1000 resultados para granular flow


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We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.


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Due to their high polymorphism, microsatellites have become one of the most valued genetic markers in population biology. We review the first two published studies on hybrid zones of the common shrew based on microsatellites. Both reveal surprisingly high interracial gene flow. It can be shown that these are overestimates. Indeed, in classical population genetics models as F-statistics, mutation is neglected. This constitutes an acceptable assumption as long as migration is higher than mutation. However, in hybrid zones where genetic exchanges can be rare, neglecting mutation will lead to strong overestimates of migration when working with microsatellites which display mutation rates up to 10(-3). As there seems to be no straightforward way to correct for this bias, interracial gene flow estimates based on microsatellites should be taken with caution. This problem should however not conceal the enormous potential of microsatellites to unravel the genetics of hybrid zones.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the association between milk flow, teat morphological measurements and subclinical mastitis prevalence in Gir cows. Eighty cows in the 2nd and 3rd lactations, with 90 to 200 days of lactation, were divided according to milk flow during milking into fast or slow groups. Teat morphometry was assessed by ultrasound scanning of the right anterior teat and external measurements. Milk samples were collected for somatic cells count (SCC) and microbiological culture. The effect of milk flow during milking was evaluated by analysis of variance of milk yield, SCC, morphometry and external measurements. The association of morphometry and external measurements of the teats with the SCC and microorganisms found in milk were analysed. Milk flow was significantly correlated to milk production. Gir cows with slower milk flow had longer teat canal and greater milk yield, in comparison to cows with fast milk flow. Teat-end to floor distance influenced SCC of Gir cows. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis and the type of mastitis-causing pathogens were not affected by milk flow during milking


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Ilioinguinal dissection is associated with a high rate of lymphatic complications. Prolonged lymph flow causes greatest concern and preventive strategies are needed. A retrospective study of 28 consecutive patients undergoing groin dissection for melanoma metastases was performed to evaluate the influence of sartorius muscle transposition on lymph flow. Modification of the surgical technique with transposition of the sartorius muscle was not associated with reduced drainage time (P = 0.66). A 2-staged approach, with initial sentinel lymph node resection and lymph node dissection in a second operation, however, lead to shortened duration of the lymph flow (P = 0.01). Prolonged lymphorrhea was more frequent in older (P = 0.03), obese (P = 0.02) patients affected by diabetes mellitus (P = 0.03) and hypertension (P = 0.04).


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We present a spatiotemporal adaptive multiscale algorithm, which is based on the Multiscale Finite Volume method. The algorithm offers a very efficient framework to deal with multiphysics problems and to couple regions with different spatial resolution. We employ the method to simulate two-phase flow through porous media. At the fine scale, we consider a pore-scale description of the flow based on the Volume Of Fluid method. In order to construct a global problem that describes the coarse-scale behavior, the equations are averaged numerically with respect to auxiliary control volumes, and a Darcy-like coarse-scale model is obtained. The space adaptivity is based on the idea that a fine-scale description is only required in the front region, whereas the resolution can be coarsened elsewhere. Temporal adaptivity relies on the fact that the fine-scale and the coarse-scale problems can be solved with different temporal resolution (longer time steps can be used at the coarse scale). By simulating drainage under unstable flow conditions, we show that the method is able to capture the coarse-scale behavior outside the front region and to reproduce complex fluid patterns in the front region.


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This booklet is a compilation of notes taken during motor grader operators workshops held at some 20 different locations throughout Iowa during the last two years. It is also the advice of 16 experienced motor grader operators and maintenance foremen (from 14 different counties around Iowa), who serve as instructors and assistant instructors at the "MoGo" workshops. The instructors have all said that they learn as much from the operators who attend the workshops as they impart. Motor grader operators from throughout Iowa have shown us new, innovative and better ways of maintaining gravel roads. This booklet is an attempt to pass on some of these "tips" that we have gathered from Iowa operators. It will need to be revised, corrected, and added to based on the advice we get from you, the operators who do the work here in Iowa.


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The coefficients of relative strength (CORS) of base courses for use in the American association state highway officials (AASHO) interim guide for the design of flexible pavements are determined here. Based on (1) volumetric strain--axial strain relationships at minimum volume, and (2) effective stress ratio-cohesion relationships at maximum effective stress ratio, CORS were determined from the results of laboratory triaxial tests on both asphalt-treated and untreated aggregate base course materials. The researchers conclude that volumetric strain-axial strain at minimum volume appear to be appropriate parameters for determining CORS.


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The spatial resolution visualized with hydrological models and the conceptualized images of subsurface hydrological processes often exceed resolution of the data collected with classical instrumentation at the field scale. In recent years it was possible to increasingly diminish the inherent gap to information from point like field data through the application of hydrogeophysical methods at field-scale. With regards to all common geophysical exploration techniques, electric and electromagnetic methods have arguably to greatest sensitivity to hydrologically relevant parameters. Of particular interest in this context are induced polarisation (IP) measurements, which essentially constrain the capacity of a probed subsurface region to store an electrical charge. In the absence of metallic conductors the IP- response is largely driven by current conduction along the grain surfaces. This offers the perspective to link such measurements to the characteristics of the solid-fluid-interface and thus, at least in unconsolidated sediments, should allow for first-order estimates of the permeability structure.While the IP-effect is well explored through laboratory experiments and in part verified through field data for clay-rich environments, the applicability of IP-based characterizations to clay-poor aquifers is not clear. For example, polarization mechanisms like membrane polarization are not applicable in the rather wide pore-systems of clay free sands, and the direct transposition of Schwarz' theory relating polarization of spheres to the relaxation mechanism of polarized cells to complex natural sediments yields ambiguous results.In order to improve our understanding of the structural origins of IP-signals in such environments as well as their correlation with pertinent hydrological parameters, various laboratory measurements have been conducted. We consider saturated quartz samples with a grain size spectrum varying from fine sand to fine gravel, that is grain diameters between 0,09 and 5,6 mm, as well as corresponding pertinent mixtures which can be regarded as proxies for widespread alluvial deposits. The pore space characteristics are altered by changing (i) the grain size spectra, (ii) the degree of compaction, and (iii) the level of sorting. We then examined how these changes affect the SIP response, the hydraulic conductivity, and the specific surface area of the considered samples, while keeping any electrochemical variability during the measurements as small as possible. The results do not follow simple assumptions on relationships to single parameters such as grain size. It was found that the complexity of natural occurring media is not yet sufficiently represented when modelling IP. At the same time simple correlation to permeability was found to be strong and consistent. Hence, adaptations with the aim of better representing the geo-structure of natural porous media were applied to the simplified model space used in Schwarz' IP-effect-theory. The resulting semi- empiric relationship was found to more accurately predict the IP-effect and its relation to the parameters grain size and permeability. If combined with recent findings about the effect of pore fluid electrochemistry together with advanced complex resistivity tomography, these results will allow us to picture diverse aspects of the subsurface with relative certainty. Within the framework of single measurement campaigns, hydrologiste can than collect data with information about the geo-structure and geo-chemistry of the subsurface. However, additional research efforts will be necessary to further improve the understanding of the physical origins of IP-effect and minimize the potential for false interpretations.-Dans l'tude des processus et caractristiques hydrologiques des subsurfaces, la rsolution spatiale donne par les modles hydrologiques dpasse souvent la rsolution des donnes du terrain rcoltes avec des mthodes classiques d'hydrologie. Rcemment il est possible de rduire de plus en plus cet divergence spatiale entre modles numriques et donnes du terrain par l'utilisation de mthodes gophysiques, notamment celles golectriques. Parmi les mthodes lectriques, la polarisation provoque (PP) permet de reprsenter la capacit des roches poreuses et des sols stocker une charge lectrique. En l'absence des mtaux dans le sous-sol, cet effet est largement influenc par des caractristiques de surface des matriaux. En consquence les mesures PP offrent une information des interfaces entre solides et fluides dans les matriaux poreux que nous pouvons lier la permabilit galement dirige par ces mmes paramtres. L'effet de la polarisation provoque t tudi dans diffrentes tudes de laboratoire, ainsi que sur le terrain. A cause d'une faible capacit de polarisation des matriaux sableux, compar aux argiles, leur caractrisation par l'effet-PP reste difficile a interprter d'une manire cohrente pour les environnements htrognes.Pour amliorer les connaissances sur l'importance de la structure du sous-sol sableux envers l'effet PP et des paramtres hydrologiques, nous avons fait des mesures de laboratoire varies. En dtail, nous avons considr des chantillons sableux de quartz avec des distributions de taille de grain entre sables fins et graviers fins, en diamtre cela fait entre 0,09 et 5,6 mm. Les caractristiques de l'espace poreux sont changes en modifiant (i) la distribution de taille des grains, (ii) le degr de compaction, et (iii) le niveau d'htrognit dans la distribution de taille de grains. En suite nous tudions comment ces changements influencent l'effet-PP, la permabilit et la surface spcifique des chantillons. Les paramtres lectrochimiques sont gards un minimum pendant les mesures. Les rsultats ne montrent pas de relation simple entre les paramtres ptro-physiques comme par exemples la taille des grains. La complexit des media naturels n'est pas encore suffisamment reprsent par les modles des processus PP. Nanmoins, la simple corrlation entre effet PP et permabilit est fort et consistant. En consquence la thorie de Schwarz sur l'effet-PP a t adapt de manire semi-empirique pour mieux pouvoir estimer la relation entre les rsultats de l'effet-PP et les paramtres taille de graines et permabilit. Nos rsultats concernant l'influence de la texture des matriaux et celles de l'effet de l'lectrochimie des fluides dans les pores, permettront de visualiser des divers aspects du sous-sol. Avec des telles mesures go-lectriques, les hydrologues peuvent collectionner des donnes contenant des informations sur la structure et la chimie des fluides des sous-sols. Nanmoins, plus de recherches sur les origines physiques de l'effet-PP sont ncessaires afin de minimiser le risque potentiel d'une mauvaise interprtation des donnes.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to investigate how aging affects dermal microvascular reactivity in skin areas differentially exposed to sunlight, and therefore to different degrees of photoaging. METHODS: We assessed, in young (18-30years, n=13) and aged males (≥60years, n=13), the thigh, forearm, and forehead's skin vasodilatory response to local heating (LTH) with a LDI. In each subject and at each location, local Tskin was brought from 34C (baseline) to 39 or 41C for 30minutes, to effect submaximal vasodilation, with maximal vasodilation then elicited by further heating to 44C. RESULTS: The CVCs evaluated at baseline and after maximal vasodilation (CVCmax ) were higher in the forehead than in the two other anatomical locations. On all locations, CVCmax decreased with age but less markedly in the forehead compared to the two other locations. When expressed in % of CVCmax , the plateau increase of CVCs in response to submaximal temperatures (39 and 41C) did not vary with age, and minimally so with location. CONCLUSION: Skin aging, whether intrinsic or combined with photoaging, reduces the maximal vasodilatory capacity of the dermal microcirculation, but not its reactivity to local heating.


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Background: Urine is still the matrix of choice to fight against doping, because it can be collected non-invasively during anti-doping tests. Most of the World Anti-Doping Agency's accredited laboratories have more than 20 years experience in analyzing this biological fluid and the majority of the compounds listed in the 2010 Prohibited List - International Standard are eliminated through the urinary apparatus. Storing and transporting urine samples for doping analyses does not include a specific protocol to prevent microbial and thermal degradation. The use of a rapid and reliable screening method could enable determine reference intervals for urine specimens in doping control samples and evaluate notably the prevalence of microbial contamination known to be responsible for the degradation of chemical substances in urine.Methods: The Sysmex(R) UF-500i is a recent urine flow cytometer analyzer capable of quantifying BACT and other urinary particles such as RBC, WBC, EC, DEBRIS, CAST, PATH. CAST, YLC, SRC as well as measuring urine conductivity. To determine urine anti-doping reference intervals, 501 samples received in our laboratory over a period of two months were submitted to an immediate examination. All samples were collected and then transported at room temperature. Analysis of variance was performed to test the effects of factors such as gender, test type [in-competition, out-of-competition] and delivery time.Results: The data obtained showed that most of the urine samples were highly contaminated with bacteria. The other urine particles were also very different according to the factors.Conclusions: The Sysmex(R) UF-500i was capable of providing a snapshot of urine particles present in the samples at the time of the delivery to the laboratory. These particles, BACT in particular, gave a good idea of the possible microbial degradation which had and/or could have occurred in the sample. This information could be used as the first quality control set up in WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) accredited laboratories to determine if steroid profiles, endogenous and prohibited substances have possibly been altered. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Recently, a compact cardiopulmonary support (CPS) system designed for quick set-up for example, during emergency cannulation, has been introduced. Traditional rectilinear percutaneous cannulas are standard for remote vascular access with the original design. The present study was designed to assess the potential of performance increase by the introduction of next-generation, self-expanding venous cannulas, which can take advantage of the luminal width of the venous vasculature despite a relatively small access orifice. METHODS: Veno-arterial bypass was established in three bovine experiments (69+/-10 kg). The Lifebridge (Lifebridge GmbH, Munich, Germany) system was connected to the right atrium in a trans-jugular fashion with various venous cannulas; and the oxygenated blood was returned through the carotid artery with a 17 F percutaneous cannula. Two different venous cannulas were studied, and the correlation between the centrifugal pump speed (1500-3900 RPM), flow and the required negative pressure on the venous side was established: (A) Biomedicus 19 F (Medtronic, Tolochenaz, Switzerland); (B) Smart canula 18 F/36 F (Smartcanula LLC, Lausanne, Switzerland). RESULTS: At 1500 RPM, the blood flow was 0.44+/-0.26 l min(-1) for the 19 F rectilinear cannula versus 0.73+/-0.34 l min(-1) for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula. At 2500 RPM the blood flow was 1.63+/-0.62 l min(-1) for the 19F rectilinear cannula versus 2.13+/-0.34 l min(-1) for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula. At 3500 RPM, the blood flow was 2.78+/-0.47 l min(-1) for the 19 F rectilinear cannula versus 3.64+/-0.39 l min(-1) for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula (p<0.01 for 18/36 F vs 19 F). At 1500 RPM, the venous line pressure was 18+/-8 mmHg for the 19F rectilinear cannula versus 19+/-5 mmHg for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula. At 2500 RPM the venous line pressure accounted for -22+/-32 mmHg for the 19 F rectilinear cannula versus 2+/-5 mmHg for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula. At 3500 RPM, the venous line pressure was -112+/-42 mmHg for the rectilinear cannula versus 28+/-7 mmHg for the 18/36 F self-expanding cannula (p<0.01 for 18 F/36 F vs 19 F). Conclusions: The negative pressure required to achieve adequate venous drainage with the self-expanding venous cannula accounts for approximately 31% of the pressure necessary with the 19 F rectilinear cannula. In addition, a pump flow of more than 4 l min(-1) can be achieved with the self-expanding design and a well-accepted negative inlet pressure for minimal blood trauma of less than 50 mmHg.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare myocardial blood flow (MBF) and myocardial flow reserve (MFR) estimates from rubidium-82 positron emission tomography ((82)Rb PET) data using 10 software packages (SPs) based on 8 tracer kinetic models. BACKGROUND: It is unknown how MBF and MFR values from existing SPs agree for (82)Rb PET. METHODS: Rest and stress (82)Rb PET scans of 48 patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease were analyzed in 10 centers. Each center used 1 of 10 SPs to analyze global and regional MBF using the different kinetic models implemented. Values were considered to agree if they simultaneously had an intraclass correlation coefficient >0.75 and a difference<20% of the median across all programs. RESULTS: The most common model evaluated was the Ottawa Heart Institute 1-tissue compartment model (OHI-1-TCM). MBF values from 7 of 8 SPs implementing this model agreed best. Values from 2 other models (alternative 1-TCM and Axially distributed) also agreed well, with occasional differences. The MBF results from other models (e.g., 2-TCM and retention) were less in agreement with values from OHI-1-TCM. CONCLUSIONS: SPs using the most common kinetic model-OHI-1-TCM-provided consistent results in measuring globalandregional MBF values, suggesting that they may be used interchangeably to process data acquired with a commonimaging protocol.


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Biocides are widely used for domestic hygiene, agricultural and industrial applications. Their widespread use has resulted in their introduction into the environment and raised concerns about potential deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the toxicity of the biocides triclosan, penconazole and metalaxyl were evaluated with the freshwater bacterium Caulobacter crescentus and with a freshwater microbial community using a combination of single- and double-stain flow cytometric assays. Growth of C.  crescentus and the freshwater community were repressed by triclosan but not by penconazole or metalaxyl at concentrations up to 250 μM. The repressive effect of triclosan was dependent on culture conditions. Caulobacter crescentus was more sensitive to triclosan when grown with high glucose at high cell density than when grown directly in sterilized lake water at low cell density. This suggests that the use of conventional growth conditions may overestimate biocide toxicity. Additional experiments showed that the freshwater community was more sensitive to triclosan than C.  crescentus, with 10 nM of triclosan being sufficient to repress growth and change the phylogenetic composition of the community. These results demonstrate that isolate-based assays may underestimate biocide toxicity and highlight the importance of assessing toxicity directly on natural microbial communities. Because 10 nM of triclosan is within the range of concentrations observed in freshwater systems, these results also raise concerns about the risk of introducing triclosan into the environment.