972 resultados para nuclear structure, spin, magnetic moment, electric quadrupole moment, charge radius
A systematic study of the phase formation, structure and magnetic properties of the R3Fe29-xTx compounds (R=Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy; T=V and Cr) has been performed upon hydrogenation. The lattice constants and the unit cell volume of R3Fe29-xTxHy decrease with increasing R atomic number from Nd to Dy, except for Ce, reflecting the lanthanide contraction. Regular anisotropic expansions mainly along the a- and b-axis rather than along the c-axis are observed for all of the compounds upon hydrogenation. Hydrogenation leads to an increase in the Curie temperature and a corresponding increase in the saturation magnetization at room temperature for each compound. First order magnetization processes (FOMP) occur in the external magnetic fields for Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5H5.0, Tb3Fe27.0Cr2.0H2.8, and Gd3Fe28.0Cr1.0H4.2 compounds.
An electrically bistable device has been fabricated using nanocomposite films consisting of silver nanoparticles and a semiconducting polymer by a simple spin-coating method. The current-voltage characteristics of the as-fabricated devices exhibit an obvious electrical bistability and negative differential resistance effect. The current ratio between the high-conducting state and low-conducting state can reach more than 103 at room temperature. The electrical bistability of the device is attributed to the electric-filed-induced charge transfer between the silver nanoparticles and the polymer, and the negative differential resistance behavior is related to the charge trapping in the silver nanoparticles. The results open up a simple approach to fabricate high quality electrically bistable devices by doping metal nanoparticles into polymer.
HIRFL was upgraded from beginning 2000. Besides of researches on nuclear physics, atomic physics, irradiative material and biology, the cancer therapy by heavy ion and hadron physics are being developing. The injector system of SFC+SSC can provide all ions from proton to uranium with higher intensity. The Cooling Storage Ring (CSR) has accelerated beams successful. The ions C-12(6+), Ar-36(18+), Xe-129(27+) have been accelerated up 1000MeV/u, 235MeV/u with about 10(9)similar to 10(8) ions per spill respectively. The beam momentum dispersion was measured from 4x10(-3) to 2x10(-4) after cooling by the electron cooler or similar to 4x10(-4) after accelerated to 1000MeV/u without cooling. In order to improve the nuclear structure and heavy isotope research in SFC+SSC energy domain, A Wien filter was added in front of RIBLL and gas was filled in first section of RIBLL; a new spectrometry SHANS has being installed. Presently, there are two starting version experimental setups at CSR.
The a-decay half-lives of a set of superheavy nuclear isotope chain from Z = 105 to 120 have been analyzed systematically within the WKB method, and some nuclear structure features are found. The decay barriers have been determined in the quasi-molecular shape path within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model (GLDM) including the proximity effects between nucleons in a neck and the mass and charge asymmetry. The results are in reasonable agreement with the published experimental data for the alpha decay half-lives of isotopes of charge 112, 114, and 116, of the element 294118 and of some decay products. A comparison of present calculations with the results by the DDM3Y effective interaction and by the Viola-Seaborg Sobiczewski (VSS) formulae is also made. The experimental a decay half lives all stand in between the GLDM calculations and VSS formula results. This demonstrates the possibility of these models to provide reasonable estimates for the half-lives of nuclear decays by a emissions for the domain of SHN. The half-lives of these new nuclei are thus well tested from the reasonable consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic, the empirical formulae and the experimental data. This also shows that the present data of SHN themselves are consistent. It could suggest that the present experimental claims on the existence of new elements Z = 110 similar to 118 are reliable. It is expected that greater deviations of a few SHN between the data and the model may be eliminated by further improvements on the precision of the measurements.
The status of the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Facility in Lanzhou) - Cooler Storage Ring (CSR) at the IMP is reported. The main physics goals at the HIRFL-CSR are the researches on nuclear structure and decay property, EOS of nuclear matter, hadron physics, highly charged atomic physics, high energy density physics, nuclear astrophysics, and applications for cancer therapy, space industries, materials and biology sciences. The HIRFL-CSR is the first ion cooler-storage-ring system in China, which consists of a main ring (CSRm), an experimental ring (CSRe) and a radioactive beamline (RIBLL2). The two existing cyclotrons SFC (K=70) and SSC (K=450) are used as its injectors. The 7MeV/u12C6+ ions were stored successfully in CSRm with the stripping injection in January 2006. After that, realized were the accelerations of C-12(6+), Ar-36(18+), Kr-78(28+) and Xe-129(27+) ions with energies of 1GeV/u, 1GeV/u, 450 MeV/u and 235 MeV/u, respectively, including accumulation, electron cooling and acceleration. In 2008, the first two isochronous mass measurement experiments with the primary beams of Ar-36(18+) and Kr-78(28+) were performed at CSRe with the Delta p/p similar to 10(-5).
The Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP at GSI Darmstadt allows accurate mass measurements of radionuclides, produced in fusion-evaporation reactions and separated by the velocity filter SHIP from the primary beam. Recently, the masses of the three nobelium isotopes No252-254 were determined. These are the first direct mass measurements of transuranium elements, which provide new anchor points in this region. The heavy nuclides were produced in cold-fusion reactions by irradiating a PbS target with a Ca-48 beam, resulting in production rates of the nuclei of interest of about one atom per second. In combination with data from decay spectroscopy our results are used to perform a new atomic-mass evaluation in this region.
The relative isobaric yields of fragments produced in a series of heavy-ion-induced multifragmentation reactions have been analyzed in the framework of a modified Fisher model, primarily to determine the ratio of the symmetry energy coefficient to the temperature, a(sym)/T, as a function of fragment mass A. The extracted values increase from 5 to similar to 16 as A increases from 9 to 37. These values have been compared to the results of calculations using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) model together with the statistical decay code GEMINI. The calculated ratios are in good agreement with those extracted from the experiment. In contrast, the values extracted from the ratios of the primary isobars from the AMD model calculation are similar to 4 to 5 and show little variation with A. This observation indicates that the value of the symmetry energy coefficient derived from final fragment observables may be significantly different than the actual value at the time of fragment formation. The experimentally observed pairing effect is also studied within the same simulations. The Coulomb coefficient is also discussed.
A series of experiments have been performed by complete kinematics measurements to study two-proton (2p) correlated emission from the excited states of Ne-17,Ne-18 and S-28,S-29 via the Coulomb excitation by bombarding on Au-197 target. 2p and residua coincident events were picked Out under strict conditions. Visible p-p correlations were observed. It is shown that 2p can be emitted from the high-lying excited states. 2p halo may lead to 2p emission with large spectroscopy factor for the states close to or beyond the threshold.
Isoscaling is derived within a recently proposed modified Fisher model where the free energy near the critical point is described by the Landau O(m(6)) theory. In this model m = N-f-Z(f)/A(f) is the order parameter, a consequence of (one of) the symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Within this framework we show that isoscaling depends mainly on this order parameter through the 'external (conjugate) field' H. The external field is just given by the difference in chemical potentials of the neutrons and protons of the two sources. To distinguish from previously employed isoscaling relationships, this approach is dubbed: m-scaling. We discuss the relationship between this framework and the standard isoscaling formalism and point out some substantial differences in interpretation of experimental results which might result. These should be investigated further both theoretically and experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SHANS (Spectrometer of Heavy Atoms and Nuclear Structure,重原子和核结构研究谱议)正在建设中,它不但可以直接鉴别离子的电荷数Z和质量数A,而且还将在核结构和核衰变的精细研究方面发挥重要作用。RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L和彭宁离子阱LPT是其中的两个重要组成部分。 RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L的主要目的是收集经过充气反冲谱议分离后的反应产物,然后经过冷却、聚束,使原来品质很差的束流转化为能量单一、发射度小、束斑很小的高品质束流。现在已经顺利完成了模拟、设计、机械加工和机械安装等工作,其中机械安装部分是本论文的主要工作之一。经过近半年的时间,我们克服了种种困难,高质量地完成了RFQ1L的机械安装工作。各种测量综合显示:各部件间的位置精度达到了±0.5 mm;真空系统的真空度达到了1.7×10-4 Pa,系统压升率为(0.04±0.02) Pa/h;各电极间的绝缘效果和导电效果良好。彭宁离子阱LPT的主要目的是直接高精度测量原子核的质量。质量是原子核的一个最基本属性,对检验和拓广现有核理论、研究核天体物理中的核反应过程和基本常数具有非常重要的作用。控制系统在LPT中起着至关重要的作用。控制系统的设计和实现也是本论文的另一个主要工作。本论文详细论述了LPT的控制系统LPTCtrlSys的基本要求、硬件和软件布局情况
本论文通过在兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上进行的6He同Si靶和Pb靶反应实验测量得到了6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应总截面和去除双中子截面以及6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生4He碎片的纵向动量分布。采用能够很好描述正常核反应总截面的半经验的Shen公式计算了4,6 He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面。对于4He,从低能到高能理论计算和实验数据符合很好。但是对于6He,理论计算和实验数据符合不好。通过SHF理论、RMF理论、RDDH理论、各种核子密度分布形式(2PHO-tyPe,HO-tyPe,2PFM-tyPe及新提出的修正的费米密度分布MFM-type)计算出6He的各种密度分布(包括晕核密度、皮核密度及正常核密度),带入Glotlber模型计算了6He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面以及双中子去除截面,只有使用晕核密度理论计算才能够很好地符合实验数据,进一步证实6He具有双中子晕核结构,确定其基本构型。比较了轻靶(Si革巴)和重靶(Pb靶)电磁离解效应刘一反应总截面和去除双中子截面的影响,重靶电磁离解效应明显。采用能够很好描述稳定核的动量分布宽度的Goldllaber理论、Morrissey经验公式、W.A.Friedman的重离子弹核碎裂模型,以及Lise小组发展的Lise程序,计算了6He与Si靶和Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生的4He碎片的纵向动量分布,也同样证实了6He具有双中子晕核结构。论文最后,利用同位旋相关的Boltzmann-Langevin方程(IBLE)计算稳定核4He和奇异核6He同c靶的反应系统来研究6He反应动力学特性,研究反应产生的核素产生截面,以及4,5 He产生截面随碰撞参数的变化。
本论文主要包括两部分内容,一部分是关于中能重离子碰撞中的同位旋效应和同位旋非对称核物质状态方程,第二部分是改进的Glauber理论和晕核核结构的研究.利用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型(IQ\MD)系统而仔细的研究了同位旋相关的平均场和介质中核子核子碰撞截面对中能重离子碰撞中碎裂和耗散的同位旋效应.研究在国际上首次发现原子核阻止,中等质量碎片多重性和质子(中子)发射数都敏感的依赖于介质中核子一核子碰撞截面的同位旋效应,而对于同位旋相关的平均场(又寸称势)很不灵敏.故这些物理量可以作为提取相对高能范围缺中子系统同位旋相关介质中核子一核子碰撞故面的灵敏探针.另一方而,与前三种物理观测量相反,研究发现在相对较低能区前平衡核子发射中质比和同位旋分馏强度灵敏的依赖于对称势,而对于同位旋相关介质中核子一核子碰撞截面很不灵敏,可以用来提取同位旋相关平均场的知识.在此基础上分别研究了动量相关作用,核介质效应和库仑作用分别对提取上述知识动力学过程的机理和影响,研究发现这三种动力学因素对中能重离子碰撞过程中的同位旋效应有重要影响.例如研究发现核子一核子碰撞的介质效应明显增加了中等质量碎片多重性和核子发射数对于核子一核子碰撞截面的灵敏性.库仑作用降低了同位旋分馏和原子核阻止.但不影响它们分别对平均场和两体碰撞同位旋效应的灵敏性.动量相关作用明显增加了各种物理观测量对于平均场或两体碰撞截面同位旋效应的灵敏性.以上的研究结果对建立同位旋非对称核物质状态方程具有重要的参考价值和学术意义.在考虑量子修正、库仑修正、核子一核子碰撞同位旋效应和假定有效原子核密度分布后将仅适用于计算高能核子对原子核反应总截面的Glouber理论推广到能适用于中低能情况下核一核反应的Glaube理论.研究发现在应用推广的Glauber理论计算中、低能核一核反应截面时,量子修正是重要的.利用修正了的Glauber理论,系统计算了从低能到较高能大量稳定线附近30个核一核反应总截面,在没有可调参数的情况下,都与实验结果较好地符合.在计算晕核与稳定核反应总截面时,发现对于"Be,"Be和" Li等入射晕核,必须考虑它们的晕核结构才能得到与实验符合的反应截面,并可依据反应总截面来提取晕核的密度分布和均方半径等信息,以此来判定晕核的存在。
Fe-Co/CoFe2O4 nanocomposite and CoFe2O4 nanopowders were prepared by the hydrothermal method. The structure of magnetic powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction diffractometer (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermal gravity analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), and Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) techniques, while magnetic properties were determined by using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) at room temperature.