993 resultados para institutional response
Recent durability studies have shown the susceptibility of bond in fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthened masonry components to hygrothermal exposures. However, it is not clear how this local material degradation affects the global behavior of FRP-strengthened masonry structures. This study addresses this issue by numerically investigating the nonlinear behavior of FRP-masonry walls after aging in two different environmental conditions. A numerical modeling strategy is adopted and validated with existing experimental tests on FRP-strengthened masonry panels. The model, once validated, is used for modeling of four hypothetical FRP-strengthened masonry walls with different boundary conditions, strengthening schemes, and reinforcement ratios. The nonlinear behavior of the walls is then simulated before and after aging in two different environmental conditions. The degradation data are taken from previous accelerated aging tests. The changes in the failure mode and nonlinear response of the walls after aging are presented and discussed.
Changes in the floristic composition over an eight-year period in a logged area at the Tapajós National Forest in Brazilian Amazonia arc discussed. Two treatments of different intensities of logging were compared with an undisturbed (control) forest. Data were collected from permanent sample-plots. The effects of logging on floristic composition were stronger in the more heavily logged treatment. The number of species decreased immediately after logging, but started to increase before the fifth year after logging and was higher at the end of the study period than before logging. The more heavily logged plots responded more to disturbances, as judged by the increase in the number of species during the period after logging. This forest appears to recover its initial floristic composition after disturbance without intervention.
This paper deals with growth rates of trees > 5cm dbh over an eight-year period from 257 species at the Tapajós National Forest. The discussion is centred on the behaviour of the forest after logging. Permanent sample plots were established in 1981 and measured at the first time. The area was logged in 1982. Measurements after logging occurred in 1983, 1987 and 1989. Considering all species together, diameter increment was similar for both intensities of logging until five years after logging. Light-demanding species showed significantly higher growth rates than shade-tolerant species in the logged forest, with greater increment in the heavier treatment intensity. Commercial species also had higher growth rates in the heavier logged area, although those were significantly different only in the period from one to five years after logging. In the undisturbed forest, growth rates increased with increasing dbh size. At species level, growth rate varied between and within treatments, as well as between trees within species, depending mainly on degree of canopy opening. The logging favoured the growth of commercial species, chiefly the light-demanders. Therefore, if the same growth conditions continue being given, for example by silvicultural treatments, to those species of commercial interest, the forest would reach a stock available for harvesting around year 30 after logging. However, the high variation in increment rates indicates that an eight-year period is not sufficient to allow predictions on cutting cycles or polycyclic management systems for the study forest.
Fish transport is one of the most stressful procedures in aquaculture facilities. The present work evaluated the stress response of matrinxã to transportation procedures, and the use of clove oil as an alternative to reduce the stress response to transport in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Clove oil solutions were tested in concentrations of 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg/L during matrinxã transportation in plastic bags, supplied with water and oxygen as the usual field procedures in Brazil. Clove oil reduced some of the physiological stress responses (plasma cortisol, glucose and ions) that we measured. The high energetic cost to matrinxã cope with the transport stress was clear by the decrease of liver glycogen after transport. Our results suggest that clove oil (5 mg/l) can mitigate the stress response in matrinxã subjected to transport.
PhD thesis in Educational Sciences (specialization in Politics of Education).
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a biofilm - forming bacterium and a leading etiological agent of nosocomial infections. The ability to establish biofilms on indwelling medical devices is a key virulence factor for this bacterium. Still, the influence of poly - N - acetyl glucosamine (PNAG), the major component of the extracellular biofilm matrix, in the host immune response has been scarcely studied. Here, t h is influence was assessed in mice challenged i.p. with PNAG - p roducing (WT) and isogenic - mutant lacking PNAG (M10) bacteria grown in biofilm - inducing conditions. Faster bacterial clearance was observed in the mice infected with WT bacteria than in M10 - infected counterparts , which w as accompanied by earlier neutrophil recruitment and higher IL - 6 production. Interestingly, in the WT - infected mice, but not in those infected with M10 , elevated serum IL - 10 was detected . To further study the effe ct of PNAG in the immune response, mice were primed with WT or M10 biofilm bacteria and subsequently infected with WT biofilm - released cells. WT - primed mice presented a higher frequency of splenic IFN - γ + and IL - 17 + CD4 + T cells, and more severe liver patho logy than M10 - primed counterparts. Nevertheless, T reg cells obtained from the WT - primed mice presented a higher suppressive function than those obtained from M10 - primed mice. This effect was abrogated when IL - 10 - deficient mice were similarly primed and infected indicating that PNAG promotes the differentiati on of highly suppressive T reg cells by a mechanism dependent on IL - 10. Altogether, these results provide evidence help ing explain ing the coexistence of inflammation and bacterial persistence often observed in biofilm - originated S. epidermidis infections
Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Aplicada
Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific characteristics of the institutional context and the quality of care provided contribute to problematic development remains unclear. In this study, 72 preschoolers institutionalised for at least 6 months were evaluated by their caregiver using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Disturbances of Attachment Interview. Distal and proximate indices of institutional caregiving quality were assessed using both staff reports and direct observation. Results revealed that greater caregiver sensitivity predicted reduced indiscriminate behaviour and secure-base distortions. A closer relationship with the caregiver predicted reduced inhibited attachment behaviour. Emotional and behavioural problems proved unrelated to caregiving quality. Results are discussed in terms of (non)-shared caregiving factors that influence institutionalised children’s development.
The present study investigated whether oculomotor behavior is influenced by attachment styles. The Relationship Scales Questionnaire was used to assess attachment styles of forty-eight voluntary university students and to classify them into attachment groups (secure, preoccupied, fearful, and dismissing). Eye-tracking was recorded while participants engaged in a 3-seconds free visual exploration of stimuli presenting either a positive or a negative picture together with a neutral picture, all depicting social interactions. The task consisted in identifying whether the two pictures depicted the same emotion. Results showed that the processing of negative pictures was impermeable to attachment style, while the processing of positive pictures was significantly influenced by individual differences in insecure attachment. The groups highly avoidant regarding to attachment (dismissing and fearful) showed reduced accuracy, suggesting a higher threshold for recognizing positive emotions compared to the secure group. The groups with higher attachment anxiety (preoccupied and fearful) showed differences in automatic capture of attention, in particular an increased delay preceding the first fixation to a picture of positive emotional valence. Despite lenient statistical thresholds induced by the limited sample size of some groups (p < 0.05 uncorrected for multiple comparisons), the current findings suggest that the processing of positive emotions is affected by attachment styles. These results are discussed within a broader evolutionary framework.
It is successfully demonstrated that nanoparticle’s magnetostriction can be accurately determined based on the magnetoelectric effect measured on polymeric-composite materials. This represents a novel, simple and versatile method for the determination of particle’s magnetostriction at their nano-sized and dispersed state, which is, up to date, a difficult and imprecise task.
Tri-layered and bi-layered magnetoelectric (ME) flexible composite structures of varying geometries and sizes consisting on magnetostrictive Vitrovac and piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) layers were fabricated by direct bonding. From the ME measurements it was determined that tri-layered composites structures (magnetostrictive-piezoelectric-magnetostrictive type), show a higher ME response (75 V.cm-1.Oe-1) than the bi-layer structure (66 V.cm 1.Oe-1). The ME voltage coefficient decreased with increasing longitudinal size aspect ratio between PVDF and Vitrovac layers (from 1.1 to 4.3), being observed a maximum ME voltage coefficient of 66 V.cm-1.Oe-1. It was also observed that the composite with the lowest transversal aspect ratio between PVDF and Vitrovac layers resulted in better ME performance than the structures with higher transversal size aspect ratios. It was further determined an intimate relation between the Vitrovac PVDF Area Area ratio and the ME response of the composites. When such ratio values approach 1, the ME response is the largest. Additionally the ME output value and magnetic field response was controlled by changing the number of Vitrovac layers, which allows the development of magnetic sensors and energy harvesting devices.
The interesting properties of thermoplastics elastomers can be combined with carbon nanotubes (CNT) for the development of large strain piezoresistive composites for sensor applications. Piezoresistive properties of the composites depend on CNT content, with the gauge factor increasing for concentrations around the percolation threshold, mechanical and electrical hysteresis. The SBS copolymer composition (butadiene/styrene ratio) influences the mechanical and electrical hysteresis of composites and, therefore, the piezoresistive response. This work reports on the electrical and mechanical response of CNT/SBS composites with 4%wt nanofiller content, due to the larger electromechanical response. C401 and C540 SBS copolymers with 80% and 60% butadiene content, respectively have been selected. The copolymer with larger amount of soft phase (C401) shows a rubber-like mechanical behavior, with mechanical hysteresis increasing linearly with strain until 100% strain. The copolymer with the larger amount of hard phase (C540) just shows rubber-like behavior for low strains. The piezoresistive sensibility is similar for both composites for low strains, with a GF≈ 5 for 5% strain. The electrical hysteresis shows opposite behavior than the mechanical hysteresis, increasing with strain for both composites, but with higher increase for softer copolymer, C401. The GF increases with increasing strain, but this increase is larger for composites with lower amounts of soft phase due to the distinct initial modulus and deformation of the soft and hard phases of the copolymer. The soft phase shows larger strain under a given stress than the harder phase and the conductive pathway rearrangements in the composites are different for both phases, the harder copolymer (C540) showing higher piezoresistive sensibility, GF≈ 18, for 20% strain.
We study the interaction between polarized terahertz (THz) radiation and micro-structured large-area graphene in transmission geometry. In order to efficiently couple the radiation into the two-dimensional material, a lateral periodic patterning of a closed graphene sheet by intercalation doping into stripes is chosen. We observe unequal transmittance of the radiation polarized parallel and perpendicular to the stripes. The relative contrast, partly enhanced by Fabry-Perot oscillations reaches 20 %. The effect even increases up to 50 % when removing graphene stripes in analogy to a wire grid polarizer. The polarization dependence is analyzed in a large frequency range from < 80 GHz to 3 THz, including the plasmon-polariton resonance. The results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on the electronic energy spectrum of graphene and the electrodynamics of the patterned structure
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the link between social entrepreneurs and institutional environment in Portugal. A quantitative approach is used in the study, and primary data were collected through an online survey. A questionnaire was emailed to, both, Portuguese Non-Governmental organizations and projects available on the Portuguese social stock exchange. In the analysis of the data were used descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and t-student tests to validate (or not) the research hypotheses. The results show that a favorable institutional environment has a low importance in the decision to develop social initiatives. This conclusion supports the idea that many social entrepreneurs can emerge even in developing regions where the institutional environment is weak. Therefore, social entrepreneurship could be an instrument of regional development and contribute to attenuate the social and economic differences among Portuguese regions.
Light and water are important factors that may limit the growth and development of higher plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate photosynthetic parameters and growth in seedlings of Bertholletia excelsa and Carapa guianensis in response to pre-acclimation to full sunlight and mild water stress. I used six independent pre-acclimation treatments (0, 90 (11h15-12h45), 180 (10h30-13h30), 360 (09h00-15h00), 540 (07h30-16h30) and 720 min (06h00-18h00)) varying the time of exposure to full sunlight (PFS) during 30 days, followed by whole-day outdoor exposure for 120 days. Before PFS, the plants were kept in a greenhouse at low light levels (0.8 mol m-2 day-1). The PFS of 0 min corresponded to plants constantly kept under greenhouse conditions. From the beginning to the end of the experiment, each PFS treatment was submitted to two water regimes: moderate water stress (MWS, pre-dawn leaf water potential (ΨL) of -500 to -700 kPa) and without water stress (WWS, ΨL of -300 kPa, soil kept at field capacity). Plants under MWS received only a fraction of the amount of water applied to the well-watered ones. At the end of the 120-day-period under outdoor conditions, I evaluated light saturated photosynthesis (Amax), stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration (E) and plant growth. Both Amax and g s were higher for all plants under the PFS treatment. Stem diameter growth rate and Amax were higher for C. guianensis subjected to MWS than in well-watered plants. The contrary was true for B. excelsa. The growth of seedlings was enhanced by exposure to full sunlight for 180 minutes in both species. However, plants of B. excelsa were sensitive to moderate water stress. The higher photosynthetic rates and faster growth of C. guianensis under full sun and moderate water stress make this species a promissory candidate to be tested in reforestation programs.