1000 resultados para educadoras leigas práticas pedagógicas sociais


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Introduo: Entre as estratgias de ensino e aprendizagem utilizadas nas práticas pedagógicas, a Problem Based Learning (PBL) (Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas) utilizada desde 1960, em especial nos cursos de Medicina. Mesmo sendo uma estratgia valiosa, um dos seus obstculos a pouca prtica dos alunos em atividades autodirigidas, pesquisa e construo coletiva do conhecimento. Objetivo: Rastrear elementos constitutivos da PBL atravs de dados colhidos em artigos pesquisados em stios de divulgao cientfica; Avaliar, nos estudos selecionados, os aspectos positivos e negativos que estejam relacionados com a metodologia do Sistema PBL aplicada ao ensino mdico no Brasil. Metodologia: Estudo bibliogrfico de 13 textos utilizando um modelo de desconstruo, denominada Anlise Textual Discursiva (ATD) que consiste em: transformao dos artigos em pedaos menores; anlise textual; identificao de padres convergentes e divergentes em relao a PBL; organizao e sntese dos dados, culminando com a elaborao de estratgia adaptativa da PBL para o curso de Medicina. Resultados: Foram encontradas 116 citaes que convergiam para referncias positivos acerca da metodologia PBL e 40 citaes que divergiam acerca dos pontos positivos. Os aspectos positivos como o desenvolvimento de atitudes e habilidades; desenvolvimento de competncias anteriores ao curso; efeitos positivos depois de terminada a graduao, como autonomia de estudo e a articulao entre currculo e realidade profissional, representam pontos a serem reforados na aula. Em contraponto, foi observado que dentre os negativos a no compreenso do papel do professor como tutor; necessidade de contedo formal tradicional pelos alunos e a expectativa que o professor retire as suas dvidas so pontos a serem evitados. Concluses: A metodologia PBL dever servir como metodologia ativa para aproveitar ao mximo as habilidades que os alunos j apresentam, potencializando o aprendizado na educao mdica em sala de aula. Palavras-Chave: PBL; curso de medicina; metodologia ativa; educao mdica.


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O presente relatrio foi elaborado no mbito das Unidades Curriculares de Prtica Educativa I e II do Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar (EPE) e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico (CEB), ministrado na Escola Superior de Educao do Instituto Politcnico de Coimbra. Este trabalho representa o caminho percorrido nos estgios realizados em contexto de Educao Pr-Escolar e de Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico (CEB). Tem como objetivo apresentar e descrever as aprendizagens e competncias adquiridas nas práticas pedagógicas supervisionadas, ao longo do percurso formativo realizado nos dois contextos educativos. A escolha do ttulo Educao, Aprendizagem e Ensino, um mundo em sintonia traduz, para mim, o que considero fundamental para o desenvolvimento da criana. So trs dimenses que definem a estrutura do desenvolvimento acadmico do ser humano.


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O presente relatrio tem como propsito apresentar um relato reflexivo e descritivo sobre as práticas educativas realizadas na Educao Pr-Escolar e no Ensino do 1. CEB. Pretende-se salientar algumas vivncias essenciais no meu processo de formao, nomeadamente, aspetos relativos aos contextos de estgio e s práticas educativas, onde a criana foi encarada como figura central no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Se atravs da experincia que construmos as nossas aprendizagens e aperfeioamos as nossas aes, foi tambm atravs das reflexes aqui presentes que melhor compreendi quais as práticas pedagógicas que funcionam melhor, dando respostas aos interesses das crianas e ao seu desenvolvimento integral. Deste modo, ao longo do presente documento, pretende expor-se algumas estratgias que consideramos terem respondido s necessidades das crianas durante a minha ao nas diferentes práticas pedagógicas, tendo sido a metodologia de trabalho de projeto a estratgia privilegiada ao longo desta etapa. O presente relatrio culmina com a articulao entre a Educao Pr- Escolar e o Ensino do 1. Ciclo, nomeadamente como que a reflexo deve sempre acompanhar a prtica de um profissional de ensino.


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Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como os professores universitrios formados bacharis e no possuidores da formao pedaggica, interpretam suas práticas docentes e o seu percurso formador. O objetivo foi identificar as representaes das práticas destes professores e o impacto do habitus e do campo no seu processo formativo. Foi considerado inicialmente que estes profissionais, que ministram aulas de disciplinas tcnicas, no apresentam formao especfica (pedaggica) para a conduo de tais aulas, porm podem possuir práticas docentes inventivas que foram apreendidas ao longo de sua trajetria acadmica e profissional e, que por meio delas, mediam o aprendizado. A opo metodolgica para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi o de realizao de pesquisa qualitativa por meio de aplicao de questionrio de perfil e entrevista semi-estruturada com os professores sem a formao pedaggica de duas Instituies de Ensino Superior. Estas ferramentas objetivaram captar a representao de um grupo de professores da rea de Humanas e de Exatas sobre suas práticas pedagógicas, de sua formao docente e trajetria profissional. O referencial terico apresenta autores que problematizam as questes relacionadas formao docente no mbito do Ensino Superior com destaque para: Cunha (2007); Perrenoud (2002), Tardif (2002), Pimenta e Anastasiou (2002) e Nvoa (1997). Para a anlise das entrevistas, com a perspectiva de compreender a representao e as práticas docentes, foi utilizada parte do corpo terico desenvolvido por Pierre Bourdieu e, ainda, a discusso sobre a viso instrumental da Didtica e da formao pedaggica. O estudo possibilitou demonstrar que os professores do Ensino Superior que participaram desta pesquisa utilizam um conjunto de tcnicas, práticas, conhecimentos e formas de conduta que no aprenderam em cursos especficos de formao de docentes. Seu desenvolvimento como professores ocorre, em grande medida, a partir de seu passado escolar e da sua convivncia profissional.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexo e uma discusso em torno dos modelos de democracia, presentes nos gestores e em suas práticas pedagógicas. Essa leitura feita a partir de processos de formao que incluem toda a trajetria das pessoas envolvidas na busca das formas de apropriao dos ideais de democracia presentes em cada um e em suas etapas de formao para a vida e para a profisso. O suporte terico pauta-se no ouvir contar , ou seja, nos relatos orais das histrias de vida de cada um dos envolvidos. Infncia, dolescncia, juventude e maturidade permeiam-se na busca de respostas para os referenciais que cada um dos agentes possui. Dialoguei com as memrias dos entrevistados na busca da descoberta da idia que cada um dos entrevistados carrega a respeito da gesto democrtica. Olhei para as subjetividades e descobri um universo muito mais complexo do que aquele abordado pelas bibliografias a respeito do assunto. Descobri que as pessoas constroem suas concepes ao longo da vida e se relacionam com estas atravs das situaes mais formais, tais como a profisso. O trabalho est estruturado em trs captulos, seguidos de anexos.


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Este trabalho um registro das histrias de vida de muitas pessoas. As histrias aqui apresentam identidades diferentes: fragmentos vividos e guardados como expresses culturais orais, escritos permeados pela emoo, imagens capturadas pelos encontros, tudo isso organizado e escrito ganha forma e significado com a possibilidade desse trabalho. medida que os encontros foram oportunizados iniciaram-se outros momentos que se desdobraram em muitos mais. A implantao do Programa Alfabetizao Solidria em Moambique, PASMO, viabilizou que essa experincia fosse investigada para identificar os sentidos da formao de educadores(as) no Brasil e em Moambique. O objetivo desse trabalho centrou-se no desenvolvimento de nova proposta para a formao de educadores(as) em Moambique, na frica, tendo como tema central os encontros entre profissionais de educao que passaram a transitar por contextos diferenciados, envolvendo pases, culturas, lnguas e outras formas de comunicao. nfase na construo de conhecimento foi dada cultura local, lnguas moambicanas e oralidade. A insero de mulheres moambicanas mostrou-se importante como forma de apropriao e mobilidade social e cultural. Foi no espao da sala de aula, nos fazeres prprios da docncia e no encontro com educadores(as), que se construiu e re-construiu conhecimentos especficos que sinalizaram para novas práticas pedagógicas. Os encontros promovidos pela educao conduziram a caminhos e trilhas da formao de educadores(as), primeiro no Brasil, depois em Moambique.(AU)


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O presente trabalho pretende mostrar, luz da abordagem scio-histrica ou histrico-sociolgica, a formao da professora primria na Escola Normal Particular Santa Teresa, uma instituio de irms salesianas que se dedicam educao em Lorena-SP desde 1954. O problema da parte da seguinte indagao: como as irms salesianas do Instituto Santa Teresa em Lorena/SP formaram a professora primria, no perodo de 1964 -1974? Os objetivos que norteiam o problema da pesquisa so: compreender os motivos da criao e extino da Escola Normal Particular Santa Teresa; conhecer a clientela inicial e quem a freqentou durante seu funcionamento; descrever a constituio do corpo docente; verificar a legislao pertinente a essa escola; desvelar indcios das práticas pedagógicas. O presente estudo, compreendido entre os anos de 1964 a 1974, fundamenta-se nos aportes tericos de Mogarro, sobre os arquivos escolares; Demartini, sobre memria e relatos orais; Saviani e outros pesquisadores que tecem novas concepes histricas de instituies escolares no Brasil. A partir dos estudos dos documentos da Escola Normal e da analise dos relatos dos sujeitos ntrevistados percebe-se que: as irms salesianas do Instituto Santa Teresa ao formarem a moa professora tinham como finalidade a formao da moa, da me, da esposa, da mulher.(AU)


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Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenas, mesmo que de forma no apreendida, no aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padres normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convvio escolar essa diferena torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da incluso. As pesquisas acerca da educao inclusiva apontam experincias de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficincia que freqentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ngulo, como se apresentam essas relaes quando o(a) professor(a) deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experincias. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetria formativa de um professor com deficincia fsica, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, tambm com deficincia fsica por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetrias no ensino bsico, acesso e permanncia no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuao como professor de ensino superior e incluso. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexo sobre a incluso profissional frente s dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as caractersticas e os atributos dos indivduos com deficincia, em convvio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base terica o apoio da estatstica, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetria histrica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenas.(AU)


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This work has as a research subject of popular education policies of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1957 to 1964. It aims to identify and analyze popular education policies developed and implemented by the Municipality of Natal in these years. To get the historical data, we establish as a guiding reserch question the following: Which elaborated educational policies were implemented by the Municipality of Natal in the years 1957-1964? and took over as the method Evidential Paradigm as proposition in Pinheiro (2009). This is anchored in documentary sources of Educational Legislation at National, State and Municipal levels as well as in the newspapers Folha de Tarde and Jornal de Natal; in existing documents from the archives of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), the Municipal Public Archives of Natal; iconographic sources; interviews and academic publications. In addition to these sources, we were inspired by the works of Aristotles (2011), Hobbes (2009), Freire (2011), Ges (1980), Germano (1989), Cortez (2005) and Galvo (2004). This research allowed us to understand that policies of popular education of Natal (RN) were based on a democratic educational practice, supported on three pillars, namely: participation and involvement of Natal population; construction and reconstruction of teaching practices in prioritizing their action programs to mass literacy and the training of lay teachers; and the democratization of culture. This historical process made Natal on educating city.


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The democratization of Brazilian education and discussion about the educational rights of persons with disabilities in refer to reflection on the conceptions of teaching and learning and the folding of these concepts in practice and in the formation of professional identity of the teacher educator. Thus, the proposed research in this dissertation aimed to describe educational processes developed by educators in classrooms in which they are enrolled students with disabilities a view to considering how these processes affect the construction of their professional identity of the pedagogue. As the methodology used to research is classified as Case Study. This methodological approach enables the analysis of singularities of educational contexts. In this work, the case investigated consisted of the analytical study of the pedagogical practices developed in classrooms where there are students with disabilities and their relation to the establishment of the professional identity of the teacher in a school linked to a non-governmental organization supporting people with disabilities in the city of Natal / RN. The Data were collected through the use of the following instruments: exploratory questionnaires, observation and respective registration in the field diary of research and interviews with educators in different professional cycles proposed by Huberman. The data reveal didactic and pedagogical aspects common in educational processes in the observed classes and differences concerning the specifics of pedagogues in the teaching profession in different moments of their professional careers. The analysis of the conceptions tell us the nuances of meanings constructed on teaching and learning and its interface with the reflection on teaching practice. As to the meaning assigned to be pedagogue research highlights the professional identification related to the meanings of teaching and learning in school. The experiences in the teaching profession according to the survey data point to changes in teachers conceptions about teaching and learning disabled people in the perspective of inclusion. Therefore, the study concludes that the pedagogical practices with students with disabilities the different experiences add up and can transform conceptions of teachers about teaching and learning interfering with constant reflection on practices and the construction of professional identities of pedagogues.


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In today's educational context of Brazil the theme of integral education has deserved having to induce policy, nowadays, the More Education Program. In this sense, this thesis focuses on the aspects of integral education that emerged in the country's history to reach the More Education Program (MEP) and offers some thoughts on how physical education is presented within the institutionalization of intent of Integral Education in Brazil. Thus we have as main objective to discuss the pedagogical setting of Second Half Program (PST) in the MEP, and to identify possibilities to integrate their actions with the School Physical Education. In the case study methodology was adopted, with the appropriate schools accompanied by Team Collaborator 3 of the Ministry of Sport, using as a source of evidence the first assessment protocol carried out by the Cooperating Teams of Educational Monitoring and Administration of the Second Time in Brazil specifically evaluations carried out by Team Collaborator 3 (EC3), under the Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which followed the covenants of the More xi Education Program in the municipalities of Bayeux / PB, Araruna / PB, Natal / RN and Parnamirim / RN, in the year 2012. in our case it is noticed that the activities developed by PST, accompanied in schools, have an organization and pedagogical practices that converge with each other, but are configured with disjointed practices of Education classes physical, aspect that differs in what would be thinking pedagogical actions to comprehensive education schools.


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The necessity of the view of the Youth and Adults Education (EJA) subjects beyond of their academic failures becomes imperative for a reconfiguration of this teaching modality. Thus, the compromise of this study is to go into these subjects universe, give them a voice and, therefore, understand, in general, the web of relationships between these subjects and the school. It is understood that it is not possible to figure out the means attributed by the subjects without consideration, as an essential element, the social context in which such means has been built. For the development of this study, the methodology adopted was the ethnographic research. The procedures used for the data construction were the participative observation, the semi-structured interviews with a focal group, and the individualized semi-structured interviews. For the understanding of the data constructed in the field, the content analysis technique was used, which reach the expectations of an interpretative analysis. The observation occurred mainly in the classrooms, on a public school, located in a City of Natal/RN. The interviews were taken with a sample of eight students, males and females, with 25 to 60 year-olds. Such interviews highlight that for the young adult students, the school is much more than a place to learn. They realize such space as enabler of social interaction, as well as the possibility of rising through new professional horizons and, therefore achieve a social mobility. For the older students, mainly among women, the return to the school benches brings into the learning discourse, the desire of making new friends, having moments of meeting, chatting and relaxation, finally, to forget the problems of the day by day. The school quotidian observation allows a better understanding of the action of the subjects in relationship with the school practices. Finally, it can be affirmed that seeking for the school has not only the intention to recover the time lost in the childhood. Learning remains as a secondary goal. It does not matter whether they will be retained or promoted to the next level at the end of the academic year, what really matters is to be in school.


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The presence of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in regular schools has increased and with it, the need to develop interventional strategies that enhance their learning. One of the tools that can facilitate this process is Mediated Learning, defined as an interaction style where the teacher selects, modifies, enhances, and interprets environmental stimuli in order to promote student learning. In recent years several studies have used the Mediated Learning Experience Scale (MLE; Lidz, 1991) as a tool to assess the mediator behavior. These studies have suggested that the EAM Scale can provide important guidelines for planning educational interventions, particularly those involving students with special needs. In order to extend these findings, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of an intervention based on the Mediated Learning Experience on social / academic skills of a child with ASD, enrolled in the 4th grade of a regular elementary school. This collaborative study was held in the city of Parnamirim, state of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2014. A 9-year old boy with ASD and his teacher participated in the study. The research used a quasi-experimental A-B design (baseline and treatment) to evaluate the teacher's behavior. Qualitative procedures were also used to analyze the dyads responses. Teacher and student behaviors were observed in three school routines during baseline. Based on the results of this phase, a training program was designed for the teacher. Dyad behavior was analyzed again after training in the same routines. The results of this phase showed qualitative and quantitative changes in levels of teacher mediation. Additionally, data indicated that the child enhanced his social and academic skills during the intervention.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.