992 resultados para basal-like tumors
Forty-four marsupials, 77 rodents and 161 ticks were captured in an Atlantic Forest Reserve in Cotia county, State of São Paulo, where human cases of Lyme disease (LD) simile were reported. Twenty-one borrelia-like spirochete isolates were recovered from the mammals' blood and rodent livers or spleens, and triturated ticks inoculated into BSK II medium. Our results suggest that the reservoirs and ticks collected may harbor borrelia-like spirochetes, some of which have an antigenic similarity with the unknown causative agent of LD simile in Brazil, and/or with North American Borrelia burgdorferi s.s.
Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes with age, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, we analyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence that firms improve with age, because ageing firms are observed to have steadily increasing levels of productivity, higher profits, larger size, lower debt ratios, and higher equity ratios. Furthermore, older firms are better able to convert sales growth into subsequent growth of profits and productivity. On the other hand, we also found evidence that firm performance deteriorates with age. Older firms have lower expected growth rates of sales, profits and productivity, they have lower profitability levels (when other variables such as size are controlled for), and also that they appear to be less capable to convert employment growth into growth of sales, profits and productivity. Keywords: firm age, firm growth, LAD, financial structure, vector autoregression JEL CODES: L25, L20
The basal sliding surfaces in large rockslides are often composed of several surfaces and possess a complex geometry. The exact morphology and location in three dimensions of the sliding surface remains generally unknown, in spite of extensive field and subsurface investigations, such as those at the Åknes rockslide (western Norway). This knowledge is crucial for volume estimations, failure mechanisms, and numerical slope stability modeling. This paper focuses on the geomorphologic characterization of the basal sliding surface of a postglacial rockslide scar in the vicinity of Åknes. This scar displays a stepped basal sliding surface formed by dip slopes of the gneiss foliation linked together by steeply dipping fractures. A detailed characterization of the rockslide scar by means of high-resolution digital elevation models permits statistical parameters of dip angle, spacing, persistence, and roughness of foliation surfaces and step fractures to be obtained. The characteristics are used for stochastic simulations of stepped basal sliding surfaces at the Åknes rockslide. These findings are compared with previous models based on geophysical investigations. This study discusses the investigation of rockslide scars and rock outcrops for a better understanding of potential rockslides. This work identifies possible basal sliding surface locations, which is a valuable input for volume estimates, design and location of monitoring instrumentation, and numerical slope stability modeling.
Rrésumé: La première description dans une publication médicale des douleurs neuropathiques remonte à 1872, le Dr S.W. Mitchell les résumant ainsi [...]" la causalgie est la plus terrible des tortures qu'une lésion nerveuse puisse entraîner "[...]. Par définition, la douleur neuropathique est une douleur chronique faisant suite à une lésion ou dysfonction du système nerveux. Malgré les progrès faits dans la compréhension de ce syndrome, le détail des mécanismes impliqués nous échappe encore et son traitement reste insuffisant car moins de 50% des patients sont soulagés par les thérapies actuelles. Différents modèles expérimentaux ont été élaborés chez l'animal de laboratoire, en particulier des modèles de lésion de nerfs périphériques chez le rat, permettant des investigations tant moléculaires que fonctionnelles des mécanismes impliqués dans le développement de ces douleurs. En revanche, peu de modèles existent chez la souris, alors que cet animal, grâce à la transgénèse, est très fréquemment utilisé pour l'approche fonctionnelle ciblée sur un gène. Dans l'étude présentée ici, nous avons évalué chez la souris C57BL/6 l'adaptation d'un modèle neuropathique, proposé une nouvelle modalité de mesure de la sensibilité douloureuse adaptée à la souris et défini une méthode d'analyse performante des résultats. Ce modèle, dit de lésion avec épargne nerveuse (spared Werve injury, SNI), consiste en la lésion de deux des trois branches du nerf sciatique, soit les nerfs peronier commun et tibial. La troisième branche, le nerf sural est laissé intact et c'est dans le territoire cutané de ce dernier que la sensibilité douloureuse à des stimulations mécaniques est enregistrée. Des filaments calibrés de force croissante sont appliqués sur la surface de la patte impliquée et la fréquence relative de retrait de la patte a été modélisée mathématiquement et analysée par un modèle statistique intégrant tous les paramètres de l'expérience (mixed-effects model). Des variantes chirurgicales lésant séquentiellement les trois branches du nerf sciatique ainsi que la réponse en fonction du sexe de l'animal ont également été évaluées. La lésion SNI entraîne une hypersensibilité mécanique marquée comparativement aux souris avec chirurgie contrôle; cet effet est constant entre les animaux et persiste durant les quatre semaines de l'étude. De subtiles différences entre les variables, y compris une divergence de sensibilité mécanique entre les sexes, ont été démontrées. La nécessité de léser le nerf tibial pour le développement des symptômes a également été documentée par notre méthode d'évaluation et d'analyse. En conclusion, nous avons validé le modèle SNI chez la souris par l'apparition d'un symptôme reproductible et apparenté à l'allodynie mécanique décrite par les patients souffrant de douleurs neuropathiques. Nous avons développé des méthodes d'enregistrement et d'analyse de la sensibilité douloureuse sensibles qui permettent la mise en évidence de facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques de variation de la réponse. Le modèle SNI utilisé chez des souris génétiquement modifiées, de par sa précision et reproductibilité, pourra permettre la discrimination de facteurs génétiques et épigénétiques contribuant au développement et à la persistance de douleurs neuropathiques.
The eggshell fine structure of five sand fly species from Venezuela belonging to the genus Lutzomyia (L. migonei, L. ovallesi, L. absonodonta, L. gomezi and L. panamensis) was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The chorionic sculpturing of L. migonei, L. ovallesi, L. absonodonta and L. gomezi was characterized by series of columns arranged in palisade to form sinuous ridges. In inter-ridge areas, the basal layer was covered with fibrous material. The outer chorion of L. panamensis had a pattern known as "mountain- or volcano-like". The morphology of the posterior pole and aeropyle had a common structure in the five species, with some species-specific characters. The eggshell features of the five species are compared with those of other phlebotomine sand flies.
Previous investigations of sensory systems in opecoelid cercariae have focused on chaetotaxy and ultrastructure of sensory receptors. They revealed chaetotaxic patterns within family, genus, and species as well as different receptors. Chaetotaxic and ultrastructural observations have rarely been combined. We investigated the ultrastructure of cercarial sensory receptors in conjunction with chaetotaxy and neuromorphology in a species of Allopodocotyle. Cercariae were treated with acetylthiocholine iodide and silver nitrate, and some were processed for light, scanning (SEM), and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Five nerve regions were distinguished. Chaetotaxy was consistent with that of other opecoelids. Five types of receptors were distinguished with SEM. Types differed in number of cilium-like structures (one or more), length of cilium-like structure (short, moderately long, or long), presence or absence of a tegumentary collar, and length of tegumentary collar (low, moderately low, or very high). Internal ultrastructure of some types revealed unsheathed cilium-like structures, basal body, and thickened nerve collars. Possible subtegumentary and sheathed receptors are introduced. Some receptor types were site-specific. For example, receptors with multiple cilium-like structures were concentrated on cephalic region whereas receptors with short cilium-like structure were widespread throughout most regions. Ultrastructure and site-specificity observations suggest that most receptors are mechanoreceptors.
Anterior and middle skull base tumors, mainly meningiomas, are usually operated on using a sub-frontal route with a microscope. With modern radiotherapy, the goal of skull base surgery moves from a radical surgery with high rate of side effect to a functional concept that aims to remove as much as possible of the tumor without compromising the neurological status of patients. Minimally skull base surgery benefits from keyhole and endoscopy techniques. For 3 2 decades, the development of endoscopy helps to imagine innovative approaches for skull base tumors such as the endonasal route. Nonetheless, CSF leak issue and the absence of direct control of the tumor margins may limit the interest of such a route. Keyhole craniotomies have been developed with microscope but vision issue limits their use. Combining advantages of both techniques appears therefore natural and gave birth to intracranial assisted and more recently to fully endoscopic keyhole surgery. For anterior or middle skull base tumors, Keyhole supraorbital approaches can be done either by a trans-eyebrow or trans-eyelid routes. A step-by-step description of these fully endoscopic alternative routes summarizing advantages and drawbacks compared to others (traditional sub-frontal or more recent endonasal approaches) is reported in this chapter by the authors.
Summary For the nutritional management of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis it is important to identify nutrients that positively influence the bone remodeling process at the cellular level. Soy isoflavones show promising osteoprotective effects in animals and humans but their mechanism of action in bone cells is yet poorly understood. Firstly, soy tissue cultures were characterized as a new and optimized source of isoflavones. A large variability in the isoflavone content was observed and high-producing strains (46.3 mg/g dry wt isoflavones) were identified. In the Ishikawa cells bioassay, the estrogenicity of isoflavones was confirmed to be 1000 to 10000 less than 17Mestradiol and that of the malonyl forms was shown for the first time (EC50 of 350 nM and 1880 nM for malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, respectively). The estrogenic activity of soya tissue culture extracts correlated to their isoflavone content. Secondly, the effects of phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway, as key mediators of bone formation, were investigated. Dietary achievable concentrations of genistein and daidzein (10vM), and statins (4xM) but not 17M estradiol (10nM), induced BMP-2 gene expression (by up to 3-fold) and inhibited the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway (by up to 50%) in the human osteoblastic cell line hP0B¬tert. In addition, several plant extracts (Cyperus rotundus, Lindera benzoin and Cnidium monnieri) induced BMP-2 gene expression but this induction was not restricted to the inhibition of the cholesterol synthesis pathway neither to the estrogenicity. Finally, the gene expression profiles during hP0B-tert differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone were analyzed with the Affymetrix human GeneChip. 1665 different genes and 98 ESTs were significantly regulated. The expression profiles of bone-related genes was largely in agreement with previously documented patterns, supporting the physiological relevance of the genomic results and the hP0B-tert cell line as a valid model of human osteoblast differentiation. The expression of alternative differentiation markers during the osteogenic treatment of hP0B-tert cells indicated that the adipocyte and myoblast differentiation pathways were repressed, confirming that these culture conditions allowed only osteoblast differentiation. The gene ontology analysis identified further sub-groups of genes that may be involved in the bone formation process. Aims of the thesis In order to define new strategies for the nutritional management of bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis the major goal of the present work was to investigate the potential of phytonutrients to positively modulate the bone formation process at the cellular level and, in particular: 1.To select and optimise alternative plant sources containing high levels of isoflavones with estrogenic activity (Chapter 3). 2.To compare the effects of statins and phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway and to select new plant extracts with a bone anabolic potential (Chapter 4). 3.To further characterize the new human periosteal cell line, hP0B-tert, as a bone- formation model, by elucidating its gene expression profile during differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone (Chapter 5).
The root-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 was used to construct an oxygen-responsive biosensor. An anaerobically inducible promoter of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which depends on the FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulation)-like transcriptional regulator ANR (anaerobic regulation of arginine deiminase and nitrate reductase pathways), was fused to the structural lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. By inserting the reporter fusion into the chromosomal attTn7 site of P. fluorescens CHA0 by using a mini-Tn7 transposon, the reporter strain, CHA900, was obtained. Grown in glutamate-yeast extract medium in an oxystat at defined oxygen levels, the biosensor CHA900 responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration from 210 x 10(2) Pa to 2 x 10(2) Pa of O(2) by a nearly 100-fold increase in beta-galactosidase activity. Half-maximal induction of the reporter occurred at about 5 x 10(2) Pa. This dose response closely resembles that found for E. coli promoters which are activated by the FNR protein. In a carbon-free buffer or in bulk soil, the biosensor CHA900 still responded to a decrease in oxygen concentration, although here induction was about 10 times lower and the low oxygen response was gradually lost within 3 days. Introduced into a barley-soil microcosm, the biosensor could report decreasing oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere for a 6-day period. When the water content in the microcosm was raised from 60% to 85% of field capacity, expression of the reporter gene was elevated about twofold above a basal level after 2 days of incubation, suggesting that a water content of 85% caused mild anoxia. Increased compaction of the soil was shown to have a faster and more dramatic effect on the expression of the oxygen reporter than soil water content alone, indicating that factors other than the water-filled pore space influenced the oxygen status of the soil. These experiments illustrate the utility of the biosensor for detecting low oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere and other soil habitats.
SUMMARYThe innate immune system plays a central role in host defenses against invading pathogens. Innate immune cells sense the presence of pathogens through pattern recognition receptors that trigger intracellular signaling, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory mediators like cytokines, which shape innate and adaptive immune responses. Both by excess and by default inflammation may be detrimental to the host. Indeed, severe sepsis and septic shock are lethal complications of infections characterized by a dysregulated inflammatory response.In recent years, members of the superfamily of histone deacetylases have been the focus of great interest. In mammals, histone deacetylases are broadly classified into two main subfamilies comprising histone deacetylases 1-11 (HDAC1-11) and sirtuins 1-7 (SIRT1-7). These enzymes influence gene expression by deacetylating histones and numerous non-histone proteins. Histone deacetylases have been involved in the development of oncologic, metabolic, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. Pharmacological modulators of histone deacetylase activity, principally inhibitors, have been developed for the treatment of cancer and metabolic diseases. When we initiated this project, several studies suggested that inhibitors of HDAC 1-11 have anti-inflammatory activity. Yet, their influence on innate immune responses was largely uncharacterized. The present study was initiated to fill in this gap.In the first part of this work, we report the first comprehensive study of the effects of HDAC 1- 11 inhibitors on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Strikingly, expression studies revealed that HDAC1-11 inhibitors act essentially as negative regulators of basal and microbial product- induced expression of critical immune receptors and antimicrobial products by mouse and human innate immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells. Furthermore, we describe a new molecular mechanism whereby HDAC1-11 inhibitors repress pro-inflammatory cytokine expression through the induction of the expression and the activity of the transcriptional repressor Μί-2β. HDAC1-11 inhibitors also impair the potential of macrophages to engulf and kill bacteria. Finally, mice treated with an HDAC inhibitor are more susceptible to non-severe bacterial and fungal infection, but are protected against toxic and septic shock. Altogether these data support the concept that HDAC 1-11 inhibitors have potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities in vitro and in vivo.Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a central role in innate immune responses, cell proliferation and oncogenesis. In the second part of this manuscript, we demonstrate that HDAC1-11 inhibitors inhibit MIF expression in vitro and in vivo and describe a novel molecular mechanism accounting for these effects. We propose that inhibition of MIF expression by HDAC 1-11 inhibitors may contribute to the antitumorigenic and anti-inflammatory effects of these drugs.NAD+ is an essential cofactor of sirtuins activity and one of the major sources of energy within the cells. Therefore, sirtuins link deacetylation to NAD+ metabolism and energy status. In the last part of this thesis, we report preliminary results indicating that a pharmacological inhibitor of SIRT1-2 drastically decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine production (RNA and protein) and interferes with MAP kinase intracellular signal transduction pathway in macrophages. Moreover, administration of the SIRT1-2 inhibitor protects mice from lethal endotoxic shock and septic shock.Overall, our studies demonstrate that inhibitors of HDAC1-11 and sirtuins are powerful anti-inflammatory molecules. Given their profound negative impact on the host antimicrobial defence response, these inhibitors might increase the susceptibility to opportunistic infections, especially in immunocompromised cancer patients. Yet, these inhibitors might be useful to control the inflammatory response in severely ill septic patients or in patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.
The surface topography and ultrastructure of the tegument of Paranaella luquei Kohn, Baptista-Farias & Cohen, 2000, a microcotylid monogenean parasite from the gills of Hypostomus regani (Ihering, 1905) (Loricariidae) was studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By SEM, it was observed that the tegument presents transversal ridges, forming folds in the ventral and dorsal surfaces and microvillous-like tegumental projections in the anterior and median regions of body. These projections were also observed by TEM. The tegument is made up of a syncytium delimited by apical and basal plasma membranes, containing inclusion bodies and mitochondria, connected to the nucleated region by means of cytoplasmatic processes. The tegumental cells present a well developed nucleus and cytoplasm containing inclusion bodies, similar to those found on the external layer, mitochondria, rough endoplasmatic reticulum and free ribossomes.
BACKGROUND: The provision of sufficient basal insulin to normalize fasting plasma glucose levels may reduce cardiovascular events, but such a possibility has not been formally tested. METHODS: We randomly assigned 12,537 people (mean age, 63.5 years) with cardiovascular risk factors plus impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or type 2 diabetes to receive insulin glargine (with a target fasting blood glucose level of ≤95 mg per deciliter [5.3 mmol per liter]) or standard care and to receive n-3 fatty acids or placebo with the use of a 2-by-2 factorial design. The results of the comparison between insulin glargine and standard care are reported here. The coprimary outcomes were nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes and these events plus revascularization or hospitalization for heart failure. Microvascular outcomes, incident diabetes, hypoglycemia, weight, and cancers were also compared between groups. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 6.2 years (interquartile range, 5.8 to 6.7). Rates of incident cardiovascular outcomes were similar in the insulin-glargine and standard-care groups: 2.94 and 2.85 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the first coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94 to 1.11; P=0.63) and 5.52 and 5.28 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the second coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.11; P=0.27). New diabetes was diagnosed approximately 3 months after therapy was stopped among 30% versus 35% of 1456 participants without baseline diabetes (odds ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.64 to 1.00; P=0.05). Rates of severe hypoglycemia were 1.00 versus 0.31 per 100 person-years. Median weight increased by 1.6 kg in the insulin-glargine group and fell by 0.5 kg in the standard-care group. There was no significant difference in cancers (hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.88 to 1.13; P=0.97). CONCLUSIONS: When used to target normal fasting plasma glucose levels for more than 6 years, insulin glargine had a neutral effect on cardiovascular outcomes and cancers. Although it reduced new-onset diabetes, insulin glargine also increased hypoglycemia and modestly increased weight. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).
Introduction: Systemic inflammation in sepsis is initiated by interactions between pathogen molecular motifs and specific host receptors, especially toll-like receptors (TLRs). Flagellin is the main flagellar protein of motile microorganisms and is the ligand of TLR5. The distribution of TLR5 and the actions of flagellin at the systemic level have not been established. Therefore, we determined TLR5 expression and the ability of flagellin to trigger prototypical innate immune responses and apoptosis in major organs from mice. Methods: Male Balb/C mice (n = 80) were injected intravenously with 1-5 mu g recombinant Salmonella flagellin. Plasma and organ samples were obtained after 0.5 to 6 h, for molecular investigations. The expression of TLR5, the activation state of nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) [extracellular related kinase (ERK) and c-jun-NH2 terminal kinase (JNK)], the production of cytokines [tumor necrosis alpha (TNF alpha), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin-6 (IL-6), macrophage inhibitory protein-2 (MIP-2) and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM-1)], and the apoptotic cleavage of caspase-3 and its substrate Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) were determined in lung, liver, gut and kidney at different time-points. The time-course of plasma cytokines was evaluated up to 6 h after flagellin. Results: TLR5 mRNA and protein were constitutively expressed in all organs. In these organs, flagellin elicited a robust activation of NF kappa B and MAPKs, and induced significant production of the different cytokines evaluated, with slight interorgan variations. Plasma TNF alpha, IL-6 and MIP-2 disclosed a transient peak, whereas IL-1 beta and soluble TREM-1 steadily increased over 6 h. Flagellin also triggered a marked cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP in the intestine, pointing to its ability to promote significant apoptosis in this organ. Conclusions: Bacterial flagellin elicits prototypical innate immune responses in mice, leading to the release of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lung, small intestine, liver and kidney, and also activates apoptotic signalling in the gut. Therefore, this bacterial protein may represent a critical mediator of systemic inflammation and intestinal barrier failure in sepsis due to flagellated micro-organisms
Anti-basal ganglia antibodies (ABGAs) have been suggested to be a hallmark of autoimmunity in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (GTS), possibly related to prior exposure to streptococcal infection. In order to detect whether the presence of ABGAs was associated with subtle structural changes in GTS, whole-brain analysis using independent sets of T(1) and diffusion tensor imaging MRI-based methods were performed on 22 adults with GTS with (n = 9) and without (n = 13) detectable ABGAs in the serum. Voxel-based morphometry analysis failed to detect any significant difference in grey matter density between ABGA-positive and ABGA-negative groups in caudate nuclei, putamina, thalami and frontal lobes. These results suggest that ABGA synthesis is not related to structural changes in grey and white matter (detectable with these methods) within frontostriatal circuits.
El tumor germinal seminoma (TGS) suposa un 50% de tots els tumors testiculars, i tot i l'excel•lent pronòstic a llarg plaç, està experimentant un increment de la incidència en un grup de la població d’entre 15-35 anys. L'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) juntament amb Fundació Puigvert són centre de referència en el maneig del TGS. La intenció el treball és reportar de manera descriptiva i retrospectiva l’experiència acumulada en aquest centre al llarg dels últims 15 anys. L'aportació d'aquest estudi pretén unir esforços per tal de disminuir tractaments innecessaris en gran part dels estadis I i intentar aportar més dades en favor del tractament adaptat al risc. En aquest sentit, ha de ser un motiu més per intentar validar factors pronòstics ferms en futurs estudis i poder posicionar la teràpia adaptada al risc en una situació protocolitzada i consensuada a nivell internacional.