989 resultados para gamma radiography


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The imaging is essential to aid the diagnosis of horses that have performance decrease associated with any pain or clinical signs related to the vertebral column. Radiography is the first imaging examination performed in these cases, particularly for disorders affecting the cervical region. However, this technique has limitations when the study of subtle changes due to the overlapping of adjacent structures. Computed tomography is a new diagnostic method in Brazil for the study of bone disorders in horses, but it is of great diagnostic value associate with the radiographic examination in order to provide an accurate assessment of the study area, owing to superiority in image quality when compared to conventional radiography. The aim of this study is increase and update knowledge of diagnostic imaging available to investigate cervical disorders in horses.


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A insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) é uma patologia que apresenta alta incidência na população e elevada morbimortalidade. Apesar de todos os avanços terapêuticos já obtidos, essas taxas ainda continuam elevadas. Uma possível alternativa, atualmente sugerida, seria o transplante de células-tronco. O processo regenerativo das células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) já foi demonstrado em diversos modelos experimentais e em alguns ensaios clínicos. O mecanismo de ação mais sugerido é a ação parácrina das CTMs na área lesada. Ainda, sabe-se que nesse ambiente, citocinas pró-inflamatórias, como TNF-α e IFNγ, ativam as CTMs para seu papel reparador. O presente estudo busca analisar o papel do IFNγ na ativação das CTMs em modelos renais. As CTMs de animais nocautes para receptor de IFNγ (IFNγR KO) e de animais selvagens (controle/ C57/Bl6) foram isoladas do tecido adiposo. Essas células foram caracterizadas por imunofenotipagem e diferenciação em adipócitos e osteócitos. A lesão renal aguda foi obtida através do clampeamento dos pedículos renais de camundongos machos C57/Bl6, por 45 min. Após 4hs da lesão isquêmica, as CTMs IFNγR KO e CTMs controles foram administradas intraperitonealmente, e 24hs após a cirurgia os animais foram sacrificados. O tratamento com CTMs selvagens apresentou significativa redução dos níveis de uréia e creatinina sérica. No entanto, a redução desses níveis séricos com CTMs IFNγR KO foi menos intensa. Com relação à análise da resposta inflamatória do rim, os dados demonstram que a expressão de RNAm de IL-6 é maior nos animais tratados com CTMs IFNγR KO quando comparada ao tratamento com CTMs selvagens; porém, os dois tratamentos apresentam expressão reduzida em comparação aos animais não tratados. Já a expressão de RNAm de IL-10 é maior em animais tratados com CTMs em comparação aos não tratados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Background. Methods for determining the root canal length of the primary tooth should yield accurate and reproducible results. In vitro studies show some limitations, which do not allow their findings to be directly transferred to a clinical situation. Aim. To compare the accuracy of radiographic tooth length obtained from in vivo digital radiograph with that obtained from ex vivo digital radiograph. Method. Direct digital radiographs of 20 upper primary incisors were performed in teeth (2/3 radicular resorption) that were radiographed by an intraoral sensor, according to the long-cone technique. Teeth were extracted, measured, and mounted in a resin block, and then radiographic template was used to standardise the sensor-target distance (30 cm). The apparent tooth length (APTL) was obtained from the computer screen by means of an electronic ruler accompanying the digital radiography software (CDR 2.0), whereas the actual tooth length (ACTL) was obtained by means of a digital calliper following extraction. Data were compared to the ACTL by variance analysis and Pearson’s correlation test. Results. The values for APTL obtained from in vivo radiography were slightly underestimated, whereas those values obtained from ex vivo were slightly overestimated. No significance was observed between APTL and ACTL. Conclusion. The length of primary teeth estimated by in vivo and ex vivo comparisons using digital radiography was found to be similar to the actual tooth length.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We analyze the capability of the next generation of linear electron-positron colliders to unravel the spin and couplings of excited leptons predicted by composite models. Assuming that these machines will be able to operate both in the e+e- and e-γ modes, we study the effects of the excited electrons of spin 1/2 and 3/2 in the reactions e-γ → e-γ and e+e- → γγ. We show how the use of polarized beams is able not only to increase the reach of these machines, but also to determine the spin and couplings of the excited states.


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The effect of new operators that only modify the bosonic couplings of the Higgs boson, without altering the WW gamma or WWZ three-point functions, are examined in the e(+)e(-) --> ZZ gamma and Z gamma gamma processes. We analyse the constraints on these interactions that can be imposed by the LEP II collider at CERN and at the Next Linear Collider. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We investigate the impact of new physics beyond the standard model to the s → dγ process, which is responsible for the short-distance contribution to the radiative decay Ω-Ξ-γ. We study three representative extensions of the standard model: namely, a one-family technicolor model, a two-Higgs-doublet model, and a model containing scalar leptoquarks. When constraints arising from the observed b→sγ transition and the upper limit on D0-D̄0 mixing are taken into account, we find no significant contributions of new physics to the s→dy process.


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We present sensitivity limits on the coefficients of a dimension-6 effective Lagrangian that parametrizes the possible effects of new physics beyond the standard model. Our results are based on the study of the process e(+)e(-)-->W+W- y at CERN LEP 2 and NLC energies. In our calculations, we include all the new anomalous interactions, involving vectors and Higgs bosons, and take into account the standard model irreducible background. We analyze the impact of these new interactions on the total cross section. including the effects of the initial electron and final W polarizations. We then focus on the operators that will not be constrained by the e(+)e(-)-->W+W- process, obtaining limits based on the photon energy distribution.


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The objective of the present study was to optimize a radiographic technique for hand examinations using a computed radiography (CR) system and demonstrate the potential for dose reductions compared with clinically established technique. An exposure index was generated from the optimized technique to guide operators when imaging hands. Homogeneous and anthropomorphic phantoms that simulated a patient's hand were imaged using a CR system at various tube voltages and current settings (40-55 kVp, 1.25-2.8 mAs), including those used in clinical routines (50 kVp, 2.0 mAs) to obtain an optimized chart. The homogeneous phantom was used to assess objective parameters that are associated with image quality, including the signal difference-to-noise ratio (SdNR), which is used to define a figure of merit (FOM) in the optimization process. The anthropomorphic phantom was used to subjectively evaluate image quality using Visual Grading Analysis (VGA) that was performed by three experienced radiologists. The technique that had the best VGA score and highest FOM was considered the gold standard (GS) in the present study. Image quality, dose and the exposure index that are currently used in the clinical routine for hand examinations in our institution were compared with the GS technique. The effective dose reduction was 67.0%. Good image quality was obtained for both techniques, although the exposure indices were 1.60 and 2.39 for the GS and clinical routine, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The identification, characterization and stability range of the phases present in a series of Cu-Al alloys, with Al content from 11.0 to 15.0 wt.%, were studied by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). In some alloys and in a temperature range from 790 degrees C to 850 degrees C the presence of black spots exhibiting regular shapes and an homogeneous distribution was noticed through metallographic microscopy. Data from TEM and AES indicate that these spots are made of two monocrystalline phases having different Al contents and a crystallographic orientation relationship. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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We study the effect of anomalous Hγγ and HZγ couplings, described by a general effective Lagrangian, on the process e+e-→bb̄γ at CERN LEP 2 energies. We include the relevant irreducible standard model background to this process, and from the photon energy spectrum, we determine the reach of LEP 2 to unravel the anomalous couplings by analyzing the significance of the signal for a Higgs boson with a mass up to 150 GeV.


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Nuclear medium effects in the neutrino cooling of neutron stars through the reaction channel γγ→π0 →ν Rν̄L(νLν̄R) are incorporated. Throughout the paper we discuss different possibilities of right-handed neutrinos, massive left-handed neutrinos, and standard massless left-handed neutrinos (reaction is then allowed only with medium modified vertices). It is demonstrated that multiparticle effects suppress the rate of this reaction channel in the dense hadron matter by 6-7 orders of magnitude that does not allow to decrease existing experimental upper limit on the corresponding π0νν̄ coupling. Other possibilities of the manifestation of the given reaction channel in different physical situations, e.g., in the quark color superconducting cores of the most massive neutron stars, are also discussed. We demonstrate that in the color-flavor-locked superconducting phase for temperatures T≲ 0.1-10 MeV (depending on the effective pion mass and the decay width) the process is feasibly the most efficient neutrino cooling process, although the absolute value of the reaction rate is rather small.


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We study the process e+e- γγνν̄ in the context of a strong electroweak symmetry breaking model, which can be a source of events with two photons and missing energy at LEP2. We investigate bounds on the model assuming that no deviation is observed from the standard model within a given experimental error.