772 resultados para consumer citizen


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AimSustainability has become an important factor to consider while buying goods and services. People are being more conscious toward environmental impacts of products and services. This attitude has motivated many businesses to develop their production in contact with sustainability. The aim of this paper is to investigate different consumer behaviors toward sustainability in general and in relation to vehicles in Norway and Sweden.ApproachThe project has been embarked by dividing it into two tasks.1. Analyzing past, present and future development, growth and importance of sustainability concept. Describe the role of Government authorities in Norway and Sweden to promote sustainable consumption.2. Investigating important factors of consumer behaviors which influence their buying decision toward sustainable products in general and in relation to sustainable vehicles. Highlight the role of vehicle manufacturing companies to promote sustainable consumption.MethodA research has been conducted in order to explore consumer behavior toward sustainability in Norway and Sweden. Research is based on Document study and primary research which include questionnaire survey with consumers and interviews with vehicle dealers. In addition an expert inquiry is conducted to light up consumer intensions in Norway and Sweden toward sustainability.ResultsThe result of investigation has been revealed in shape of analyses and conclusion at the end. A comparison has been made between primary research and secondary research and findings are overlapping. Sustainable vehicles are being more popular among consumers in Norway and Sweden. Consumption trends are changing over time and environmental friendly attitudes are more developing among Swedish consumers as compared to Norwegian.


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This thesis uses zonal travel cost method (ZTCM) to estimate consumer surplus of Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden. The study defines counties as zones of origin of the visitors. Visiting rates from each zone are estimated based on survey data. The study is novel due to the fact that mostly TCM has been applied in the environmental and recreational sector, not for short term events, like P&L festival. The analysis shows that travel cost has a significantly negative effect on visiting rate as expected. Even though income has previously shown to be significant in similar studies, it turns out to be insignificant in this study. A point estimate for the total consumer surplus of P&L festival is 35.6 million Swedish kronor. However, this point estimate is associated with high uncertainty since a 95 % confidence interval for it is (17.9, 53.2). It is also important to note that the estimated value only represents one part of the total economic value, the other values of the festival's totaleconomic value have not been estimated in this thesis.


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During the period of 1990-2002 US households experienced a dramatic wealth cycle, induced by a 369% appreciation in the value of real per capita liquid stock market assets followed by a 55% decline. However, consumer spending in real terms continued to rise throughout this period. Using data from 1990-2005, traditional life-cycle approaches to estimating macroeconomic wealth effects confront two puzzles: (i) econometric evidence of a stable cointegrating relationship among consumption, income, and wealth is weak at best; and (ii) life-cycle models that rely on aggregate measures of wealth cannot explain why consumption did not collapse when the value of stock market assets declined so dramatically. We address both puzzles by decomposing wealth according to the liquidity of household assets. We find that the significant appreciation in the value of real estate assets that occurred after the peak of the wealth cycle helped sustain consumer spending from 2001 to 2005.


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Previous to 1970, state and federal agencies held exclusive enforcement responsibilities over the violation of pollution control standards. However, recognizing that the government had neither the time nor resources to provide full enforcement, Congress created citizen suits. Citizen suits, first amended to the Clean Air Act in 1970, authorize citizens to act as private attorney generals and to sue polluters for violating the terms of their operating permits. Since that time, Congress has included citizen suits in 13 other federal statutes. The citizen suit phenomenon is sufficiently new that little is known about it. However, we do know that citizen suits have increased rapidly since the early 1980's. Between 1982 and 1986 the number of citizen suits jumped from 41 to 266. Obviously, they are becoming a widely used method of enforcing the environmental statutes. This paper will provide a detailed description, analysis and evaluation of citizen suits. It will begin with an introduction and will then move on to provide some historic and descriptive background on such issues as how citizen suit powers are delegated, what limitations are placed on the citizens, what parties are on each side of the suit, what citizens can enforce against, and the types of remedies available. The following section of the paper will provide an economic analysis of citizen suits. It will begin with a discussion of non-profit organizations, especially non-profit environmental organizations, detailing the economic factors which instigate their creation and activities. Three models will be developed to investigate the evolution and effects of citizen suits. The first model will provide an analysis of the demand for citizen suits from the point of view of a potential litigator showing how varying remedies, limitations and reimbursement procedures can effect both the level and types of activities undertaken. The second model shows how firm behavior could be expected to respond to citizen suits. Finally, a third model will look specifically at the issue of efficiency to determine whether the introduction of citizen enforcement leads to greater or lesser economic efficiency in pollution control. The database on which the analysis rests consists of 1205 cases compiled by the author. For the purposes of this project this list of citizen suit cases and their attributes were computerized and used to test a series of hypotheses derived from three original economic models. The database includes information regarding plaintiffs, defendants date notice and/or complaint was filed and statutes involved in the claim. The analysis focuses on six federal environmental statutes (Clean Water Act} Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Clean Air Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and Safe Drinking Water Act) because the majority of citizen suits have occurred under these statutes.


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As empresas estão atuando, hoje, frente a um mercado global que elevou os padrões de competitividade e intensificou as mudanças no comportamento do consumidor que está cada vez mais exigente, buscando alternativas cada vez mais precisas para o atendimento de suas necessidades. Para tanto, tornou-se necessário o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de gestão que focasse a eficiência da cadeia de abastecimento como um todo. O Efficient Cosumer Response (ECR) surge na década de 90 para permitir que as empresas respondam a essas mudanças no ambiente. O objetivo do ECR é o de integrar os processos logísticos e comerciais ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento, propiciando a maximização da satisfação ao consumidor, ao mesmo tempo em que permite a redução dos custos excedentes da cadeia. Essa estratégia de gestão, introduzida em 1992 nos Estados Unidos, teve sua difusão no Brasil em 1997, com a criação da Associação ECR Brasil que passou a coordenar diversos projetos-piloto de ECR no País. A partir de então, esse tema ganhou destaque junto aos membros que compõem a cadeia de abastecimento de produtos de mercearia básica. No entanto, existe uma carência de publicações acadêmicas sobre o tema. Amparada na relevância do segmento supermercadista para a economia, e pela constatação da carência de estudos científicos relacionando o tema ao segmento, este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever como os pequenos e médios supermercados de Caxias do Sul trabalham as estratégias que embasam o ECR. Para tanto, inicialmente buscou-se o embasamento, através da literatura existente, sobre os aspectos que compõem o ECR, para, num segundo momento, com base na realização de uma pesquisa exploratória junto a uma amostra não-probabilística, buscar responder ao problema de pesquisa acima exposto. A partir da pesquisa realizada, constatouse que as empresas, participantes da pesquisa, não possuem estrutura, pessoas e tecnologia capazes de suportar a aplicação formalizada e padronizada dos processos que operacionalizam as estratégias como sugerem os modelos conceituais do ECR. No entanto, constatou-se que as estratégias do ECR são utilizadas como elementos-chave para a orientação da gestão das empresas.


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For strictly quasi concave differentiable utility functions, demand is shown to be differentiable almost everywhere if marginal utilities are pointwise Lipschitzian. For concave utility functions, demand is differentiable almost everywhere in the case of differentiable additively separable utility or in the case of quasi-linear utility.


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This paper is about economies with a representative consumer. In general a representative consumer need not exist, although there are several well known sets of sufficient conditions under which Qne will. It is common practice, however, to use the representative consumer hypothesis without specifically assuming any of these. We show, firstly, that it is possible for the utility of the representative consumer to increase when every actual consumer is made worse off. This shows a serious shortcoming of welfare judgements based on the representatíve consumer. Secondly, in economies where this does not occur, there exists a social welfare function, which we construct, which is consistent with welfare judgements based on the utility of the representative consumer. Finally we provide a converse to Samuelson' s 1956 representative consumer result, which relates it to Scitovsky's community indifference curves.


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection these relations in three key sectors of Brazil’s infrastructure: telecommunications, electricity and water supply. A study of the literature points to two general principles. First, the need for consumer protection depends on the “degree of sovereignty” enjoyed by consumers, defined in terms of the cost of consumer organization, consumers’ ability to evaluate services, and the level of competition in each sector. Second, the less sovereignty consumers enjoy the more consumer protection institutions are involved with regulation agencies. The evidence for the Brazilian case apparently corroborates these points. In addition, it is important to stress that consumer complaints in regulated sectors seem to have increased more intensely than in others. The article is divided into three sections. Section 1 presents theoretical elements and aspects of the relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection evidenced by international experience. Section 2 analyzes the Brazilian experience and in particular the available statistics on consumer complaints about telecommunications, electricity and water supply, submitted to Fundação Procon-SP during the nineties. The last section points to possible configurations of the institutional relations between competition policy, regulation and consumer protection, showing how the existing configuration of these areas in the three infrastructure sectors discussed confirms that the theoretical framework proposed has reasonable predictive power.


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Analisa as opções estratégicas para as empresas de comércio eletrônico que vendem produtos e serviços a consumidores finais. Formula um modelo de desenho estratégico baseado em 4 pontos: atenção, confiança, personalização e fidelidade. Aplica o modelo proposto na análise do sucesso do modelo de negócios da empresa Amazon.com.


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In many countries consumer credit legislation provides for the extension of liability for product failure to the …nancial institution that advances credit to the consumer. In particular, lender liability is imposed on those credit grantors who closely operate with the supplier of the good. This paper provides a rationale for lender-responsibility in the consumer credit market. It shows that, when judicial enforcement is ine¢cient or there is risk of seller liquidation, lender-liability helps to protect consumers who systematically underestimate the probability of product failure and overestimate the extent to which they can obtain compensation.


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Pode-se observar uma considerável dispersão entre os preços que diferentes bancos comerciais no Brasil cobram por um mesmo pacote homogêneo de serviços— dispersão esta que é sustentada ao longo do tempo. Em uma tentativa de replicar esta observação empírica, foi desenvolvido um simples modelo que lança mão do arcabouço da literatura de custos de procura (search costs) e que baseia-se também na lealdade por parte dos consumidores. Em seguida, dados de preços referentes ao setor bancário brasileiro são aplicados ao modelo desenvolvido e alguns exercícios empíricos são então realizados. Esses exercícios permitem que: (i) os custos de procura incorridos pelos consumidores sejam estimados, ao fixar-se os valores dos demais parâmetros e (ii) as correspondentes perdas de peso-morto que surgem como consequência dos custos de procura incorridos pelos consumidores sejam também estimadas. Quando apenas 80% da população é livre para buscar por bancos que cobrem menores tarifas, à taxa de juros mensal de 0,5%, o valor estimado do custo de procura médio incorrido pelos consumidores chega a 1805,80 BRL, sendo a correspondente perda de peso-morto média na ordem de 233,71 BRL por consumidor.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar se a Campanha Todos com a Nota – Módulo Esportivo, instituída pelo Governo do Estado de Pernambuco, conscientiza ou não o cidadão acerca da importância social de sempre pedir a nota fiscal nas suas compras sujeitas à incidência do Imposto sobre a Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS), bem como inferir qual a proporção populacional conscientizada. O referencial teórico abraçou conhecimentos de diversos campos afetos à seara da necessidade de conscientização fiscal, tais como obediência tributária, evasão fiscal, Administração Tributária, comportamento do consumidor e do contribuinte, Educação Fiscal e cidadania fiscal. Para atingir o objetivo, foi realizada pesquisa de comportamento do consumidor nos postos de atendimento ao usuário da Campanha. O método utilizado foi uma pesquisa do tipo survey estruturada. Os resultados sugerem que a Campanha Todos com a Nota conscientiza, e a proporção de cidadãos conscientizados sobre a função social do tributo fica entre 5,34% e 10,66% da população de usuários do Módulo Esportivo, que se utiliza de cartões magnéticos para troca de notas/cupons fiscais por ingressos para assistir aos jogos dos campeonatos brasileiro e pernambucano de futebol profissional. Embora esta proporção pareça pequena, merecendo maior atenção da Administração Pública, se compararmos com a proporção de cidadãos que já ingressaram na Campanha conscientizados, a melhoria foi em torno de, no mínimo, 7,21 vezes, com 95% de confiança.