978 resultados para input parameter value recommendation
The environmental input-output approach reveals the channels through which the environmental burdens of production activities are transmitted throughout the economy. This paper uses the input-output framework and analyses the changes in Spanish emission multipliers during the period 1995-2000. By decomposing the global changes in multipliers into different components, it is possible to evaluate separately the economic and ecological impacts captured by the environmental input-output model. Specifically, in this study we distinguish between the effects on multipliers caused by changes in emission coefficients (the ecological impacts) and the effects on multipliers caused by changes in technical coefficients (the economic impacts). Our results show a significant improvement in the ecological impacts of production activities, which contributed negatively to changes in emission multipliers. They also show a deterioration in the economic impacts, which contributed positively to changes in emission multipliers. Together, these two effects lead to a small reduction in global multipliers during the period of analysis. Our results also show significant differences in the individual behaviour of different sectors in terms of their contribution to multiplier changes. Since there are considerable differences in the way individual sectors affect the changes in emission levels, and in the intensity of these effects, this means that the final effects will basically depend on the activity considered. Keywords: emission multipliers, multipliers' changes, ecological impacts, economic impacts.
We propose a simple mechanism that implements the Ordinal Shapley Value (Pérez-Castrillo and Wettstein [2005]) for economies with three or less agents.
We propose a new solution concept to address the problem of sharing a surplus among the agents generating it. The problem is formulated in the preferences-endowments space. The solution is defined recursively, incorporating notions of consistency and fairness and relying on properties satisfied by the Shapley value for Transferable Utility (TU) games. We show a solution exists, and call it the Ordinal Shapley value (OSV). We characterize the OSV using the notion of coalitional dividends, and furthermore show it is monotone and anonymous. Finally, similarly to the weighted Shapely value for TU games, we construct a weighted OSV as well.
We propose a new solution concept to address the problem of sharing a surplus among the agents generating it. The sharing problem is formulated in the preferences-endowments space. The solution is defined in a recursive manner incorporating notions of consistency and fairness and relying on properties satisfied by the Shapley value for Transferable Utility (TU) games. We show a solution exists, and refer to it as an Ordinal Shapley value (OSV). The OSV associates with each problem an allocation as well as a matrix of concessions ``measuring'' the gains each agent foregoes in favor of the other agents. We analyze the structure of the concessions, and show they are unique and symmetric. Next we characterize the OSV using the notion of coalitional dividends, and furthermore show it is monotone in an agent's initial endowments and satisfies anonymity. Finally, similarly to the weighted Shapley value for TU games, we construct a weighted OSV as well.
We construct estimates of educational attainment for a sample of OECD countries using previously unexploited sources. We follow a heuristic approach to obtain plausible time profiles for attainment levels by removing sharp breaks in the data that seem to reflect changes in classification criteria. We then construct indicators of the information content of our series and a number of previously available data sets and examine their performance in several growth specifications. We find a clear positive correlation between data quality and the size and significance of human capital coefficients in growth regressions. Using an extension of the classical errors in variables model, we construct a set of meta-estimates of the coefficient of years of schooling in an aggregate Cobb-Douglas production function. Our results suggest that, after correcting for measurement error bias, the value of this parameter is well above 0.50.
The objective of this paper is to analyse the economic impacts of alternative water policies implemented in the Spanish production system. The methodology uses two versions of the input-output price model: a competitive formulation and a mark-up formulation. The input-output framework evaluates the impact of water policy measures on production prices, consumption prices, intermediate water demand and private welfare. Our results show that a tax on the water used by sectors considerably reduces the intermediate water demand, and increases the production and consumption prices. On the other hand, according to Jevons' paradox, an improvement in technical efficiency, which leads to a reduction in the water requirements of all sectors and an increase in water production, increases the amount of water consumed. The combination of a tax on water and improved technical efficiency takes the pressure off prices and significantly reduces intermediate water demand. JEL Classification: C67 ; D57 ; Q25. Keywords: Production prices; Consumption prices; Water uses; Water policy; Water taxation.
The relationships between economic growth and environmental pressures are complex. Since the early nineties, the debate on these relationships has been strongly influenced by the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, which states that during the first stage of economic development environmental pressures increase as per capita income increases, but once a critical turning-point has been reached these pressures diminish as income levels continue to increase. However, to date such a delinking between economic growth and emission levels has not happened for most atmospheric pollutants in Spain. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between income growth and nine atmospheric pollutants in Spain. In order to obtain empirical outcomes for this analysis, we adopt an input-output approach and use NAMEA data for the nine pollutants. First, we undertake a structural decomposition analysis for the period 1995-2000 to estimate the contribution of various factors to changes in the levels of atmospheric emissions. And second, we estimate the emissions associated with the consumption patterns of different groups of households classified according to their level of expenditure
El objetivo de estas páginas, que es parte de una investigación más amplia, es el desarrollo de un primer análisis de las relaciones entre la estructura productiva de la economía española y las emisiones de CO2, el más importante de los gases de efecto invernadero, a la atmósfera. Después de exponer la metodología utilizada, que permite la utilización conjunta en análisis expost, como el que nos ocupa, de los multiplicadores de oferta y demanda, se obtienen resultados relevantes que permiten un estudio detallado de las mencionadas relaciones. Posteriormente se determinan los sectores
The definition of nutritional transition could be related to all the aspects involved in human behaviour, genetics and technological changes that show an influence on nutrition. Obesity is considered one of the most important risk factors for human health. Human genetics plays an important role that needs to be defined in more detail to improve the knowledge on pathology of obesity. Dry cured ham has a moderate value of energy density (ED), but this parameter is variable for the different types of dry cured hams and the different commercial preparations. The most important challenge of dry cured ham is the content of salt that should be optimised to arise the minimal concentration without compromise the sensorial quality and the technological possibilities available. On the other hand, the high content of protein and a good ratio polyunsaturated/saturated could be of interest to include dry cured ham in a diet, mainly in the case where the content of fat is moderated or low. Food industry needs to develop new products, improve the information to consumers and to consider the different distribution of population in developed and developing countries.
El análisis de subsistemas input-output nos proporciona una herramienta de gran utilidad para estudiar la estructura productiva de los diferentes sectores que componen una economía. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado este análisis para estudiar las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con el conjunto de ramas productivas que conforman el sector servicios. La descomposición de la producción total del subsistema servicios nos permite obtener las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con diferentes efectos (escala, propio, feed-back y spill over). De los resultados obtenidos, destaca el diferente papel de las distintas ramas productivas de servicios. Las actividades de transporte serían las responsables de las mayores emisiones generadas directamente en el sector. Estas actividades son demandadas por el resto de sectores de la economía en mayor grado que su propia demanda final, teniendo mayor responsabilidad la producción vendida a otros sectores que la propia demanda final. No obstante, para el resto de actividades las emisiones directas e indirectas asociadas a la demanda final son mucho más importantes, por el fuerte efecto de arrastre sobre otras ramas de la economía que ejercen las actividades de servicios. A este respecto, destacan los servicios de Comercio, Hostelería, Inmobiliarias y servicios empresariales y la Administración pública, actividades que reciben escasa atención en el diseño de políticas orientadas a reducir las emisiones, pero que tienen una responsabilidad muy destacable en el fuerte aumento de emisiones experimentado en los últimos años.
Este trabajo analiza la evolución de los consumos finales de energía en Cataluña durante el periodo 1990-2005. En conjunto, los consumos finales de energía crecen por encima del crecimiento del PIB en términos reales. La disponibilidad actual de datos permite una desagregación en cinco actividades: sector primario; sector industrial; sector servicios; transporte; y sector doméstico. Los aumentos relativos más importantes se dan en los sectores servicios, doméstico y transporte. Es esta última actividad (que incluye el transporte privado y comercial) la que experimenta un mayor aumento en términos absolutos, hasta llegar a representar un consumo final de energía.
A lo largo del trabajo hemos analizado, tanto desde una perspectiva agregada, como posteriormente con todo el detalle posible, la evolución experimentada por estas emisiones, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de información . Para hacerlo se han utilizado conceptos y precisiones metodológicas ampliamente utilizadas en la literatura científica sobre el tema. Del estudio realizado en la primera parte del trabajo resulta evidente que el importante crecimiento de las emisiones en Cataluña durante el periodo considerado, de un 60.1%, muy superior a la media española (50,5%), se explica como principal factor por el aumento en el PIB per cápita, con un crecimiento del 33,35% . El crecimiento demográfico también habría contribuido de forma importante al incremento en las emisiones totales, con un aumento del 10,5% de la población; sobre todo a partir de 1999, ya que en la década de los noventa la población se mantuvo estable con pocas.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the economic impact of alternative policies implemented on the energy activities of the Catalan production system. Specifically, we analyse the effects of a tax on intermediate energy uses, a reduction in the final production of energy, and a reduction in intermediate energy uses. The methodology involves two versions of the input-output price model: a competitive price formulation and a mark-up price formulation. The input-output price framework will make it possible to evaluate how the alternative measures modify production prices, consumption prices, private welfare, and intermediate energy uses. The empirical application is for the Catalan economy and uses economic data for the year 2001.