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Recent studies have revealed systematic differences in the pyramidal cell structure between functionally related cortical areas of primates. Trends for a parallel in pyramidal cell structure and functional complexity have been reported in visual, somatosensory, motor, cingulate and prefrontal cortex in the macaque monkey cortex. These specializations in structure have been interpreted as being fundamental in determining cellular and systems function, endowing circuits in these different cortical areas with different computational power. In the present study we extend our initial finding of systematic specialization of pyramidal cell structure in sensory-motor cortex in the macaque monkey [Cereb Cortex 12 (2002) 1071] to the vervet monkey. More specifically, we investigated pyramidal cell structure in somatosensory and motor areas 1/2, 5, 7, 4 and 6. Neurones in fixed, flat-mounted, cortical slices were injected intracellularly with Lucifer Yellow and processed for a light-stable 3,3'-diaminobenzidine reaction product. The size of, number of branches in, and spine density of the basal dendritic arbors varied systematically such that there was a trend for increasing complexity in arbor structure with progression through 1/2, 5 and 7. In addition, cells in area 6 were larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area 4. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that follows trains of action potentials is responsible for controlling action potential firing patterns in many neuronal cell types. We have previously shown that the slow AHP contributes to spike frequency adaptation in pyramidal neurons in the rat lateral amygdala. In addition, a dendritic voltage-gated potassium current mediated by Kv1.2-containing channels also suppresses action potential firing in these neurons. In this paper we show that this voltage-gated potassium current and the slow AHP act together to control spike frequency adaptation in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons. The two currents have similar effects on action potential number when firing is evoked either by depolarizing current injections or by synaptic stimulation. However, they differ in their control of firing frequency, with the voltage-gated potassium current but not the slow AHP determining the initial frequency of action potential firing. This dual mechanism of controlling firing patterns is unique to lateral amygdala neurons and is likely to contribute to the very low levels of firing seen in lateral amygdala neurons in vivo.


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The systematic study of pyramidal cell structure has revealed new insights into specialization of the phenotype in the primate cerebral cortex. Regional specialization in the neuronal phenotype may influence patterns of connectivity and the computational abilities of the circuits they compose. The comparative study of pyramidal cells in homologous cortical areas is beginning to yield data on the evolution and development of such specialized circuitry in the primate cerebral cortex. Recently, we have focused our efforts on sensory-motor cortex. Based on our intracellular injection methodology, we have demonstrated a progressive increase in the size of, the branching structure in, and the spine density of the basal dendritic trees of pyramidal cells through somatosensory areas 3b, 1, 2, 5, and 7 in the macaque and vervet monkeys. In addition, we have shown that pyramidal cells in premotor area 6 are larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in the primary motor cortex (MI or area 4) in the macaque monkey, vervet monkey, and baboon. Here we expand the basis for comparison by studying the basal dendritic trees of layer III pyramidal cells in these same sensory-motor areas in the chacma baboon. The baboon was selected because it has a larger cerebral cortex than either the macaque or vervet monkeys; motor cortex has expanded disproportionately in these three species; and motor cortex in the baboon reportedly has differentiated to include a new cortical area not present in either the macaque or vervet monkeys. We found, as in monkeys, a progressive increase in the morphological complexity of pyramidal cells through areas 3b, 5, and 7, as well as from area 4 to area 6, suggesting that areal specialization in microcircuitry was likely to be present in a common ancestor of primates. In addition, we found subtle differences in the extent of the interareal differences in pyramidal cell structure between homologous cortical areas in the three species. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Human neuronal protein 22 (hNP22) is a novel neuron-specific protein featuring numerous motifs previously described in cytoskeleton-associating and signaling proteins. Because previous studies have supported abnormalities in neuronal cytoarchitecture and/or development in the schizophrenia brain, we examined the expression of hNP22 in the anterior cingulate cortex, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic and normal control postmortem brains using high-sensitive immunohistochemistry. Seven schizophrenic and seven age- and sex-matched control brains were examined. The ratio of hNP22-immunopositive cells/total cells was significantly reduced in layer V (p = .020) and layer VI (p = .022) of the anterior cingulate cortex of schizophrenic brain compared with controls. In contrast, there were no significant changes observed in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that altered expression of hNP22 may be associated with modifications in neuronal cytoarchitecture leading to dysregulation of neural signal transduction in the anterior cingulate cortex of the schizophrenia brain.


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The molecular processes underlying alcohol dependence are not fully understood. Many characteristic behaviours result from neuroadaptations in the mesocorticolimbic system. In addition, alcoholism is associated with a distinct neuropathology. To elucidate the molecular basis of these features, we compared the RNA expression profile of the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex of human brain from matched individual alcoholic and control cases using cDNA microarrays. Approximately 6% of genes with a marked alcohol response were common to the two brain regions. Alcohol-responsive genes were grouped into 11 functional categories. Predominant alcohol-responsive genes in the prefrontal cortex were those encoding DNA-binding proteins including transcription factors and repair proteins. There was also a down-regulation of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins, which could result in disrupted mitochondrial function and energy production leading to oxidative stress. Other alcohol-responsive genes in the prefrontal cortex were associated with neuroprotection/apoptosis. In contrast, in the nucleus accumbens, alcohol-responsive genes were associated with vesicle formation and regulation of cell architecture, which suggests a neuroadaptation to chronic alcohol exposure at the level of synaptic structure and function. Our data are in keeping with the previously reported alcoholism-related pathology characteristic of the prefrontal cortex, but suggest a persistent decrease in neurotransmission and changes in plasticity in the nucleus accumbens of the alcoholic.


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Because the poor growth performance of intensively housed pigs is associated with increased circulating glucocorticoid concentrations, we investigated the effects of glucocorticoid suppression by inducing a humoral immune response to ACTH on physiological and production variables in growing pigs. Grower pigs (28.6 0.9 kg) were immunized with amino acids 1 through 24 of ACTH conjugated to ovalbumin and suspended in diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) dextran-adjuvant or adjuvant alone (control) on d 1, 28, and 56. The ACTH-specific antibody titers generated suppressed increases in cortisol concentrations on d 63 in response to an acute stressor (P = 0.002; control = 71 +/- 8.2 ng/ mL; ACTH-immune = 43 +/- 4.9 ng/mL) without altering basal concentrations. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations were also increased (P < 0.001) on d 63 (control = 18 +/- 2.1 ng/mL; ACTH-immune = 63 +/- 7.3 ng/mL), presumably because of a release from negative feedback on the expression of proopiomelanocortin in pituitary corticotropes. Immunization against ACTH did not alter ADG (P = 0.120; control = 1,077 25; ACTH-immune = 1,143 25 g) or ADFI (P = 0.64; control = 2,719 42; ACTH-immune = 2,749 42 g) and did not modify behavior (P = 0.681) assessed by measuring vocalization in response to acute restraint. In summary, suppression of stress-induced cortisol responses through ACTH immunization increased beta-endorphin concentrations, but it did not modify ADG, ADFI, or restraint vocalization score in growing pigs.


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We review recent findings that, using fractal analysis, have demonstrated systematic regional and species differences in the branching complexity of neocortical pyramidal neurons. In particular, attention is focused on how fractal analysis is being applied to the study of specialization in pyramidal cell structure during the evolution of the primate cerebral cortex. These studies reveal variation in pyramidal cell phenotype that cannot be attributed solely to increasing brain volume. Moreover, the results of these studies suggest that the primate cerebral cortex is composed of neurons of different structural complexity. There is growing evidence to suggest that regional and species differences in neuronal structure influence function at both the cellular and circuit levels. These data challenge the prevailing dogma for cortical uniformity.


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The pyramidal cell phenotype varies quite dramatically in structure among different cortical areas in the primate brain. Comparative studies in visual cortex, in particular, but also in sensorimotor and prefrontal cortex, reveal systematic trends for pyramidal cell specialization in functionally related cortical areas. Moreover, there are systematic differences in the extent of these trends between different primate species. Recently we demonstrated differences in pyramidal cell structure in the cingulate cortex of the macaque monkey; however, in the absence of other comparative data it remains unknown as to whether the neuronal phenotype differs in cingulate cortex between species. Here we extend the basis for comparison by studying the structure of the basal dendritic trees of layer III pyramidal cells in the posterior and anterior cingulate gyrus of the vervet monkey (Brodmann's areas 23 and 24, respectively). Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors were determined, and somal areas measured. As in the macaque monkey, we found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24) were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate gyrus (area 23). In addition, the extent of the difference in pyramidal cell structure between these two cortical regions was less in the vervet monkey than in the macaque monkey.


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The authors forward the hypothesis that social exclusion is experienced as painful because reactions to rejection are mediated by aspects of the physical pain system. The authors begin by presenting the theory that overlap between social and physical pain was an evolutionary development to aid social animals in responding to threats to inclusion. The authors then review evidence showing that humans demonstrate convergence between the 2 types of pain in thought, emotion, and behavior, and demonstrate, primarily through nonhuman animal research, that social and physical pain share common physiological mechanisms. Finally, the authors explore the implications of social pain theory for rejection-elicited aggression and physical pain disorders.


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The conceptual complexity of problems was manipulated to probe the limits of human information processing capacity. Participants were asked to interpret graphically displayed statistical interactions. In such problems, all independent variables need to be considered together, so that decomposition into smaller subtasks is constrained, and thus the order of the interaction. directly determines conceptual complexity. As the order of the interaction increases, the number of variables increases. Results showed a significant decline in accuracy and speed of solution from three-way to four-way interactions. Furthermore, performance on a five-way interaction was at chance level. These findings suggest that a structure defined on four variables is at the limit of human processing capacity.


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DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer)-the receptor of the netrin-1 neuronal guidance factor-is expressed and is active in the central nervous system (CNS) during development, but is down-regulated during maturation. The substantia nigra contains the highest level of netrin-1 mRNA in the adult rodent brain, and corresponding mRNA for DCC has also been detected in this region but has not been localized to any particular neuron type. In this study, an antibody raised against DCC was used to determine if the protein was expressed by adult dopamine neurons, and identify their distribution and projections. Significant DCC-immunoreactivity was detected in midbrain, where it was localized to ventrally displaced A9 dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra, and ventromedial A10 dopamine neurons predominantly situated in and around the interfascicular nucleus. Strong immunoreactivity was not detected in dopamine neurons found elsewhere, or in non-dopamine-containing neurons in the midbrain. Terminal fields selectively labeled with DCC antibody corresponded to known nigrostriatal projections to the dorsolateral striatal patches and dorsomedial shell of the accumbens, and were also detected in prefrontal cortex, septum, lateral habenular and ventral pallidum. The unique distribution of DCC-immunoreactivity in adult ventral midbrain dopamine neurons suggests that netrin-1/DCC signaling could function in plasticity and remodeling previously identified in dopamine projection pathways. In particular, a recent report that DCC is regulated through the ubiquitin-proteosome system via Siah/Sina proteins, is consistent with a potential involvement in genetic and sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Semantic priming occurs when a subject is faster in recognising a target word when it is preceded by a related word compared to an unrelated word. The effect is attributed to automatic or controlled processing mechanisms elicited by short or long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between primes and targets. We employed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses associated with automatic semantic priming using an experimental design identical to that used in standard behavioural priming tasks. Prime-target semantic strength was manipulated by using lexical ambiguity primes (e.g., bank) and target words related to dominant or subordinate meaning of the ambiguity. Subjects made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on dominant related, subordinate related, and unrelated word pairs presented randomly with a short ISI. The major finding was a pattern of reduced activity in middle temporal and inferior prefrontal regions for dominant versus unrelated and subordinate versus unrelated comparisons, respectively. These findings are consistent with both a dual process model of semantic priming and recent repetition priming data that suggest that reductions in BOLD responses represent neural priming associated with automatic semantic activation and implicate the left middle temporal cortex and inferior prefrontal cortex in more automatic aspects of semantic processing.


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A 77-year-old man with 8 year progressive language deterioration in the face of grossly intact memory was followed. No acute or chronic physiological or psychological event was associated with symptom onset. CT revealed small left basal ganglia infarct. Mild atrophy, no lacunar infarcts, mild diffuse periventricular changes registered on MRI. Gait normal but slow. Speech hesitant and sparse. Affect euthymic; neurobehavioral disturbance absent. MMSE 26/30; clock incorrect, concrete. Neuropsychological testing revealed simple attention intact; complex attention, processing speed impaired. Visuospatial copying and delayed recall of copy average with some perseveration. Apraxia absent. Recall mildly impaired. Mild deficits in planning, organization apparent. Patient severely aphasic, dysarthric without paraphasias. Repetition of automatic speech, recitation moderately impaired; prosody intact. Understanding of written language, nonverbal communication abilities, intact. Frontal release signs developed over last 12 months. Repeated cognitive testing revealed mild deterioration across all domains with significant further decrease in expressive, receptive language. Neurobehavioral changes remain absent to date; he remains interested, engaged and independent in basic ADLs. Speech completely deteriorated; gait and movements appreciably slowed. Although signs of frontal/executive dysfunction present, lack of behavioral abnormalities, psychiatric disturbance, personality change argue against focal or progressive frontal impairment or dementia. Relative intactness of memory and comprehension argue against Alzheimer’s disease. Lack of findings on neuroimaging argue against CVA or tumor. It is possible that the small basal ganglia infarct has resulted in a mild lateral prefrontal syndrome. However, the absence of depression as well as the relatively circumscribed language problem suggests otherwise. The progressive, severe nature of language impairments, with relatively minor impairments in attention and memory, argues for a possible diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia.


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Verbal working memory and emotional self-regulation are impaired in Bipolar Disorder (BD). Our aim was to investigate the effect of Lamotrigine (LTG), which is effective in the clinical management of BD, on the neural circuits subserving working memory and emotional processing. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data from 12 stable BD patients was used to detect LTG-induced changes as the differences in brain activity between drug-free and post-LTG monotherapy conditions during a verbal working memory (N-back sequential letter task) and an angry facial affect recognition task. For both tasks, LGT monotherapy compared to baseline was associated with increased activation mostly within the prefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus, in regions normally engaged in verbal working memory and emotional processing. Therefore, LTG monotherapy in BD patients may enhance cortical function within neural circuits involved in memory and emotional self-regulation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP.


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Spatial generalization skills in school children aged 8-16 were studied with regard to unfamiliar objects that had been previously learned in a cross-modal priming and learning paradigm. We observed a developmental dissociation with younger children recognizing objects only from previously learnt perspectives whereas older children generalized acquired object knowledge to new viewpoints as well. Haptic and - to a lesser extent - visual priming improved spatial generalization in all but the youngest children. The data supports the idea of dissociable, view-dependent and view-invariant object representations with different developmental trajectories that are subject to modulatory effects of priming. Late-developing areas in the parietal or the prefrontal cortex may account for the retarded onset of view-invariant object recognition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.