1000 resultados para efeito período
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos da cobertura do solo sobre o manejo da irrigação do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes níveis de cobertura morta com palhada de capim braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens), obedecendo delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições para os seguintes tratamentos: 0% (0 t/ha), 25% (2,25 t/ha), 50% (4,50 t/ha), 75% (6,75 t/ha) e 100% (9,0 t/ha). O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, no município de Santo Antonio de Goiás, GO, a 16° 28’ 00” de latitude sul, 49° 17’00” de longitude oeste e 823 m de altitude, num Latossolo Vermelho escuro argiloso, durante o período de junho a setembro de 1997. O manejo da irrigação por microaspersão foi realizado utilizando tensiômetro e a curva característica de água no solo, irrigando toda vez que tensão matricial da água do solo atingia 30 kPa. A análise dos resultados mostrou diminuição do número de irrigações e aumento do turno de rega nos tratamentos onde a cobertura atingiu mais de 50% da superfície do solo. Os valores médios da tensão da água do solo nos tratamentos com 0,25 e 50% apresentaram maior variação (turno de rega menor). A cobertura do solo propiciou maior eficiência do uso da água. A produção de grãos foi avaliada não havendo diferença de produtividade entre os tratamentos de cobertura morta.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
The soil is one of the main C pools in terrestrial ecosystem, capable of storing significant C amounts. Therefore, understanding the factors that contribute to the loss of CO2 from agricultural soils is critical to determine strategies reducing emissions of this gas and help mitigate the greenhouse effect. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soil tillage and sugarcane trash on CO2 emissions, temperature and soil moisture during sugarcane (re)planting, over a study period of 15 days. The following managements were evaluated: no-tillage with crop residues left on the soil surface (NTR); without tillage and without residue (NTNR) and tillage with no residue (TNR). The average soil CO2 emission (FCO2) was lowest in NTR (2.16 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to the managements NTNR (2.90 µmol m-2 s-1) and TNR (3.22 µmol m-2 s-1), indicating that the higher moisture and lower soil temperature variations observed in NTR were responsible for this decrease. During the study period, the lowest daily average FCO2 was recorded in NTR (1.28 µmol m-2 s-1), and the highest in TNR (6.08 µmol m-2 s-1), after rainfall. A loss of soil CO2 was lowest from the management NTR (367 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and differing significantly (p<0.05) from the managements NTNR (502 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and TNR (535 kg ha-1 of CO2-C). Soil moisture was the variable that differed most managements and was positively correlated (r = 0.55, p<0.05) with the temporal variations of CO2 emission from NTR and TNR. In addition, the soil temperature differed (p<0.05) only in management NTR (24 °C) compared to NTNR (26 °C) and TNR (26.5 °C), suggesting that under the conditions of this study, sugarcane trash left on the surface induced an average rise in the of soil temperature of 2 ºC.
The purpose was to evaluate the reproductive performance of woolless ewes due to the feeding management of offsprings and weaning age in addition to measuring the effect of gender on weight gain of lambs. Sixty-four Santa Inês crossbred ewes were distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 4 x 2 x 2 - four weaning ages (56, 70, 84 and 98 days), sex and feeding management of the offspring, each treatment with four replications. The ewes were managed with the offsprings at the foot in 14 paddocks of 1,5 or 2,0 hectares, formed with Brachiaria humidícola. The offsprings were born by single birth, of Santa Inês pure of origin (PO). After the weaning of all groups, sixty-four lambs (32 males and 32 females) were randomly assigned in individual stalls and confined for 30 days. The comparison of the parameters was carried out by the adjustment of the simple linear regression model. It was verified over time addiction of the offspring feed management of + 3,7% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and of + 1,4% (P<0,05) for the service period. There was increasing linear effect (P<0,05) of weaning age on calving intervals and service period. It was verified over time, addiction of the offspring sex of + 2,0% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and + 0,8% (P<0,05) for the ewes service period. It was observed over time addiction of sex of + 35,2% and + 36,9% (P<0,05), respectively, for the daily weight gain of lambs from birth to weaning and post-weaning in feedlot. The supplementation of the offspring in private feeder and the anticipation of the weaning age reduce the calving intervals and the service period of woolless ewes in Brachiaria humidicula pasture. The offspring sex is the source of variation in the analysis of reproductive efficiency of ewe's mat rices and in the weight gain of Santa Inês crossbred lambs from birth to weaning, and after weaning.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos e os métodos de aplicação dos aditivos foliares decanoato de nandrolona (esteroide anabolizante) a 0,5%, ácido ascórbico (vitamina C) a 0,5%, palmitato de retinol (vitamina A) a 0,5% e acetato de retinol (vitamina A) a 1,0% em alguns parâmetros biológicos do bicho-da-seda. No experimento do modo de aplicação (pulverização foliar antes do fornecimento, depois do fornecimento e por imersão antes do fornecimento) foram utilizados: decanoato de nandrolona 0,5%; ácido ascórbico 0,5%; e palmitato de retinol 0,5%. No ensaio de desenvolvimento do inseto foram avaliados: duração e viabilidade larval; peso de casulo; taxa de encasulamento; teor líquido de seda; longevidade de adultos; número de ovos por fêmea; e duração do período de subida ao bosque. Para o modo de aplicação determinaram-se: ganho de peso, comprimento, diâmetro do tórax e diâmetro do abdome de lagartas de 5º ínstar, assim como comprimento, diâmetro e peso de glândula sericígena. Os resultados mostraram que, apesar de o ácido ascórbico proporcionar os melhores valores para o desenvolvimento corpóreo das lagartas, este não corresponde a incrementos significativos na produção; o palmitato de retinol não melhora o desenvolvimento das lagartas; o acetato de retinol e o palmitato de retinol prolongam o período larval, sem, no entanto, alterar significativamente os parâmetros de produção; a imersão de folhas antes do fornecimento às lagartas é mais viável para a aplicação dos aditivos.
INTRODUCTION: Resistance training (RT) has been widely used for older adults in order to minimize or reverse the deleterious effects of aging in the neuromuscular system. However, the potential benefits of RT on arterial blood pressure and heart rate at rest in older adults remain controversial. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of eight weeks of RT on systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in older women without hypertension. METHODS: Seventeen women (aged 66.0 ± 5.8 years) without previous experience in RT were randomly assigned to either a training (TG, n = 10) or control (CG, n = 7) groups. Hemodynamic parameters at rest were evaluated by auscultatory method (mercury sphygmomanometer) and HR monitor (Polar), before and after eight weeks of experimental period. RESULTS: Reductions attributable to RT were found only to SBP (-13.4 mmHg, p <0.01). Although significant reductions were observed for DBP and MBP, the analysis of covariance showed no interaction Group x Time significant. CONCLUSION: RT proved an effective training to promote adaptations in the cardiovascular system of older women without hypertension. Eight weeks of RT can significantly reduce SBP at rest in older women.
Q field experiment was carried out at the Gralha Azul Experimental Farm/PUCPR, in the municipality of Fazenda Rio Grande-PR, to evaluate the effect of different times and coexistence extension periods of weeds interfering in corn yield. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized complete block design and the treatments in a 4x5+2 factorial, with four replications. The treatments were as follows: four initial weed control periods (0-0, 0-7, 0-14 and 0-21 DAE) and five restarted weed control periods until the harvest (28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 DAE) and two checks, weedy and weed-free. The experiment was carried out under a no-till system. The period prior to weed interference (PBWI), the start of the critical period of weed interference (CPWI) and the infesting community were evaluated. When the initial weed control period was 0-0 day, the PPWI was at 9 DAE of corn; however, with increasing initial weed control periods (0-7, 0-14 and 0-21 DAE) the period prior to weed interference inncreased in relation to 0-0 day of the initial weed control, evidencing the existence of PPWI-S of 17, 24 and 28 DAE of corn, respectively. Thus CPWI initiates at the end of PPWI-S, the period when weed control is indispensable to prevent a significant reduction in corn yield. Coexistance with the weeds throughout the crop cycle reduced yield in 15%, compared to the weed-free check. Nine species of seven botanical families were assessed in the infesting community. Reduced density and dry mass were verified in the weeds that coexisted with corn, compared to those that grew without it, thus evidencing a suppressive effect of corn over the infesting plants.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)