1000 resultados para características sociopolíticas


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Resumen: El uso de la molécula de ADN ha revolucionado el mundo de la Genética forense, convirtiéndose en una herramienta poderosa para resolver un gran número de casos judiciales. El ADN permite identificar a una persona determinada con una probabilidad de error ínfima. Utilizando el análisis del ADN los ámbitos clásicos de actuación han sido: la resolución de grandes delitos, las pruebas de paternidad o de parentesco en general y por último la identificación de restos humanos que estuviesen muy dañados. Sin embargo, los investigadores policiales buscan obtener más información a partir de las moléculas de ADN extraídas de muestras biológicas (sangre, saliva, semen, células epiteliales, etc.). En este trabajo abordaremos los conocimientos que en la actualidad se tienen de algunas de las características del aspecto externo de los individuos a partir del análisis del ADN de las muestras, su interés desde el punto de vista jurídico y sus limitaciones. En concreto nos centraremos en cuatro grandes áreas de estudio: el análisis del origen geográfico de los ancestros, la genética del comportamiento, la genética médica y las predicciones de características externas tales como el color de los ojos, del cabello, de la piel, la estatura y la edad. Palabras clave: Genética forense, ADN. Origen étnico-geográfico. Patología delictiva. Características externas visibles.


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Vários trabalhos têm descrito as características de gossipibomas por meio de radiografias convencionais e tomografia computadorizada, porém, seus achados na ressonância magnética são menos conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características de imagem de gossipibomas, ilustrando um caso de uma paciente com quadro clínico de febre e confusão mental com antecedente de cirurgia encefálica.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) encompasses a number of characteristics quite suitable for the simultaneous analysis of small ions such as high efficiency and resolving power, directly associated to its impressively high peak capacity, and short analysis time. In appropriate conditions, it is possible to perform the separation of approximately 36 anions in less than 3 minutes. In this work, the mechanisms by which anion analysis is performed was criteriously discussed, and a thorough review of the literature in the past 5 years, focusing mostly in applications of CE to anion analysis in real matrices, was presented.


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The cucurbitacins are highly oxygenated triterpenoid compounds found in several botanical families that show high toxicity and varied biological activities. This review presents the main cucurbitacins so far isolated and their key structural characteristics. It complements and updates the existing reviews on this subject.


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The present study describes a new procedure to obtain gold nanoparticles, directly in the pores of polycarbonate membranes commonly used in ultrafiltration. The dimensions of the particles may be controlled through the reduction time of the ions in the channels of the harbor matrix. The dissolution of the metallized polymer enables an investigation of the optical and morphologic properties of these elements.


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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características de la conductade fumar y la distribución por estadios de abandono del tabaquismoentre el personal de la Universidad de Girona.Pacientes y método: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal.Para ello se realizó una entrevista sobre la conducta de fumar a una muestrarepresentativa de los 941 miembros del personal de la Universidadde Girona en el segundo semestre de 1999.Resultados: De los 281 participantes en el estudio, 77 (27,4%) eranfumadores, 67 (23,9%) exfumadores y 137 (48,7%) no fumadores. PorFacultades, la mayor prevalencia de fumadores se encontró en: Letras:38,9%; Ciencias de la Educación: 31% y Enfermería: 28,3%. La distribuciónde los sujetos por etapas de abandono fue la siguiente: precontemplación:36,8%; contemplación: 13,2%; preparación: 3,5%; acción:3,5% y mantenimiento: 43%. El consumo de tabaco light fue del49,1% en precontemplación, 47,1% en contemplación y 33,3% en preparación.Respondieron haber recibido consejo médico para dejar de fumar:precontemplación: 35,8%; contemplación: 52,6%, preparación:60%, acción: 20% y mantenimiento: 24,2%.Conclusiones: 1. Las Facultades relacionadas con el ámbito de lasalud, Ciencias de la Educación y Enfermería son, junto con las de Letraslas que presentan mayor consumo de tabaco. 2. Los fumadores en precontemplación,en comparación con los sujetos en contemplación y preparación,informan con mayor frecuencia de consumir tabaco bajo ennicotina y de no haber recibido consejo médico


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Alginate is a biopolymer used for a variety of industrial applications, for example, in the textiles, cosmetics, foods, agricultural and biotechnological industries. This biopolymer is traditionally extracted from some brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) and can be produced by bacteria isolated from soil, as Azotobacter vinelandii, like capsular polysaccharide using glucose, sucrose, among others as carbon sources. The main difference between the alginate of seaweed and the bacterial ones, is the biggest degree of acetylation of this last one, with great influence in the gel force. These chemical characteristics and production of bacterial alginate are presented in this work.


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Thirty three honey samples produced by four Melipona species from different areas of the State of Bahia, were analyzed with the aim to determine their physico-chemical characteristics, contributing to the establishment of standards for quality control. The majority of the average values for physico-chemical parameters fulfilled the quality criteria established by the Brazilian and international Legislations for Apis honey, except for moisture content, which afforded higher values. Concerning the high number of samples wich did not fit the limits for reducing sugars, it is necessary to define minimum values in order to characterize Melipona honeys, as well as criteria for use of diastasic activity.


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Protein kinases are one of the largest protein families and they are responsible for regulation of a great number of signal transduction pathways in cells, through the phosphorylation of serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues. Deregulation of these enzymes is associated with several diseases including cancer, diabetes and inflammation. For this reason, specific inhibition of tyrosine or serine/threonine kinases may represent an interesting therapeutic approach. The most important types of protein kinases, their structural features and chemical inhibitors are discussed in this paper. Emphasis is given to the small-molecule drugs that target the ATP-binding sites of these enzymes.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.


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Natural peptides are outstanding as the most promising macromolecules in the search for new drugs, especially those of cyclic nature. The higher plants revealed a very peculiar composition of their cyclic peptides, which distinguish themselves by a "head-to-tail" cyclization. It is possible to define two groups of cyclic peptides from plant biomass. Those called in this review as Eucyclopeptides formed by 2-12 amino acid, and Cyclotides considered as circular polypeptides, composed of 29-37 amino acid that retain three disulfides bridges in an arrangement known as cyclic cystine knot. Searching for plant peptides should form into a subject for scientific research in the forefront of great importance for bioprospecting natural products macromolecular.


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In this paper, the effects of acrylamide (AAm), methylcellulose (MC) contents, pH and ionic strength on kinetic, network and hydrophilic properties of polyacrylamide and methylcellulose hydrogels were investigated. The hydrogels were characterized by evaluating of network [average molecular weight between crosslinks (M C), crosslink density (q) and the number of elastically effective chains (Ve)], and kinetic parameters [diffusional exponent (n), diffusion constant (k) and diffusion coefficient (D)]. Such properties were controlled by adjusting of the AAm, MC contents, pH and ionic strength factors. Due to high hydrophilicity and fast water-uptake, the PAAm-MC hydrogels can be considered as materials for potential applications in agricultural fields, mainly in controlled release of water or pesticides.


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In this study honey samples produced in the southwest of Bahia were characterized based on physicochemical and mineral (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Fe and Zn) composition. The metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The application of multivariate analysis showed that the honey colors are consequence of the mineral and physicochemical compositions. The darkest honey samples are characterized by higher values of pH and for presenting a strong relationship with Ca and Fe content.


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The region of Aracá River (Middle and Upper Rio Negro-AM) has peculiar characteristics, having soils with atypical profile and high organic matter contents in great deep. The levels of aluminum and iron in the soil samples increased as a function of depth and concentrations of mercury ranged from 0.097 to 0.964 µg g-1. Statistical analysis showed the degree of similarity between soil samples collected. The highest concentrations of mercury in soil samples are directly related to soil higher content of organic matter, directly influencing the fate and bioavailability of mercury species to the environment.


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We evaluated the effect of thermal drying (60 to 75 ºC and times from 0 to 12.58 h) and alkaline treatment (Ca(OH)2 and CaO at doses from 8 to 10%.) on the microbiological and chemical characteristics of biosolids from the Cañaveralejo WWTP. The results showed that in thermal drying all temperatures studied were sufficient to achieve the sanitation of biosolids. In the alkaline treatment the two types of lime showed the total elimination of fecal coliforms, E. coli and helminth eggs, however, the process of alkalization of biosolids had significant influences on organic carbon and calcium.