900 resultados para discrete element model


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Purpose: This three-dimensional finite element analysis study evaluated the effect of different material combinations on stress distribution within metal-ceramic and all-ceramic single implant-supported prostheses. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional finite element models reproducing a segment of the maxilla with a missing left first premolar were created. Five groups were established to represent different superstructure materials: GP, porcelain fused to gold alloy; GR, modified composite resin fused to gold alloy; TP, porcelain fused to titanium; TR, modified composite resin fused to titanium; and ZP, porcelain fused to zirconia. A 100-N vertical force was applied to the contact points of the crowns. All models were fixed in the superior region of bone tissue and in the mesial and distal faces of the maxilla section. Stress maps were generated by processing with finite element software. Results: Stress distribution and stress values of supporting bone were similar for the GP, GR, TP, and ZP models (1,574.3 MPa, 1,574.3 MPa, 1,574.3 MPa, and 1,574.2 MPa, respectively) and different for the TR model (1,838.3 MPa). The ZP model transferred less stress to the retention screw (785 MPa) than the other groups (939 MPa for GP, 961 MPa for GR, 1,010 MPa for TP, and 1,037 MPa for TR). Conclusion: The use of different materials to fabricate a superstructure for a single implant-supported prosthesis did not affect the stress distribution in the supporting bone. The retention screw received less stress when a combination of porcelain and zirconia was used. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2011;26:1202-1209


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of distal extension removable partial denture associated with implant in cases of different bone level of abutment tooth, using 2D finite element analysis.Materials and Methods: Eight hemiarch models were simulated: model A-presenting tooth 33 and distal extension removable partial denture replacing others teeth, using distal rest connection and no bone lost; model B-similar to model A but presenting distal guide plate connection; model C-similar to model A but presenting osseointegrated implant with ERA retention system associated under prosthetic base; model D-similar to model B but presenting osseointegrated implant as described in model C; models E, F, G, and H were similar to models A, B, C, and D but presenting reduced periodontal support around tooth 33. Using ANSYS 9.0 software, the models were loaded vertically with 50 N on each cusp tip. For results, von Mises Stress Maps were plotted.Results: Maximum stress value was encountered in model G (201.023 MPa). Stress distribution was concentrated on implant and retention system. The implant/removable partial denture association decreases stress levels on alveolar mucosa for all models.Conclusions: Use of implant and ERA system decreased stress concentrations on supporting structures in all models. Use of distal guide plate decreased stress levels on abutment tooth and cortical and trabecular bone. Tooth apex of models with reduced periodontal support presented increased stress when using distal rest. (Implant Dent 2011;20:192-201)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ties among event times are often recorded in survival studies. For example, in a two week laboratory study where event times are measured in days, ties are very likely to occur. The proportional hazards model might be used in this setting using an approximated partial likelihood function. This approximation works well when the number of ties is small. on the other hand, discrete regression models are suggested when the data are heavily tied. However, in many situations it is not clear which approach should be used in practice. In this work, empirical guidelines based on Monte Carlo simulations are provided. These recommendations are based on a measure of the amount of tied data present and the mean square error. An example illustrates the proposed criterion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Leporinus elongatus represents an interesting model for studies on chromosome evolution since it possesses a conspicuous ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system that has been characterized mainly by basic cytogenetic techniques. In the present study we describe a dispersed repetitive element ( named Le SpeI) related to the sex chromosomes of L. elongatus. Females revealed clusters of Le SpeI on the long arm of the W chromosome and in the acrocentric NOR-bearing chromosome pair. In males, the signal was restricted to the pericentromeric region of the NOR-bearing chromosomes. Considering the results obtained in the present study using FISH, NOR and C-banding, together with findings from previous studies, it can be inferred that the sex chromosome system of L. elongatus is still undergoing an evolutionary process. The data suggest novelties in relation to the sex chromosomes of the genus Leporinus with the description of a multiple sex chromosome system involving the NOR-bearing chromosomes. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the simple ZW chromosome system previously described for L. elongatus rather is a multiple Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)W(1)Z(2)W(2) system. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel


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We studied the occurrence of O-type P elements in at least one species of each subgroup of the saltans group, in order to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among the elements within the saltans group and with those of species belonging to the willistoni group. We found that the O-type subfamily has a patchy distribution within the saltans group (it does not occur in D. neocordata and D. emarginata), low sequence divergence among species of the saltans group as well as in relation to species of the willistoni group, a lower rate of synonymous substitution for coding sequences compared to Adh, and phylogenetic incongruities. These findings suggest that the evolutionary history of the O-type subfamily within the saltans and willistoni groups follows the same model proposed for the canonical subfamily of P elements, i.e., events of horizontal transfer between species of the saltans and willistoni groups.


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A procedure to model optical diffused-channel waveguides is presented in this work. The dielectric waveguides present anisotropic refractive indexes which are calculated from the proton concentration. The proton concentration inside the channel is calculated by the anisotropic 2D-linear diffusion equation and converted to the refractive indexes using mathematical relations obtained from experimental data, the arbitrary refractive index profile is modeled by a. nodal expansion in the base functions. The TE and TM-like propagation properties (effective index) and the electromagnetic fields for well-annealed proton-exchanged (APE) LiNbO3 waveguides are computed by the finite element method.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We show that by introducing appropriate local Z(N)(Ngreater than or equal to13) symmetries in electroweak models it is possible to implement an automatic Peccei-Quinn symmetry, at the same time keeping the axion protected against gravitational effects. Although we consider here only an extension of the standard model and a particular 3-3-1 model, the strategy can be used in any kind of electroweak model. An interesting feature of this 3-3-1 model is that if we add (i) right-handed neutrinos, (ii) the conservation of the total lepton number, and (iii) a Z(2) symmetry, the Z(13) and the chiral Peccei-Quinn U(1)P-Q symmetries are both accidental symmetries in the sense that they are not imposed on the Lagrangian but are just a consequence of the particle content of the model, its gauge invariance, renormalizability, and Lorentz invariance. In addition, this model has no domain wall problem.


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In this work, using the fact that in 3-3-1 models the same leptonic bilinear contributes to the masses of both charged leptons and neutrinos, we develop an effective operator mechanism to generate mass for all leptons. The effective operators have dimension five for the case of charged leptons and dimension seven for neutrinos. By adding extra scalar multiplets and imposing the discrete symmetry Z(9)xZ(2) we are able to generate realistic textures for the leptonic mixing matrix. This mechanism requires new physics at the TeV scale.


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We construct static and time dependent exact soliton solutions for a theory of scalar fields taking values on a wide class of two dimensional target spaces, and defined on the four dimensional space-time S-3 X R. The construction is based on an ansatz built out of special coordinates on S3. The requirement for finite energy introduce boundary conditions that determine an infinite discrete spectrum of frequencies for the oscillating solutions. For the case where the target space is the sphere S-2, we obtain static soliton solutions with nontrivial Hopf topological charges. In addition, such Hopfions can oscillate in time, preserving their topological Hopf charge, with any of the frequencies belonging to that infinite discrete spectrum. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose an SU(5) grand unified model with an invisible axion and the unification of the three coupling constants which is in agreement with the values, at M(Z), of alpha, alpha(s), and sin(2)theta(W). A discrete, anomalous, Z(13) symmetry implies that the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian protecting, at the same time, the invisible axion against possible semiclassical gravity effects. Although the unification scale is of the order of the Peccei-Quinn scale the proton is stabilized by the fact that in this model the standard model fields form the SU(5) multiplets completed by new exotic fields and, also, because it is protected by the Z(13) symmetry.