881 resultados para fuzzy logic control


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Irregular computations pose sorne of the most interesting and challenging problems in automatic parallelization. Irregularity appears in certain kinds of numerical problems and is pervasive in symbolic applications. Such computations often use dynamic data structures, which make heavy use of pointers. This complicates all the steps of a parallelizing compiler, from independence detection to task partitioning and placement. Starting in the mid 80s there has been significant progress in the development of parallelizing compilers for logic pro­gramming (and more recently, constraint programming) resulting in quite capable paralle­lizers. The typical applications of these paradigms frequently involve irregular computations, and make heavy use of dynamic data structures with pointers, since logical variables represent in practice a well-behaved form of pointers. This arguably makes the techniques used in these compilers potentially interesting. In this paper, we introduce in a tutoríal way, sorne of the problems faced by parallelizing compilers for logic and constraint programs and provide pointers to sorne of the significant progress made in the area. In particular, this work has resulted in a series of achievements in the areas of inter-procedural pointer aliasing analysis for independence detection, cost models and cost analysis, cactus-stack memory management, techniques for managing speculative and irregular computations through task granularity control and dynamic task allocation such as work-stealing schedulers), etc.


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In this paper, in order to select a speed controller for a specific non-linear autonomous ground vehicle, proportional-integral-derivative (PID), Fuzzy, and linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controllers were designed. Here, in order to carry out the tuning of the above controllers, a multicomputer genetic algorithm (MGA) was designed. Then, the results of the MGA were used to parameterize the PID, Fuzzy and LQR controllers and to test them under laboratory conditions. Finally, a comparative analysis of the performance of the three controllers was conducted.


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It is known that the techniques under the topic of Soft Computing have a strong capability of learning and cognition, as well as a good tolerance to uncertainty and imprecision. Due to these properties they can be applied successfully to Intelligent Vehicle Systems; ITS is a broad range of technologies and techniques that hold answers to many transportation problems. The unmannedcontrol of the steering wheel of a vehicle is one of the most important challenges facing researchers in this area. This paper presents a method to adjust automatically a fuzzy controller to manage the steering wheel of a mass-produced vehicle; to reach it, information about the car state while a human driver is handling the car is taken and used to adjust, via iterative geneticalgorithms an appropriated fuzzy controller. To evaluate the obtained controllers, it will be considered the performance obtained in the track following task, as well as the smoothness of the driving carried out.


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We present a static analysis that infers both upper and lower bounds on the usage that a logic program makes of a set of user-definable resources. The inferred bounds will in general be functions of input data sizes. A resource in our approach is a quite general, user-defined notion which associates a basic cost function with elementary operations. The analysis then derives the related (upper- and lower-bound) resource usage functions for all predicates in the program. We also present an assertion language which is used to define both such resources and resourcerelated properties that the system can then check based on the results of the analysis. We have performed some preliminary experiments with some concrete resources such as execution steps, bytes sent or received by an application, number of files left open, number of accesses to a datábase, number of calis to a procedure, number of asserts/retracts, etc. Applications of our analysis include resource consumption verification and debugging (including for mobile code), resource control in parallel/distributed computing, and resource-oriented specialization.


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We propose an analysis for detecting procedures and goals that are deterministic (i.e. that produce at most one solution), or predicates whose clause tests are mutually exclusive (which implies that at most one of their clauses will succeed) even if they are not deterministic (because they cali other predicates that can produce more than one solution). Applications of such determinacy information include detecting programming errors, performing certain high-level program transformations for improving search efñciency, optimizing low level code generation and parallel execution, and estimating tighter upper bounds on the computational costs of goals and data sizes, which can be used for program debugging, resource consumption and granularity control, etc. We have implemented the analysis and integrated it in the CiaoPP system, which also infers automatically the mode and type information that our analysis takes as input. Experiments performed on this implementation show that the analysis is fairly accurate and efncient.


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It is generally recognized that information about the runtime cost of computations can be useful for a variety of applications, including program transformation, granularity control during parallel execution, and query optimization in deductive databases. Most of the work to date on compile-time cost estimation of logic programs has focused on the estimation of upper bounds on costs. However, in many applications, such as parallel implementations on distributed-memory machines, one would prefer to work with lower bounds instead. The problem with estimating lower bounds is that in general, it is necessary to account for the possibility of failure of head unification, leading to a trivial lower bound of 0. In this paper, we show how, given type and mode information about procedures in a logic program, it is possible to (semi-automatically) derive nontrivial lower bounds on their computational costs. We also discuss the cost analysis for the special and frequent case of divide-and-conquer programs and show how —as a pragmatic short-term solution —it may be possible to obtain useful results simply by identifying and treating divide-and-conquer programs specially.


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We provide a method whereby, given mode and (upper approximation) type information, we can detect procedures and goals that can be guaranteed to not fail (i.e., to produce at least one solution or not termínate). The technique is based on an intuitively very simple notion, that of a (set of) tests "covering" the type of a set of variables. We show that the problem of determining a covering is undecidable in general, and give decidability and complexity results for the Herbrand and linear arithmetic constraint systems. We give sound algorithms for determining covering that are precise and efiicient in practice. Based on this information, we show how to identify goals and procedures that can be guaranteed to not fail at runtime. Applications of such non-failure information include programming error detection, program transiormations and parallel execution optimization, avoiding speculative parallelism and estimating lower bounds on the computational costs of goals, which can be used for granularity control. Finally, we report on an implementation of our method and show that better results are obtained than with previously proposed approaches.


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Knowing the size of the terms to which program variables are bound at run-time in logic programs is required in a class of optimizations which includes granularity control and recursion elimination. Such size is difficult to even approximate at compile time and is thus generally computed at run-time by using (possibly predeñned) predicates which traverse the terms involved. We propose a technique which has the potential of performing this computation much more efficiently. The technique is based on ñnding program procedures which are called before those in which knowledge regarding term sizes is needed and which traverse the terms whose size is to be determined, and transforming such procedures so that they compute term sizes "on the fly". We present a systematic way of determining whether a given program can be transformed in order to compute a given term size at a given program point without additional term traversal. Also, if several such transformations are possible our approach allows ñnding minimal transformations under certain criteria. We also discuss the advantages and applications of our technique (specifically in the task of granularity control) and present some performance results.


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While logic programming languages offer a great deal of scope for parallelism, there is usually some overhead associated with the execution of goals in parallel because of the work involved in task creation and scheduling. In practice, therefore, the "granularity" of a goal, i.e. an estimate of the work available under it, should be taken into account when deciding whether or not to execute a goal concurrently as a sepárate task. This paper describes a method for estimating the granularity of a goal at compile time. The runtime overhead associated with our approach is usually quite small, and the performance improvements resulting from the incorporation of grainsize control can be quite good. This is shown by means of experimental results.


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Irregular computations pose some of the most interesting and challenging problems in automatic parallelization. Irregularity appears in certain kinds of numerical problems and is pervasive in symbolic applications. Such computations often use dynamic data structures which make heavy use of pointers. This complicates all the steps of a parallelizing compiler, from independence detection to task partitioning and placement. In the past decade there has been significant progress in the development of parallelizing compilers for logic programming and, more recently, constraint programming. The typical applications of these paradigms frequently involve irregular computations, which arguably makes the techniques used in these compilers potentially interesting. In this paper we introduce in a tutorial way some of the problems faced by parallelizing compilers for logic and constraint programs. These include the need for inter-procedural pointer aliasing analysis for independence detection and having to manage speculative and irregular computations through task granularity control and dynamic task allocation. We also provide pointers to some of the progress made in these áreas. In the associated talk we demónstrate representatives of several generations of these parallelizing compilers.


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Information about the computational cost of programs is potentially useful for a variety of purposes, including selecting among different algorithms, guiding program transformations, in granularity control and mapping decisions in parallelizing compilers, and query optimization in deductive databases. Cost analysis of logic programs is complicated by nondeterminism: on the one hand, procedures can return múltiple Solutions, making it necessary to estímate the number of solutions in order to give nontrivial upper bound cost estimates; on the other hand, the possibility of failure has to be taken into account while estimating lower bounds. Here we discuss techniques to address these problems to some extent.


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Effective static analyses have been proposed which infer bounds on the number of resolutions or reductions. These have the advantage of being independent from the platform on which the programs are executed and have been shown to be useful in a number of applications, such as granularity control in parallel execution. On the other hand, in distributed computation scenarios where platforms with different capabilities come into play, it is necessary to express costs in metrics that include the characteristics of the platform. In particular, it is specially interesting to be able to infer upper and lower bounds on actual execution times. With this objective in mind, we propose an approach which combines compile-time analysis for cost bounds with a one-time profiling of the platform in order to determine the valúes of certain parameters for a given platform. These parameters calíbrate a cost model which, from then on, is able to compute statically time bound functions for procedures and to predict with a significant degree of accuracy the execution times of such procedures in the given platform. The approach has been implemented and integrated in the CiaoPP system.


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The relationship between abstract interpretation and partial deduction has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction and abstract interpretation perspectives. In this work we present what we argüe is the first fully described generic algorithm for efñcient and precise integration of abstract interpretation and partial deduction. Taking as starting point state-of-the-art algorithms for context-sensitive, polyvariant abstract interpretation and (abstract) partial deduction, we present an algorithm which combines the best of both worlds. Key ingredients include the accurate success propagation inherent to abstract interpretation and the powerful program transformations achievable by partial deduction. In our algorithm, the calis which appear in the analysis graph are not analyzed w.r.t. the original definition of the procedure but w.r.t. specialized definitions of these procedures. Such specialized definitions are obtained by applying both unfolding and abstract executability. Our framework is parametric w.r.t. different control strategies and abstract domains. Different combinations of such parameters correspond to existing algorithms for program analysis and specialization. Simultaneously, our approach opens the door to the efñcient computation of strictly more precise results than those achievable by each of the individual techniques. The algorithm is now one of the key components of the CiaoPP analysis and specialization system.


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Visualization of program executions has been found useful in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding flow control and the behavior of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this paper we discuss techniques for visualizing program execution and data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualization paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyze the behavior and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concéntrate on the representation of the program execution behavior (control), the runtime valúes of the variables, and the runtime constraints. Given our interest in visualizing large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, Le., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information.


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Dentro de los paradigmas de programación en el mundo de la informática tenemos la "Programación Lógica'', cuyo principal exponente es el lenguaje Prolog. Los programas Prolog se componen de un conjunto de predicados, cada uno de ellos definido en base a reglas que aportan un elevado nivel de abstracción y declaratividad al programador. Sin embargo, las formulación con reglas implica, frecuentemente, que un predicado se recompute varias veces para la misma consulta y además, Prolog utiliza un orden fijo para evaluar reglas y objetivos (evaluación SLD) que puede entrar en "bucles infinitos'' cuando ejecuta reglas recursivas declarativamente correctas. Estas limitaciones son atacadas de raiz por la tabulación, que se basa en "recordar'' en una tabla las llamadas realizadas y sus soluciones. Así, en caso de repetir una llamada tendríamos ya disponibles sus soluciones y evitamos la recomputación. También evita "bucles infinitos'' ya que las llamadas que los generan son suspendidas, quedando a la espera de que se computen soluciones para las mismas. La implementación de la tabulación no es sencilla. En particular, necesita de tres operaciones que no pueden ser ejecutadas en tiempo constante simultáneamente. Dichas operaciones son: suspensión de llamadas, relanzamiento de llamadas y {acceso a variables. La primera parte de la tesis compara tres implementaciones de tabulación sobre Ciao, cada una de las cuales penaliza una de estas operaciones. Por tanto, cada solución tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes y se comportan mejor o peor dependiendo del programa ejecutado. La segunda parte de la tesis mejora la funcionalidad de la tabulación para combinarla con restricciones y también para evitar computaciones innecesarias. La programación con restricciones permite la resolución de ecuaciones como medio de programar, mecanismo altamente declarativo. Hemos desarrollado un framework para combinar la tabulación con las restricciones, priorizando objetivos como la flexibilidad, la eficiencia y la generalidad de nuestra solución, obteniendo una sinergia entre ambas técnicas que puede ser aplicada en numerosas aplicaciones. Por otra parte, un aspecto fundamental de la tabulación hace referencia al momento en que se retornan las soluciones de una llamada tabulada. Local evaluation devuelve soluciones cuando todas las soluciones de la llamada tabulada han sido computadas. Por contra, batched evaluation devuelve las soluciones una a una conforme van siendo computadas, por lo que se adapta mejor a problemas donde no nos interesa encontrar todas las soluciones. Sin embargo, su consumo de memoria es exponencialmente peor que el de local evaluation. La tesis presenta swapping evaluation, que devuelve soluciones tan pronto como son computadas pero con un consumo de memoria similar a la de local evaluation. Además, se implementan operadores de poda, once/1, para descartar la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas cuando encontramos la solución deseada. Por último, Prolog adopta con relativa facilidad soluciones para paralelismo gracias a su flexibilidad en el control de la ejecución y a que sus asignaciones son lógicas. La tercera parte de la tesis extiende el paralelismo conjuntivo de Ciao para trabajar con programas no deterministas, lo que presenta dos problemas principales: los objetivos atrapados y la recomputación de objetivos. Las soluciones clásicas para los objetivos atrapados rompían muchos invariantes de la ejecución Prolog, siendo soluciones difíciles de mantener y de extender, que la experiencia nos dice que han caído en desuso. Nosotros proponemos una solución modular (basada en la implementación de swapping evaluation), localizada y que no rompe los invariantes de la ejecución Prolog, pero que mantiene un alto rendimiento de la ejecución paralela. En referencia a la recomputación de objetivos paralelos en presencia de no determinismo hemos adaptado ténicas derivadas de la tabulación para memorizar computaciones de estos objetivos y evitar su recomputación.