984 resultados para leatherback sea turtle


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Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are examined for their associations with (1) summer rainfall, and (2) the latitude location of the mid-tropospheric subtropical high pressure ridge (STR) in the southwestern United States during 1945 to 1986. Extreme northward (southward) displacements of STR are associated with wet (dry) summers over Arizona and an enhanced (weakened) gradient of SST off the California and Baja coasts. These tend to follow winters marked by positive (negative) phases of the PNA, Pacific/North America, teleconnection pattern. Recent decadal variations of Arizona summer rainfall (1950s wet; 1970s dry) appear similarly related to southwestern United States synoptic circulation and eastern Pacific SSTs.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A high resolution, AMS carbon-14-dated sediment record from the Sulu Sea clearly indicates the Younger Dryas climatic event affected the western equatorial Pacific. Presence of the Younger Dryas in the tropical western Pacific indicates this climatic event is not restricted to the North Atlantic nor to high latitudes, but is global in extent.


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Climate conditions in land areas of the Pacific Northwest are strongly influenced by atmosphere/ocean variability, including fluctuations in the Aleutian Low, Pacific-North American (PNA) atmospheric circulation modes, and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It thus seems likely that climatically sensitive tree-ring data from these coastal land areas would likewise reflect such climatic parameters. In this paper, tree-ring width and maximum lakewood density chronologies from northwestern Washington State and near Vancouver Island, British Columbia, are compared to surface air temperature and precipitation from nearby coastal and near-coastal land stations and to monthly sea surface temperature (SST) and sea level pressure (SLP) data from the northeast Pacific sector. Results show much promise for eventual reconstruction of these parameters, potentially extending available instrumental records for the northeastern Pacific by several hundred years or more.


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Like pages of a "natural coastal diary", successive layers of anoxic varved sediment in the central Santa Barbara Basin have been used by paleoceanographers to reconstruct aspects of past coastal climate. This report focuses on the end of the "Little Ice Age" (15th to 19th century) and on the beginning of this century, a period known to encompass extreme climate excursions and weather events in the Santa Barbara Basin and other parts of Southern California. El Niño events are known to disrupt Southern California's coastal ecosystems and to cause anomalous weather conditions, but El Niño events in Southern California before 1990 have been largely undocumented.


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Preliminary details are given of studies conducted regarding the length-weight relationship of Sardinella sirm from the Andaman Sea, a species of economic importance in the area. Results show that this species grows in proportion to length, weight and girth; the group of fish studied was composed of the same population and did not reveal any subspecies of sub-variety.


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Morphometric studies were made on Lingula larvae collected from three different stations off Karwar and Coondapur. The data pertaining to length, breadth and the pairs of cirri were subjected to statistical analysis. The relationship between length and breadth shows allometric growth. The rate of increase in length in relation to breadth is not statistically significant up to the 10 P.C. stage. Increase in length is faster up to 12 P.C. stage.


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Larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were successfully reared in artificial sea water prepared in fresh ground water. The water was circulated through a biological filter by means of air-lift pumps for a period of one week to remove the undissolved particles prior to use in the hatchery operation. The experiments were initiated during 1989 and the hatchery has been working on pilot scale since June, 1990. The larvae in all the experiments were fed with egg-custard, Mona and Artemia nauplii. The survival rate varied from 5 to 52% in the 12 experiments. These findings can add to the development of hatcheries in the inland areas which can further boost the popularization of giant freshwater prawn farming.


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Although brackishwater prawn and fish culture was traditionally practiced for a long time in the country, efforts at sea farming are still in their infancy. During the past 15 years the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has developed various technologies for sea farming of mussels, pearl oysters, production of cultured pearls, edible oysters, clams, prawns, lobsters, seaweeds and more recently sea cucumbers and top shells. The paper outlines recent developments in these areas as well as in others like sea ranching of marine prawns and pearl oyster, and scope for enlarging sea farming activities including development of artificial reefs in India.


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Sediment samples (28) collected during the ORV Sagar Kanya cruise-29, were analysed for humic acid (HA) concentration from the North-Central Arabian Sea. Generally oceanic samples had more HA concentration than the continental shelf (< 200 m depth) samples. The photo-acoustic infrared spectra of shelf sediment HA indicated the presence of more C-H saturated aliphatic chains, while oceanic HA had few peaks for the above groups. Both the IR spectra indicated the absence of aromatic C = C, carbonyl, ketonic groups. Clayey-silt sediment generally had higher concentration of HA compared to sandy-silt type of sediment.


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The paper is based on the new records of two genera - Lanocira Hansen and Paranthura Bate and Westwood and species L. gardineri Stebbing and P. latipes Barnard from the rocky intertidal zone of Karachi coast. Synonymes, diagnoses and geographical distribution of the genera are given. A list of known species of the genus Lanocira is provided. Both the species are described and illustrated in detail.


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Four Xanthid crabs, namely Euxanthus exsculptus (Herbst), Halimede ochtodes (Herbst), Medaeops edwardsi Guinot, and Neolimera intermadia Odhner, previously not known from the northern Arabian Sea are being reported. Each species is briefly described and illustrated.


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During the course of chemical investigation of marine algae collected from Karachi coast of Arabian Sea, five sterols named as sarangosterol(1), 23-methyl cholesta-5, 25-dien-3ß-ol(2) from Endarachne binghamiae (brown alga), sargasterol(3) from Dictyota indica (brown alga), cholesterol(4) from Laurencia obtusa (red alga) and clerosterol(5) from Codium iyengarii (green alga) have been isolated. Their structures were elucidated with the help of spectroscopic means.