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This study investigated different understandings about the educational needs of a professor of Chemistry, related to "know" and "know-how". It was verified the convergence and divergence of perceptions of high school students from that point to literature and education legislation. The research was conducted in five states in northern Brazil. The results show the little dialogue between training institutions and secondary schools, since the different understandings about the training needs go in opposite directions.
PbO2 films were electroformed onto carbon cloth substrates (twill woven type) in acid conditions using the nitrate precursor by changing the electrodeposition current density, temperature and pH, in order to optimize the formation of the β-PbO2 phase. The crystal structure and morphology of the PbO2 films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) techniques. The optimum conditions obtained for formation of the β-PbO2 were presented and discussed.
The present study proposes a method for cloud point preconcentration of copper ions at pH 2.0 based on complexes formed with [4,5-dimercapto-1,3-dithyol-2-thionate] and subsequent determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Under optimal analytical conditions, the method provided limits of detection of 0.84 and 0.45 µg L-1, by preconcentrating 12.0 and 24.0 mL of sample, respectively. The method was applied for copper determination in water samples, synthetic saliva, guarana powder, tea samples and soft drinks and the accuracy was assessed by analyzing the certified reference materials Dogfish Liver (DOLT-4) and Lobster Hepatopancreas (TORT-2).
This paper presents and discusses governmental approaches to teacher training introduced in 1990, whose focus is the education of chemistry teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the relationship between legal aspects and background needs present in the Brazilian educational context, taking into account that the last two decades has seen a significant increase in the chemistry licensure courses offered by higher education institutions in Brazil. Discussing these aspects of chemistry teachers provides a reflection on the real background needs for this group of professionals.
In December 2004, Brazil's President signed Law number 10.973, which provides for incentives toward innovation, scientific and technological research in the production environment and other measures, also known as the Law of Innovation. Although Brazil has advanced greatly in the number of scientific articles published, currently accounting for about 3% of world scientific output, this progress has not been replicated in the production of patents. This article presents a discussion on the importance of introducing patent issues into national undergraduate courses.
The Method of Case Studies has often been employed in higher education, but few initiatives have focused on basic education. This work addressed the production of cases by students from a chemistry teacher training course. The proposal was applied in the discipline of Basic Inorganic Chemistry and aimed to familiarize students with the Method from the preparation of cases focused on basic education. We believe the proposal was efficient in showing future teachers the need to develop teaching strategies that, beyond learning concepts, stimulate students in training skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and decision making.
Cyanate ion stability was studied in aqueous/ethanolic solutions, pH = 4.5 (CH3COOH/NaCH3COO), at different temperatures. Following the decay [(OCN)-] versus time, in the presence of excess C2H5OH, the rate constant for this reaction (k1) was calculated as (2.5 ± 0.3) x 10-4 s-1 at 25 ºC, for 0 < [C2H5OH] < 13.7 x 10-1 mol L-1. For [C2H5OH] > 2.0 mol L-1 a decrease in the numerical value of k1 was observed, reaching 5.2 x 10-5 s-1 when [CH3CH2OH] = 13.7 mol L-1. Variations in the kinetic parameter values ΔH1, ΔS1 and ΔG1 for the cyanate ion decay reaction were observed for solutions at different ethanol concentrations.
This study describes the use of Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the chemical composition of water produced from eight oil wells in three different production areas. A total of 609 samples of produced water, and a reference sample of seawater, were characterized according to their levels of salinity, calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium and sulphate (mg L-1) contents, and analyzed by using PCA with autoscaled data. The method allowed the identification of variables salinity, calcium and strontium as tracers for formation water, and variables magnesium and sulphate as tracers for seawater.
In this study, the influence of mechanical activation by intensive ball milling of a stoichiometric mixture of talc, kaolin, and alumina on the mechanism and kinetics of cordierite (2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2) formation was evaluated. The raw materials were characterized by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), laser diffraction, and helium pycnometry. The kinetics and mechanism of cordierite formation were studied by XRD, differential thermal analysis, and dilatometry in order to describe the phase formation as a function of temperature (1000-1400 ºC), time of thermochemical treatment (0-4 h), and grinding time of the mixture (0-45 min). Finally, the optimal conditions of the thermochemical treatment that ensured the formation of cordierite were determined: milling time of 45 min and thermal treatment at 1280 ºC for 1 h.
We developed and applied an educational instrument (ID) to discuss, in the discipline of Supervised Pre Service Teachers Practice 1, guidelines for teacher education to redefine teacher knowledge with a specific focus on chemistry teachers. The study used methodological fundamentals of Discursive Textual Analysis that involves identifying and isolating a set of materials subjected to analysis, categorizing these statements and producing texts, integrating these descriptions and interpretations, basing its construction on the category system built. Data were collected through participant observation and text readings used by the students in performing the activity. It was noted that the chemistry teachers trained were able to express opinions that indicated the Construction of Meanings Interface that was the category of analysis established a priori.
This work deals with communities of practice and their contribution to pre-service teacher training. A group of eight pre-service chemistry teachers was accompanied during their participation in the PIBID program. Based on their interaction in planning teaching activities, the group was characterized as a community of practice. For this characterization the three dimensions of communities of practice were observed: mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire. The results showed that the community of practice was essential for the training of pre-service chemistry teachers. Through community practice, pre-service teachers were able to learn more about their future practice as chemistry teachers.
This paper presents results of a content analysis of the formative professional profile of undergraduates within the context of Brazil's expansion of its federal education system and implementing of teacher training policies. The analysis focuses on the conceptions of undergraduates regarding elements of their initial training and professional perspectives, as recorded in narratives, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the relationships identified between the recorded content and the Educational Course Project, we identified three categories of analysis that point to tensions generated during the professional development of chemistry teachers: 1) The relationship between pedagogical knowledge and chemical knowledge; 2) the conceptual aspects of science education, as represented by the different ways that students understand the "ionization process"; and 3) teaching identity, including the elements indicative of the identity construction of future teachers. The results indicate that the educational and professional profile of undergraduates is marked by a particular tension between chemical content knowledge and pedagogical content, as well as a lack of objectivity and focus on the course's original intent. This situation has produced a multifaceted training context in which there is confusion regarding aspects relating to the licensing, teaching modalities, and preparation of the chemistry education professional.
In this work, a theoretical study on the basis of structural, vibrational, electronic and topological parameters of the C2H2‧‧‧(HF), C2H2‧‧‧2(HF) and C2H2‧‧‧3(HF) complexes concerning the formation of π‧‧‧H, F‧‧‧H and C‧‧‧H hydrogen bonds is presented. The main difference among these complexes is not properly the interaction strength, but the hydrogen bond type whose benchmark is ruled justly by the structure. Meanwhile, the occurrence of π‧‧‧H hydrogen bonds was unveiled in both C2H2‧‧‧(HF) dimer and C2H2‧‧‧3(HF) tetramer, although in latter, this interaction is stronger than C‧‧‧H of the C2H2‧‧‧2(HF) trimer. However, the F‧‧‧H hydrogen bonds within the subunits of hydrofluoric acid are the strongest ones, reaching a partial covalent limit, and thereby contribute decisively to the stabilization of the tetramer structure. In line with this, the largest red-shifts were observed on the hydrofluoric acid trimer of the C2H2‧‧‧3(HF) complex.
A mancha-negra dos grãos de aveia branca, cujo principal agente causal é Pyrenophora chaetomioides, é caracterizada pelo escurecimento de seus tecidos superficiais e pode ocasionar redução na qualidade e valor dos mesmos para a indústria alimentícia. Para melhor entender o processo de infecção e formação de manchas os objetivos deste trabalho foram i) Determinar o período de maior suscetibilidade dos grãos à formação de manchas por P. chaetomioides nos componentes florais da aveia; ii) determinar os diferentes níveis de resistência dos genótipos de aveia OR 2, ER 20877-2, UFRGS 995004-2, UPF 95204-2, UFRGS 16, UFRGS 9912002-2, UFRGS 999007-5, UFRGS 998013-3, UPF 16, UFRGS 999022-1, UFRGS 995058-3, UFRGS 15, UFRGS 17, UFRGS 19 e UFRGS 997005-2 à mancha-negra e sua correlação quanto à infecção dos grãos; iii) avaliar o efeito do controle químico na expressão da doença durante a fase de formação de grãos. Em laboratório, avaliou-se o percentual de grãos manchados e a incidência de P. chaetomioides nos componentes florais, enquanto que, a campo, avaliaram-se o rendimento e peso do hectolitro dos grãos. Nos estádios de grão leitoso e massa é quando ocorre a maior incidência de P. chaetomioides nos componentes florais. Os genótipos diferiram com relação ao sintoma da mancha-negra e incidência, mas não houve correlação entre estas duas variáveis. O controle químico na floração reduziu apenas 21% da incidência do fungo nas sementes, em relação à testemunha. Apesar disso, não foi suficiente para reduzir a formação das manchas e nem aumentar o rendimento que compensasse o seu custo.
As amostras de esmectita do estado do Pará, Amazônia, Brasil foram caracterizados utilizando XRD, FTIR e análise textural por curvas isotérmicas adsorpition-desorption nitrogênio. Na produção das argilas pilarizadas foi usado o íon Al13 (o íon de keggin), este íon foi obtido pela reação das soluções AlC(l3)6H2O / NaOH, com razão molar OH/Al=2, com intercalação em temperatura ambiente, durante as 3 horas e calcinada em 450ºC (temperatura adequada da calcinação). O material foi preparado utilizando soluções produzidas na faixa de temperatura de 25, 45, 65, 85, 105ºC, o Resultado mostrou que o processo de pilarização aumenta o espaçamento basal da argila natural de 14,02 para 19,74 Å e a área superficial de 44,30 para 198,03m²/g. a estabilidade térmica da argila natural foi melhorada pelo procedimento de pilarização.