909 resultados para causal nexus
El “Mal de Río Cuarto” es la enfermedad más importante del maíz en la Argentina. El agente causal es un fijivirus denominado Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV). Se transmite únicamente a través de delfácidos (Hemiptera-Delphacidae) de forma persistente propagativa. Se han descripto diversas especies con demostrada capacidad vectora, entre ellos Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah y Toya propinqua Fieber. La primera es de gran importancia tanto por su abundancia en las zonas maiceras de nuestro país como por su eficiencia de transmisión mientras que T. propinqua es una especie cosmopolita que se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en toda el área productiva. Ambas especies poseen una demostrada capacidad de transmisión a cereales de grano fino, importantes epidemiológicamente por su rol como reservorios del virus y el vector en época invernal. Un aspecto que requiere especial atención es la aparición de una nueva virosis, un Cytorhabdovirus, en infecciones mixtas con MRCV en cereales de invierno en el sur de la provincia de Córdoba (región endémica del Mal de Río Cuarto). Al igual que este último el rhabdovirus se transmite por insectos delfácidos, por lo que sería relevante estudiar las posibles interacciones entre la coinfección por ambos patógenos y sus consecuencias en la transmisión del MRCV. La capacidad vectora puede estar afectada por diversos aspectos biológicos, entre los que se pueden mencionar el estadío del insecto al momento de la adquisición del virus, los niveles de concentración viral alcanzados en el organismo del vector, la existencia de barreras morfofisiológicas (como las membranas basales del intestino medio y glándulas salivales, y mecanismos de inmunidad innata) y la presencia de endosimbiontes. Se conoce que existen diferencias en la transmisión según el MRCV se adquiera como ninfa de primer o tercer estadío, por lo que se propone realizar estudios comparativos entre ambos grupos. Se plantea además evaluar el efecto de diferencias de concentración del MRCV en el organismo del insecto en la transmisión mediante RT-qPCR, en infecciones simples y mixtas. Se analizará la posible existencia de barreras morfofisiológicas observando el tropismo de las partículas virales en los tejidos del vector a través de inmunomicroscopía confocal y la activación diferencial de genes de inmunidad innata con RT-qPCR. Dado que existen antecedentes de la presencia de endosimbiontes, como Wolbachia pipientis en este grupo de insectos, se propone además estudiar la prevalencia de esta bacteria y analizar las cepas existentes en poblaciones de delfácidos del área maicera. Este objetivo es importante por dos razones. En primer lugar, W pipientis es ampliamente estudiada como potencial biocontrolador de vectores debido al fenómeno de incompatibilidad citoplasmática que expresa en sus hospedantes. En segundo lugar, esta bacteria influye en la eficiencia de transmisión de enfermedades ya que se conoce que los endosimbiontes producen proteínas denominadas simbioninas que protegen las partículas virales de la degradación enzimática durante su circulación por la hemolinfa. De este modo, la presencia de Wolbachia podría condicionar la replicación, estabilidad y persistencia de las partículas virales en insectos vectores, fenómenos comprobados para otros patosistemas. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo final profundizar los conocimientos acerca del fenómeno de la transmisión viral y establecer bases para el manejo integrado del vector y la enfermedad.
IDENTIFICACIÓN ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox) es un factor de transcripción funcionalmente asociado con la diferenciación de células como miocitos, neuronas, células de sostén y linfocitos T, además de estar involucrado en la Transición Epitelial-Mesenquimatosa (EMT) de los tumores sólidos epiteliales. Aún no se ha revelado en profundidad la participación de ZEB1 en los procesos de proliferación y diferenciación en los que participa. Estamos interesados en los mecanismos de regulación de ZEB1 y los factores que intervienen en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. HIPÓTESIS 1. Las vías de señalamiento regulan el estado de fosforilación y la función de ZEB1 en la célula normal, el cual se desregularía en la célula neoplásica llevando a cambios en la función normal de ZEB1 y consecuentemente a metástasis. 2. IGF-1 es la señal que, en asociación con el supresor de tumores CCN6, juega un rol causal en la regulación de ZEB1 y esto a su vez en la metástasis del cáncer de mama. OBJETIVO GENERAL: establecer el rol funcional de ZEB1, su interrelación con otros factores y su regulación en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS (incluye Materiales y Métodos) 1. Estudiar la participación de vías de señalización sobre la función biológica de ZEB1 en células normales y neoplásicas. Analizaremos la participación de señales intracelulares en la fosforilación de ZEB1 por experimentos de ganancia/pérdida de función de la vía (por uso de inhibidores farmacologicos, mutantes silenciadoras y siRNAs), lo cual sera evaluado en EMSAs, ChIP, transfecciones, inmunofluoresc, etc. 2. Estudiar el rol de IGF-1 y CCN6 sobre la expresión y el estado de fosforilación de ZEB1 en tumores mamarios benignos, no invasivos e invasivos y metastatizantes. A) Se estudiará la expresión y localización subcelular de ZEB1 en líneas celulares de cáncer mamario y en xenotransplantes de ratón con variada expresión de CCN6. B) Investigar la relevancia de la fosforilación de ZEB1 mediada por IGF-1 en el EMT por experimentos con ganancia/pérdida de función. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS Esperamos poder delinear la/s vía/s de señalización intracelular que fosforilan ZEB1 y así conocer sobre la regulación del mismo. Podremos establecer algunas bases para entender la biología básica del cáncer de mama e identificar blancos terapéuticos. IMPORTANCIA Un amplio conocimiento de los factores de transcripción y sus vías de señalamiento es necesario para el desarrollo tanto de pruebas diagnósticas como para la identificación de nuevos blancos terapéuticos para neoplasias. De modo que resulta de gran importancia clínica determinar el rol de ZEB1, sus proteínas y vías reguladoras en el proceso de oncogénesis. El desarrollo del proyecto prevé la formación de dos tesistas. Se continuaran colaboraciones con dos grupos extranjeros y se iniciara una tercera. ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox) is a transcription factor involved in cell differentiation and Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) of epithelial tumors. We are interested in the study of mechanisms of regulation (pre and post transcriptional). S.A.1. To investigate post translational mechanisms of ZEB1 regulation in normal and cancer cells. We will analyze the involvement of intracellular signals in phosphorylation of ZEB1 by gain- and lost-of-function experiments. S.A.2. A) To determine the role of IGF-1 signaling and CCN6 in regulating the expression of hypo- and hyperphosphorylated forms of ZEB1 in benign and malignant breast cell lines and in xenograft mouse models by overexpressing and inhibiting CCN6 in breast cancer cells. B) To investigate the relevance of CCN6-mediated ZEB1 phosphorylation to EMT, breast cancer invasion and metastasis. The role of CCN6 on ZEB1 phosphorylation and regulation of E-cadherin, induction of EMT, invasion and metastasis of breast cells will be investigated using gain- and loss-of-function experiments.
Trypanosoma cruzi es el agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, un problema de salud importante en América Latina, así como también en América Central, ya que causa infección crónica afectando a millones de personas [1]. Durante esta enfermedad se han descripto varias alteraciones de la respuesta inmune, entre ellas una severa inmunosupresión durante la etapa aguda de la infección, tanto en humanos como en ratones. Células T provenientes de ratones infectados activadas in vitro, muestran reducción en la respuesta proliferativa a mitógenos, característica de un estado de inmunosupresión [2-4]. La falla del sistema inmune durante estadios tempranos de la infección probablemente colabore con la diseminación y el establecimiento del parásito. Un gran número de estudios se han focalizado en la identificación de mecanismos moleculares responsables del fenómeno de inmunosupresión, entre los mecanismos citados se ha demostrado presencia de células supresoras [5-9], factores inmunosupresores presentes en el parásito [2, 3, 10-13], producción excesiva de óxido nítrico [14], disminuida producción de IL-2 y reducida expresión del receptor de IL2 en células de bazo de animales infectados [9, 15-17]. Muchos de estos mecanismos han sido exhaustivamente investigados, sin embargo no está del todo claro si existen mecanismos adicionales involucrados en la inmunosupresión de la célula T. Adicionalmente, en los últimos años nuevas moléculas que median la regulación negativa de la célula T, entre las cuales están PD-1/PD1-L [18], arginasa [19] y E3 ubiquitina ligasas [20-22], han sido reportadas durante inmunosupresión en diversas infecciones. Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease, is parasite causing chronic infections in human and other mammalian species. There is an important immunosupresion during the acute phase of the infection that contribute to the dissemination and installation of the parasite. Several studies have been focused on identifying the mechanisms involved in the immunosupresion; however it is not clear if there are additional mechanisms implicated. In addition, during the last years new molecules involved in the negative T cell regulation such as PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3 ubiquitin ligases (E3-Ub-Lig) have been reported. It has been demonstrated, that E3-Ub-Lig control the amount and localization of intracellular signal mediators, limiting T cell activation. Moreover, these mechanisms mediate the immunosupresion observed during several infections leading to the persistence of the pathogen in the host. In this project the role of E3-Ub-Lig on the T cell immunosupresion and hipo-response mechanisms observed during T. cruzi infection will be studied. On the other hand, it has been reported that some pathogens release proteins with E3-Ub-Lig activity modifying the ubiquitination process to promote their survival and replication in the host. Recently, a protein with E3-Ub-Lig activity was identified in T. cruzi, however its target molecule has not been discovered yet. Therefore, one of the aims of this project consists on studying different potential target molecules for this novel E3-Ub-Lig. In addition, during the last years, important progress has been done about the biological rol of PD-1/PD1-L pathway on the regulation of the immune response in several infections. However, it is not well known how PD-1/PD1-L pathway transduces signals at intracelular level to block T cell response. Because of this, it is interesting to study if there is any relation between the PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3-Ub-Lig on the mechanism of T cell immunosupression during T. cruzi infection.
FUNDAMENTO: A associação das funções autonômica cardíaca e ventricular sisto-diastólica variavelmente alteradas ainda é controversa e pouco explorada na cardiopatia chagásica crônica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar em que extensão as funções autonômica cardíaca e mecânica ventricular estão alteradas e se ambas estão relacionadas na cardiopatia chagásica assintomática. MÉTODOS: EM 13 cardiopatas chagásicos assintomáticos e 15 indivíduos normais (grupo controle), foram avaliadas e correlacionadas a modulação autonômica da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca durante cinco minutos, nos domínios temporal e espectral, nas posições supina e ortostática, e a função ventricular com base em variáveis morfofuncionais Doppler ecocardiográficas. A análise estatística empregou o teste de Mann-Whitney e a correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Em ambas as posições, os índices temporais (p = 0,0004-0,01) e as áreas espectrais total (p = 0,0007-0,005) e absoluta, de baixa e alta frequências (p = 0,0001-0,002), mostraram-se menores no grupo chagásico. O balanço vagossimpático mostrou-se semelhante em ambas as posturas (p = 0,43-0,89). As variáveis ecocardiográficas não diferiram entre os grupos (p = 0,13-0,82), exceto o diâmetro sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo que se mostrou maior (p = 0,04), correlacionando-se diretamente com os reduzidos índices da modulação autonômica global (p = 0,01-0,04) e parassimpática (p = 0,002-0,01), nos pacientes chagásicos, em posição ortostática. CONCLUSÃO: AS DEpressões simpática e parassimpática com balanço preservado associaram-se apenas a um indicador de disfunção ventricular. Isso sugere que a disfunção autonômica cardíaca pode preceder e ser independentemente mais severa que a disfunção ventricular, não havendo associação causal entre ambos os distúrbios na cardiopatia chagásica crônica.
FUNDAMENTO: Eventos hemorrágicos em Síndromes Coronarianas Agudas (SCA) apresentam associação independente com óbito em registros multicêntricos internacionais. No entanto, essa associação não foi testada em nosso meio e a verdadeira relação causal entre sangramento e óbito não está plenamente demonstrada. OBJETIVO: Testar as hipóteses de que: (1) sangramento maior é preditor independente de óbito hospitalar em SCA; (2) a relação entre esses dois desfechos é causal. MÉTODOS: Incluídos pacientes com critérios pré-definidos de angina instável, infarto sem supradesnivelamento do ST ou infarto com supradesnivelamento do ST. Sangramento maior durante o internamento foi definido de acordo com os tipos 3 ou 5 da Classificação Universal de Sangramento. Regressão logística e análise da sequência de eventos foram utilizadas para avaliar a associação entre sangramento e óbito. RESULTADOS: Dentre 455 pacientes estudados, 29 desenvolveram sangramento maior (6,4%; 95%IC = 4,3-9,0%). Esses indivíduos apresentaram mortalidade hospitalar de 21%, comparados a 5,6% nos pacientes sem sangramento (RR = 4,0; 95%IC = 1,8-9,1; P = 0,001). Após ajuste para escore de propensão, sangramento maior permaneceu preditor de óbito hospitalar (OR = 3,34; 95%IC = 1,2-9,5; P = 0,02). Houve 6 óbitos dentre 29 pacientes que sangraram. No entanto, análise detalhada da sequência de eventos demonstrou relação causal em apenas um caso. CONCLUSÃO: (1) Sangramento maior é preditor independente de óbito hospitalar em SCA; (2) O papel do sangramento como marcador de risco predomina sobre seu papel de fator de risco para óbito. Essa conclusão deve ser vista como geradora de hipótese a ser confirmada por estudos de maior tamanho amostral. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)
Avaliação da doença vascular do enxerto no transplante cardíaco: experiência de um centro brasileiro
FUNDAMENTO: O transplante cardíaco continua sendo o tratamento de escolha para a insuficiência cardíaca refratária ao tratamento otimizado. Dois métodos diagnósticos apresentam elevada sensibilidade no diagnóstico de episódios de rejeição ao enxerto e Doença Vascular do Enxerto (DVE), causas importantes de mortalidade no pós-transplante. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre os resultados do ultrassom intracoronariano (USIV) e os laudos das biópsias endomiocárdicas (BX) no seguimento de pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco em um serviço de referência brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio epidemiológico retrospectivo observacional, com pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco ortotópico, no período de 2000 a 2009. Foram analisados os prontuários desses pacientes e os resultados dos USIV e BX realizados rotineiramente no seguimento clínico pós-transplante e terapêutica em uso. RESULTADOS: Dos 77 pacientes analisados, 63,63% são do sexo masculino, nas faixas etárias de 22 a 69 anos. Quanto aos resultados dos USIV, 33,96% foram classificados em Stanford classe I, e 32,08%, como Stanford IV. Dos 143 laudos das biópsias, 51,08% tiveram resultado 1R, 3R em 0,69% dos laudos, e 14,48% apresentaram a descrição de efeito Quilty. Todos usaram antiproliferativos, 80,51% usaram inibidores da calcineurina e 19,48% usaram inibidores do sinal de proliferação (ISP). CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação dos pacientes pós-transplante cardíaco por meio do USIV incorpora informações detalhadas para o diagnóstico precoce e sensível da DVE, que são complementadas pelas informações histológicas fornecidas pelas BX, estabelecendo uma possível relação causal entre a DVE e os episódios de rejeição humoral.
AbstractBackground:Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by enzyme α-galactosidase A deficiency as a result of mutations in the GLA gene. Cardiac involvement is characterized by progressive left ventricular hypertrophy.Objective:To estimate the prevalence of Fabry disease in a population with left ventricular hypertrophy.Methods:The patients were assessed for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy defined as a left ventricular mass index ≥ 96 g/m2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m2 for men. Severe aortic stenosis and arterial hypertension with mild left ventricular hypertrophy were exclusion criteria. All patients included were assessed for enzyme α-galactosidase A activity using dry spot testing. Genetic study was performed whenever the enzyme activity was decreased.Results:A total of 47 patients with a mean left ventricular mass index of 141.1 g/m2 (± 28.5; 99.2 to 228.5 g/m2] were included. Most of the patients were females (51.1%). Nine (19.1%) showed decreased α-galactosidase A activity, but only one positive genetic test − [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5), a mutation not previously described in the literature. This clinical investigation was able to establish the association between the mutation and the clinical presentation.Conclusion:In a population of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, we documented a Fabry disease prevalence of 2.1%. This novel case was defined in the sequence of a mutation of unknown meaning in the GLA gene with further pathogenicity study. Thus, this study permitted the definition of a novel causal mutation for Fabry disease - [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5).
A malformação de inflorescências e o superbrotamento de gemas terminais e axilares de mangueiras dos Estados de São Paulo e Pernambuco são relacionados com o ácaro Aceria mangiferae Sayed, 1946 (Acarina, Eriophyidae) e o fungo Fusarium moniliforme subglutinans, sendo êste último considerado, empíricamente, como o principal agente causal da doença. Varios insetos associados às inflorescências de mangueiras foram coletados: lagarta de Eupithecia sp. (Tephroclystis), (Lepidoptera, Geometriidae, Hydriomeninae); Frankliniella cubensis Hood, 1925 (Thysanoptera, Thripidae); coleopteros pertencentes às familias Nitidulidae e Cryptophagidae.
The occurrence of hybrid dysgenesis was investigated in Drosophila sturtevanti Duda, 1927 using diagnostic crosses similar to those used for induction of dysgenics traits in D. melanogaster. Reciprocal test crosses were made, at 27° C, between an old laboratory strain of D. sturtevanti (COL, from Colombia), assumed to be an M'-like strain, and eight freshly collected strains from several natural populations. The gonadal dysgenesis indices were under 10% in most of crosses, except in hybrids of COL with I27, a strain from Minas Gerais (Brazil), in which the index values were moderate in both directions of crosses (25.71 and 12.87). The smallest productivity was also observed in hybrids of females COL mated to I27 males. No causal relationship between the observed gonadal dysgenesis and mobilization of P element or another transposable element could be effectively established.
To assess genetic structure and phenotypic diversity of Eupemphix nattereri Steindachner, 1863, morphometric and molecular analyses were carried out for nine populations from the State of Goiás. A total of 11 morphometric traits were evaluated and genetic information was estimated using RAPD markers. Genetic and phenotypic distances were determined as a function of geographical origin. Correlation among genetic, morphometric, micro, and macroenviromental were analyzed by the Mantel test. Genetic data indicated high levels of genetic diversity (Φst= 0.3) among the nine populations. Mantel tests did not reveal a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographical distances, indicating that locally geographical populations were not genetically similar, even in distances smaller than 50 km. Discriminant analysis on 11 morphometric measurements showed a high divergence among the nine populations. However, a marginally significant correlation (P=0.08) between genetic and morphometric distances was found. The observed correlation was not causal in terms of the relationship between phenotype and genotype, but indicated common spatial structures. Thus, our results suggest that isolation-by-distance processes may explain population divergence in Eupemphix nattereri.
The severely poor are very poor since their consumption is far below the absolute poverty line, and the chronically poor are very poor since their consumption persists for long periods below the absolute poverty line. A combination of chronic poverty and severe poverty (CSP) must represent the very worst instance of poverty. Yet the exercise in this paper of asking simple questions about CSP shows large research gaps. Quantified statements on CSP at the country level can be made for just 14 countries, and at the household level in just six countries. This data suggests a positive correlation between severe poverty and chronic poverty, both at the country level and the household level. Understanding the CSP relationship whether it is strong, where it arises, what causes it may improve our explanation of observed cross-country variation in the elasticity between macroeconomic growth and poverty reduction, and why within countries, some households take better advantage of opportunities afforded by macroeconomic growth. Some limited data suggests similarity in socioeconomic characteristics of the severe poor and the chronic poor in terms of location, household size, gender, education and economic sector of work. Of concern is that microlongitudinal datasets drop large proportions of their base year samples, and how this affects our understanding of CSP is not well evaluated. On causal mechanisms, evidence suggests that CSP may be caused by parental CSP (i.e. an intergenerational CSP cycle) and in households not previously poor, CSP may be caused by a morbidity cycle.
In this paper the electoral consequences of the Islamist terrorist attacks on March 11, 2004 are analysed. According to a quantitative analysis based on a post-electoral survey, we show the causal mechanisms that transform voters’ reactions to the bombings into a particular electoral behaviour and estimate their relevance in the electoral results on March 14, 2004
The appeal to ideas as causal variables and/or constitutive features of political processes increasingly characterises political analysis. Yet, perhaps because of the pace of this ideational intrusion, too often ideas have simply been grafted onto pre-existing explanatory theories at precisely the point at which they seem to get into difficulties, with little or no consideration either of the status of such ideational variables or of the character or consistency of the resulting theoretical hybrid. This is particularly problematic for ideas are far from innocent variables – and can rarely, if ever, be incorporated seamlessly within existing explanatory and/or constitutive theories without ontological and epistemological consequence. We contend that this tendency along with the limitations of the prevailing Humean conception of causality, and associated epistemological polemic between causal and constitutive logics, continue to plague almost all of the literature that strives to accord an explanatory role to ideas. In trying to move beyond the current vogue for epistemological polemic, we argue that the incommensurability thesis between causal and constitutive logics is only credible in the context of a narrow, Humean, conception of causation. If we reject this in favour of a more inclusive (and ontologically realist) understanding then it is perfectly possible to chart the causal significance of constitutive processes and reconstrue the explanatory role of ideas as causally constitutive.
In this article we investigate the reforms of human resource management in the European Commission and the OECD by analyzing comparatively to what extent both organizations have adjusted their respective structures towards the ideal type of the so-called New Public Management (NPM). The empirical findings show that reforms towards NPM are more pronounced in the Commission than in the OECD. These findings are surprising for two reasons: First, it seems rather paradoxical that the OECD as central promoter of NPM at the international level lags behind the global trend when it comes to reforming its own structures. Second, this result is in contradiction with theoretical expectations, as they can be derived from theories of institutional isomorphism. To nevertheless account for the surprising results, it is necessary to modify and complement existing theories especially with regard to the scope conditions of their causal mechanisms.
BACKGROUND: The number of nonagenarians and centenarians is rising dramatically, and many of them live in nursing homes. Very little is known about psychiatric symptoms and cognitive abilities other than memory in this population. This exploratory study focuses on anosognosia and its relationship with common psychiatric and cognitive symptoms. METHODS: Fifty-eight subjects aged 90 years or older were recruited from geriatric nursing homes and divided into five groups according to Mini-Mental State Examination scores. Assessment included the five-word test, executive clock-drawing task, lexical and categorical fluencies, Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Charlson Comorbidity Index. RESULTS: Subjects had moderate cognitive impairment, with mean ± SD Mini-Mental State Examination being 15.41 ± 7.04. Anosognosia increased with cognitive impairment and was associated with all cognitive domains, as well as with apathy and agitation. Subjects with mild global cognitive decline seemed less anosognosic than subjects with the least or no impairment. Neither anosognosia nor psychopathological features were related to physical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Anosognosia in oldest-old nursing home residents was mostly mild. It was associated with both cognitive and psychopathological changes, but whether anosognosia is causal to the observed psychopathological features requires further investigation.