946 resultados para ethos textual


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Aquest treball presenta una anàlisi textual de l'obra de Maria Aurèlia Capmany 'Feliçment, jo sóc una dona'. D'una banda, a través d'una breu presentació de l'autora fins al moment de la publicació de l'obra i, d'una altra, d'una síntesi del feminisme a Catalunya, l'autora del treball ens apropa a les teories feministes que Capmany aboca en la seva novel·la, fet que representa un punt d'inflació en la seva trajectòria novel·lística. L'anàlisi textual ens permet apropar-nos al concepte d'identitat femenina i a la seva construcció, així com relacionar-lo amb les teories feministes més recents.


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OBJETIVO: Neste artigo são descritas a implementação e avaliação de um sistema de gerenciamento de imagens médicas com suporte à recuperação baseada em conteúdo (PACS-CBIR), integrando módulos voltados para a aquisição, armazenamento e distribuição de imagens, e a recuperação de informação textual por palavras-chave e de imagens por similaridade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O sistema foi implementado com tecnologias para Internet, utilizando-se programas livres, plataforma Linux e linguagem de programação C++, PHP e Java. Há um módulo de gerenciamento de imagens compatível com o padrão DICOM e outros dois módulos de busca, um baseado em informações textuais e outro na similaridade de atributos de textura de imagens. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as imagens são gerenciadas e armazenadas corretamente e que o tempo de retorno das imagens, sempre menor do que 15 segundos, foi considerado bom pelos usuários. As avaliações da recuperação por similaridade demonstraram que o extrator escolhido possibilitou a separação das imagens por região anatômica. CONCLUSÃO: Com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que é viável a implementação de um PACS-CBIR. O sistema apresentou-se compatível com as funcionalidades do DICOM e integrável ao sistema de informação local. A funcionalidade de recuperação de imagens similares pode ser melhorada com a inclusão de outros descritores.


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Afrontar el proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera supone unatarea global que culmina en el dominio de la misma en múltiples variablessituacionales. En el siguiente trabajo proponemos una incipientecaracterización de la conversación telefónica como subgénero discursivo quese enmarca en el ámbito del desarrollo de las destrezas orales. Pretendemoscon ello acotar un marco específico en el que las característicasinteraccionales propias de los textos conversacionales aparecen en algunosaspectos dislocadas, así como proponer una aplicación didáctica mediante laimbricación de este género textual con el uso de ciertos recursos cinematográficos en la clase de ELE.


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For manyyears, a major focus of interest has been the patient, in the context of a constantly changing society and increasingly complex medical practices. We propose to shift this focus on the physician, who is entangled in a similar, but less evident way. In these three articles, we explore, in succession, the lived experience of the contemporary physician, the ethos which brings together the medical community, and the education of the future physician, using research projects currently under way within the Service of Liaison Psychiatry at Lausanne University Hospital. In this first article, we particularly raise the question of what is the lived experience of the physician and sketch the outline of <physician-centered> research.


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In this thesis we study the field of opinion mining by giving a comprehensive review of the available research that has been done in this topic. Also using this available knowledge we present a case study of a multilevel opinion mining system for a student organization's sales management system. We describe the field of opinion mining by discussing its historical roots, its motivations and applications as well as the different scientific approaches that have been used to solve this challenging problem of mining opinions. To deal with this huge subfield of natural language processing, we first give an abstraction of the problem of opinion mining and describe the theoretical frameworks that are available for dealing with appraisal language. Then we discuss the relation between opinion mining and computational linguistics which is a crucial pre-processing step for the accuracy of the subsequent steps of opinion mining. The second part of our thesis deals with the semantics of opinions where we describe the different ways used to collect lists of opinion words as well as the methods and techniques available for extracting knowledge from opinions present in unstructured textual data. In the part about collecting lists of opinion words we describe manual, semi manual and automatic ways to do so and give a review of the available lists that are used as gold standards in opinion mining research. For the methods and techniques of opinion mining we divide the task into three levels that are the document, sentence and feature level. The techniques that are presented in the document and sentence level are divided into supervised and unsupervised approaches that are used to determine the subjectivity and polarity of texts and sentences at these levels of analysis. At the feature level we give a description of the techniques available for finding the opinion targets, the polarity of the opinions about these opinion targets and the opinion holders. Also at the feature level we discuss the various ways to summarize and visualize the results of this level of analysis. In the third part of our thesis we present a case study of a sales management system that uses free form text and that can benefit from an opinion mining system. Using the knowledge gathered in the review of this field we provide a theoretical multi level opinion mining system (MLOM) that can perform most of the tasks needed from an opinion mining system. Based on the previous research we give some hints that many of the laborious market research tasks that are done by the sales force, which uses this sales management system, can improve their insight about their partners and by that increase the quality of their sales services and their overall results.


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This thesis is concerned with the philosophical grammar of certain psychiatric concepts, which play a central role in delineating the field of psychiatric work. The concepts studied are ‘psychosis’, ‘delusion’, ‘person’, ‘understanding’ and ‘incomprehensibility’. The purpose of this conceptual analysis is to provide a more perspicuous view of the logic of these concepts, how psychiatric work is constituted in relation to them, and what this tells us about the relationships between the conceptual and the empirical in psychiatric concepts. The method used in the thesis is indebted primarily to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of philosophy, where we are urged to look at language uses in relation to practices in order to obtain a clearer overview of practices of interest; this will enable us to resolve the conceptual problems related to these practices. This questioning takes as its starting point the concept of psychosis, a central psychiatric concept during the twentieth century. The conceptual analysis of ‘psychosis’ shows that the concept is logically dependent on the concepts of ‘understanding’ and ‘person’. Following the lead found in this analysis, the logic of person-concepts in psychiatric discourse is analysed by a detailed textual analysis of a psychiatric journal article. The main finding is the ambiguous uses of ‘person’, enabling a specifically psychiatric form of concern in human affairs. The grammar of ‘understanding’ is then tackled from the opposite end, by exploring the logic of the concept of ‘incomprehensibility’. First, by studying the DSM-IV definition of delusion it is shown that its ambiguities boil down to the question of whether psychiatric practice is better accounted for in terms of the grammar of ‘incorrectness’ or ‘incomprehensibility’. Second, the grammar of ‘incomprehensibility’ is further focused on by introducing the distinction between positive and negative conceptions of ‘incomprehensibility’. The main finding is that this distinction has wide-ranging implications for our understanding of psychiatric concepts. Finally, some of the findings gained in these studies are ‘put into practice’ in studying the more practical question of the conceptual and ethical problems associated with the concept of ‘prodromal symptom of schizophrenia’ and the agenda of early detection and intervention in schizophrenia more generally.


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The possibilities and expansion of the use of Web 2.0 has opened up a world of possibilities in online learning. In spite of the integration of these tools in education major changes are required in the educational design of instructional processes.This paper presents an educational experience conducted by the Open University of Catalonia using the social network Facebook for the purpose of testing a learning model that uses a participation and collaboration methodology among users based on the use of open educational resources.- The aim of the experience is to test an Open Social Learning (OSL) model, understood to be a virtual learning environment open to the Internet community, based on the use of open resources and on a methodology focused on the participation and collaboration of users in the construction of knowledge.- The topic chosen for this experience in Facebook was 2.0 Journeys: online tools and resources. The objective of this 5 weeks course was to provide students with resources for managing the various textual, photographic, audiovisual and multimedia materials resulting from a journey.- The most important changes in the design and development of a course based on OSL are the role of the teacher, the role of the student, the type of content and the methodology:- The teacher mixes with the participants, guiding them and offering the benefit of his/her experience and knowledge.- Students learn through their participation and collaboration with a mixed group of users.- The content is open and editable under different types of license that specify the level of accessibility.- The methodology of the course was based on the creation of a learning community able to self-manage its learning process. For this a facilitator was needed and also a central activity was established for people to participate and contribute in the community.- We used an ethnographic methodology and also questionnaires to students in order to acquire results regarding the quality of this type of learning experience.- Some of the data obtained raised questions to consider for future designs of educational situations based on OSL:- Difficulties in breaking the facilitator-centred structure- Change in the time required to adapt to the system and to achieve the objectives- Lack of commitment with free courses- The trend to return to traditional ways of learning- Accreditation- This experience has taught all of us that education can happen any time and in any place but not in any way.


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El artículo trata de las contribuciones autobiográficas de lingüistas a la historiografía. Considera la autobiografía como una fuente documental de la corriente narrativa de la historiografía. Hace un inventario de los repertorios de autobiografías: Davis & O"Cain 1980, Koerner , 1991, 1998; López Alonso & Séré , 1992; Swiggers , 1997; Brown & Law, 2002; Timotin & Colceriu, 2012; Laborda, Romera & Fernández Planas, 2014 . Y considera sus aspectos cognitivos, literarios y textuales. A plica como modelo analítico la teoría del dramatismo y de los constituyentes del relato de Jerome Bruner. El estudio argumenta sobre la idoneidad de la autobiografía para narrar la trayectoria vital del autor y trazar el panorama de la lingüística contemporánea. Y revela el valor polifacético de la escritura del Yo como literatura, documento científico y fuente de información social."Historiography and memory of linguistics in autobiographies of linguistics The paper discusses the autobio graphical historiography of linguistics contributions. The autobiography is a source of the narrative aspect of historiography. In the paper a list of autobiographies of linguists is made (Davis & O"Cain 1980,Koerner 1991 y 1998, López Alonso & Séré 1992, Swiggers 1997, Brown & Law 2002, Timotin & Colceriu 2012, Laborda, Romera & Fernández Planas 2014) to consider their cognitive, literary and textual aspects .The article applies the theory as an analytical model of the drama and of the constituents of the story by Jerome Bruner. The study confirms the suitability of the autobiography to tell the life story of the author and to describe the landscape of contemporary linguistics.


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This paper addresses some of the challenges inherent in finding and showing a gendered voice in translation. The starting point is my own experience as a feminist translator of both feminist and non-feminist texts. Textual practices like translating necessarily interact with current theoretical debates. In turn, theoretical writing on feminism enriches and informs one’s translating activity. This interplay between theoretical models and textual practices was particularly made evident to me as I rendered Essentially speaking, by Diana Fuss, into Catalan. In this article I intend to transcend anecdotes of translating individual texts and consider how translating equals rewriting oneself; it involves rethinking writing practices. I will specifically address the rethinking of (1) one’s identity when translating ‘like’ a feminist, (2) performativity in gender and in translation, and (3) agency and (In)visibility.


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This study was realized with high school Chemistry teachers from the region of and around Florianópolis (SC). It examines the pedagogical implications of these teachers' views on environmental issues, and discusses the possibilities and difficulties of bringing these issues into the Chemistry classroom. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed using Textual Discourse Analysis principles. The dominance of content-based teaching and traditional pedagogical approaches appears to hinder curricular changes. Most subjects pay little heed to environmental issues and their relation to Chemistry, and endorse a view of science as neutral, and the environment as anthropocentric - views far from Green Chemistry principles.


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Introduction. This study presents the results of the implementation process of portfolio in the course of four consecutive years. The plan includes three phases (initiation, development and consolidation). The sample is 480 students studying the first year of nursing at the University of Girona. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the instrument and achieve its construction in a self-regulated process. Subjects and methods. The proposed methodology is based on the sequential triangulation between methods. The study of the same empirical unit it’s used two investigation strategies, quantitative and qualitative. Study 1: quantitative, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective. The statistical analysis of paired data for continuous variables that follow a normaldistribution is made with t Student-Fisher test. The correlation between two numerical variables is used the Pearson correlation index. Study 2: qualitative, uses the discussion groups and topics. For textual data analysis is used Atlas.ti. Results. The final score for students who prepare the portfolio is higher (7.78) than the score who do not prepare (7) (p ≤ 0.001). A significant correlation exists between the portfolio score and final score (p ≤ 0.001). The trend study showsa greater sensitivity of the instrument assessment. Conclusion. The final design of the portfolio is characterized by mixed, flexible and encourages the student reflection and empowers the reflection on the continuum of learning


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Afrontar el proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera supone unatarea global que culmina en el dominio de la misma en múltiples variablessituacionales. En el siguiente trabajo proponemos una incipientecaracterización de la conversación telefónica como subgénero discursivo quese enmarca en el ámbito del desarrollo de las destrezas orales. Pretendemoscon ello acotar un marco específico en el que las característicasinteraccionales propias de los textos conversacionales aparecen en algunosaspectos dislocadas, así como proponer una aplicación didáctica mediante laimbricación de este género textual con el uso de ciertos recursos cinematográficos en la clase de ELE.


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We developed and applied an educational instrument (ID) to discuss, in the discipline of Supervised Pre Service Teachers Practice 1, guidelines for teacher education to redefine teacher knowledge with a specific focus on chemistry teachers. The study used methodological fundamentals of Discursive Textual Analysis that involves identifying and isolating a set of materials subjected to analysis, categorizing these statements and producing texts, integrating these descriptions and interpretations, basing its construction on the category system built. Data were collected through participant observation and text readings used by the students in performing the activity. It was noted that the chemistry teachers trained were able to express opinions that indicated the Construction of Meanings Interface that was the category of analysis established a priori.


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RESUMO Este artigo apresenta e discute alguns resultados de uma pesquisa sobre um manuscrito sânscrito budista contendo o Guṇakāraṇḍavyūhasūtra, que foi investigado por meio de uma abordagem interdisciplinar com vistas a compreender as estratégias sociorreligiosas que permearam sua gênese narrativa em um novo milieu. Os resultados apontam para uma monumentalização narrativa do texto Mahāyāna original indiano - o Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra - durante sua transposição para o contexto do budismo esotérico no Nepal. Por meio de um número crescente de molduras concêntricas, a retórica cronológica e soteriológica do sūtra adquiriu uma transcendência discursiva que o transformou num maṇḍala textual, i.e., ele possui uma dimensão estrutural diretamente associada aos cosmogramas sagrados que permeiam os diferentes contextos dessa região.


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ABSTRACT This paper is an analysis of the manner Nishida Kitarô (1870-1945), in the process of construction of his own philosophy of religion, enters into dialogue with Leibniz's thought concerning Pre-established Harmony. Although the philosophy of religion is an important theme and Nishida goes back to Leibniz at some points in his textual career, there are relatively few studies that touch on the relationship between these two thinkers. I study Nishida's approach under three headings. The first section concerns ten main aspects of the world of pre-established harmony. The second tries to show the manner in which such a world becomes a guide towards a philosophy of religion, placing the emphasis on three characteristically Christian aspects: a created, fallen, and Trinitarian world. The third section includes some elements such as the entrance into religion, metanoia, satori and a comparison between Christian agape and Buddhist maha-kruna. These are themes on which Nishida elaborates in his 1945 masterpiece, The Logic of Basho and a Religious Worldview.