928 resultados para curriculum in Swedish as Second Language 1
The Republic of Moldova recently signed the Association Agreement with the EU, closely followed by a detailed Association Agenda, which comes with concrete steps and conditionalities in the future dialogue between Chisinau and Brussels. The current paper discusses the most recent evolutions of the anticorruption institutions in Moldova, which owe a lot to EU`s influence. We pay specific attention to the justice reforms chapters in the Agenda and we conclude with recommendations for the EU to continue to pay attention to corruption in Moldova, but address it in a more coherent manner.
One year after the Juncker Commission took office, the long-awaited official review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was published in November 2015. By prioritising interests over values in increasingly atomised partnerships, the policy will now aim for pragmatic realism in its dealings with a turbulent neighbourhood. But in the absence of the necessary funding to tackle the region’s multiple crises, and without a strategic vision to guide relations with the neighbours of the EU’s neighbours, the new ENP remains in suspended animation.
Demographic and Social Statistics - Statistical Telegram