976 resultados para infrared qualitative analyses
Summary : During the evolutionary diversification of organisms, similar ecological constraints led to the recurrent appearances of the same traits (phenotypes) in distant lineages, a phenomenon called convergence. In most cases, the genetic origins of the convergent traits remain unknown, but recent studies traced the convergent phenotypes to recurrent alterations of the same gene or, in a few cases, to identical genetic changes. However, these cases remain anecdotal and there is a need for a study system that evolved several times independently and whose genetic determinism is well resolved and straightforward, such as C4 photosynthesis. This adaptation to warm environments, possibly driven by past atmospheric CO2 decreases, consists in a CO2-concentrating pump, created by numerous morphological and biochemical novelties. All genes encoding C4 enzymes already existed in C3 ancestors, and are supposed to have been recruited through gene duplication followed by neo-functionalization, to acquire the cell specific expression pattern and altered kinetic properties that characterize Ca-specific enzymes. These predictions have so far been tested only in species-poor and ecologically marginal C4 dicots. The monocots, and especially the grass family (Poaceae), the most important C4 family in terms of species number, ecological dominance and economical importance, have been largely under-considered as suitable study systems. This thesis aimed at understanding the evolution of the C4 trait in grasses at a molecular level and to use the genetics of C4 photosynthesis to infer the evolutionary history of the C4 phenotype and its driving selective pressures. A molecular phylogeny of grasses and affiliated monocots identified 17 to 18 independent acquisitions of the C4 pathway in the grass family. A relaxed molecular clock was used to date these events and the first C4 evolution was estimated in the Chloridoideae subfamily, between 32-25 million years ago, at a period when atmospheric CO2 abruptly declined. Likelihood models showed that after the COZ decline the probability of evolving the C4 pathway strongly increased, confirming low CO2 as a likely driver of C4 photosynthesis evolution. In order to depict the genetic changes linked to the numerous C4 origins, genes encoding phopshoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the key-enzyme responsible for the initial fixation of atmospheric CO2 in the C4 pathway, were isolated from a large sample of C3 and C4 grasses. Phylogenetic analyses were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the PEPC multigene family and showed that the evolution of C4-specific PEPC had been driven by positive selection on 21 codons simultaneously in up to eight C4 lineages. These selective pressures led to numerous convergent genetic changes in many different C4 clades, highlighting the repeatability of some evolutionary processes, even at the molecular level. PEPC C4-adaptive changes were traced and used to show multiple appearances of the C, pathway in clades where species tree inferences were unable to differentiate multiple C4 appearances and a single appearance followed by C4 to C3 reversion. Further investigations of genes involved in some of the C4 subtypes only (genes encoding decarboxylating enzymes NADP-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) showed that these C4-enzymes also evolved through strong positive selection and underwent parallel genetic changes during the different Ca origins. The adaptive changes on these subtype-specific C4 genes were used to retrace the history of the C4-subtypes phenotypes, which revealed that the evolution of C4-PEPC and C4-decarboxylating enzymes was in several cases disconnected, emphasizing the multiplicity of the C4 trait and the gradual acquisition of the features that create the CO2-pump. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of a gene encoding the Rubisco (the enzyme responsible for the fixation of CO2 into organic compounds in all photosynthetic organisms) showed that C4 evolution switched the selective pressures on this gene. Five codons were recurrently mutated to adapt the enzyme kinetics to the high CO2 concentrations of C4 photosynthetic cells. This knowledge could be used to introgress C4-like Rubisco in C3 crops, which could lead to an increased yield under predicted future high CO2 atmosphere. Globally, the phylogenetic framework adopted during this thesis demonstrated the widespread occurrence of genetic convergence on C4-related enzymes. The genetic traces of C4 photosynthesis evolution allowed reconstructing events that happened during the last 30 million years and proved the usefulness of studying genes directly responsible for phenotype variations when inferring evolutionary history of a given trait. Résumé Durant la diversification évolutive des organismes, des pressions écologiques similaires ont amené à l'apparition récurrente de certains traits (phénotypes) dans des lignées distantes, un phénomène appelé évolution convergente. Dans la plupart des cas, l'origine génétique des traits convergents reste inconnue mais des études récentes ont montré qu'ils étaient dus dans certains cas à des changements répétés du même gène ou, dans de rares cas, à des changements génétiques identiques. Malgré tout, ces cas restent anecdotiques et il y a un réel besoin d'un système d'étude qui ait évolué indépendamment de nombreuses fois et dont le déterminisme génétique soit clairement identifié. La photosynthèse dite en Ça répond à ces critères. Cette adaptation aux environnements chauds, dont l'évolution a pu être encouragé par des baisses passées de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2, est constituée de nombreuses nouveautés morphologiques et biochimiques qui créent une pompe à CO2. La totalité des gènes codant les enzymes Ç4 étaient déjà présents dans les ancêtres C3. Leur recrutement pour la photosynthèse Ç4 est supposé s'être fait par le biais de duplications géniques suivies par une néo-fonctionnalisation pour leur conférer l'expression cellule-spécifique et les propriétés cinétiques qui caractérisent les enzymes C4. Ces prédictions n'ont jusqu'à présent été testées que dans des familles C4 contenant peu d'espèces et ayant un rôle écologique marginal. Les graminées (Poaceae), qui sont la famille C4 la plus importante, tant en termes de nombre d'espèces que de dominance écologique et d'importance économique, ont toujours été considérés comme un système d'étude peu adapté et ont fait le sujet de peu d'investigations évolutives. Le but de cette thèse était de comprendre l'évolution de la photosynthèse en C4 chez les graminées au niveau génétique et d'utiliser les gènes pour inférer l'évolution du phénotype C4 ainsi que les pressions de sélection responsables de son évolution. Une phylogénie moléculaire de la famille des graminées et des monocotylédones apparentés a identifié 17 à 18 acquisitions indépendantes de la photosynthèse chez les graminées. Grâce à une méthode d'horloge moléculaire relâchée, ces évènements ont été datés et la première apparition C4 a été estimée dans la sous-famille des Chloridoideae, il y a 32 à 25 millions d'années, à une période où les concentrations atmosphériques de CO2 ont décliné abruptement. Des modèles de maximum de vraisemblance ont montré qu'à la suite du déclin de CO2, la probabilité d'évoluer la photosynthèse C4 a fortement augmenté, confirmant ainsi qu'une faible concentration de CO2 est une cause potentielle de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes génétiques responsables des évolutions répétées de la photosynthèse C4, un segment des gènes codant pour la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), l'enzyme responsable de la fixation initiale du CO2 atmosphérique chez les plantes C4, ont été séquencés dans une centaine de graminées C3 et C4. Des analyses phylogénétiques ont permis de reconstituer l'histoire évolutive de la famille multigénique des PEPC et ont montré que l'évolution de PEPC spécifiques à la photosynthèse Ça a été causée par de la sélection positive agissant sur 21 codons, et ce simultanément dans huit lignées C4 différentes. Cette sélection positive a conduit à un grand nombre de changements génétiques convergents dans de nombreux clades différents, ce qui illustre la répétabilité de certains phénomènes évolutifs, et ce même au niveau génétique. Les changements sur la PEPC liés au C4 ont été utilisés pour confirmer des évolutions indépendantes du phénotype C4 dans des clades où l'arbre des espèces était incapable de différencier des apparitions indépendantes d'une seule apparition suivie par une réversion de C4 en C3. En considérant des gènes codant des protéines impliquées uniquement dans certains sous-types C4 (deux décarboxylases, l'enzyme malique à NADP et la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxykinase), des études ultérieures ont montré que ces enzymes C4 avaient elles-aussi évolué sous forte sélection positive et subi des changements génétiques parallèles lors des différentes origines de la photosynthèse C4. Les changements adaptatifs sur ces gènes liés seulement à certains sous-types C4 ont été utilisés pour retracer l'histoire des phénotypes de sous-types C4, ce qui a révélé que les caractères formant le trait C4 ont, dans certains cas, évolué de manière déconnectée. Ceci souligne la multiplicité du trait C4 et l'acquisition graduelle de composants participant à la pompe à CO2 qu'est la photosynthèse C4. Finalement, des analyses phylogénétiques des gènes codant pour la Rubisco (l'enzyme responsable de la fixation du CO2 en carbones organiques dans tous les organismes photosynthétiques) ont montré que l'évolution de la photosynthèse Ça a changé les pressions de sélection sur ce gène. Cinq codons ont été mutés de façon répétée afin d'adapter les propriétés cinétiques de la Rubisco aux fortes concentrations de CO2 présentes dans les cellules photosynthétiques des plantes C4. Globalement, l'approche phylogénétique adoptée durant cette thèse de doctorat a permis de démontré des phénomène fréquents de convergence génétique sur les enzymes liées à la photosynthèse C4. Les traces génétiques de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4 ont permis de reconstituer des évènements qui se sont produits durant les derniers 30 millions d'années et ont prouvé l'utilité d'étudier des gènes directement responsables des variations phénotypiques pour inférer l'histoire évolutive d'un trait donné.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Sphingomonas wittichii strain RW1 can completely oxidize dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, which are persistent contaminants of soils and sediments. For successful application in soil bioremediation systems, strain RW1 must cope with fluctuations in water availability, or water potential. Thus far, however, little is known about the adaptive strategies used by Sphingomonas bacteria to respond to changes in water potential. To improve our understanding, strain RW1 was perturbed with either the cell-permeating solute sodium chloride or the non-permeating solute polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 8000 (PEG8000). These solutes are assumed to simulate the solute and matric components of the total water potential, respectively. The responses to these perturbations were then assessed and compared using a combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses. RESULTS: Under conditions producing a similar decrease in water potential but without effect on growth rate, there was only a limited shared response to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000. This shared response included the increased expression of genes involved with trehalose and exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and the reduced expression of genes involved with flagella biosynthesis. Mostly, the responses to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000 were very different. Only sodium chloride triggered the increased expression of two ECF-type RNA polymerase sigma factors and the differential expression of many genes involved with outer membrane and amino acid metabolism. In contrast, only PEG8000 triggered the increased expression of a heat shock-type RNA polymerase sigma factor along with many genes involved with protein turnover and repair. Membrane fatty acid analyses further corroborated these differences. The degree of saturation of membrane fatty acids increased after perturbation with sodium chloride but had the opposite effect and decreased after perturbation with PEG8000. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses revealed that permeating and non-permeating solutes trigger different adaptive responses in strain RW1, suggesting these solutes affect cells in fundamentally different ways. Future work is now needed that connects these responses with the responses observed in more realistic scenarios of soil desiccation.
Background Medication adherence has been identified as an important factor for clinical success. Twenty-four Swiss community pharmacists participated in the implementation of an adherence support programme for patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and/or dyslipidemia. The programme combined tailored consultations with patients about medication taking (expected at an average of one intervention per month) and the delivery of each drug in an electronic monitoring system (MEMS6?). Objective To explore pharmacists' perceptions and experiences with implementation of the medication adherence programme and to clarify why only seven patients were enrolled in total. Setting Community pharmacies in French-speaking Switzerland. Method Individual in-depth interviews were audio-recorded, with 20 of the pharmacists who participated in the adherence programme. These were transcribed verbatim, coded and thematically analysed. Process quality was ensured by using an audit trail detailing the development of codes and themes; furthermore, each step in the coding and analysis was verified by a second, experienced qualitative researcher. Main outcome measure Community pharmacists' experiences and perceptions of the determining factors influencing the implementation of the adherence programme. Results Four major barriers were identified: (1) poor communication with patients resulting in insufficient promotion of the programme; (2) insufficient collaboration with physicians; (3) difficulty in integrating the programme into pharmacy organisation; and (4) insufficient pharmacist motivation. This was related to the remuneration perceived as insufficient and to the absence of clear strategic thinking about the pharmacist position in the health care system. One major facilitator of the programme's implementation was pre-existing collaboration with physicians. Conclusion A wide range of barriers was identified. The implementation of medication adherence programmes in Swiss community pharmacies would benefit from an extended training aimed at developing communication and change management skills. Individualised onsite support addressing relevant barriers would also be necessary throughout the implementation process.
Cette recherche investigue l'impact de la transition à la parentalité sur l'identité conjugale. Afin de mettre en évidence les bouleversements induits par l'arrivée du premier enfant sur le système-couple, deux groupes de sujets ont constitué notre échantillon : des couples parents d'un premier enfant âgé de 9 à 12 mois et des couples sans enfant mais avec une durée de vie commune équivalente au premier groupe. Chaque couple a été rencontré dans le cadre d'un unique entretien. Leur première tâche a été de décrire leurs vies de couple passée et actuelle au travers de valeurs et devises. Un questionnaire créé pour cette recherche a ensuite permis d'évaluer la représentation des conjoints quant à l'évolution de leur couple, et ce sur la base de cinq dimensions à même de caractériser la manière d'être ensemble des conjoints. Finalement, les jeunes parents ont participé à un entretien semi-directif afin de témoigner des changements personnels et de couple vécus dans le cadre de la transition à la parentalité. Des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives basées sur les données récoltées au travers de nos trois outils révèlent plusieurs résultats. Les conjoints sans enfant décrivent avant tout leur couple comme un cocon au sein duquel deux individus autonomes trouvent refuge et réconfort. Les jeunes parents se démarquent quant à eux par une diminution de leur sentiment d'indépendance, reflet de la nécessaire collaboration propre au co-parentage. Une analyse des entretiens semi-structurés croisée avec l'évaluation du degré de satisfaction conjugale permet le constat suivant : la diminution avérée de la satisfaction conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité n'est pas strictement associée aux bouleversements conjugaux. Ce déclin lors de l'arrivée et de l'accueil du premier enfant semble en effet être également en lien avec une difficile articulation, chez chaque partenaire, de leurs identités personnelle, conjugale, parentale et socio-professionnelle. - This research investigates the impact of the transition to parenthood on marital identity. To highlight the changes brought about by the arrival of the first child on the couple, two groups of subjects constituted our sample: couples with a first child of 9 to 12 months and childless couples but with a period of cohabitation equivalent to that of the first group. Each couple was interviewed once only. Their first task was to describe their lives as a couple past and present through values and principles. A questionnaire devised for this research was then used to evaluate partners' responses regarding the evolution of their relationship, this based on five criteria to characterise the couples' way of being together. Finally, young parents participated in a semi- structured interview to describe personal changes and those as a couple experienced in the transition to parenthood. Qualitative and quantitative analyses based on data collected through our three tools reveal several results. Spouses without children describe their relationship primarily as a cocoon in which two autonomous individuals find refuge and comfort. Young parents differ in reducing their feelings of independence, reflecting the collaborative needs specific to co-parenting. An analysis of the semi- structured interviews crossed with the assessment of marital satisfaction gives rise to the following observation: the pronounced reduction in marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood is not strictly associated with marital disruption. This decline upon the arrival of the first child seems to be in line with a difficult balance for each partner between their personal, marital, parental and socio- professional identities.
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an important diagnostic imaging modality in cardiovascular medicine. However, insufficient image quality may compromise its diagnostic accuracy. We aimed to describe and validate standardized criteria to evaluate a) cine steady-state free precession (SSFP), b) late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), and c) stress first-pass perfusion images. These criteria will serve for quality assessment in the setting of the Euro-CMR registry. METHODS: Thirty-five qualitative criteria were defined (scores 0-3) with lower scores indicating better image quality. In addition, quantitative parameters were measured yielding 2 additional quality criteria, i.e. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of non-infarcted myocardium (as a measure of correct signal nulling of healthy myocardium) for LGE and % signal increase during contrast medium first-pass for perfusion images. These qualitative and quantitative criteria were assessed in a total of 90 patients (60 patients scanned at our own institution at 1.5T (n=30) and 3T (n=30) and in 30 patients randomly chosen from the Euro-CMR registry examined at 1.5T). Analyses were performed by 2 SCMR level-3 experts, 1 trained study nurse, and 1 trained medical student. RESULTS: The global quality score was 6.7±4.6 (n=90, mean of 4 observers, maximum possible score 64), range 6.4-6.9 (p=0.76 between observers). It ranged from 4.0-4.3 for 1.5T (p=0.96 between observers), from 5.9-6.9 for 3T (p=0.33 between observers), and from 8.6-10.3 for the Euro-CMR cases (p=0.40 between observers). The inter- (n=4) and intra-observer (n=2) agreement for the global quality score, i.e. the percentage of assignments to the same quality tertile ranged from 80% to 88% and from 90% to 98%, respectively. The agreement for the quantitative assessment for LGE images (scores 0-2 for SNR <2, 2-5, >5, respectively) ranged from 78-84% for the entire population, and 70-93% at 1.5T, 64-88% at 3T, and 72-90% for the Euro-CMR cases. The agreement for perfusion images (scores 0-2 for %SI increase >200%, 100%-200%,<100%, respectively) ranged from 81-91% for the entire population, and 76-100% at 1.5T, 67-96% at 3T, and 62-90% for the Euro-CMR registry cases. The intra-class correlation coefficient for the global quality score was 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: The described criteria for the assessment of CMR image quality are robust with a good inter- and intra-observer agreement. Further research is needed to define the impact of image quality on the diagnostic and prognostic yield of CMR studies.
Résumé : Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone endogenously produced by the kidney, whose main physiological role is the stimulation of erythropoiesis. Since the beginning of the nineties, recombinant human EPO (rhEPO), a potent anti-anaemia treatment drug, has been manufactured by pharmaceutical industries. However, the erythropoiesis stimulating power of rhEPO was rapidly misused by unscrupulous athletes in order to improve their performances in endurance sports. Endogenous EPO has the same amino-acid backbone as most of recombinant forms; the molecules however differ through their respective glycosylation patterns. This difference constitutes the basis of the usual EPO screening test (IEF) developed in 2000 and still currently used in all anti-doping laboratories of the world. Nowadays, 3 EPO generations have been commercialized. The fight against EPO abuse is a continuous challenge for anti-doping laboratories. The diversity of recombinant EPO forms and the continuous development of new ones considerably confuse the identification of EPO doping. Several facets of this fight were investigated in this work. One of the limiting aspects of doping agents screening is the availability of positive samples. Therefore, 2nd and 3rd generation EPOS, namely NESP and C.E.R.A., were injected to healthy subjects in the frame of pilot clinical studies. These latter allowed to review the current EPO identification criteria defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the case of NESP and to validate and implement a new assay targeting C.E.R.A. in human serum. Both studies resulted in the determination of the respective detection windows of NESP and C.E.R.A. in biological fluids. Following that, Dynepo, a 1st generation EPO presenting similarities with the endogenous form, was also in the centre of a similar clinical study. Our work aimed to overcome the actual identification criteria, which are not adapted to Dynpeo, and to propose an alternative pattern classification method based on the discriminant analysis of IEF EPO profiles. This method might be validated for other EPO forms in the future. The detection window of this molecule was also determined. Under particular conditions, confounding effects can complicate the identification of EPO in biological matrices. For example, athletes having performed a strenuous physical effort can excrete modified isoforms of endogenous EPO, making it very similar to some recombinant forms. Such phenomena, called effort urines, were reproduced under controlled conditions and, after characterization of effort EPO, an urinary biochemical marker was proposed to unequivocally identify effort urines. It also happens that EPO analyses fail to detect endogenous levels of EPO. Such profiles were thoroughly investigated and potential causes identified. Natural reasons relying on urine properties and test specificity were underlined, but the possible addition of adulterant agents in urine samples was also considered. Therefore, a simple biochemical assay targeting the suspected substances was set up. Our work was based on the characterization of atypical EPO profiles from different origins. Therefore, 3 EPO molecules representing the 3 generations of the drug and 2 confounding effects confusing the results interpretation were studied. These studies resulted in tangible applications for the laboratory, the best example of which being the C.E.R.A. assay, but also in scientific findings allowing to improve our comprehension of EPO doping in sport.
Objectives This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
Between 2007 and 2009, aggressions by security agents of nightclubs on clients increased from 6% to 10% among community violence situations encountered at the Violence Medical Unit (VMU) at the Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland. Most victims were young men who had been drinking alcohol before the assault. About one quarter (25.7%) presented with one or several fractures, all of them in the head area. (For more details, refer to the previous article "When nightclub security agents assault clients" published in 2012(1).) Following this first study, we performed a second qualitative study in order to bring more information about the context and highlight victims' behaviors and experiences. Four themes emerged: how the assault began; the assault itself; third-party involvement; and the psychological state of victims when they consulted the VMU. The findings of this second study complemented the statistical results of the first study by showing under what circumstances security agents of nightclubs respond with physical violence to situations they consider a threat to security. Furthermore, the study described consequences for the victims that could be quite serious. Our findings support the need for nightclubs to improve selection and training of security staff.
BACKGROUND: Vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with the occurrence of various types of cancer, but causal relationships remain elusive. We therefore aimed to determine the relationship between genetic determinants of vitamin D serum levels and the risk of developing hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Associations between CYP2R1, GC, and DHCR7 genotypes that are determinants of reduced 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D3) serum levels and the risk of HCV-related HCC development were investigated for 1279 chronic hepatitis C patients with HCC and 4325 without HCC, respectively. The well-known associations between CYP2R1 (rs1993116, rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and DHCR7 (rs7944926, rs12785878) genotypes and 25(OH)D3 serum levels were also apparent in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The same genotypes of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with reduced 25(OH)D3 serum levels were found to be associated with HCV-related HCC (P = 0.07 [OR = 1.13, 95% CI = 0.99-1.28] for CYP2R1, P = 0.007 [OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.12-2.15] for GC, P = 0.003 [OR = 1.42, 95% CI = 1.13-1.78] for DHCR7; ORs for risk genotypes). In contrast, no association between these genetic variations and liver fibrosis progression rate (P>0.2 for each SNP) or outcome of standard therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin (P>0.2 for each SNP) was observed, suggesting a specific influence of the genetic determinants of 25(OH)D3 serum levels on hepatocarcinogenesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest a relatively weak but functionally relevant role for vitamin D in the prevention of HCV-related hepatocarcinogenesis.