735 resultados para desgaste do dressador


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da interação do Exército Brasileiro perante os 42 (quarenta e dois) órgãos civis e militares no conjunto de favelas da Maré e de que forma estas influenciaram na doutrina das operações militares de pacificação. A Operação São Francisco - iniciada em 5 de abril de 2014 pela Força de Pacificação (F Pac), foi designada aos componentes do Ministério da Defesa para assegurar e promover a garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) pública nas comunidades do Complexo da Maré, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia proposta baseou-se em uma pesquisa aplicada com técnica de abordagem mista, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, da análise dos documentos e relatórios da F Pac e da realização de entrevistas aos integrantes das forças militares e dos civis que prestaram serviços públicos na região supracitada. Para isso, foi utilizado o método indutivo por meio dos testes estatísticos, que visaram identificar relacionamentos causais entre as demandas de serviços públicos civis atendidos nas comunidades, bem como a influência destas nas operações de pacificação e nas políticas de defesa voltadas à atualização da doutrina e das operações militares. As contribuições teóricas esperadas foram a observação das mudanças no emprego operacional em um ambiente com alta criminalidade e baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e fornecer informações para o emprego colaborativo das instituições civis sob a proteção militar (mas não sob o controle militar). Isto visou proporcionar à população o acesso aos serviços públicos básicos com segurança e minimizou o desgaste das ações de GLO através da conquista da opinião pública local. As contribuições práticas esperadas residiram no aumento do potencial militar, através da integração de políticas públicas efetivas das pastas civis. As implicações referiram-se a abordagem e a maior interação entre as pastas governamentais militares e civis através da mediação da Seção de Assuntos Civis. As pesquisas deste trabalho evidenciaram por serem restritas ao contexto da pacificação de um conjunto de favelas da capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2014.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa segundo a abordagem fenomenológica existencial, investigar os pensamentos, sentimentos e atitudes do oncologista na informação do diagnóstico de câncer à paciente. Foram realizadas 5 entrevistas semi-dirigidas com oncologistas que atendem em consultório particular, e foi delimitada a análise compreensiva fenomenológica do conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: A informação do diagnóstico de câncer de mama para pacientes jovens em idade reprodutiva foi considerada a mais marcante para os médicos, lhes causando maior preocupação, medo e tristeza, devido às limitações impostas pela doença aos planos de vida da paciente e às questões da maternidade. Os entrevistados referiram que em qualquer caso, o momento da notícia lhes repercute emocionalmente, pela vivência do sentimento de tristeza, ou por fantasias relacionadas à responsabilidade pela doença. Eles apontaram como mais difícil nesse processo, o confronto com as reações emocionais da paciente e falar sobre o câncer utilizando palavras para amenizar o impacto dessa informação. Diante dessas dificuldades, a evolução da medicina, a possibilidade de cirurgia conservadora e a reconstrução mamária foram consideradas atenuantes. Os médicos afirmaram que informam a paciente de maneira clara, objetiva e gradativa, mas nem todos eles utilizam sempre a palavra câncer . Procuram encorajar a paciente com otimismo e solidariedade, engajando-a no tratamento como participante ativa. Além disso, sentem-se responsáveis por motivar aquela que demonstra desânimo ou que reluta em seguir o tratamento. Eles percebem que a partir da informação do diagnóstico a paciente estabelece um vínculo de confiança e dependência, e identificam que em alguns casos eles também se vinculam à paciente. Entretanto, reconhecem que desse vínculo deriva um desgaste emocional que os leva ao questionamento sobre a escolha de sua especialidade. Constatou-se que alguns oncologistas podem emitir sua opinião sobre determinado diagnóstico, às vezes, a pedido da paciente, mas que ao errarem nesse pré-julgamento, evidenciam sentimentos de impotência, ou fracasso, ou culpa, por não se prepararem, nem à paciente, para o momento da informação. Os casos em que a família interfere com questionamentos ou com o pedido de ocultação da informação não foram vistos por eles de modo negativo, contudo, o pedido de ocultação nem sempre é acatado. Os entrevistados referiram algum tipo de aprendizado através do contato com a paciente oncológica, ou por meio da reavaliação de seus valores morais, ou da reflexão sobre sua própria finitude. Particularmente nos casos de câncer avançado ou terminal, esse aprendizado abrangeu o apoio nos momentos que precedem a morte, ou o reconhecimento da própria impotência. Conclusão: A análise dos resultados revelou os conflitos e as dúvidas do médico como ser ético , que assume os riscos ao escolher quanto, quando e como informar o diagnóstico à paciente, sua consciência de culpabilidade, a ansiedade existencial desencadeada pelas reações emocionais da paciente, a manifestação de sua maneira preocupada de existir no mundo, a busca pelo encontro autêntico e criativo, a subjetividade utilizada como caminho para a compreensão do ser doente e a possibilidade do fracasso de um projeto resultar em frustração e num rebaixamento temporário da confiança em sua própria capacidade. Desse modo, esse trabalho demonstra a inevitável influência dos fatores subjetivos na atitude do médico que informa o diagnóstico de câncer para sua paciente e que esse processo está muito além de qualquer pretensa objetividade.


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With the increasing environmental awareness, maximizing biodegradability and minimizing ecotoxicity is the main driving force for new technological developments. Thus, can be developed new biodegradable lubricants for use in environmentally sensitive areas. The aim of this study was to obtain new bio-lubricants from passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener) and moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck) epoxidized oils and develop a new additive package using experimental design for their use as a hydraulic fluid. In the first stage of this work was performed the optimization of the epoxidation process of the oils using fractional experimental design 24-1 , varying the temperature, reaction time, ratio of formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In the second step was investigated the selectivity, thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction for obtaining the two epoxides at 30, 50 and 70 °C. The result of the experimental design confirmed that the epoxidation of passion fruit oil requires 2 hours of reaction, 50 °C and a ratio H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1). For moringa oil were required 2 hours reaction, 50 °C and a ratio of H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1.5). The results of the final conversions were equal to 83.09% (± 0.3) for passion fruit oil epoxide and 91.02 (±0,4) for moringa oil epoxide. Following was made the 23 factorial design to evaluate which are the best concentrations of corrosion inhibitor and anti-wear (IC), antioxidant (BHA) and extreme pressure (EP) additives. The bio-lubricants obtained in this step were characterized according to DIN 51524 (Part 2 HLP) and DIN 51517 (Part 3 CLP) standards. The epoxidation process of the oils was able to improve the oxidative stability and reduce the total acid number, when compared to the in natura oils. Moreover, the epoxidized oils best solubilized additives, resulting in increased performance as a lubricant. In terms of physicochemical performance, the best lubricant fluid was the epoxidized moringa oil with additives (EMO-ADI), followed by the epoxidized passion fruit oil with additives (EPF-ADI) and, finally, the passion fruit in natura oil without additives (PFO). Lastly, was made the investigation of the tribological behavior under conditions of boundary lubrication for these lubricants. The tribological performance of the developed lubricants was analyzed on a HFRR equipment (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) and the coefficient of friction, which occurs during the contact and the formation of the lubricating film, was measured. The wear was evaluated through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the addition of extreme pressure (EP) and anti-wear and corrosion inhibitor (CI) additives significantly improve the tribological properties of the fluids. In all assays, was formed a lubricating film that is responsible for reducing the coefficient of metal-to-metal wear. It was observed that the addition of EP and IC additives in the in natura vegetable oils of passion fruit and moringa did not favor a significant reduction in wear. The bio-lubricants developed from passion fruit and moringa oils modified via epoxidation presented satisfactory tribological properties and shown to be potential lubricants for replacement of commercial mineral-based fluids.


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The cutting fluids are lubricants used in machining processes, because they present many benefits for different processes. They have many functions, such as lubrication, cooling, improvement in surface finishing, besides they decreases the tool wear and protect it against corrosion. Therefore due to new environment laws and demand to green products, new cutting fluids must be development. These shall be biodegradable, non-toxic, safety for environment and operator healthy. Thus, vegetable oils are a good option to solve this problem, replacing the mineral oils. In this context, this work aimed to develop an emulsion cutting fluid from epoxidized vegetable oil, promoting better lubrication and cooling in machining processes, besides being environment friendly. The methodology was divided in five steps: first one was the biolubricant synthesis by epoxidation reaction. Following this, the biolubricant was characterized in terms of density, acidity, iodo index, oxirane index, viscosity, thermal stability and chemical composition. The third step was to develop an emulsion O/A with different oil concentration (10, 20 and 25%) and surfactant concentration (1, 2.5 and 5%). Also, emulsion stability was studied. The emulsion tribological performance were carried out in HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig), it consists in ball-disc contact. Results showed that the vegetable based lubricant may be synthesized by epoxidationreaction, the spectra showed that there was 100% conversion of the epoxy rings unsaturations. In regard the tribological assessment is observed that the percentage of oil present in the emulsion directly influenced the film formation and coefficient of friction for higher concentrations the film formation process is slow and unstable, and the coefficient of friction. The high concentrations of surfactants have not improved the emulsions tribological performance. The best performance in friction reduction was observed to emulsion with 10% of oil and 5% of surfactant, its average wear scar was 202 μm.


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The hospital is a place of complex actions, where several activities for serving the population are performed such as: medical appointments, exams, surgeries, emergency care, admission in wards and ICUs. These activities are mixed with anxiety, impatience, despair and distress of patients and their families, issues involving emotional balance both for professionals who provide services for them as for people cared by them. The healthcare crisis in Brazil is getting worse every year and today, constitutes a major problem for private hospitals. The patient that comes to emergencies progressively increase, and in contrast, there is no supply of hospital beds in the same proportion, causing overcrowding, declines in the quality of care delivered to patients, drain of professionals of the health area and difficulty in management the beds. This work presents a study that seeks to create an alternative tool that can contribute to the management of a private hospital beds. It also seeks to identify potential issues or deficiencies and therefore make changes in flow for an increase in service capacity, thus reducing costs without compromising the quality of services provided. The tool used was the Computational Simulation –based in discrete event, which aims to identify the main parameters to be considered for a proper modeling of this system. This study took as reference the admission of a private hospital, based on the current scenario, where your apartments are in saturation level as its occupancy rate. The relocation of project beds aims to meet the growing demand for surgeries and hospital admissions observed by the current administration.


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Health results from the interaction of biological, social, economic, political and cultural factors. Under this perspective, we aim to analyze the relationship among working in public emergency hospitals and the health-sickness of the professionals who work there. We are based in a quantitative and qualitative research, in which 240 health professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, dentists, nutritionists, audiologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists) answered a survey. All of them recognize the importance of work to guarantee favorable conditions to good health. However, they highlight its physical and mental wear effects on workers like stress, absence of a healthy life-style, high blood pressure, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and sleep disorders. It becomes urgent to face this reality, to enhance professionals' health and, consequently, the quality of user’s assistance, since the illness of health workers is strongly correlated with the existing health model in society.


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Objetivo: Buscar na literatura evidências científicas que suportem os benefícios da individualização da curva de compensação em prótese total, pela técnica do desgaste de Paterson, em relação à curva de compensação não individualizada. Metodologia: Realizou-se, em Dezembro de 2009, uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e BBO com os termos “prótese total” e “oclusão”. Para abranger uma maior quantidade de dados, realizou-se uma busca manual através das referências dos artigos inicialmente selecionados. Resultados: Obteve-se 1273 referências na base dados MEDLINE, 64 na LILACS e 103 na BBO, num total de 1440 referências. Dessas, apenas 24 tratavam do assunto “curva de compensação”, as quais somaram-se mais 13 artigos selecionados manualmente. Conclusão: A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que não existem dados suficientes que comprovem clinicamente os benefícios da individualização da curva de compensação em relação às próteses totais com curva de compensação não individualizada. Ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados são necessários para que se possa determinar qual o procedimento mais adequado.


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Objetivo: Buscar na literatura evidências científicas que suportem os benefícios da individualização da curva de compensação em prótese total, pela técnica do desgaste de Paterson, em relação à curva de compensação não individualizada. Metodologia: Realizou-se, em Dezembro de 2009, uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e BBO com os termos “prótese total” e “oclusão”. Para abranger uma maior quantidade de dados, realizou-se uma busca manual através das referências dos artigos inicialmente selecionados. Resultados: Obteve-se 1273 referências na base dados MEDLINE, 64 na LILACS e 103 na BBO, num total de 1440 referências. Dessas, apenas 24 tratavam do assunto “curva de compensação”, as quais somaram-se mais 13 artigos selecionados manualmente. Conclusão: A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que não existem dados suficientes que comprovem clinicamente os benefícios da individualização da curva de compensação em relação às próteses totais com curva de compensação não individualizada. Ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados são necessários para que se possa determinar qual o procedimento mais adequado.


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Materiais compósitos restauradores representam um dos mais bem sucedidos biomateriais na pesquisa moderna, na substituição do tecido biológico em aparência e função. Nesta linha, a porcelana feldspática tem sido largamente usada em odontologia devido suas interessantes qualidades como estabilidade de cor, propriedades estéticas, elevada durabilidade mecânica, biocompatibilidade, baixa condutividade térmica e elevada resistência ao desgaste. Entretanto, este material é frágil e pode falhar em ambiente oral devido ao micro-vazamento, baixa resistência à tração, descolagem ou fratura. Assim, para melhorar as propriedades mecânicas da porcelana, a zircônia parcialmente estabilizada com Ítria (Y-TZP) pode ser uma boa alternativa para fortalecer e produzir infraestruturas totalmente cerâmicas (coroas e próteses parciais fixas). Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar as propriedades mecânicas e características microestruturais da porcelana reforçada com zircônia (3Y-TZP) em diferentes conteúdos e as variáveis que afetam as propriedades mecânicas destes materiais. O estudo de caracterização revelou que a zircônia comercial apresenta melhores resultados quando comparada com a zircônia sintetizada pelo CPM. Assim, os estudos seguintes utilizaram a zircônia comercial para todos os testes requeridos. As partículas de zircônia apresentam elevadas propriedades mecânicas quando comparadas a zircônia aglomerada. Os diferentes conteúdos revelam que as propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos aumentam com o aumento do conteúdo volumétrico até 30% vol.% (198,5Mpa), ou seja, maior resistência à flexão quando comparada com os outros compósitos. Do mesmo modo, a resistência ao desgaste para os compósitos com (30%, vol.% de zircônia) apresenta valores superiores quando comparado aos demais compósitos. Na adesão cerâmico-cerâmico a porcelana exibe elevada adesão para a superfície de zircônia porosa quando comparada a superfície rugosa. Os furos superficiais (PZ) e aplicação de compósitos com camada intermediária (RZI) na zircônia causam separadamente uma melhoria da resistência ao cisalhamento da zircônia-porcelana quando comparados as amostras convencionais de zircônia-porcelana (RZ), embora não sejam estatisticamente significativas (p>0.05). A presença de uma camada intermediaria produz um aumento significativo na força de ligação (~55%) em relação as amostras convencionais (RZ). Portanto, a correta a correta configuração e tratamento superficial podem produzir subestruturas com qualidade e força de ligação adequadas aos requisitos odontológicos.


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Ceramic materials alumina basis have been widely used in structural components, mainly because owning properties such as high hardness, chemical inertness and good wear resistance, however, the low toughness is a factor that compromises its use in many other applications, featuring the addition of nickel as a possible solution to this problem, in this context, this work aims to study the addition of nickel alumina using the route of powder metallurgy processing of the material. The percentage of nickel were added 2, 4 and 6 wt%; and each composition to high energy milling in a planetary mill was performed for 2, 4, 9 and 16h. Subsequently, the samples were compacted at 300 MPa and sintered in a vacuum oven at 1400⁰C for 2h. The samples were characterized as the physical and mechanical properties, observing, in general, an improvement in sinterability of the material with increasing grinding time and nickel content, and mixing with a decrease of porosity and increase of hardness, density values above 80% of theoretical were obtained. The milling time of 4 hours and addition of 2% nickel, particularly if achieved higher hardness (HV 1068.7 +/- 32.6) and density of about 99% theoretical density.


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Ceramic materials alumina basis have been widely used in structural components, mainly because owning properties such as high hardness, chemical inertness and good wear resistance, however, the low toughness is a factor that compromises its use in many other applications, featuring the addition of nickel as a possible solution to this problem, in this context, this work aims to study the addition of nickel alumina using the route of powder metallurgy processing of the material. The percentage of nickel were added 2, 4 and 6 wt%; and each composition to high energy milling in a planetary mill was performed for 2, 4, 9 and 16h. Subsequently, the samples were compacted at 300 MPa and sintered in a vacuum oven at 1400⁰C for 2h. The samples were characterized as the physical and mechanical properties, observing, in general, an improvement in sinterability of the material with increasing grinding time and nickel content, and mixing with a decrease of porosity and increase of hardness, density values above 80% of theoretical were obtained. The milling time of 4 hours and addition of 2% nickel, particularly if achieved higher hardness (HV 1068.7 +/- 32.6) and density of about 99% theoretical density.


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The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.


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The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.


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With the heavy use of bearings in various segments of the industry, there are a large number of necessary interruptions in industrial processes to perform maintenance on these devices, with the case study wind turbines. The growth of the wind energy sector, encouraged to conduct research that helps to solve this problem. To contribute to predictive maintenance has been carried out a signal analysis using techniques which allow detection and location of the problem in order to prevent accidents caused and losses due to unexpected equipment failures, whereas low system rotation complicates the detection of the failure. To work around this problem, there was the indication of standard signals for defects in the bearings, making diagnosis of possible failures. With this diagnosis can be performed predictive maintenance, identifying the failure of the system that were tested, such as the introduction of grains of sand in the bearing, wear on the outer race of the bearing and bearing rust. By processing signals it is possible to construct graphs developing a mapping of defects by different peaks in the frequency band.


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As time passed, humanity needed the development of new materials used in various activities. High strength materials such as titanium and Inconel for example, had been studied because they are widely used for implants in biomedicine, as well as their use in aerospace and automotive industries. Because of its thermal and mechanical properties, these materials are considered difficult to machine, promoting a rapid wear of cutting tools, primarily caused by the high temperatures in machining. With the development of new materials has emerged the need of developing new manufacturing processes. One of today’s innovative processes is the micro-manufacturing. Being a process with a defined cutting tool geometry, burr formation is a constant and undesirable phenomenon formed during the machininig process. Being detrimental to the manufacturing process, overspending deburring operations are constantly employed leading to increase the aggregate cost to the manufactured material. Assembly components are also impaired if there is no control of the burr, with consequences including the disposal of components due to the occurence of this phenomenon. This paper presents the study of micro-milling Inconel 718, investigating influential parameters in the formation of burrs in order to minimize the occurrence of this phenome non. Different feed rates per tooth and cutting speed are evaluated, and different cutting fluids with different methods of applying the fluid. Adding graphene to cutting fluids was considered as a variable to be investigated, which is considered an excellent solid lubricant, in addition to increasing the thermal conductivity of the cooling solution (AZIMI; MOZAF FARI, 2015). The micro-milling temperature was evaluated in the present work. It was observed a new phenomenon that causes the machined surface temperature decreases below room temperature when using the solution water + oil. This phenomenon is explained in further chapters. In order to unravel this phenomenon, a new test was proposed and, from this test, it can be concluded, comparatively, which cutting fluid has a better cooling property.Using cutting fluid with different thermal properties has shown influence when analy zing burr formation and reducing machining temperature.