889 resultados para methionine sulfoxide


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In the present study, we report the results of comprehensive amino acid (AA) analyses of four Indian lakes from different climate regimes. We focus on the investigation of sediment cores retrieved from the lakes but data of modern sediment as well as vascular plant, soil, and suspended particulate matter samples from individual lakes are also presented. Commonly used degradation and organic matter source indices are tested for their applicability to the lake sediments, and we discuss potential reasons for possible limitations. A principal component analysis including the monomeric AA composition of organic matter of all analysed samples indicates that differences in organic matter sources and the environmental properties of the individual lakes are responsible for the major variability in monomeric AA distribution of the different samples. However, the PCA also gives a factor that most probably separates the samples according to their state of organic matter degradation. Using the factor loadings of the individual AA monomers, we calculate a lake sediment degradation index (LI) that might be applicable to other palaeo-lake investigations.


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In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.


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Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 105-207 m. Sampling was performed along gradient of oxygen bottom water concentrations between oxic (150 µmol L-1), variable hypoxic (3-60 µmol L-1 O2) and anoxic, sulfidic conditions. concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998.


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Sites 790 and 791 lie in the eastern half graben of the Sumisu Rift, a backarc graben west of the active Izu-Bonin arc volcanoes Sumisu Jima and Tori Shima, at 30°54.96'N, 139°50.66'E, in 2223 m water depth and 30°54.97'N, 139°52.20'E, in 2268 m water depth, respectively. A small decrease in the sulfate concentration in the interstitial waters from these sites suggests fairly low microbial activity by sulfate-reducing bacteria. The values of the dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) in the interstitial waters from both sites range from 1.26 to 6.82 µmol/L, with an average of 3.81 µmol/L. The acidic, basic, neutral, aromatic, and sulfur-containing amino acids have average values of 0.32, 0.50, 2.71, 0.15, and 0.09 µmol/L, respectively. The relative abundances of the acidic, basic, neutral, aromatic, and sulfur-containing amino acids average 8, 13,72, 4, and 1 mol%, respectively. Glycine, serine, alanine, ornithine, and aspartic acid are major constituent amino acids. The dissolved combined amino acids (DCAA) values range between 1.25 and 44.35 µmol/L, with an average of 10.36 µmol/L. The mean concentrations and relative abundances of the acidic, basic, neutral, aromatic, and sulfur-containing amino acids are 2.29 (22 mol%), 0.60 (6 mol%), 6.70 (65 mol%), 0.09 (1 mol%), and 0.00 µmol/L (0 mol%), respectively. Glycine is the most abundant amino acid residue, followed by glutamic acid, serine, and alanine. The predominance of DCAA over DFAA present in the interstitial waters from Sites 790 and 791 is consistent with previous results from interstitial-water and seawater analyses. The most plausible source for the DCAA is biogenic calcareous debris. A much greater depletion of aspartic acid and the basic fraction, except for ornithine, is found in the DCAA. The decomposition of the basic amino acid fraction or its incorporation to clay minerals would result in a decrease in its relative abundance, whereas ornithine is produced during early diagenesis. The characteristics of the amino acids in the interstitial waters are (1) a greater depletion of the acidic amino acid fraction in the DFAA than in the DCAA and (2) the enrichment of glycine and serine in both. The adsorption or reaction of the amino acids in interstitial waters with biogenic carbonates would be responsible for the lower relative abundance of the acidic fraction of the DFAA. The production of glycine during early diagenesis and its stability in solution would raise its relative abundance in the interstitial waters.


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Here we present results of the first comprehensive study of sulphur compounds and methane in the oligotrophic tropical West Pacific Ocean. The concentrations of dimethylsuphide (DMS), dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), and methane (CH4), as well as various phytoplankton marker pigments in the surface ocean were measured along a north-south transit from Japan to Australia in October 2009. DMS (0.9 nmol/l), dissolved DMSP (DMSPd, 1.6 nmol/l) and particulate DMSP (DMSPp, 2 nmol/l) concentrations were generally low, while dissolved DMSO (DMSOd, 4.4 nmol/l) and particulate DMSO (DMSOp, 11.5 nmol/l) concentrations were comparably enhanced. Positive correlations were found between DMSO and DMSP as well as DMSP and DMSO with chlorophyll a, which suggests a similar source for both compounds. Similar phytoplankton groups were identified as being important for the DMSO and DMSP pool, thus, the same algae taxa might produce both DMSP and DMSO. In contrast, phytoplankton seemed to play only a minor role for the DMS distribution in the western Pacific Ocean. The observed DMSPp : DMSOp ratios were very low and seem to be characteristic of oligotrophic tropical waters representing the extreme endpoint of the global DMSPp : DMSOp ratio vs. SST relationship. It is most likely that nutrient limitation and oxidative stress in the tropical West Pacific Ocean triggered enhanced DMSO production leading to an accumulation of DMSO in the sea surface. Positive correlations between DMSPd and CH4, as well as between DMSO (particulate and total) and CH4, were found along the transit. We conclude that both DMSP and DMSO serve as substrates for methanogenic bacteria in the western Pacific Ocean.