1000 resultados para financiación autonómica, liquidación de 2010
Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 USC. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ (MPOs) Transportation Improvements Programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIP’s and can be provided again upon request. The projects identified within the 2010-2013 STIP are divided into two groups. Projects proposed for funding from FHWA programs are shown first. FTA programs follow. Maps are included that identify locations of Iowa DOT District Planners, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Regional Planning affiliations (RPAs), and transit systems.
En el presente trabajo se ha descrito el análisis y diseño que motiva el proyecto de migración de Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 a la versión SharePoint Server 2010 que desarrolla la intranet de uno de los mayores complejos hospitalarios de nuestro país.
Iowa's Drug Control Strategy serves as a comprehensive blueprint for coordinated prevention, treatment, and enforcement actions to protect citizens from the dangers posed by substance abuse. This holistic plan, developed by Iowa's Drug Policy Advisory Council, embraces a performance-oriented process to align resources with long-term goals, and supports three desired results: All Iowans are healthy and drug-free, Iowa communities are free from illegal drugs, all Iowans are safe from drug abusing offenders. This report also contains a mix of recent accomplishments and pending challenges.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about:Beware of “Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
International Business news from the Iowa International Office, Business Development Division of the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Chet Culver delivered at the State Capitol on January 12, 2010.
Iowa Neighborhood development news...
A team representing Iowa Workforce Development, the Office of Energy Independence, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Iowa Utilities Board, the Department of Economic Development and Iowa Community Colleges reviewed many reports on green jobs published by states, associations and private research companies with the purpose of determining whether the number of “green collar” jobs in Iowa’s economy can be quantified. The team found that there was no standard on definition, identifying jobs or occupations, or level of inclusion for counting green collar jobs. All reports were tailored to their own audiences, without regard to the ability to measure their results against findings made by other states or organizations. Green collar jobs can be found in construction, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, agriculture and many other sectors of the economy. While some of the green collar jobs are in new occupations and industries, most are existing jobs that demand new green collar skills.