938 resultados para modular belt


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La tesi nasce dalla volontà di agire sull’area della Darsena di Ravenna, strategica in quanto via d’acqua navigabile che congiunge il mare con il centro città ma dal potenziale ancora poco sfruttato. Il progetto è studiato per essere inserito come catalizzatore urbano, creando spazi di interazione attraverso elementi modulari galleggianti e riconfigurabili per adattarsi a programmi d’uso flessibili; tali elementi si aggregano formando un sistema che ristruttura lo spazio dell’attuale banchina, cambiandone la percezione da barriera a waterfront urbano. La necessità di ottenere una struttura con capacità di crescita e flessibilità programmatica sfocia in un approccio modulare seguendo il principio massima variazione/minimo numero di elementi i cui principi aggregativi si basano sulla tassellazione “Cairo”. Vengono studiate le possibilità di incorporare variazione ed eterogeneità all’interno del sistema senza comprometterne la modularità fino ad integrare percorsi multilivello. La definizione delle morfologie delle parti che compongono i moduli si basano sullo studio dei principi di galleggiamento, stabilità e yacht design: a partire dalla forma dello scafo adatta ai principi di tiling definiti in precedenza, tutte le parti che compongono le varie tipologie di modulo sono progettate cercando continuità e integrazione tettonica (geometrica, strutturale, funzionale e percettiva). Vengono proposte soluzioni integrate sia per le problematiche tipiche delle strutture galleggianti sia per l’inserimento di attività all’interno della soluzione architettonica. Vengono prototipati di una serie di moduli, scelti in modo da dimostrare i principi di ricombinazione, continuità, modularità e tiling.


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Convictions of seat belt violations by county for the state of Iowa from 2011-2014.


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The good news is that safety belt usage on municipal road systems (city streets) increased 1.07 percent. This is encouraging since more than 45 percent of all motor vehicle crashes occur on city streets, and usage on the municipal road system has consistently been the lowest of the road systems studied. In communities where usage is good, enforcement and public education must be maintained in order to improve usage further; in communities where usage is still low, enforcement and public education must both be increased. Usage on the primary system (U.S. or state highways) rose 1.01 percent from the previous year. This is also welcome news because almost half of all fatalities (49 percent) occur on the primary road system. There was a decline in interstate belt use (-1.45 percent). Despite this decrease interstate usage is still traditionally the highest of all roadway categories presumably because the longer trips, higher travel speeds and large number of vehicles cause drivers to assume there is greater risk.


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The 78 percent seat belt usage rate in 1999 (up 7 percent since 1992) reflects active enforcement and education efforts that have occurred in Iowa during the last few years. Through continuing education of the public, an active "Life Toll" campaign, seat belt enforcement, and other cooperative efforts between state and local law enforcement, Iowa will strive to increase the use of seat belts and save lives on Iowa roadways.


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The 78 percent seat belt usage rate in 1999 (up 7 percent since 1992) reflects active enforcement and education efforts that have occurred in Iowa during the last few years. Through continuing education of the public, an active "Life Toll" campaign, seat belt enforcement, and other cooperative efforts between state and local law enforcement, Iowa will strive to increase the use of seat belts and save lives on Iowa roadways.


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The 81 percent seat belt usage rate in 2001 (up 10 percent since 1992) reflects active enforcement and education efforts that have occurred in Iowa during the last few years. Through continuing education of the public, an active "Life Toll" campaign, seat belt enforcement, and other cooperative efforts between state and local law enforcement, Iowa will strive to increase the use of seat belts and save more lives on Iowa roadways.


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The 82 percent seat belt usage rate in 2002 (up 11 percent since 1992) reflects active enforcement and education efforts that have occurred in Iowa during the last few years. Through continuing education of the public, an active "Life Toll" campaign, seat belt enforcement, and other cooperative efforts between state and local law enforcement, Iowa will strive to increase the use of seat belts and save more lives on Iowa roadways.


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The 86.4 percent safety-belt usage rate in 2004 (an increase of 13 percent since 1994) reflects active enforcement and education efforts that have occurred in Iowa over the course of the last decade. Through continuing education of the public with programs in the school and communities, the “Click it or Ticket” campaign, an active “Life Toll” campaign, year-long safety belt enforcement, and other cooperative efforts between state and local law enforcement, Iowa will strive to increase the use of safety belts and save more lives on Iowa roadways.


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During the spring and summer of 2005, two surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign. In the pre-campaign survey of seat belt usage, the usage/non-usage of 15,444 front seat occupants of cars, vans, SUVs and pickups were observed at 100 locations. In the post-campaign survey of seat belt usage, 15,731 observations were made of front seat occupants of cars, vans, SUVs and pickups. The day of the week and time of day the observations took place were selected for each site using a random number generation computer program.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.


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Surveys were taken of motor vehicle drivers’ and passengers’ seat belt usage. These surveys are before and after parts of the “Click it or Ticket” education and enforcement campaign. The whole project starts with a pre-campaign survey followed by the four-week public information, education and enforcement campaign. Finally, the postcampaign survey is taken to test the effectiveness of the education and enforcement campaign.