843 resultados para palveluiden laa-tuvaatimukset (QoS)


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We investigated the participation of the beta-adrenoceptors of the septal area (SA) in sodium and potassium excretion and urine flow. The alterations in arterial pressure and some renal functions were also investigated. The injection of 2.10(-9) to 16.10(-9)M of isoproterenol, through a cannula permanently implanted into the SA produced a significant dose-dependent decrease in urinary Na+ and K+ excretion and urinary flow. Pretreatment with 16.10(-9) M butoxamine antagonized the effect of 4.10(-9) M isoproterenol but pretreatment with 16.10(-9) M practolol did not abolish the effect of isoproterenol. The beta 2-agonist terbutaline and salbutamol (4.10(-9) M when injected intraseptally also caused a decrease in urine flow and in renal Na+ and K+ excretion. After injection of isoproterenol or salbutamol (4.10(-9) M) into the SA, the arterial pressure, glomerular, filtration rate (GFR) and filtered Nd were reduced while Na+ fractional reabsorption was increased. The results indicate that the beta 2-adrenoceptors of the SA play a role in the decrease of Na+, K+ and urine flow and this effect may be due to a drop in GFR and filtered Na+ and to the rise in tubular Na+ reabsorption.


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We studied the effect of the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) on the control of water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the medial septal area (MSA) of adult male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) implanted with chronic stainless steel cannulae into the LH and MSA. The volume of injection was always 1 mu l and was injected over a period of 30-60 s. For control, 0.15 M NaCl was used. Clonidine (20 nmol) but not phenylephrine (160 nmol) injected into the LH inhibited water intake induced by injection of carbachol (2 nmol) into the MSA, from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.3 +/- 0.1 and 3.0 +/- 0.9 ml/h, respectively (N = 26). When we injected yohimbine (80 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) into theLH, water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the MSA was inhibited from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.8 +/- 0.5 and 0.3 +/- 0.2 ml/h, respectively (N = 19). Water intake induced by carbachol (2 nmol) injected into the MSA was decreased by previous injection of yohimbine (80 nmol) + phenylephrine (160 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + phenylephrine (l60 nmol) from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 1.0 +/- 0.7 and 1.8 +/- 0.8 ml/h, respectively (N = 16). The cannula reached both the medial septal area in its medial portion and the lateral hypothalamus. It has been suggested that the different pathways for induction of drinking converge on a final common pathway. Thus, adrenergic stimulation of alpha(2),-adrenoceptors ofLH can influence this final common pathway.


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Background: In recent years, important advances have occurred in the determination of diagnostic criteria for the disease diabetes mellitus and in new strategies for its treatment. The purpose of this research was to develop a new method for diabetes diagnosis by microscopic and cytomorphometric analyses of the oral epithelium. Methods: the smears were obtained from three distinct oral sites: buccal mucosa (cheek), tongue dorsum, and floor of the mouth in 10 control individuals and 10 type II diabetic patients. The oral smears were stained with Papanicolaou EA-36 solution. The nuclear (NA) and cytoplasmic (CA) areas were evaluated from 50 integral cells predominant in each oral site by the use of the KS 300(TM) image analysis system (Carl Zeiss, Germany), by which the cytoplasmic/nuclear ratio (C/N) was calculated. Results: the results showed that: (i) the epithelial cells of the diabetic group exhibited figures of binucleation and occasional karyorrhexis in all layers; (ii) the NA was markedly higher (P<0.05) in the diabetic group; (iii) the CA did not exhibit a statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between these two groups; and (iv) the C/N mean was 37.4% lower in the type II diabetic group. Conclusions: These results associated with clinical observations suggest that diabetes mellitus can produce alterations in oral epithelial cells, detectable by microscopy and cytomorphometry, which can be used in the diagnosis of this disease.


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Cobalt(II) and nickel(II) djenkolates CoC7H12N2O4S2. H2O (I) and NiC7H12N2O4S2. H2O (II) were synthesized by the reaction of potassium djenkolate with the respective chlorides. LR spectra suggested coordination via the COO- and NH2 groups for the ligands in both compounds. Visible absorption spectra confirmed the octahedral structure of the complexes. X-ray powder diffraction patterns were indexed in the orthorhombic and monoclinic unit cells with parameters: a = 11.35, b = 7.35, c = 6.85 Angstrom for I and a = 11.54, b = 7.45, c = 6.90 Angstrom, beta = 94.95 degrees for II.


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The effect of carbachol (80 nmol/mul) injection into the amygdaloid nuclear complex (AMG) on sodium appetite and water intake was studied in male Holtzman rats weighing 240-270 g. Twenty-five satiated rats and 38 water-deprived rats were used in the experiment on water intake. In the experiment on sodium intake, 19 rats were injected with atropine + carbachol and 9 rats with hexamethonium + carbachol. After carbachol injection into the AMG, water intake decreased in rats submitted to 30 h of water deprivation (10.28 +/- 1.04 ml/120 min vs 0.69 +/- 0.22 ml/120 min). The decrease in water intake was blocked by prior local injection of a tropine (20 nmol/1 mul)(11.66 +/- 1.46 ml/120 min vs 0.69 +/- 0.22 ml/120 min), but not of hexamethonium (30 nmol/1 mul), into the AMG. In water-deprived animals, carbachol injection into the AMG caused a decrease in sodium chloride intake (6.16 +/- 1.82 ml/h vs 0.88 +/- 0.54 ml/h) which was blocked by previous injection of hexamethonium but not of a tropine. These results suggest that the cholinergic system of the AMG plays a role in the control of water and salt intake.


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Web service-based application is an architectural style, where a collection of Web services communicates to each other to execute processes. With the popularity increase of developing Web service-based application and once Web services may change, in terms of functional and non-functional Quality of Service (QoS), we need mechanisms to monitor, diagnose, and repair Web services into a Web Application. This work presents a description of self-healing architecture that deals with these mechanisms. Other contributions of this paper are using the proxy server to measure Web service QoS values and to employ some strategies to recovery the effects from misbehaved Web services. © 2008 IEEE.


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The use of QoS parameters to evaluate the quality of service in a mesh network is essential mainly when providing multimedia services. This paper proposes an algorithm for planning wireless mesh networks in order to satisfy some QoS parameters, given a set of test points (TPs) and potential access points (APs). Examples of QoS parameters include: probability of packet loss and mean delay in responding to a request. The proposed algorithm uses a Mathematical Programming model to determine an adequate topology for the network and Monte Carlo simulation to verify whether the QoS parameters are being satisfied. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm is able to find satisfactory solutions.


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Soil attributes reflect influence of the geomorphic surfaces. Therefore, the objective of this work was to investigate the influence of the geomorphic surfaces on soil attributes in a topossequence from low lands to high lands in the Humaitá region, AM. A transect of 4.5 km, from the top of the slope towards the low lands was established and the geomorphic surfaces were identified and limited according to topographic and estratigraphic criteria, based on detailed field investigation. Twenty soil samples were collected in each one of the slope segments within the geomorphic surfaces (G.S.), at the following depths: G.S. I: LAa (0.0-0.16 and 0.48-0.79 m); G.S. II: Lad1 (0.0-0.13 and 0.44-0.70) and Lad2 (0.0-0.10 and 0.30-0.55 m); G.S. III: RYve1 (0.0-0.18 and 0.51-0.89) and RYve2 (0.0-0.23 and 0.58-0.91 m). The sampling depths were determined by the surface and subsurface horizon depths, defined during the soil morphological description. Physical analysis involved particle size distribution, disperse clay, soil and particle density and total porosity. The chemical analysis involved determinations of pH in water and KCl, exchangeable cations, exchangeable Al, total acidity (H+Al), available P, organic carbon. The relief variations contributed to the presence of dystrophic soils in the geomorphic surface I and eutrophic soils in the geomorphic surface III. The multivariate statistical techniques were able to separate three heterogeneous groups, equivalent to the mapped geomorphic surfaces.


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Let m and n be integers greater than 1. Given lattices A and B of dimensions m and n, respectively, a technique for constructing a lattice from them of dimension m+n-1 is introduced. Furthermore, if A and B possess bases satisfying certain conditions, then a second technique yields a lattice of dimension m+n-2. The relevant parameters of the new lattices are given in terms of the respective parameters of A,B, and a lattice C isometric to a sublattice of A and B. Denser sphere packings than previously known ones in dimensions 52, 68, 84, 248, 520, and 4098 are obtained. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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A crescente utilização dos serviços de telecomunicações principalmente sem fio tem exigido a adoção de novos padrões de redes que ofereçam altas taxas de transmissão e que alcance um número maior de usuários. Neste sentido o padrão IEEE 802.16, no qual é baseado o WiMAX, surge como uma tecnologia em potencial para o fornecimento de banda larga na próxima geração de redes sem fio, principalmente porque oferece Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) nativamente para fluxos de voz, dados e vídeo. A respeito das aplicações baseadas vídeo, tem ocorrido um grande crescimento nos últimos anos. Em 2011 a previsão é que esse tipo de conteúdo ultrapasse 50% de todo tráfego proveniente de dispositivos móveis. Aplicações do tipo vídeo têm um forte apelo ao usuário final que é quem de fato deve ser o avaliador do nível de qualidade recebida. Diante disso, são necessárias novas formas de avaliação de desempenho que levem em consideração a percepção do usuário, complementando assim as técnicas tradicionais que se baseiam apenas em aspectos de rede (QoS). Nesse sentido, surgiu a avaliação de desempenho baseada Qualidade de Experiência (QoE) onde a avaliação do usuário final em detrimento a aplicação é o principal parâmetro mensurado. Os resultados das investigações em QoE podem ser usados como uma extensão em detrimento aos tradicionais métodos de QoS, e ao mesmo tempo fornecer informações a respeito da entrega de serviços multimídias do ponto de vista do usuário. Exemplos de mecanismos de controle que poderão ser incluídos em redes com suporte a QoE são novas abordagens de roteamento, processo de seleção de estação base e tráfego condicionado. Ambas as metodologias de avaliação são complementares, e se usadas de forma combinada podem gerar uma avaliação mais robusta. Porém, a grande quantidade de informações dificulta essa combinação. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal criar uma metodologia de predição de qualidade de vídeo em redes WiMAX com uso combinado de simulações e técnicas de Inteligência Computacional (IC). A partir de parâmetros de QoS e QoE obtidos através das simulações será realizado a predição do comportamento futuro do vídeo com uso de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Se por um lado o uso de simulações permite uma gama de opções como extrapolação de cenários de modo a imitar as mesmas situações do mundo real, as técnicas de IC permitem agilizar a análise dos resultados de modo que sejam feitos previsões de um comportamento futuro, correlações e outros. No caso deste trabalho, optou-se pelo uso de RNAs uma vez que é a técnica mais utilizada para previsão do comportamento, como está sendo proposto nesta dissertação.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para predição de falhas em rede de grade OBS com plano de controle GMPLS que auxilia as aplicações em ambientes de colaboração, como exemplo a E-Science. Os agentes de monitoração de tráfego, denominado DQMA-Fuzzy, verificam parâmetros relacionados à QoS e às imperfeições nos enlaces ópticos. Por apresentar uma solução mais rápida e facilmente implementável, foi desenvolvido um sistema baseado em lógica Fuzzy para dar mais robustez às decisões dos agentes. Simulações no NS-2 (Network Simulator – 2) demonstram que a proposta minimiza bloqueios na rede e balanceia o uso dos recursos da grade, garantindo níveis de serviços bem definidos, auxiliando na engenharia de tráfego e na predição de falhas.