945 resultados para fibroblast growth factor receptor 2c
BACKGROUND: The ovarian surface epithelium responds to cytokines and hormonal cues to initiate proliferation and migration following ovulation. Although insulin and IGF are potent proliferative factors for the ovarian surface epithelium and IGF is required for follicle development, increased insulin and IGF activity are correlated with at least two gynecologic conditions: polycystic ovary syndrome and epithelial ovarian cancer. Although insulin and IGF are often components of in vitro culture media, little is known about the effects that these growth factors may have on the ovarian surface epithelium morphology or how signaling in the ovarian surface may affect follicular health and development.
METHODS: Ovaries from CD1 mice were cultured in alginate hydrogels in the presence or absence of 5 μg/ml insulin or IGF-I, as well as small molecule inhibitors of IR/IGF1R, PI 3-kinase signaling, or MAPK signaling. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of cytokeratin 8 to mark the ovarian surface epithelium, Müllerian inhibiting substance to mark secondary follicles, and BrdU incorporation to assess proliferation. Changes in gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium in response to insulin or IGF-I were analyzed by transcription array. Extracellular matrix organization was evaluated by expression and localization of collagen IV.
RESULTS: Culture of ovarian organoids with insulin or IGF-I resulted in formation of hyperplastic OSE approximately 4-6 cell layers thick with a high rate of proliferation, as well as decreased MIS expression in secondary follicles. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway restored MIS expression reduced by insulin but only partially restored normal OSE growth and morphology. Inhibition of the PI 3-kinase pathway restored MIS expression reduced by IGF-I and restored OSE growth to a single cell layer. Insulin and IGF-I altered organization of collagen IV, which was restored by inhibition of PI 3-kinase signaling.
CONCLUSIONS: While insulin and IGF are often required for propagation of primary cells, these cytokines may act as potent mitogens to disrupt cell growth, resulting in formation of hyperplastic OSE and decreased follicular integrity as measured by MIS expression and collagen deposition. This may be due partly to altered collagen IV deposition and organization in the ovary in response to insulin and IGF signaling mediated by PI 3-kinase.
Cervical cancer is a multi-stage disease caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection of cervical epithelial cells, but the mechanisms regulating disease progression are not clearly defined. Using 3-dimensional organotypic cultures, we demonstrate that HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins alter the secretome of primary human keratinocytes resulting in local epithelial invasion. Mechanistically, absence of the IGF-binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) caused increases in IGFI/II signalling and through crosstalk with KGF/FGFR2b/AKT, cell invasion. Repression of IGFBP2 is mediated by histone deacetylation at the IGFBP2 promoter and was reversed by treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Our in vitro findings were confirmed in 50 invasive cancers and 79 cervical intra-epithelial neoplastic lesions caused by HPV16 infection, where IGFBP2 levels were reduced with increasing disease severity. In summary, the loss of IGFBP2 is associated with progression of premalignant disease, and sensitises cells to pro-invasive IGF signalling, and together with stromal derived factors promotes epithelial invasion.
TWEAK (TNF homologue with weak apoptosis-inducing activity) and Fn14 (fibroblast growth factor-inducible protein 14) are members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand and receptor super-families. Having observed that Xenopus Fn14 cross-reacts with human TWEAK, despite its relatively low sequence homology to human Fn14, we examined the conservation in tertiary fold and binding interfaces between the two species. Our results, combining NMR solution structure determination, binding assays, extensive site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling, reveal that, in addition to the known and previously characterized β-hairpin motif, the helix-loop-helix motif makes an essential contribution to the receptor/ligand binding interface. We further discuss the insight provided by the structural analyses regarding how the cysteine-rich domains of the TNF receptor super-family may have evolved over time. DATABASE: Structural data are available in the Protein Data Bank/BioMagResBank databases under the accession codes 2KMZ, 2KN0 and 2KN1 and 17237, 17247 and 17252. STRUCTURED DIGITAL ABSTRACT: TWEAK binds to hFn14 by surface plasmon resonance (View interaction) xeFn14 binds to TWEAK by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (View interaction) TWEAK binds to xeFn14 by surface plasmon resonance (View interaction) hFn14 binds to TWEAK by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (View interaction).
The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor (BAFF) binds B cells and enhances B cell receptor-triggered proliferation. We find that B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a predicted member of the TNF receptor family expressed primarily in mature B cells, is a receptor for BAFF. Although BCMA was previously localized to the Golgi apparatus, BCMA was found to be expressed on the surface of transfected cells and tonsillar B cells. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibited the binding of BAFF to a B cell line, induced a dramatic decrease in the number of peripheral B cells when administered in vivo. Moreover, culturing splenic cells in the presence of BAFF increased survival of a percentage of the B cells. These results are consistent with a role for BAFF in maintaining homeostasis of the B cell population.
Chicl( brain growth factor (CBGF) is a mitogen isolated from embryonic chick brains thought to have a potential role as a trophic factor involved in nerve dependent amphibian limb regeneration. In addition, CBGF stimulates 3H-thymidine incorporation in chick embryo brain astrocytes in vitro. In this study, cultured chick embryo brain non-neuronal cells were employed in a bioassay to monitor CBGF activity throughout various stages of its pllrification. Cell culture and assay conditions were optimized. Nonneuronal cells grew best on collagen-coated culture dishes in complete medium, were most responsive to a growth stimulus [10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)] at the second and third subcultures, and were healthiest when rendered "quiescent" in medium supplemented with 1% FBS. The most effective bioassay conditions consisted of a minimum 14.5 hour "quiescence" time (24 hours was used), a 6 hour "prestimulation" time, and a 24 hour 3H-thymidine labeling time. Four-day subconfluent primary non-neuronal cells consisted of 6.63% GFAP positive cells; as a result cultures were thought to be mainly composed of astroblasts. CBGF was purified from 18-day chick embryo brains by ultrafiltration through Amicon PM-30 and YM-2 membranes, size exclusion chromatography through a Biogel P6 column, and analytical reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (rp-HPLC). The greatest activity resided in rp-HPLC fraction #7 (10 ng/ml) which was as effective as 10% FBS at stimulating 3H-thymidine incorporation in chick embryo brain nonneuronal cells. Although other researchers report the isolation of a mitogenic fraction consisting of 5'-GMP from the embryonic chick brain, UV absorbance spectra, rp-HPLC elution profiles, and fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra indicated that CBGF is neither 5'-GMP nor 51-AMP. 2 Moreover, commercially available 5t-GMP was inhibitory to 3H-thymidine incorporation in the chick non-neuronal cells, while Sf-AMP had no effect. Upon treatment with pronase, the biological activity of fraction P6-3 increased; this increase was nearly 30% greater than what would be expected from a simple additive effect of any mitogenic activity of pronase alone together with P6-3 alone. This may suggest the presence of an inhibitor protein. The bioactive component may be a protein protected by a nucleoside/nucleotide or simply a nucleoside/nucleotide acting alone. While the FAB mass spectrum of rp-HPLC fraction #7 did not reveal molecular weight or sequence information, the ion of highest molecular weight was observed at m/z 1610; this is consistent with previous estimations of CBGF's size. 3
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Un remodelage vasculaire anormal est à la base de la pathogenèse des maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV) telles que l’athérosclérose et l’hypertension. Des dysfonctionnements au niveau de la migration, l’hypertrophie et la prolifération des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) sont des évènements cellulaires qui jouent un rôle primordial dans le remodelage vasculaire. L’insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), puissant facteur mitogène, contribue au développement des MCV, notamment via l’activation des protéines MAPK et PI3-K/PKB, composantes clés impliquées dans les voies de croissance cellulaire. Ces molécules sont également impliquées dans la modulation de l’expression de nombreux facteurs de transcription, incluant le facteur Egr-1. Egr-1 est régulé à la hausse dans différents types de maladies vasculaires impliquant les voies de signalisation de croissance et de stress oxydant qui par ailleurs peuvent être déclenchées par l’IGF-1. Cependant, la question d’une possible modulation de l’expression d’Egr-1 dans les CMLV demeure inabordée; plus spécifiquement, la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation reliant l’action d’IGF-1 à l’expression d’Egr-1 reste à établir. Dans cette optique, l’objectif de cette étude a été d’examiner l’implication de MAPK, PKB et des dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène (DRO) dans l’expression d’Egr-1 induite par l’IGF-1 dans les CMLV. L’IGF-1 a induit une augmentation marquée du niveau protéique de l’Egr-1 en fonction du temps et de la concentration utilisés. Cette augmentation a été inhibée en fonction des doses d’agents pharmacologiques qui ciblent les voies de signalisation de MAPK, PKB et DRO. De plus, l’expression du facteur de transcription, Egr-1, en réponse de l’IGF-1, a été atténuée suite à un blocage pharmacologique des processus cellulaires responsables de la synthèse d’ARN et de synthèse protéique. Pour conclure, on a démontré que l’IGF-1 stimule l’expression d’Egr-1 via les voies de signalisation, impliquant ERK1/2/JNK, PI3K/PKB. On a également proposé que les DRO jouent un rôle important dans ce processus. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons suggéré un nouveau mécanisme par lequel l’IGF-1 promeut la prolifération et l’hypertrophie cellulaire, processus à la base des anomalies vasculaires.
ADP-ribosylation factor-1 (ARF1) est une petite GTPase principalement connue pour son rôle dans la formation de vésicules au niveau de l’appareil de Golgi. Récemment, dans des cellules de cancer du sein, nous avons démontré qu’ARF1 est aussi un médiateur important de la signalisation du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR) contrôlant la prolifération, la migration et l'invasion cellulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel l’EGFR active la GTPase ainsi que le rôle de cette dernière dans la régulation de la fonction du récepteur demeure inconnue. Dans cette thèse, nous avions comme objectifs de définir le mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif et démontrer que l’activation de cette isoforme de ARF joue un rôle essentiel dans la résistance de ces cellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nos études démontrent que les protéines d’adaptatrices Grb2 et p66Shc jouent un rôle important dans l'activation de ARF1. Alors que Grb2 favorise le recrutement d’ARF1 à l'EGFR ainsi que l'activation de cette petite GTPase, p66Shc inhibe le recrutement du complexe Grb2-ARF1 au récepteur et donc contribue à limiter l’activation d’ARF1. De plus, nous démontrons que ARF1 favorise la résistance aux inhibiteurs des tyrosines kinases dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif. En effet, une diminution de l’expression de ARF1 a augmenté la sensibilité descellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nous montrons également que de hauts niveaux de ARF1 contribuent à la résistance des cellules à ces médicaments en améliorant la survie et les signaux prolifératifs à travers ERK1/2, Src et AKT, tout en bloquant les voies apoptotiques (p38MAPK et JNK). Enfin, nous mettons en évidence le rôle de la protéine ARF1 dans l’apoptose en réponse aux traitements des inhibiteurs de l’EGFR. Nos résultats indiquent que la dépletion d’ARF1 promeut la mort cellulaire induite par gefitinib, en augmentant l'expression de facteurs pro-apoptotiques (p66shc, Bax), en altérant le potentiel de la membrane mitochondriale et la libération du cytochrome C. Ensemble, nos résultats délimitent un nouveau mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules du cancer du sein hautement invasif et impliquent l’activité d’ARF1 comme un médiateur important de la résistance aux inhibiteurs EGFR.
The 70kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) plays important roles in the regulation of protein synthesis, cell growth and metabolism. S6K1 is activated by the phosphorylation of multiple serine and threonine residues in response to stimulation by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In addition to phosphorylation, we have recently shown that S6K1 is also targeted by lysine acetylation. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry we have mapped acetylation of S6K1 to lysine 516, a site close to the C-terminus of the kinase that is highly conserved amongst vertebrate S6K1 orthologues. Using acetyl-specific K516 antibodies, we show that acetylation of endogenous S6K1 at this site is potently induced upon growth factor stimulation. Although S6K1 acetylation and phosphorylation are both induced by growth factor stimulation, these events appear to be functionally independent. Indeed, experiments using inhibitors of S6K1 activation and exposure of cells to various stresses indicate that S6K1 acetylation can occur in the absence of phosphorylation and vice versa. We propose that K516 acetylation may serve to modulate important kinase-independent functions of S6K1 in response to growth factor signalling.
The relationships between insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and the fertility and milk yield of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were investigated. The concentration of IGF-I in blood was measured weekly from one week before to 12 weeks after calving in 177 multiparous cows and at four times during this period in 142 primiparous cows; the concentration of IGF-I in milk was measured in 50 of the multiparous cows. The plasma concentrations of IGF-I were higher in the primiparous than in the multiparous animals. in the primiparous cows, high concentrations of IGF-I before calving were associated with longer calving to conception intervals. Conversely, in the multiparous cows low concentrations of IGF-I before and after calving were associated with a failure to conceive, despite repeated services. Multiparous cows with IGF-I concentrations of greater than 25 ng/ml in the week after calving were 11 times more likely to conceive to first service than those with lower concentrations. Concentrations of IGF-I greater than 50 ng/ml at first service increased the likelihood of conception five-fold. Cows with higher peak milk yields had lower plasma concentrations of IGF-I and took longer to return to ovarian cyclicity. The negative relationship between milk yield and return to cyclicity was stronger in the multiparous cows (P<0(.)002) than in the primiparous cows (P<0(.)04). The concentrations of IGF-I in milk followed a different pattern and were not associated with the changes in plasma IGF-I or fertility.
BACKGROUND: Trophoblast invasion is a temporally and spatially regulated scheme of events that can dictate pregnancy outcome. Evidence suggests that the potent mitogen epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates cytotrophoblast (CTB) differentiation and invasion during early pregnancy. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the present study, the first trimester extravillous CTB cell line SGHPL-4 was used to investigate the signalling pathways involved in the motile component of EGF-mediated CTB migration/invasion. EGF induced the phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K)-dependent proteins, Akt and GSK-3β as well as both p42/44 MAPK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). EGF-stimulated motility was significantly reduced following the inhibition of PI3-K (P < 0.001), Akt (P < 0.01) and both p42/44 MAPK (P < 0.001) and p38 MAPKs (P < 0.001) but not the inhibition of GSK-3β. Further analysis indicated that the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB 203580 inhibited EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt on serine 473, which may be responsible for the effect SB 203580 has on CTB motility. Although Akt activation leads to GSK-3β phosphorylation and the subsequent expression of β-catenin, activation of this pathway by 1-azakenpaullone was insufficient to stimulate the motile phenotype. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate a role for PI3-K, p42/44 MAPK and p38 MAPK in the stimulation of CTB cell motility by EGF, however activation of β-catenin alone was insufficient to stimulate cell motility.
The objective was to investigate the potential role of the oocyte in modulating proliferation and basal, FSH-induced and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-induced secretion of inhibin A (inh A), activin A (act A), follistatin (FS), estradiol (E-2), and progesterone (P-4) by mural bovine granulosa cells. Cells from 4- to 6-mm follicles were cultured in serum-free medium containing insulin and androstenedione, and the effects of ovine FSH and IGF analogue (LR3-IGF-1) were tested alone and in the presence of denuded bovine oocytes (2, 8, or 20 per well). Medium was changed every 48 h, cultures were terminated after 144 h, and viable cell number was determined. Results are based on combined data from four independent cultures and are presented for the last time period only when responses were maximal. Both FSH and IGF increased (P < 0.001) secretion of inh A, act A, FS, E-2, and P-4 and raised cell number. In the absence of FSH or IGF, coculture with oocytes had no effect on any of the measured hormones, although cell number was increased up to 1.8-fold (P < 0.0001). Addition of oocytes to FSH-stimulated cells dose-dependently suppressed (P < 0.0001) inh A (6-fold maximum suppression), act A (5.5-fold), FS (3.6-fold), E-2 (4.6-fold), and P-4 (2.4-fold), with suppression increasing with FSH dose. Likewise, oocytes suppressed (P < 0.001) IGF-induced secretion of inh A, act A, FS, and E-2 (P < 0.05) but enhanced IGF-induced P-4 secretion (1.7-fold; P < 0.05). Given the similarity of these oocyte-mediated actions to those we observed previously following epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment, we used immunocytochemistry to determine whether bovine oocytes express EGF or transforming growth factor (TGF) alpha. Intense staining with TGFalpha antibody (but not with EGF antibody) was detected in oocytes both before and after coculture. Experiments involving addition of TGFalpha to granulosa cells confirmed that the peptide mimicked the effects of oocytes on cell proliferation and on FSH- and IGF-induced hormone secretion. These experiments indicate that bovine oocytes secrete a factor(s) capable of modulating granulosa cell proliferation and responsiveness to FSH and IGF in terms of steroidogenesis and production of inhibin-related peptides, bovine oocytes express TGFalpha but not EGF, and TGFalpha is a prime candidate for mediating the actions of oocytes on bovine granulosa cells.