994 resultados para mental strain
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
Individual, naturally occurring Phlebotomus mongolensis and Phlebotomus caucasicus from Iran were screened for infections with the maternally inherited intracellular Rickettsia-like bacterium Wolbachia pipientis via targeting a major surface protein gene (wsp). The main objective of this study was to determine if W. pipientis could be detected in these species. The sandflies were screened using polymerase chain reaction to amplify a fragment of the Wolbachia surface protein gene. The obtained sequences were edited and aligned with database sequences to identify W. pipientis haplotypes. Two strains of Wolbachia were found. Strain Turk 54 (accession EU780683) is widespread and has previously been reported in Phlebotomus papatasi and other insects. Strain Turk 07 (accession KC576916) is a novel strain, found for first time in the two sister species. A-group strains of W. pipientis occur throughout much of the habitat of these sandflies. It is possible that Wolbachia is transferred via horizontal transmission. Horizontal transfer could shed light on sandfly control because Wolbachia is believed to drive a deleterious gene into sandflies that reduces their natural population density. With regard to our findings in this study, we can conclude that one species of sandfly can be infected with different Wolbachia strains and that different species of sandflies can be infected with a common strain.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)
Résumé Le fer joue un rôle important dans la plupart des fonctions biologiques mais sa présence excessive provoque la production de molécules réactives d'oxygène (ROS) qui peuvent contribuer à diverses maladies. La protéine de stockage du fer, la ferritine H, capte l'excès en fer et le stocke sous forme non-toxique, ce qui empêche des dommages potentiels. La délétion de la ferritine H dans des souris knock-out a été essayée antérieurement, mais ces souris mouraient au stade précoce du développement embryonnaire. Pour étudier l'importance du fer, et en particulier son stockage dans la ferritine, et pour pouvoir mieux comprendre les fonctions de la ferritine H, nous avons créé un modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H, selon le système classique de Cre-LoxP. Le premier exon et la région du promoteur du gène de la ferritine H ont été entourés de sites loxP. La mortalité embryonnaire provoquée par la délétion constitutive du gène de la ferritine H a été confirmée en croisant nos souris avec des souris exprimant nestin-Cre1. En croisant nos souris avec des souris transgéniques Mx-Cre, nous avons observé que l'induction de Cre par injection de polyI-polyC provoque la délétion presque complète de la ferritine H dans le foie (> 99%) et la rate (> 88%). Ces tissus ont également perdu une grande partie de leur réserve de fer. Cette observation apporte pour la première fois la preuve in vivo que la ferritine H est indispensable pour le stockage du fer, que les fonctions de la ferritine H et de la ferritine L ne sont pas équivalentes, et que la ferritine L ne peut pas assumer seule la fonction de stockage du fer. Dans le foie des souris knock-out, l'expression de l'ARN messager de l'hepcidine a été induite après 10 jours. En même temps, l'expression de l'ARN messager des gènes codant pour des protéines de l'absorption de fer (DMT1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 et hephaestin) a été réprimée mais dans le duodénum seulement. L'expression d'hepcidine est inversément corrélée avec celle des gènes liés à l'absorption de fer. Cette observation corrobore des études antérieures. Mais, en plus, elle montre également que cette répression se produit seulement dans l'intestin. Nous pouvons ainsi tirer la conclusion suivante : ou bien l'hepcidine a un récepteur spécifique dans le duodénum ou bien les gènes liés à l'absorption de fer dans le duodénum ont un facteur spécifique de transcription sensible à l'hepcidine. Aucune répression de DMT1 et de ferroportin n'a été observée dans les macrophages de la rate après l'induction d'hepcidine. La délétion de ferritine H a entraîné une augmentation du taux de mortalité des cellules hépatiques, ainsi que des altérations dans l'architecture normale du tissu de la rate. Vu par l'immunohistologie, le nombre de lymphocytes B et T était réduit dans la rate, tendant à démontrer que la ferritine H et l'homéostase du fer jouent un rôle dans l'immunité. En conclusion, le modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H nous fournit un outil précieux pour l'étude in vivo du rôle joué par la ferritine dans l'homéostase du fer, dans les dommages créés par les ROS, ainsi que dans l'apoptose et l'immunité. Summary Iron plays an important role in most biological functions. However, excess of iron results in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could substantially contribute to pathology of various diseases. Ferritin H scavenges excess of iron and stores it in non-toxic form and potentially prevents the damage. Fenitin H targeting in mice has been attempted before, however, straight knockout was lethal in early embryonic stage. To study the role of iron and its storage protein ferritin and to further elucidate ferritin H functions, we aimed at creating a conditional ferritin H knockout mouse model by classical Cre-LoxP system. First exon along with promoter region of the ferritin H gene was foxed. Embryonic lethality of the constitutive ferritin H deletion was confirmed by crossing the foxed mice with mice expressing nestin Cre-1 as transgene. Almost complete deletion was observed in liver (> 99%) and spleen (>88%) upon induction of Cre by injecting polyI-polyC in Fth Lox/Lox; MxCre mice. These tissues also lost substantial fraction of their iron stores. This provides first in vivo evidence that ferritin H is required for iron storage, ferritin H and L functions are not redundant and that ferritin L cannot perform iron storage function alone. Hepcidin mRNA expression was induced after 10 days in the livers of deleted mice and, simultaneously, mRNA expression of iron absorption related genes (DMT 1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 and hephaestin) was repressed in duodenum only. Hepcidin expression is inversely correlated with that of duodenal iron absorption related genes. This is in agreement with previous studies. However, we also show that this repression happens only in intestine. This leads to the conclusion that either hepcidin has a specific receptor in duodenum or the iron absorption related genes have duodenum specific transcription factor that is responsive to hepcidin. No repression of DMT1 and ferroportin was observed in spleen macrophages upon hepcidin induction. Ferritin H deletion showed increased cell death in liver and disruption of normal architecture of spleen. B lymphocytes were reduced in spleen on immunohistology which point towards a role of ferritin H and iron homeostasis in immunity. In conclusion, ferritin H conditional knockout mouse model provides us with an invaluable tool to study the in vivo role of ferritin H in iron homeostasis, ROS mediated damage, apoptosis and immunity.
La complexitat de l’atenció de la salut mental i les toxicomanies, en joves institucionalitzats en centres de justícia juvenil, condicionada tant pels propis dèficits de salut, com per les condicions ambientals de l’internament. L’objectiu de la recerca és analitzar la clínica desadaptativa dels joves interns i la seva associació a la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. El disseny de la recerca és un estudi longitudinal de les urgències mèdiques generades en el Centre Educatiu L’Alzina (Barcelona), des de l’1 de gener de 2001 fins el 31 de desembre del mateix any. La metodologia utilitza l’ajust de models multivariants mitjançant Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) amb error binomial negativa, es calcula el risc de produir-se una demanda per agitació o autolesió, i la seva associació amb la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. Respecte als resultats més destacats: el 59,4% del total de demandes urgents varen ser per episodis d’agitació o autolesió, concentrant-se aquests en el 33% dels interns. Les prevalences de consum de tòxics variaven des d’un 13,2% respecte dels al•lucinògens fins un 71,7% del cannabis, amb un 36,8% de politoxicòmans i un 5,7% d’usuaris de drogues per via parenteral. La població nacional presentà una major prevalença d’hàbits tòxics. Com a principals conclusions de l’estudi, es confirma la hipòtesi general d’una major associació entre antecedents de consum de tòxics i presentació d’episodis de malestar psíquic agut, per bé que limitada al mòdul d’ingrés (inicial). En la resta de grups influirien altres factors, com podria ser la pressió ambiental. Pressió que, almenys en el mòdul intensiu, tot sembla indicar que seria determinant. Els resultats suggereixen doncs, la conveniència de revisar tant les estratègies d’intervenció i abordatge de les toxicomanies, com el disseny ambiental de la institució. S’apunta la necessitat d’investigacions futures amb la incorporació de tècniques qualitatives d’anàlisi. ...
Summary Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO is a soil bacterium which was isolated near Morens (Switzerland) and which protects plants from root-pathogenic fungi. This protection is due to extracellular secondary metabolites whose synthesis is regulated by the two-component system GacS/GacA in strain CHAO. Extracellular signals of bacterial origin activate this regulatory system. These signals are different from N-acyl-homoserine lactones, are extracted by dichloromethane and appear to have a low molecular weight. Preliminary evidence was obtained from a small molecule m/z 278 produced by strain CHAO. Similar signals capable of activating GacS/GacA-dependent regulation in strain CHAO were found in a large number of different Gram-negative bacteria. Once activated by signal(s), the sensor GacS is assumed to phosphorylate the response regulator GacA, which positively influences a regulatory cascade, resulting in the synthesis of secondary metabolites. This cascade includes three GacA-controlled small regulatory RNAs and two translational repressor proteins. The regulatory RNAs titrate the repressor proteins; this allows translation of target genes and the synthesis of exoenzymes and secondary metabolites such as antibiotics and hydrogen cyanide. A GFP-based sensor for signal detection was constructed in strain CHAO by fusing the gfp reporter gene to the rsmZ small RNA gene. CHAO mutants defective for signal production were isolated following transposon insertion mutagenesis. In one class of mutants obtained, the gacS gene was inactivated, indicating that GacS/GacA positively controls signal production. In a second class, the thiC gene required for thiamine (vitamin B1) biosynthesis was disrupted. Addition of excess (> 10E-6 M) thiamine to the medium restored signal production. By contrast, when the thiamine concentration was just sufficient to allow normal growth, no production of signal(s) was observed. The mechanism by which thiamine activates signal production remains to be elucidated. Résumé Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO est une bactérie du sol, isolée près de Morens (Suisse), qui a la capacité de protéger les plantes contre des champignons pathogènes de la racine. Cette protection provient de métabolites secondaires excrétés par la bactérie, dont la synthèse est régulée par le système à deux composants GacS/GacA. Des signaux extracellulaires d'origine bactérienne activent ce système de régulation. Ces signaux, différents des N-acyl¬homosérines lactones, sont extraits par le dichlorométhane et semblent avoir une petite masse moléculaire. Une molécule (masse m/z 278) a été mise en évidence par des expériences préliminaires chez la souche CHAO. Des signaux similaires, capables d'activer la régulation dépendante de GacS/GacA chez la souche CHAO, ont été trouvés chez un grand nombre de bactéries à Gram négative. Une fois activé par le(s) signal(aux), le senseur GacS est supposé phosphoryler le régulateur de réponse GacA, qui influence positivement la cascade de régulation menant à la synthèse des métabolites secondaires. Cette cascade inclut trois petits ARNs régulateurs contrôlés par GacA et deux protéines répresseurs de la traduction. Les ARNs régulateurs titrent les protéines répresseurs, ce qui permet la traduction des gènes cibles et la synthèse d'exoenzymes et de métabolites secondaires tel les antibiotiques et le cyanure d'hydrogène. Un senseur basé sur la GFP pour la détection de signaux a été construit dans la souche CHAO en fusionnant le gène rapporteur gfp au gène de petit ARN rsmZ. Des mutants de CHAO déficients pour la production de signaux ont été isolés au moyen d'une mutagenèse par insertion de transposon. Chez une classe de mutants obtenus, le gène gacS a été inactivé, indiquant que GacS/GacA contrôle positivement la production de signaux. Dans une seconde classe, le gène thiC nécessaire à la biosynthèse de thiamine (vitamine B1) a été interrompu. L'addition en excès (> 10E-6 M) de thiamine au milieu restaure la production de signaux. A l'opposé, quand la concentration de thiamine est juste suffisante pour permettre une croissance normale, aucune production de signaux n'a été observée. Le mécanisme par lequel la thiamine active la production de signaux reste à élucider.
It is widely accepted that antibody responses against the human parasitic pathogen Plasmodium falciparum protect the host from the rigors of severe malaria and death. However, there is a continuing need for the development of in vitro correlate assays of immune protection. To this end, the capacity of human monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies in eliciting phagocytosis and parasite growth inhibition via Fcγ receptor-dependent mechanisms was explored. In examining the extent to which sequence diversity in merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) results in the evasion of antibody responses, an unexpectedly high level of heterologous function was measured for allele-specific human antibodies. The dependence on Fcγ receptors for opsonic phagocytosis and monocyte-mediated antibody-dependent parasite inhibition was demonstrated by the mutation of the Fc domain of monoclonal antibodies against both MSP2 and a novel vaccine candidate, peptide 27 from the gene PFF0165c. The described flow cytometry-based functional assays are expected to be useful for assessing immunity in naturally infected and vaccinated individuals and for prioritizing among blood-stage antigens for inclusion in blood-stage vaccines.
The association between mental disorders (MDs) and iatrogenic complications after hip fracture surgery has been poorly studied. Among iatrogenic complications, nosocomial infections (NIs) are a major factor in hip fracture surgery. The aim of this paper was to determine whether patients with a MD and a hip fracture develop more NIs after hip surgery than patients with no MD. We studied 912 patients who underwent surgery for a hip fracture (223 patients with a MD who underwent surgery for a hip fracture and 689 control patients without a MD who also underwent surgery for a hip fracture) and followed them after surgery. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed using simple and multiple logistic regression analysis (confidence interval, crude and adjusted odds ratios, and P value). We found that MDs, gender, and comorbidities were not associated with a higher risk of developing a NI after surgery for a hip fracture. Only age increases the risk of a NI.
This opinion piece presents an approach to standardisation of an important aspect of Chagas disease drug discovery and development: selecting Trypanosoma cruzi strains for in vitro screening. We discuss the rationale for strain selection representing T. cruzi diversity and provide recommendations on the preferred parasite stage for drug discovery, T. cruzi discrete typing units to include in the panel of strains and the number of strains/clones for primary screens and lead compounds. We also consider experimental approaches for in vitro drug assays. The Figure illustrates the current Chagas disease drug-discovery and development landscape.
The high occurrence of nosocomial multidrug-resistant (MDR) microorganisms is considered a global health problem. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of a MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated in Brazil that belongs to the endemic clone ST277. The genome encodes important resistance determinant genes and consists of 6.7 Mb with a G+C content of 66.86% and 6,347 predicted coding regions including 60 RNAs.
Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis, a worldwide disease. Experimentation with pigs is necessary for the development of new therapeutic approaches to human diseases. BR-1 mini pigs were intramuscularly infected with T. gondii with tachyzoites (RH strain) or orally infected with cysts (ME-49 strain). Haematology and serum biochemistry were analysed and buffy coat cells were inoculated in mice to determine tachyzoite circulation. No alterations were observed in erythrocyte and platelet values; however, band neutrophils increased seven days after infection with ME-49. Serology of the mice inoculated with pig blood leucocytes revealed circulating ME-49 or RH strain tachyzoites in the pigs' peripheral blood at two and seven or nine days post-infection. The tachyzoites were also directly observed in blood smears from the infected pigs outside and inside leucocytes for longer periods. Alanine-aminotransferase was high at days 21 and 32 in the RH infected pigs. After 90 days, the pigs were euthanised and their tissue samples were processed and inoculated into mice. The mice serology revealed the presence of parasites in the hearts, ileums and mesenteric lymph nodes of the pigs. Additionally, cysts in the mice were only observed after pig heart tissue inoculation. The infected pigs presented similar human outcomes with relatively low pathogenicity and the BR-1 mini pig model infected with ME-49 is suitable to monitor experimental toxoplasmosis.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
Re-infections with Trypanosoma cruzi are an aggravating factor for Chagas disease morbidity. The Colombian strain of T. cruzirepresents multiclonal populations formed by clonally propagating organisms with different tropisms and degrees of virulence. In the present study, the influence of successive inoculations with clones of the Colombian strain, exhibiting different degrees of virulence, on chronic myocarditis and the humoral and cellular immune responses (Col-C1 high virulence, Col-C8 medium virulence and Col-C5 low virulence) were demonstrated. Mice from three groups with a single infection were evaluated during the acute (14th-30th day) and chronic phases for 175 days. An immunofluorescence assay, ELISA and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) cutaneous test were also performed. Mice with a triple infection were studied on the 115th-175th days following first inoculation. The levels of IgM and IgG2a were higher in the animals with a triple infection. DTH showed a higher intensity in the inflammatory infiltrate based on the morphometric analysis during a 48 h period of the triple infection and at 24 h with a single infection. The histopathology of the heart demonstrated significant exacerbation of cardiac inflammatory lesions confirmed by the morphometric test. The humoral responses indicate a reaction to the triple infection, even with clones of the same strain.