961 resultados para high mobility group box domain
Objective: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding regulatory RNAs (19-25 nucleotides) that play a major role in regulation of gene expression. They are responsible for the control of fundamental cellular processes that has been reported to be involved in human tumorigenesis. The characterization of miRNA profiles in human tumors is crucial for the understanding of carcinogenesis processes, finding of new tumor markers, and discovering of specific targets for the development of innovative therapies. The aim of this study is to find miRNAs involved in prostate cancer progression comparing the profile of miRNA expressed by localized high grade carcinoma and bone metastasis. Material and methods: Two groups of tumors where submitted to analyses. The first is characterized by 18 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for treatment of localized high grade prostate carcinoma (PC) with mean Gleason score 8.6, all staged pT3. The second group is composed of 4 patients with metastatic, androgen-independent prostate carcinoma, and 2 PC cell lines. LNCaP derived from a metastatic PC to a lymph node, and another derived from an obstructive, androgen-independent PC (PcBRA1). Expression analysis of 14 miRNAs was carried out using quantitative RT-PCR. Results: miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 were significantly overexpressed by all localized high GS, pT3 PC in comparison with metastatic carcinoma. (35.065 vs. 0.996 P < 0.001), (55.550 vs. 8.314, P = 0.010), and (33.549 vs. 2.748, P = 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: We hypothesize that miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 may be involved in the process of metastasization of PC, and their role as controllers of the expression of RAS, c-myc, Laminin 5 beta 3, THAP2, SMARCA5, and BAZ2A should be matter of additional studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint makes the pelvic segment responsible for proper weight distribution between lower extremities; however, it is known to be susceptible to altered mobility. The objective of this study was to analyze baropodometric responses following thrust manipulation on subjects with sacroiliac joint restrictions. Twenty asymptomatic subjects were submitted to computerized baropodometric analysis before, after, and seven days following sacroiliac manipulation. The variables peak pressure and contact area were obtained at each of these periods as the average of absolute values of the difference between the right and left foot based on three trials. Data revealed significant reduction only in peak pressure immediately after manipulation and at follow-up when compared to pre-manipulative values (p < 0.05). Strong correlation was found between the dominant foot and the foot with greater contact area (r - 0.978), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater contact area (r = 0.884). Weak correlation was observed between the dominant foot and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.501), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.694). The results suggest that sacroiliac joint manipulation can influence peak pressure distribution between feet, but contact area does not seem to be related to the biomechanical aspects addressed in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective.-To contrast the cervical range of motion (CROM) in women with episodic migraine (EM), transformed migraine (TM), and controls without migraine headaches. Background.-Migraineurs often complain about neck pain. Furthermore, neck problems can worsen the headaches in individuals with migraine. Individuals with neck pain usually have reduced CROM. Nonetheless, studies assessing the CROM in migraineurs are scarce. Methods.-Our sample was selected in an outpatient headache clinic, and consisted of 45 women aged 20-54 years old, 15 per group. Cervical mobility was evaluated in movements of flexion, extension, right lateral flexion, left lateral flexion, right rotation, and left rotation using the CROM technique, and was contrasted among the groups. Migraine clinical patterns were also evaluated ( frequency, duration of migraine, pain in the moment of evaluation, pain in movement, and pain localization) as a function of CROM. Results.-Compared with controls, individuals with TM had numerically inferior CROM in all parameters, and significant reduction in 3 of them: extension (59.3 vs 68.1, P = .02), left lateral flexion (44.5 vs 49.1, P = .03), and right rotation (62.2 vs 69.6, P = .02). Compared with individuals with migraine, the TM group presented significantly reduced mobility only for extension ( 59.3 vs 68.4, P = .02). Migraineurs also had numerically inferior ROM, contrasted to controls, in 5 of the 6 parameters, although significance was seen just for right rotation (60.8 vs 68.6 P < .01). There was no correlation between cervical mobility and migraine parameters. The CROM was not reduced for the symptomatic side of migraine, in cases of unilateral pain. Conclusion.-Contrasted to controls, individuals with episodic and TM have decreased cervical range of motion.
The present study has investigated in conscious rats the influence of the duration of physical training sessions on cardiac autonomic adaptations by using different approaches; 1) double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol; 2) the baroreflex sensitivity evaluated by alternating bolus injections of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside; and 3) the autonomic modulation of HRV in the frequency domain by means of spectral analysis. The animals were divided into four groups: one sedentary group and three training groups submitted to physical exercise (swimming) for 15, 30, and 60 min a day during 10 weeks. All training groups showed similar reduction in intrinsic heart rate (IHR) after double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol. However, only 30-min and 60-min physical training presented an increase in the vagal autonomic component for determination of basal heart rate (HR) in relation to group sedentary. Spectral analysis of HR showed that the 30-min and 60-min physical training presented the reduction in low-frequency oscillations (LF = 0.20-0.75 Hz) and the increase in high-frequency oscillations (HF = 0.75-2.5 Hz) in normalized units. These both groups only showed an increased baroreflex sensitivity to tachycardiac responses in relation to group sedentary, however when compared, the physical training of 30-min exhibited a greater gain. In conclusion, cardiac autonomic adaptations, characterised by the increased predominance of the vagal autonomic component, were not proportional to the duration of daily physical training sessions. In fact, 30-minute training sessions provided similar cardiac autonomic adaptations, or even more enhanced ones, as in the case of baroreflex sensitivity compared to 60-minute training sessions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Pain and anxiety are a common problem in all recovery phases after a burn. The Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale (BSPAS) was proposed to assess anxiety in burn patients related to painful procedures. Objectives: To assess internal consistency, discriminative construct validity, dimensionality and convergent construct validity of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale. Design: In this cross-sectional study, the original version of the BSPAS, adapted into Brazilian Portuguese, was tested for internal consistency (Cronbach`s Alpha), discriminative validity (related to total body surface area burned and sex), dimensionality (through factor analysis), and convergent construct validity (applying the Visual Analogue Scale for pain and State-Anxiety-STAI) in a group of 91 adult burn patients. Results: The adapted version of the BSPAS displayed a moderate and positive correlation with pain assessments: immediately before baths and dressings (r = 0.32; p < 0.001), immediately after baths and dressings (r = 0.31; p < 0.001) and during the relaxation period (r= 0.31; p < 0.001) and with anxiety assessments (r = 0.34; p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the mean of the adapted version of the BSPAS scores with sex (p = 0.194) and total body surface area burned (p = 0.162) (discriminative validity). The principal components analysis applied to our sample seems to confirm anxiety as one single domain of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS. Cronbach`s Alpha showed high internal consistency of the adapted version of the scale (0.90). Conclusion: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS 9-items has shown statically acceptable levels of reliability and validity for pain-related anxiety evaluation in burn patients. This scale can be used to assess nursing interventions aimed at decreasing pain and anxiety related to the performance of painful procedures. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND - Multibacillary (MB) leprosy may be manifested with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL), among which anti-beta(2)GP1 (beta(2)-glycoprotein 1). High titers of aPL are associated with APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome), characterized by thrombosis. The mutation Val247Leu in the domain V of beta(2)GP1 exposes hidden epitopes with consequent development of anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Val247Leu polymorphism of beta(2)GP1 gene and its correlation with anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies in leprosy patients. METHODS: The Val247Leu polymorphism was performed by PCR-RFLP and anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies were measured by ELISA. RESULTS: The genotypic Val/Val was more prevalent in the leprosy group, compared to controls. Regarding the 7 MB patients with APS, four presented heterozygosis and three, Val/Val homozygosis. Although higher titrations of anti-beta(2)GP1 IgM antibodies were seen in MB leprosy group with Val/Leu and Val/Val genotypes, there was no statistical difference when compared to Leu/Leu genotype. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Val/Val homozygosis in leprosy group can partially justify the presence of anti-beta(2)GP1 IgM antibodies in MB leprosy. The description of heterozygosis and Val/Val homozygosis in 7 patients with MB leprosy and thrombosis corroborates the implication of anomalous phenotype expression of beta(2)GP1 and development of anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies, with consequent thrombosis and APS.
In this paper, methods are presented for automatic detection of the nipple and the pectoral muscle edge in mammograms via image processing in the Radon domain. Radon-domain information was used for the detection of straight-line candidates with high gradient. The longest straight-line candidate was used to identify the pectoral muscle edge. The nipple was detected as the convergence point of breast tissue components, indicated by the largest response in the Radon domain. Percentages of false-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) areas were determined by comparing the areas of the pectoral muscle regions delimited manually by a radiologist and by the proposed method applied to 540 mediolateral-oblique (MLO) mammographic images. The average FP and FN were 8.99% and 9.13%, respectively. In the detection of the nipple, an average error of 7.4 mm was obtained with reference to the nipple as identified by a radiologist on 1,080 mammographic images (540 MLO and 540 craniocaudal views).
Aim: The present work looked for to evaluate in rats the impact of different diets (high-lipid and high-lipid + high-protein) on liver, verifying the occurrence of oxidative stress and steatosis. Methods: The animals were treated with the respective diets (Group HLS: high-lipid diet with 50% of saturated fat; Group HPLS: high-lipid and high-protein diet with 50% of saturated fat and 40% of protein; Group Control: control diet AIN-93) for 28 days. After this period the animals were sacrificed for hepatic determinations of MDA, reduced GSH, vitamin E, steatosis and glycemia. Results: The results showed higher glycemia in the group HPLS, high concentration of MDA and GSH in the group Control and decreased hepatic vitamin E concentration in the groups that received the high-lipid diets. The hepatic fat was higher in the groups HPLS and HLS in relation to the Group Control, however HPLS presenting high level of fat concentration, showing similar results as the steatosis. Conclusion: the fat increase in the diet promoted increase of the oxidative stress, evidenced by the decrease in the hepatic concentration of vitamin E, showing its antioxidant role against the probable generated free radicals, the ones which possibly exercised a role in the steatosis occurrence.
Background: Angiogenesis has been shown as an important process in hematological malignancies. It consists in endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation following pro-angiogenic factors releasing, specially the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which angiogenic effect seems to be dependent on nitric oxide (NO). We examined the association among functional polymorphism in these two angiogenesis related genes: VEGF (-2578C>A, -1154G>A, and -634G>C) and NOS3 (-786T>C, intron 4 b>a, and Glu298Asp) with prognosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Methods: The genotypes were determined and haplotypes estimated in 105 ALL patients that were divided in 2 groups: high risk (HR) and low risk of relapse (LR) patients. In addition, event-free survival curves according to genotypes were assessed. Results: The group HR compared to the LR showed a higher frequency of the alleles -2578C and -634C and the haplotype CGC for VEGF (0.72 vs. 0.51, p<0.008; 0.47 vs. 0.26, p<0.008; and 42.1 vs. 14.5, p<0.006; respectively) and a lower frequency of the haplotype CbGlu (0.4 vs. 8.8, p<0.006), for NOS3. Conclusion: Polymorphisms of VEGF and NOS3 genes are associated with high risk of relapse, therefore may have a prognostic impact in childhood ALL. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is evidence that intrauterine growth restriction, resulting in newborn girls that are small for gestational age (SGA), may be related to the onset of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thus, we studied whether women born SGA have a higher prevalence of PCOS than women born appropriate for gestational age (AGA). This was a prospective birth cohort study of 384 women born at term between June 1, 1978, and May 31, 1979, in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. After exclusion, 165 women effectively participated in this study, of whom 43 were SGA and 122 were AGA. The prevalence of PCOS was analysed. At a mean age of 29 years, the women agreed to follow the study protocol, which included: anamnesis, physical examination, serum tests [follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total and free testosterone, dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate, 17-OH-progesterone, fasting insulin, sex steroid-binding globulin (SHBG) and fasting glucose] and pelvic ultrasound. Data regarding gestational age, birthweight, age at menarche and maternal data were obtained from the files of the cohort. The adjusted relative risk (RR) values of the SGA, insulin resistance, body mass index, maternal smoking and parity variables were analysed using Poisson regression with robust adjustment of variance for the prediction of PCOS. The prevalence of PCOS was higher in the SGA group than in the AGA group [adjusted RR = 2.44, 95% CI (1.39-4.28)]. Hyperandrogenism was more prevalent in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.011). Circulating SHBG was lower in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.041), but fasting insulinemia was similar in both groups. The prevalence of PCOS in SGA women was twice as high as in AGA women in our study population.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) compared with PRP plus intravitreal bevacizumab on best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and total area of fluorescein leakage from active new vessels (NVs) in patients with high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Methods: We carried out a prospective study of patients with high-risk PDR and no prior laser treatment who were randomly assigned to receive PRP (PRP group) or PRP plus intravitreal injection of 1.5 mg of bevacizumab (PRP-plus group). In all patients, the PRP was administered at two time-points (weeks 1 and 3), with the intravitreal bevacizumab delivered at the end of the second laser episode in the PRP-plus group. Standardized ophthalmic evaluation including Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study BCVA as well as stereoscopic fundus photography and fluorescein angiography were performed at baseline and at weeks 4, 9 (+/- 1) and 16 (+/- 2). Main outcome measures included changes in BCVA and in total area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs. Results: Twenty-two (n = 30 eyes) consecutive patients completed the 16-week follow-up. There was no significant difference between the PRP and PRP-plus groups with respect to age, gender, type or duration of diabetes, area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs or BCVA. No significant difference in BCVA was observed between the groups throughout the study period. However, the total area of actively leaking NVs was significantly reduced in the PRP-plus group compared with the PRP group at weeks 4, 9 and 16 (p < 0.001). No major adverse events were identified. Conclusions: In the short-term, the adjunctive use of intravitreal bevacizumab with PRP was associated with a greater reduction in the area of active leaking NVs than PRP alone in patients with high-risk PDR.
Objectives To introduce a comprehensive and reliable scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee joint synovitis based on contrast-enhanced (CE) MRI. Methods Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) is a cohort study of people with, or at high risk of, knee osteoarthritis (OA). Subjects are an unselected subset of MOST who volunteered for CE-MRI. Synovitis was assessed at 11 sites of the joint. Synovial thickness was scored semiquantitatively: grade 0 (< 2 mm), grade 1 (2-4 mm) and grade 2 (> 4 mm) at each site. Two musculoskeletal radiologists performed the readings and inter-and intrareader reliability was evaluated. Whole-knee synovitis was assessed by summing the scores from all sites. The association of Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index pain score with this summed score and with the maximum synovitis grade for each site was assessed. Results 400 subjects were included (mean age 58.8 +/- 7.0 years, body mass index 29.5 +/- 4.9 kg/m(2), 46% women). For individual sites, intrareader reliability (weighted kappa) was 0.67-1.00 for reader 1 and 0.60-1.00 for reader 2. Inter-reader agreement (kappa) was 0.67-0.92. For the summed synovitis scores, intrareader reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)) was 0.98 and 0.96 for each reader and inter-reader agreement (ICC) was 0.94. Moderate to severe synovitis in the parapatellar subregion was associated with the higher maximum pain score (adjusted OR (95% CI), 2.8 (1.4 to 5.4) and 3.1 (1.2 to 7.9), respectively). Conclusions A comprehensive semiquantitative scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee synovitis is proposed. It is reliable and identifies knees with pain, and thus is a potentially powerful tool for synovitis assessment in epidemiological OA studies.
A DNA vaccine expressing dengue-4 virus premembrane (prM) and envelope (E) genes was produced by inserting these genes into a mammalian expression plasmid (pCI). Following a thorough screening, including confirmation of protein expression in vitro, a recombinant clone expressing these genes was selected and used to immunize BALB/c mice. After 3 immunizations all the animals produced detectable levels of neutralizing antibodies against dengue-4 virus. The cytokines levels and T cell proliferation, detected ex vivo from the spleen of the immunized mice, showed that our construction induced substantial immune stimulation after three doses. Even though the antibody levels, induced by our DNA vaccine, were lower than those obtained in mice immunized with dengue-4 virus the levels of protection were high with this vaccine. This observation is further supported by the fact that 80% of the vaccine immunized group was protected against lethal challenge. In conclusion, we developed a DNA vaccine employing the genes of the prM and E proteins from dengue-4 virus that protects mice against this virus. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose. aEuro integral Heart rate variability (HRV) decreases after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) due to changes in cardiac autonomic balance. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to evaluate the effects of a progressive exercise protocol used in phase I cardiac rehabilitation on the HRV of patients with post-AMI. Material and methods. aEuro integral Thirty-seven patients who had been admitted to hospital with their first non-complicated AMI were studied. The treated group (TG, n == 21, age == 52 +/-+/- 12 years) performed a 5-day programme of progressive exercise during phase I cardiac rehabilitation, while the control group (CG, n == 16, age == 54 +/-+/- 11 years) performed only respiratory exercises. Instantaneous heart rate (HR) and RR interval were acquired by a HR monitor (Polar (R) A (R) S810i). HRV was analysed by frequency domain methods. Power spectral density was expressed as normalised units (nu) at low (LF) and high (HF) frequencies, and as LF/HF. Results. aEuro integral After 5 days of progressive exercise, the TG showed an increase in HFnu (35.9 +/-+/- 19.5 to 65.19 +/-+/- 25.4) and a decrease in LFnu and LF/HF (58.9 +/-+/- 21.4 to 32.5 +/-+/- 24.1; 3.12 +/-+/- 4.0 to 1.0 +/-+/- 1.5, respectively) in the resting position (p < 0.05). No changes were observed in the CG. Conclusions. aEuro integral A progressive physiotherapeutic exercise programme carried out during phase I cardiac rehabilitation, as supplement to clinical treatment increased vagal and decreased sympathetic cardiac modulation in patients with post-AMI.