IAC86-2480. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications. The Potassium doses were: 0; 60; 120; 180 e 240 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. Was evaluated the degrees Brix, diameter, weigth, height and productivity of stalk. No was significant effects for the variable degrees Brix in response to potassium doses, since to others had response quadratic. The dose of maximum agronomic efficiency was of 150 kg ha(-1) de K(2)O obtaining productivity of 85 t ha(-1) of stalk, representing 25% increase in productivity.
PURPOSE--To analyze the influence of transient and sustained elevations of arterial pressure (AP) on the rate of rise of the left ventricular pressure (dp/dt). METHODS--Thirteen anesthetized, thoracotomized and mechanically ventilated dogs, submitted to pharmacological autonomic block (oxprenolol-3 mg/kg plus atropine-0.5 mg/kg). The AP elevation was obtained by mechanical constriction of the descending thoracic aorta. Two protocols were applied to all animals: Transient Arterial Hypertension (TAH) and Sustained Arterial Hypertension (SAH) and the following variables were evaluated: heart rate (HR), systolic (LVSP) and end diastolic (LVEDP) left ventricular pressure and dp/dt. In TAH the variables were analyzed in the basal condition (To) and at the maximal value of AP attained during the transient pressure elevation (TM). In the protocol SAH the variables were evaluated in the conditions: Control (Ho), hypertension 1 (H1) and hypertension 2 (H2). RESULTS--Considering all conditions, there were no significant differences among the values of HR. In the protocol TAH, the LVSP varied from 133 +/- 22 mmHg to 180 +/- 27 mmHg, whereas in SAH the values of LVSP were as follow: HO = 129 +/- 25 mmHg; H1 = 152 = 23 mmHg; H2 = 182 +/- 24 mmHg. LVEDP changed in both protocols: To = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; TM = 13 +/- 2 mmHg (p < 0.05); Ho = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; H1 = 10 +/- 2 mmHg; H2 = 14 +/- 3 mmHg (p < 0.05). During TAH there was no difference between the values of dp/dt (To = 3.303 +/- 598 mmHg/s; TM = 3.350 +/- 653 mmHg/s; p > 0.05), however, there were increases of the dp/dt during SAH (Ho = 3.233 +/- 576 mmHg/s; H1 = 3.831 +/- 667 mmHg/s; H1 = 4.594 +/- 833 mmHg/2; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION--The values of dp/dt are not influenced by transient elevation of AP. Sustained increase of AP activates cardiac adjustments, which results in elevation of dp/dt, by stimulation of contractile state. Probably, the inotropic intervention mechanism is the length dependent activation due to the Frank-Starling mechanism.
This research studied the condition (Kn) relative factor, the hepatosomatic (HSR), the splenosomatic (SSR) relation, the erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes number, the glicogen locality by PAS method in thrombocytes and leucocytes and the total protein and electrolytes serices levels in both Cyprinus carpio L. sex. The female Kn showed higher value than the males. The female HSR average values were lower than the ones observed in males, while the leukocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils percentage number were the highest. However, the males magnesium and choride serices levels were higher than the females. The HRS average values, hematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, average corspucular volume (ACV), average corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (ACHC), erythocytes number, trombocytes, monocytes, oesinophils, positive PAS leukocyte granular (PAS-LG), and total protein, sodium, potassium and calcium serices levels did not show significant statistics difference (p> 0.05) between males and females. The PAS method showed glicogen granules into the thronbocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils cytoplasm. Nevertheless, in the PAS-LG cytoplasm, neutral glicoprotein granules were also observed. Monocytes and lynfocytes showed negative reaction to PAS. In the teleosts, the gonodas matureness presents higher relation with the factor of condition. During the reprodution period it is unlikely to find the sexual effects isolated in the hemogram, because most of the time that is not the only factor to cause dimorphism.
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Objective: To evaluate the biosecurity measures adopted in dental prosthesis laboratories of the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil with respect to prosthetic works sent by dentists. Method: Twenty-five dental prosthesis technicians (DPT) of the city of João Pessoa, PB, filled out a questionnaire referring to their knowledge of the biosecurity principles, disinfection of impressions and other prosthetic items, and the use of individual protection equipment (IPE). Results: Although 92% of the interviewees believed in the possible occurrence of cross-infection between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices, 64% declared that the prosthetic works received in their laboratories do not undergo any disinfection procedure. It was also observed that, for disinfection of impressions and stone casts, the chemical substances are not used as recommended by the manufacturers or are innocuous to microorganisms. Regarding the use of IPE, 60% of the DPT used mask, but only 4% used gowns. With respect to the measures taken regarding the impressions received from dental offices, 56% of the interviewees only wash them in running tap water, and 56% of the stone casts that arrive at the laboratory are not disinfected in any way. Conclusion: There is a need for more motivation and instructions to DPT regarding the prevention of cross-contamination during sending and receiving of prosthetic works between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices because the DPT evaluated in this study were found negligent with respect to disinfection procedures.
In Brazil, due to the breeding season for Thoroughbred, the reproductive data are normally truncate, since the breeders try to get animals that were born at the beginning of the breeding season in order to take their competitive advantages (more developed, mature and trained animals) compared to animals born later in the same breeding season. To analyze these data suitable methods should be used. Then, this paper aims to compare three methodologies: the method of maximum restricted likelihood, using MTDFREML, bayesian analysis without censured data by software MTGSAM and bayesian analysis with censured data by software LMCD, to evaluate age at first conception in thoroughbred mares, in order to verify its impact on the choice of stallions during selection. The database contained 3509 records for age at first conception (months) for thoroughbred mares. The heritability estimates were 0.23, 0.30 and 0.0926 (log scale), for MTDF, MTGSAM and LMCD, respectively. Considering all animals in the pedigree (6713), ranking correlations varied from 0.91 to 0.99. When only stallions were considered (656), those varied from 0.48 to 0.99 (considering different percentages of selected males) between evalua-tion methods. The highest changes in the general classification were observed when LMCD was compared to the other two methods. As the linear censured model is the most suitable for trait analysis with censured data, it was observed that censure information would lead to the choice of different animals during the selection process, when compared to the two other methodologies.
The transit time of seeds ingested by frugivorous animals has important implications for the spatial distribution of seeds and their dispersal distance. Nevertheless, this parameter is rarely included in seed dispersal studies. In this paper, we provide information about the transit time of seeds of nine species of plants ingested by individuals of six species of captive birds (Turdus albicollis, T. amaurochalinus, T. leucomelas, T. rufiventris, Stephanophorus diadematus and Saltator similis). We found that (1) seeds are regurgitated quickly through the digestive tract of birds than defecated seeds, and (2) large seeds (e.g., > 5 mm in diameter for Turdus spp.) are regurgitated rather than defecated. These results corroborate other studies, but the relationship between seed size and transit time seems to be quite complex and variable, requiring more detailed studies on this important aspect of the ecology of seed dispersal and digestive physiology of frugivorous birds.
The aim was to identify the perception of Oral Health Planning (OHP) of basic care (BC) dental surgeons (DSs) in João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Brazil. Seventeen BC DSs from João Pessoa were interviewed. A qualitative analysis was performed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DCS) methodology. DCS obtained: Impact - My work is effective when the user's need remains at the BC. Social Control - The population participates in the organization of promotional activities, but I think it doesn't have enough maturity to opine on OHP. OHP Basis and Organization - The OHP has a diverse organization and is based on user needs. It can be concluded that the knowledge of the DSs on OHP is varied. There is limited understanding about problem-solving. Social control is considered incipient and weak. It is understood that the organization of the local OHP assumes a diverse character and should be based on user demands.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the development, yield and chemical composition of the first ratoon sugar cane, depending on the residual effect of phosphorus sources. The study was conducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta - MT. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4x2, with four replications. The phosphorus sources were used: bone meal, Arad phosphate and triple superphosphate, and a control without the application of the nutrient. The varieties of sugar cane were planted IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. We evaluated the plant height, stalk diameter, mass of a plant, number of stems, dry matter yield, P content of the plant and the chemical composition of the forage. The residual effect of fertilization, using different sources of phosphorus, no significant alterations in the development, yield and chemical composition of the first ratoon sugar cane, with little reduction in NDF and ADF when using the bone meal. The variety IAC86-2480 showed better results, providing a higher content of crude protein and phosphorus in the plant and increased production of dry mass.
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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB