921 resultados para order-picking system
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In large distributed systems, where shared resources are owned by distinct entities, there is a need to reflect resource ownership in resource allocation. An appropriate resource management system should guarantee that resource's owners have access to a share of resources proportional to the share they provide. In order to achieve that some policies can be used for revoking access to resources currently used by other users. In this paper, a scheduling policy based in the concept of distributed ownership is introduced called Owner Share Enforcement Policy (OSEP). OSEP goal is to guarantee that owner do not have their jobs postponed for longer periods of time. We evaluate the results achieved with the application of this policy using metrics that describe policy violation, loss of capacity, policy cost and user satisfaction in environments with and without job checkpointing. We also evaluate and compare the OSEP policy with the Fair-Share policy, and from these results it is possible to capture the trade-offs from different ways to achieve fairness based on the user satisfaction. © 2009 IEEE.
This paper presents the development and experimental analysis of a special input stage converter for a Trolleybus type vehicle allowing its operation in AC (two wires, single-phase) or DC distribution networks. The architecture of proposed input stage converter is composed by five interleaved boost rectifiers operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Furthermore, due to the power lines characteristics, the proposed input power structure can act as AC to DC or as DC to DC converter providing a proper DC output voltage range required to the DC bus. When operation is AC to DC, the converter is capable to provide high power factor with reduced harmonic distortion for the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standard. Finally, the main experimental results are presented in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed converter, demonstrating the benefits and the possibility for AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle. © 2010 IEEE.
We show that the electromagnetic current for a system composed by two charged bosons has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the time x +. In terms of the two body component for the bound state, the current contains two body operators. We discuss the process of pair creation by the photon and interpret it as a zero mode contribution to the current and its consequences for the components of currents in the light front. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
This paper adjusts decentralized OPF optimization to the AC power flow problem in power systems with interconnected areas operated by diferent transmission system operators (TSO). The proposed methodology allows finding the operation point of a particular area without explicit knowledge of network data of the other interconnected areas, being only necessary to exchange border information related to the tie-lines between areas. The methodology is based on the decomposition of the first-order optimality conditions of the AC power flow, which is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem. To allow better visualization of the concept of independent operation of each TSO, an artificial neural network have been used for computing border information of the interconnected TSOs. A multi-area Power Flow tool can be seen as a basic building block able to address a large number of problems under a multi-TSO competitive market philosophy. The IEEE RTS-96 power system is used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the decentralized AC Power Flow. ©2010 IEEE.
Purpose: This paper describes proposed health care services innovations, provided by a system called CAALYX (Complete Ambient Assisted Living eXperiment). CAALYX aimed to provide healthcare innovation by extending the state-of-the-art in tele-healthcare, by focusing on increasing the confidence of elderly people living autonomously, by building on the knowledge base of the most common disorders and respective characteristic vital sign changes for this age group. Methods: A review of the state-of-the-art on health care services was carried out. Then, extensive research was conducted on the particular needs of the elderly in relation to home health services that, if offered to them, could improve their day life by giving them greater confidence and autonomy. To achieve this, we addressed issues associated with the gathering of clinical data and interpretation of these data, as well as possibilities of automatically triggering appropriate clinical measures. Considering this initial work we started the identification of initiatives, ongoing works and technologies that could be used for the development of the system. After that, the implementation of CAALYX was done. Findings: The innovation in CAALYX system considers three main areas of contribution: (i) The Roaming Monitoring System that is used to collect information on the well-being of the elderly users; (ii) The Home Monitoring System that is aimed at helping the elders independently living at home being implemented by a device (a personal computer or a set top box) that supports the connection of sensors and video cameras that may be used for monitoring and for interaction with the elder; (iii) The Central Care Service and Monitoring System that is implemented by a Caretaker System where attention and care services are provided to elders, where actors as Caretakers, Doctors and Relatives are logically linked to elders. Innovations in each of these areas are presented here. Conclusions: The ageing European society is placing an added burden on future generations, as the 'elderly-to-working-age-people' ratio is set to steadily increase in the future. Nowadays, quality of life and fitness allows for most older persons to have an active life well into their eighties. Furthermore, many older persons prefer to live in their own house and choose their own lifestyle. The CAALYX system can have a clear impact in increasing older persons' autonomy, by ensuring that they do not need to leave their preferred environment in order to be properly monitored and taken care of. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article shows an analysis of the electrical parameters of a three-phase transmission line section using a relatively new design for steel towers characterized by 280 meters high. These main features, the height of the line conductors and distance between them, are intrinsically related to the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line. By this means, an analysis was carried out in order to show the electrical variations between a transmission line using the new technology and a conventional 440-kV line through a wide range of frequencies and a variable soil resistivity. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Intrusion detection systems that make use of artificial intelligence techniques in order to improve effectiveness have been actively pursued in the last decade. Neural networks and Support Vector Machines have been also extensively applied to this task. However, their complexity to learn new attacks has become very expensive, making them inviable for a real time retraining. In this research, we introduce a new pattern classifier named Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) to this task, which has demonstrated to be similar to the state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques, but extremely more efficient for training patterns. Experiments on public datasets showed that OPF classifier may be a suitable tool to detect intrusions on computer networks, as well as allow the algorithm to learn new attacks faster than the other techniques. © 2011 IEEE.
This article shows an analysis of the longitudinal electric parameters of a three-phase transmission line/section using a 280-meter high steel tower. This characteristic, the height of the line conductors and distance between them, are intrinsic related to the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line. By this means, an accurate study was carried out in order to show the electric variations between a transmission line using the new technology and a three-phase conventional 440 kV line for a wide range of frequencies and a variable soil resistivity. In addition, by using a digital line model, simulations are carried out in time domain to analyze critical overvoltage transients on the studied line. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents a system for performing down-hole seismic test together with the piezocone test in order to determine the shear wave velocity (Vs) and for calculating the maximum shear modulus (Go); a basic parameter for analyzing the dynamic soil behavior and a reference value of the soil stiffness. The system components are described and tests results for checking the geophone response are also presented, both before and after installation into the probe. The system was used in down-hole tests carried out at three experimental research sites located in the interior of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, where in situ seismic test results are available. The Vs values measured in down-hole tests carried out with this system were consistent with those determined in cross-hole tests and with a commercial seismic piezocone, which enabled to validate the developed system.
The Modern Era is marked by a great revolution in the economic, political and social structure, mainly on account of the sprouting of bourgeoisie, which brings the Bourgeois Novel as a new way to express their feelings and conflicts. In this article, one of the bourgeois characteristics, the patriarchal system, will be discussed. However, the focus will be on its dissolution, which is one evidence of the bourgeois novel's crisis. The word 'crisis' can also be understood as transformation. Thus, in order to illustrate this literary revolution undertaken by women, this article analyses To The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf. In this novel, it seems that nothing important happens. However the Stream of Consciousness narrative, with the predominance of Indirect Interior Monologue, psychological time and intertextualities, allows for meaning construal grounded in the dichotomy life/dead. The disintegration of the patriarchal structure is seen from the perspective of power relation between the head of the family and his wife. In addition, a reflection on the role of the woman as an artist is carried out.
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The system reliability depends on the reliability of its components itself. Therefore, it is necessary a methodology capable of inferring the state of functionality of these components to establish reliable indices of quality. Allocation models for maintenance and protective devices, among others, have been used in order to improve the quality and availability of services on electric power distribution systems. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the reliability of distribution system components in an integrated way, using probabilistic models and fuzzy inference systems to infer about the operation probability of each component. © 2012 IEEE.
In this paper, for the first time, a quenching result in a non-ideal system is rigorously obtained. In order to do this a new mechanical hypothesis is assumed, it means that the moment of inertia of the rotating parts of the energy source is big. From this is possible to use the Averaging Method. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
The use of mobile robots turns out to be interesting in activities where the action of human specialist is difficult or dangerous. Mobile robots are often used for the exploration in areas of difficult access, such as rescue operations and space missions, to avoid human experts exposition to risky situations. Mobile robots are also used in agriculture for planting tasks as well as for keeping the application of pesticides within minimal amounts to mitigate environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features. Such features are then submitted to a support vector machine in order to find out the most appropriate route. The overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is to develop a real time robot control system to be embedded into a hardware platform. In this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route. © 2012 IEEE.