737 resultados para intoxicação por ionóforos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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The global growing demand for food coupled with the direction of eating habits for products of animal origin, become even more necessary the search for alternatives to increase production. In this way, improve animal performance through the use of ionophores has become an effective measure to increase production and profitability of farms. Among the ionophores, monensin is the best known so far, as to their effect on the pattern of rumen fermentation and its consequences on animal production, especially by improving the quality or quantity of nutrients available for absorption through the gastrointestinal tract and consequently the performance of ruminants


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The concentration of metal pollutants such as lead (Pb), has grown and developed in populated areas due to pollution and other human activities. Consequently, the potential for achieve this element food chain has also increased. Lead is very toxic to humans, especially to children, and exposure to lead can cause adverse health effects mainly on human nervous system, bone marrow and kidneys, interfering with chromosomal or genetic processes. This paper presents an overview of the main aspects related to environmental contamination by lead from battery plants. The assessment of an area contaminated by lead in Bauru-SP next a battery factory was reported in this work as well as the entire history of monitoring, classification and application of processes applied by CETESB since 2002. Analyzing the issue in its economic aspects, we found that the degradation of the environment is directly related to the development model adopted by the capitalist system, which is based on the law of supply and demand for products and services. The data presented indicate that Brazil still needs a broader policy where government agencies, industries and population through awareness can be united for the same purpose: to preserve life


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As formigas cortadeiras são consideradas pragas por causarem diversos prejuízos em áreas agrícolas e, por este motivo, há um crescente interesse em métodos variados de controle destes insetos. Atualmente, existem diversos métodos de controle conhecidos, mas o mais utilizado é o controle químico, que apresenta diferentes estratégias de formulação e modos de aplicação. O principal método químico utilizado são as iscas tóxicas, que tem a melhor eficiência e já são utilizadas em escala comercial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações que ocorrem na dinâmica de colônias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1906 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) submetidas ao tratamento com iscas tóxicas contendo os ingredientes ativos sulfluramida e hidrametilnona, as quais serão comparadas com uma colônia controle, que receberá isca sem ingrediente ativo. Para isso, foram utilizadas três colônias de A. s. rubropilosa, mantidas em laboratório, com aproximadamente 1000 mL de jardim de fungo cada. Elas foram dispostas em vitrais, interligados a dois potes plásticos, um para a câmara de forrageamento e outro para o lixo. Um dia antes de iniciar o experimento, todo o lixo foi retirado e as colônias foram deixadas sem o fornecimento de alimento. Após 24 horas sem alimentação, as iscas foram oferecidas na câmara de forrageamento de cada colônia. A colônia 1 recebeu 3g de isca sem ingrediente ativo; a colônia 2 recebeu 3g de isca contendo sulfluramida; e a colônia 3 recebeu 3g de isca contendo hidrametilnona. Durante 10 dias, foram avaliados aspectos como carregamento, incorporação e devolução das iscas, alterações comportamentais das operárias classificadas como sintomas de intoxicação, mudanças no aspecto físico dos jardins de fungo, como umidade e aparecimento de fungos contaminantes, e a extinção da colônia. A partir dos dados obtidos, foram feitas análises comparativas das atividades comportamentais...


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P-glycoprotein is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-driven drug efflux carrier responsible for transport of xenobiotics and multiple classes of drugs, many usually use in veterinary medicine. Encoded by MDR1 gene, also referred to as ABCB1, located on chromosome 14, is expressed in many tissues with secretory or excretory functions, such as liver, kidney and intestine, where it limits drug absorption from the gut and promotes drug excretion into the bile and urine of their substrates. In 2001, a 4 base pair gene deletion mutation in the canine MDR1 gene was identified as MDR1-1▲, ABCB1-1▲, MDR1 MDR1 nt 230 (del4) and associated with an non-functional Pglycoprotein. The clinical correlation is the (hyper) sensitivity of certain dogs breeds, mostly collies, to a few classes of drugs such as anticancer drugs (doxorubicin, vincristine, vinblastine), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine), antiparasitic drugs (ivermectin, moxidectin), steroids hormones (aldosterone, cortisol, dexamethasone), antimicrobial agents (tetracycline, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ketoconazole, itraconazole), analgesics (morphine, methadone), antidiarrheals (loperamide), antiepileptic agents (phenothiazine), cardiac drugs (digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil, talinolol) and others. Dogs with homozygous MDR1 nt 230 (del4) MDR1 mutations (MDR1 - / -) have a higher predisposition to intoxication with substrates of P-gp than heterozygous (MDR1 + / -) and these are more likely than dogs homozygous nonmutant (MDR1 +/ +). After the identification of nt230 (del4) mutation, several molecular techniques have been developed for identification of mutant animals as a diagnostic method. The importance of molecular diagnosis is, after the identification of mutant animals, establish treatment protocols safe, exclude this animals from reproduction (genetic selection program) and investigating the history of adverse drugs reactions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The bee Apis mellifera has a great importance because it is the most economically valuable pollinator for crops worldwide, ensuring cross-pollination and increasing fruit yield. Moreover, agriculture increasingly develops chemicals to control weeds, fungi and insect pests to ensure productivity. Insecticides are used on a large scale in the state of São Paulo, in cultures of citrus for control of greening. Applications are usually made by aircraft and as a result of the effect derives a significant mortality is observed in apiaries near the plantations. Honey bees can get in contact with such chemical agent through their activities of water harvesting, plant resins, pollen and nectar. Intoxication resulting from this exposure can be lethal, which is easily detectable, or cause effects on the physiology and behavior of the insect. These, in turn are hardly detectable, such as paralysis, disorientation, behavioral changes, but can compromise the entire social structure of the colony, therefore aimed to study the effects of the insecticide Thiamethoxam behavior of honeybees A. mellifera. Newly emerged individuals and with 10 days of age were tested. Applications of 1 μL de Thiamethoxam, diluted in acetone, were made on the dorsal thorax with a microapplicator. Preliminarily, it was observed LD50 twenty four hours after topical treatment of Thiamethoxam. It was found that the LD50 for newly emerged honeybees is 8 ng/bee and for honeybees with 10 days of age is 18 ng/bee. The behaviors were analyzed 1 hour after application of insecticide at doses corresponding to LD50/100, LD50/50, LD50/10 and LD50, besides the control group. In the test reflex proboscis extension, there was impairment of behavior at doses of 8 and 18 ng/bee workers in newly emerged workers and 10 days of age, respectively. And in locomotor behavior was no change only at a dose of 18 ng/bee workers at 10 days of age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Apis mellifera honeybees are social insects of economic importance, by providing honeybee products, and by the pollination of natural areas of vegetation or agricultural areas. The constant use of pesticides, including the thiamethoxam, which is an insecticide belonging to the class of neonicotinoids with neurotoxic action, is subjecting pollinators to situations of severe stress, which has been evidenced by the decrease in the density of honeybees in many parts of the world. By these considerations, the present study aimed to assess the acute toxicity of thiamethoxam for newly emerged workers of A. mellifera, and to investigate the effect of sublethal doses of this insecticide on the survival time and its cytotoxicity to the brain and midgut to the honeybees. It was established the value of the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) equal to 4.28 ng thiamethoxam/μL of food and from it, the sublethal concentrations of 0.428 ng thiamethoxam/μL (CL50/10) and 0.0428 ng thiamethoxam/μL (CL50/100), which were used in bioassays of intoxication of the honeybees. After the bioassays the bees were dissected and the brain and midguts were collected to analyze possible morphological (staining with Hematoxylin-Eosin) and histochemical alterations (Xylidine Ponceau technique, and Feulgen and PAS reactions) caused by exposure to thiamethoxam, and to calculate the lethal time (LT50) for the workers. The duration of the bioassays was 8 days after beginning of feeding. The results obtained showed that the thiamethoxam is toxic to newly-emerged workers of A. mellifera, causing changes in survival time of individuals. This study also shown that the thiamethoxam causes morphological and histochemical alterations on the midgut and brain of workers. These alterations may be reflected in physiological and behavioral changes that can modify the operation of the colony


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A Humanidade sempre recorreu às plantas, não apenas para se alimentar, mas para aliviar dores ou curar suas doenças, e aquelas que apresentam essas propriedades farmacológicas são conhecidas como plantas medicinais. Atualmente, considerando o desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia, sabe-se que essas propriedades são resultados de substâncias conhecidas como metabólitos secundários. Porém, mesmo com todo avanço do conhecimento, pouco se estudou sobre essas plantas e seu uso pode se tornar perigoso sem a devida orientação, pois muitas plantas apresentam difícil identificação aumentando as chances de uma grave intoxicação. Diante da necessidade de aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o assunto, escolheu-se executar um estudo anatômico e histoquímico de Ocimum gratissimum L. pelo aspecto medicinal-popular de seu uso e, sobretudo para incrementar informações farmacobotânicas a seu respeito, pois a maioria dos estudos encontrados na literatura discutem sobre o cultivo, colheita, composição química e propriedades farmacológicas e, poucos sobre a anatomia e histoquímica das folhas. Nesse estudo foi possível confirmar dados encontrados na literatura de forma a reforçar as referências para análises de autenticidade de folhas de O. gratissimum L., pois observou-se a presença de tricomas tectores pluricelulares não ramificados e uni seriados, tricomas secretores peltados e tricomas secretores pedunculados, e apresentam estômatos diacíticos. Também foi observado que as folhas podem fornecer diversos compostos que podem apresentar atividades biológicas importantes e que há indícios que os compostos lipofílicos localizados no interior dos tricomas secretores peltados e pedunculados apresentam características físico-químicas diferentes


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O Brasil caracteriza-se pela pluralidade cultural e religiosa. Muitas religiões, como a Umbanda, o Candomblé e o Espiritismo, utilizam plantas em rituais ou com o intuito de combater doenças. No combate das doenças, as plantas medicinais são utilizadas com base no conhecimento tradicional, muitas vezes distorcido pela sociedade moderna. Portanto, há um risco inerente nesta prática, pois o efeito das plantas medicinais está relacionado à presença de substâncias químicas, geralmente metabólitos secundários, as quais exercem ação farmacológica de forma análoga aos fármacos sintéticos, bem como podem produzir reações adversas ou intoxicação. Além disso, o uso adequado das plantas medicinais envolve conhecimento sobre seu cultivo, colheita/coleta, modo de preparo, posologia e indicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de plantas medicinais por comunidades religiosas e avaliar o risco de sua utilização com base em evidências científicas. Concluiu-se no trabalho que a maioria das plantas utilizadas está de acordo, totalmente, ou em parte com as indicações de uso na medicina popular ou respaldadas por estudos científicos. Porém, algumas das plantas medicinais utilizadas apresentam alta toxicidade e a indicação de uso de algumas outras, não condiz com estudos científicos ou uso na medicina popular


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Staphylococcus is one of the more important causes of the called Foodborne Disease(FD), being that from the 40 species described from genus, the more important is Staphylococcus aureus. During years believed that the S. aureus was the only specie from genus able to produce enterotoxins, responsable for the clinical frame in humans, but latest studies report the isolation of other species both positive coagulase (PC) as negative with enterotoxigenic potential. The symptoms of this intoxication appear after a short period of incubation (2-6 hours) and usually characterized by nausea, vomits, abdominal ache, diarrhea, and rarely is fatal. For the toxin to be formed in food is necessary that bacteria population to be at least 105 UFC/g, being that such toxins characterized by presenting great resistance front of gastrointestinal proteases and of homemade termical treatment. Among the main foods that might carry the microorganism, the milk and its derivatives have highlights. The contamination of the product might happen as from the milk from cows with clinical and/or subclinical mastitis, as the Staphylococcus genus is one of the main agents etiologic from this disease, equipments utensils badly sanitized equipments and utensils and from the manipulators. The control of these factors configures as fundamental condition for the achievement of a safe, quality product, which doesn’t offer risk to the consumers


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)