910 resultados para eco-plasticity


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The authors investigated (a) the relationship between feeling connected to nature and pro-environmental behaviours; and (b) the relationship between environmental values and environmental behaviours. Seventy-six students completed an online survey that measured connectedness to nature, egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values, and pro-environmental behaviours. This study suggests that finding ways to increase community feelings of connectedness to nature, and developing altruistic and biospheric values may lead to increased pro-environmental behaviours in the short term and positively address climate change issues in the longer term.


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Il mio elaborato ha come scopo quello di creare un quadro della situazione regionale dal punto di vista delle start-up eco-innovative. Per fare questo ho utilizzato un sito/piattaforma internet contenente il registro delle start-up innovative in Italia. A partire da tale supporto ho analizzato 700 start-up situate nella regione Emilia-Romagna. Tra queste, ho individuato 78 start-up eco-innovative. Lo studio vuole comprendere le tendenze e la diffusione di tali start-up, studiandone, nell' ordine, la distribuzione geografica, l’inizio delle attività, il codice Ateco, la tecnologia OECD di riferimento. Con questo studio si arriverà poi in definitiva a capire quanto l’ambito della Green Economy sia diffuso in Emilia-Romagna.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Background: In an increasingly globalised world, municipalities more than ever have to compete with each other. Thus, the need to create a brand image has become vital for municipalities. Place branding is the tool that has enabled municipalities to create a brand image in order to attract stakeholders such as potential visitors, residents and businesses. The sustainability phenomenon Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become an attractive factor within place branding. Although, the concept of CSR is most commonly implemented within the private sector, CSR initiatives within the public sector are recognised as an integral part. Therefore, the issue of how municipalities can market and communicate their CSR-actives has arisen.  Purpose: The aim of this research is to explore how Swedish municipalities can market their CSR-activities, in order to gain competitive advantages as attractive cities. In further details, this research focuses on how municipalities can use place branding to market their CSR-activities and how they can communicate this to current and potential stakeholders. Method: In order to fulfil this purpose, an interpretivist methodology was adopted with an abductive approach. In regard to this, an exploratory design was developed. More specifically, it was conducted with a mixed method, using a quantitative content analysis and qualitative indepth interviews with knowledgeable experts within CSR from the most relevant departments in the municipalities. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the use of place branding can help municipalities with a sustainable profile to gain competitive advantages. Furthermore, it became apparent that the use of place branding strategies, such as slogan, logotypes, events and cooperation with stakeholders, could enhance the brand image of municipalities and enable them to attract potential stakeholders. In regards to the communication channels, the findings suggest municipalities to communicate their CSR-activities through websites, social media, press conferences, seminars and events.


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Background: Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) is a microscopic technique that generates three dimensional images from whole mount samples the size of which exceeds the maximum focal depth of confocal laser scanning microscopes. As an advancement of conventional emission-OPT, Scanning Laser Optical Tomography (SLOTy) allows simultaneous detection of fluorescence and absorbance with high sensitivity. In the present study, we employ SLOTy in a paradigm of brain plasticity in an insect model system. Methodology: We visualize and quantify volumetric changes in sensory information procession centers in the adult locust, Locusta migratoria. Olfactory receptor neurons, which project from the antenna into the brain, are axotomized by crushing the antennal nerve or ablating the entire antenna. We follow the resulting degeneration and regeneration in the olfactory centers (antennal lobes and mushroom bodies) by measuring their size in reconstructed SLOTy images with respect to the untreated control side. Within three weeks post treatment antennal lobes with ablated antennae lose as much as 60% of their initial volume. In contrast, antennal lobes with crushed antennal nerves initially shrink as well, but regain size back to normal within three weeks. The combined application of transmission-and fluorescence projections of Neurobiotin labeled axotomized fibers confirms that recovery of normal size is restored by regenerated afferents. Remarkably, SLOTy images reveal that degeneration of olfactory receptor axons has a trans-synaptic effect on second order brain centers and leads to size reduction of the mushroom body calyx. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that SLOTy is a suitable method for rapid screening of volumetric plasticity in insect brains and suggests its application also to vertebrate preparations.


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Termites play a major role in foraging and degradation of plant biomass as well as cultivating bioactive microorganisms for their defense. Current advances in "omics'' sciences are revealing insights into function-related presence of these symbionts, and their related biosynthetic activities and genes identified in gut symbiotic bacteria might offer a significant potential for biotechnology and biodiscovery. Actinomycetes have been the major producers of bioactive compounds with an extraordinary range of biological activities. These metabolites have been in use as anticancer agents, immune suppressants, and most notably, as antibiotics. Insect-associated actinomycetes have also been reported to produce a range of antibiotics such as dentigerumycin and mycangimycin. Advances in genomics targeting a single species of the unculturable microbial members are currently aiding an improved understanding of the symbiotic interrelationships among the gut microorganisms as well as revealing the taxonomical identity and functions of the complex multilayered symbiotic actinofloral layers. If combined with target-directed approaches, these molecular advances can provide guidance towards the design of highly selective culturing methods to generate further information related to the physiology and growth requirements of these bioactive actinomycetes associated with the termite guts. This chapter provides an overview on the termite gut symbiotic actinoflora in the light of current advances in the "omics'' science, with examples of their detection and selective isolation from the guts of the Sunshine Coast regional termite Coptotermes lacteus in Queensland, Australia.


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Le béton conventionnel (BC) a de nombreux problèmes tels que la corrosion de l’acier d'armature et les faibles résistances des constructions en béton. Par conséquent, la plupart des structures fabriquées avec du BC exigent une maintenance fréquent. Le béton fibré à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP) peut être conçu pour éliminer certaines des faiblesses caractéristiques du BC. Le BFUP est défini à travers le monde comme un béton ayant des propriétés mécaniques, de ductilité et de durabilité supérieures. Le BFUP classique comprend entre 800 kg/m³ et 1000 kg/m³ de ciment, de 25 à 35% massique (%m) de fumée de silice (FS), de 0 à 40%m de poudre de quartz (PQ) et 110-140%m de sable de quartz (SQ) (les pourcentages massiques sont basés sur la masse totale en ciment des mélanges). Le BFUP contient des fibres d'acier pour améliorer sa ductilité et sa résistance aux efforts de traction. Les quantités importantes de ciment utilisées pour produire un BFUP affectent non seulement les coûts de production et la consommation de ressources naturelles comme le calcaire, l'argile, le charbon et l'énergie électrique, mais affectent également négativement les dommages sur l'environnement en raison de la production substantielle de gaz à effet de serre dont le gas carbonique (CO[indice inférieur 2]). Par ailleurs, la distribution granulométrique du ciment présente des vides microscopiques qui peuvent être remplis avec des matières plus fines telles que la FS. Par contre, une grande quantité de FS est nécessaire pour combler ces vides uniquement avec de la FS (25 à 30%m du ciment) ce qui engendre des coûts élevés puisqu’il s’agit d’une ressource limitée. Aussi, la FS diminue de manière significative l’ouvrabilité des BFUP en raison de sa surface spécifique Blaine élevée. L’utilisation du PQ et du SQ est également coûteuse et consomme des ressources naturelles importantes. D’ailleurs, les PQ et SQ sont considérés comme des obstacles pour l’utilisation des BFUP à grande échelle dans le marché du béton, car ils ne parviennent pas à satisfaire les exigences environnementales. D’ailleurs, un rapport d'Environnement Canada stipule que le quartz provoque des dommages environnementaux immédiats et à long terme en raison de son effet biologique. Le BFUP est généralement vendu sur le marché comme un produit préemballé, ce qui limite les modifications de conception par l'utilisateur. Il est normalement transporté sur de longues distances, contrairement aux composantes des BC. Ceci contribue également à la génération de gaz à effet de serre et conduit à un coût plus élevé du produit final. Par conséquent, il existe le besoin de développer d’autres matériaux disponibles localement ayant des fonctions similaires pour remplacer partiellement ou totalement la fumée de silice, le sable de quartz ou la poudre de quartz, et donc de réduire la teneur en ciment dans BFUP, tout en ayant des propriétés comparables ou meilleures. De grandes quantités de déchets verre ne peuvent pas être recyclées en raison de leur fragilité, de leur couleur, ou des coûts élevés de recyclage. La plupart des déchets de verre vont dans les sites d'enfouissement, ce qui est indésirable puisqu’il s’agit d’un matériau non biodégradable et donc moins respectueux de l'environnement. Au cours des dernières années, des études ont été réalisées afin d’utiliser des déchets de verre comme ajout cimentaire alternatif (ACA) ou comme granulats ultrafins dans le béton, en fonction de la distribution granulométrique et de la composition chimique de ceux-ci. Cette thèse présente un nouveau type de béton écologique à base de déchets de verre à ultra-hautes performances (BEVUP) développé à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Les bétons ont été conçus à l’aide de déchets verre de particules de tailles variées et de l’optimisation granulaire de la des matrices granulaires et cimentaires. Les BEVUP peuvent être conçus avec une quantité réduite de ciment (400 à 800 kg/m³), de FS (50 à 220 kg/m³), de PQ (0 à 400 kg/m³), et de SQ (0-1200 kg/m³), tout en intégrant divers produits de déchets de verre: du sable de verre (SV) (0-1200 kg/m³) ayant un diamètre moyen (d[indice inférieur 50]) de 275 µm, une grande quantité de poudre de verre (PV) (200-700 kg/m³) ayant un d50 de 11 µm, une teneur modérée de poudre de verre fine (PVF) (50-200 kg/m³) avec d[indice inférieur] 50 de 3,8 µm. Le BEVUP contient également des fibres d'acier (pour augmenter la résistance à la traction et améliorer la ductilité), du superplastifiants (10-60 kg/m³) ainsi qu’un rapport eau-liant (E/L) aussi bas que celui de BFUP. Le remplacement du ciment et des particules de FS avec des particules de verre non-absorbantes et lisse améliore la rhéologie des BEVUP. De plus, l’utilisation de la PVF en remplacement de la FS réduit la surface spécifique totale nette d’un mélange de FS et de PVF. Puisque la surface spécifique nette des particules diminue, la quantité d’eau nécessaire pour lubrifier les surfaces des particules est moindre, ce qui permet d’obtenir un affaissement supérieur pour un même E/L. Aussi, l'utilisation de déchets de verre dans le béton abaisse la chaleur cumulative d'hydratation, ce qui contribue à minimiser le retrait de fissuration potentiel. En fonction de la composition des BEVUP et de la température de cure, ce type de béton peut atteindre des résistances à la compression allant de 130 à 230 MPa, des résistances à la flexion supérieures à 20 MPa, des résistances à la traction supérieure à 10 MPa et un module d'élasticité supérieur à 40 GPa. Les performances mécaniques de BEVUP sont améliorées grâce à la réactivité du verre amorphe, à l'optimisation granulométrique et la densification des mélanges. Les produits de déchets de verre dans les BEVUP ont un comportement pouzzolanique et réagissent avec la portlandite générée par l'hydratation du ciment. Cependant, ceci n’est pas le cas avec le sable de quartz ni la poudre de quartz dans le BFUP classique, qui réagissent à la température élevée de 400 °C. L'addition des déchets de verre améliore la densification de l'interface entre les particules. Les particules de déchets de verre ont une grande rigidité, ce qui augmente le module d'élasticité du béton. Le BEVUP a également une très bonne durabilité. Sa porosité capillaire est très faible, et le matériau est extrêmement résistant à la pénétration d’ions chlorure (≈ 8 coulombs). Sa résistance à l'abrasion (indice de pertes volumiques) est inférieure à 1,3. Le BEVUP ne subit pratiquement aucune détérioration aux cycles de gel-dégel, même après 1000 cycles. Après une évaluation des BEVUP en laboratoire, une mise à l'échelle a été réalisée avec un malaxeur de béton industriel et une validation en chantier avec de la construction de deux passerelles. Les propriétés mécaniques supérieures des BEVUP a permis de concevoir les passerelles avec des sections réduites d’environ de 60% par rapport aux sections faites de BC. Le BEVUP offre plusieurs avantages économiques et environnementaux. Il réduit le coût de production et l’empreinte carbone des structures construites de béton fibré à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP) classique, en utilisant des matériaux disponibles localement. Il réduit les émissions de CO[indice inférieur 2] associées à la production de clinkers de ciment (50% de remplacement du ciment) et utilise efficacement les ressources naturelles. De plus, la production de BEVUP permet de réduire les quantités de déchets de verre stockés ou mis en décharge qui causent des problèmes environnementaux et pourrait permettre de sauver des millions de dollars qui pourraient être dépensés dans le traitement de ces déchets. Enfin, il offre une solution alternative aux entreprises de construction dans la production de BFUP à moindre coût.


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Extreme abiotic factors, such drought combined with heat waves and/or high UVB radiation are predicted to become more frequent in the future. The impact on plant production of these challenges on multipurpose Moringa oleifera L. remains unclear. A susceptibility of this species may lead to increase poverty in endangered regions. M. oleifera is a woody species native from sub-Himalaya regions under high climate stress pressure. The interest on this species is emerging due to its several medicinal properties and its nutritional value. Agropharmaceutical industry is interest in this species too. To understand the impact of increased climate factors, young (2 months old) plants of this species were exposed to water deficit (WD) and UVB (alone or combined). WD and WD+UVB imposition consists of unwater for 4 days. After 1 day withholding water, UVB and WD+UVB were irradiated with 26.3 kJ m-2 distributed per 3 days. Immediately after treatment exposition (1 day) and after 10 days, plant water status, growth, carbon metabolism and oxidative stress were measured. Overall no significant differences were observed in WD, regarding the parameters analysed, except on gas exchanges, MDA and phenols. The plants exposed to UVB showed, in general, more severe effects, as higher pigment content, MDA and membrane permeability, while no changes were observed in the total antioxidant activity. Plants exposed to UVB+WD, despite changes observed, the impact was lower than the one observed in UVB exposed plants, meaning that a protective/adaptive mechanism was developed in the plants under combined stressors. On the other hand, in all treatments the net CO2 assimilation rate decreased. Results suggest that M. oleifera has some tolerance to WD and UVB, and that develops mechanism of adaptation to these two types of stress that often arise in combination under a climate change scenario.


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International audience


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Tese (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.


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In this study the author presents the concept of the Umberto Eco’s model of "open work". The question is: if this model can be applied to Bible. Umberto Eco argued that literary texts have many fields of meaning, that they are understood as open, internally dynamic and psychologically engaged fields. We can say the same about Bible. The model of "open works" is very useful in the research of relation between Bible and a reader of Saint text. The model of "open works" does not include verification function of the community and Tradition.


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Quiero en primer lugar agradecer la amable invitación del ICESI y Ascolfa a participar en la décima reunión de la Asociación de Facultades de Administración. El tema central de este encuentro,la "Eco-administración", tiene una relación directa con la preocupación central y el objeto de trabajo del Cecodes: facilitar a los empresarios y a las organizqciones colombianas la incorporación del desarrollo sostenible, es decir, la visión de largo plazo y la integración de elementos sociales y ambientales en las decisiones de sus negocios.


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Everyday, humans and animals navigate complex acoustic environments, where multiple sound sources overlap. Somehow, they effortlessly perform an acoustic scene analysis and extract relevant signals from background noise. Constant updating of the behavioral relevance of ambient sounds requires the representation and integration of incoming acoustical information with internal representations such as behavioral goals, expectations and memories of previous sound-meaning associations. Rapid plasticity of auditory representations may contribute to our ability to attend and focus on relevant sounds. In order to better understand how auditory representations are transformed in the brain to incorporate behavioral contextual information, we explored task-dependent plasticity in neural responses recorded at four levels of the auditory cortical processing hierarchy of ferrets: the primary auditory cortex (A1), two higher-order auditory areas (dorsal PEG and ventral-anterior PEG) and dorso-lateral frontal cortex. In one study we explored the laminar profile of rapid-task related plasticity in A1 and found that plasticity occurred at all depths, but was greatest in supragranular layers. This result suggests that rapid task-related plasticity in A1 derives primarily from intracortical modulation of neural selectivity. In two other studies we explored task-dependent plasticity in two higher-order areas of the ferret auditory cortex that may correspond to belt (secondary) and parabelt (tertiary) auditory areas. We found that representations of behaviorally-relevant sounds are progressively enhanced during performance of auditory tasks. These selective enhancement effects became progressively larger as you ascend the auditory cortical hierarchy. We also observed neuronal responses to non-auditory, task-related information (reward timing, expectations) in the parabelt area that were very similar to responses previously described in frontal cortex. These results suggests that auditory representations in the brain are transformed from the more veridical spectrotemporal information encoded in earlier auditory stages to a more abstract representation encoding sound behavioral meaning in higher-order auditory areas and dorso-lateral frontal cortex.


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In Part 1 of this thesis, we propose that biochemical cooperativity is a fundamentally non-ideal process. We show quantal effects underlying biochemical cooperativity and highlight apparent ergodic breaking at small volumes. The apparent ergodic breaking manifests itself in a divergence of deterministic and stochastic models. We further predict that this divergence of deterministic and stochastic results is a failure of the deterministic methods rather than an issue of stochastic simulations.

Ergodic breaking at small volumes may allow these molecular complexes to function as switches to a greater degree than has previously been shown. We propose that this ergodic breaking is a phenomenon that the synapse might exploit to differentiate Ca$^{2+}$ signaling that would lead to either the strengthening or weakening of a synapse. Techniques such as lattice-based statistics and rule-based modeling are tools that allow us to directly confront this non-ideality. A natural next step to understanding the chemical physics that underlies these processes is to consider \textit{in silico} specifically atomistic simulation methods that might augment our modeling efforts.

In the second part of this thesis, we use evolutionary algorithms to optimize \textit{in silico} methods that might be used to describe biochemical processes at the subcellular and molecular levels. While we have applied evolutionary algorithms to several methods, this thesis will focus on the optimization of charge equilibration methods. Accurate charges are essential to understanding the electrostatic interactions that are involved in ligand binding, as frequently discussed in the first part of this thesis.