1000 resultados para organização espacia
The organizations now have felt some needs in regards to changes in attitudes in what refers to the relationship with their interest publics. In this way, this work has as objective approach different themes, like concepts of organizational culture and the interrelations with the profession of Public Relations, besides the contact with notions in the area of People Management and human capital. As all organizations are constituted by interest publics, it will also demonstrate theories that refer to the different kinds of publics which the organization maintains relationship with, although, giving special attention to the internal public, considered one of the main types of public. For better comprehension of the performance of the internal public it was used the greimassian narrative semiotics that allow an exploration and analysis os diverse procedures made by such public. Therefore, it was possible to observe a great contribution from the theory in what refers to the assertion of the importance in maintaining good relationships with the employees of an organization, specially to affirm the identity of the employee making use of factors such as culture, values, principals, norms etc. Thus, it is believed that the strategic communication must be used with the intention of proportioning personal and professional well being to the employees, in a way that they may feel more and more integrated and committed with the organization, granting, like so, the organizational development and recognition
Are presented on this paper, concepts of corrective, preventive and predictive maintenances, following the prerequisites for planning and implementation of a maintenance plan. You also find the theoretical introduction of some measurement instruments accompanied by the necessary and recommended activities during routine maintenances of the electrical equipments in a building installation. Using case study, it is possible to assess a real maintenance plan applied to two occupied floors in a financial institution. The developing of a case study consolidates the effectiveness of the present concepts on this theoretical introduction and shows that the current maintenance plan can be improved in order to obtain better results on company productivity and reliability of equipments. As a conclusion, we can notice the importance of a solid maintenance plan and the need of including this theme on the graduation in Electrical Engineering
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O presente trabalho tem como proposta discutir a respeito da organização dos espaços públicos destinados às pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais. Procura analisar como a questão da acessibilidade vem sendo tratada, nas escolas e no meio urbano, além de identificar, no município de Rio Claro quais as adaptações/adequações foram realizadas recentemente, no sentido de garantir maior acessibilidade aos seus munícipes. O objetivo é o de analisar como se dá a adequação desses espaços e sua contribuição para a vida das pessoas. Constitui-se em pesquisa qualitativa de referencial bibliográfico pautada no levantamento de autores que problematizem a questão do espaço físico, e suas relações com a inclusão, a deficiência e a acessibilidade. Contando ainda com pesquisa de campo e registro fotográfico das adequações no Centro Comercial da cidade de Rio Claro
The need to know and to preserve the coastal ecosystems is justified by the whole importance that those ecosystems have for our society. Then, it is big the concern in guaranteeing that those places stay free from contaminations. Among the several types of potentials pollutants that can affect the coastal systems, the petroleum-derived are the ones that cause the worst impacts, given the frequency of these accidents. Rapid actions are necessary in order to minimize the oil negative effects . This answer is faster when the most sensitive areas are known and when it presents characteristics of larger importance, as for instance, the presence of sea harvesting or the habitat of an endemic specie. Besides, it is necessary to know which cleanup methods are recommended and which are not recommended for the reached areas, so, the corrected emergency plans for each coastal environment can be applied. It is in this context that this project was developed, implementing a geographical database for the different coastal environment of São Sebastião municipality, SP, and also the data about the best cleanup techniques for each segment of the coast. This database was made available by the internet, enabling the access for several types of users.
We know that play is directly linked to the development and growth of the child. Thinking in this context, were created recreational spaces, more known as playrooms or toy libraries. This research seeks to understand the playful objects used in more visits with children, realized CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru. Therefore, it was necessary to identify the objects necessary to the demands of users of CPA, they were psychology trainees, fellows extension projects, graduate students, teachers and the subjects treated population served. Composed over 1000 objects, the collection must be appropriate to the needs of the CPA. The research in question is characterized as a case study, is related to our shares a scholarship project Playing in the Center for Applied Psychology - CPA, held in the collection playful and Toy CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru, used, in this case, as a field for this research. Watching the playful collection, daily, some questions have arisen about this space became in this study. The data collection period was from September 2011 to September 2012. As an instrument for data collection was mounted a notebook control in order to check the movement of the objects of the collection, also applied a questionnaire to teachers and trainees working in the CPA. At the end of the study we can say that the symbolic games and rules are the objects that are related to care provided in the CPA because of its capabilities to assist in various aspects of the development of children, with the most frequently used symbolic games with children aged 2 to 7 years and the games rules with children aged 7-12 years or more
Violence and school organization are always current issues. And to investigate these two issues, the present study was carried within a public school in the city for being considered a model of educative institution. The analysis focused on finding out why some institutions are considered good and others not and also to explain how these good relations within the school studied. Therefore, we first observed the school in its stages: entry and exit of students, breaks and classroom activities. Then consult the official documents, such as the Management Plan, Rules, Standards, among others. And finally we interviewed staff, targeting participants in the educational process (principal, teacher, staff, students). Facing this data we verified that a good relationship is needed on the beliefs and the search for a favorable environment is the aim for everyone, especially regarding to teaching-learning processes of a student, that is: teamwork. And as every institution has its flaws, we nee greater participation, especially of what we call school community (parents and relatives).
O município de Rio Claro, localizado na região central do estado de São Paulo, durante o auge da era do café, da imigração tanto estrangeira como regional e da instalação de várias empresas, dentre elas a Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro se urbanizou num acelerado ritmo, assim como tantas outras cidades do Brasil. Como resultado o aglomerado urbano cresceu, necessitando que seu perímetro expandisse para a zona rural, comprometendo tanto o seu patrimônio histórico quanto o cultural. Antigas propriedades datadas do final do século XIX que resistem à ação do tempo e mantém viva a riqueza e a cultura da época dão lugar à cidade. Esse processo é observado no bairro rural do Sobrado, localizado na região norte de Rio Claro, que vem sofrendo diretamente com a expansão urbana através da criação de novos loteamentos residenciais e comerciais. Portanto, o avanço da urbanização tem provocado à degradação e/ou desaparecimento dos fatos históricos e culturais ainda presentes nos bairros rurais do município
O gênero Astyanax apresenta uma extensa variabilidade em suas fórmulas cariotípicas, as quais acompanham sua diversidade biológica. Estes dados fazem com que a taxonomia do gênero ainda seja confusa, devido à grande plasticidade fenotípica existente entre as populações e a ausência de caracteres morfológicos confiáveis para sua correta identificação. Por outro lado, a análise das sequências e distribuição cromossômica do retrotransposon Rex1 revelou pouca variabilidade. As diferenças encontradas com relação às sequências deste retrotransposon mostram que as variações podem estar associadas à distribuição geográfica das espécies, visto que as espécies mais distantes geograficamente revelaram maiores diferenças em sua composição nucleotídica. A distribuição cromossômica desse elemento mostrou-se conservada entre as espécies do gênero, com marcações dispersas pelos genomas dos mesmos, contribuindo com a ideia de que esses elementos podem se acumular em regiões genômicas específicas dentro de cada grupo de peixes, sendo que esta tendência é maior para peixes do mesmo grupo e menor para grupos diferentes. Deste modo, a ampla distribuição de Rex1 observada nas espécies estudadas sugere que esse elemento pode ter sido incorporado há muito tempo nos genomas desses peixes, e que vem desempenhando um papel importante na evolução do grupo. Ainda assim, devido à grande diversidade encontrada no gênero, mais estudos podem contribuir tanto para o melhor entendimento da taxonomia de Astyanax, como da dinâmica evolutiva dos retrotransposons no gênero e em outros grupos de peixes
Em eucariotos os íntrons de mRNAs codificantes de proteína são retirados e os éxons são mantidos junto ao transcrito primário pela maquinaria do spliceossomo. Este consiste em um grande complexo RNA-proteína que contém mais de 200 proteínas e cinco tipos de RNAs não codificantes, metabolicamente estáveis, conhecidos como snRNAs U, que incluem U1, U2, U4, U5 e U6. Os genes snRNA U estão presentes em múltiplas cópias dispersas no genoma de diversos eucariotos e parecem apresentar comportamento semelhante aqueles dos elementos móveis exibindo pouca conservação sintênica. No presente trabalho pretendia-se estudar a organização genômica e a localização cromossômica do gene snRNA U1 em espécies de peixes do gênero Leporinus, que é um grupo de peixes que se configura como um modelo interessante para estudo de DNAs repetitivos e evolução genômica em peixes. Porém, após diversas tentativas não foi possível amplificar este gene e então optou-se por estudar o gene snRNA U2. O DNA genômico de diferentes espécies de Leporinus e de Schizodon (grupo próximo evolutivamente) foi amplificado utilizando primers específicos para o gene, por meio da técnica de PCR e os produtos obtidos enviados para o sequenciamento. O tamanho encontrado para essa sequência correspondeu a aproximadamente 200 pb, valor esse já encontrado para outras espécies. As sequências foram analisadas e resultados não concisos das sequencias obtidas não permitiram análises subsequentes. A localização cromossômica do gene foi realizada por meio da técnica de hibridação in situ e as marcações foram evidenciadas em um par cromossômico submetacêntrico de tamanho médio em todas as espécies. A localização destas sequências não mostrou relação com cromossomos sexuais, presentes em algumas das espécies analisadas, mas demonstrou forte evidência de conservação do gene entre as diferentes espécies estudadas
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This course conclusion paper has as its theme the critical analysis of the Educational Policy Continued Progression. At this juncture when much is produced on specific themes of interest in continued progression in the reflection on the consequences of implementing this policy in organizing the work of teachers an their autonomy, seeking to contribute to public policy debates.The problematization that will undertake this work wonders if the policy continued progression is, in fact, a government strategy to remove the teacher control over their work and contribute to the process of alienation and loss of autonomy of a schoolteacher. This policy was implemented in the State of São Paulo, during the administration of Mario Covas of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party, PSDB, from 1995 to 2001, managing secretary Theresa Roserley Neubauer da Silva
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.