803 resultados para bake hardening


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Percutaneous vertebroplasty, comprising an injection of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) into vertebral bodies, is a practical procedure for the stabilization of osteoporotic compression fractures as well as other weakening lesions. Cement leakage is considered to be one of the major and most severe complications during percutaneous vertebroplasty. The viscosity of the material plays a key role in this context. In order to enhance the safety for the patient, a rheometer system was developed to measure the cement viscosity intraoperatively. For this development, it is of great importance to know the proper viscosity to start the procedure determined by experienced surgeons and the relation between the time period when different injection devices are used and the cement viscosity. The purpose of the study was to investigate the viscosity ranges for different injection systems during conventional vertebroplasty. Clinically observed viscosity values and related time periods showed high scattering. In order to get a better understanding of the clinical observations, cement viscosity during hardening at different ambient temperatures and by simulation of the body temperature was investigated in vitro. It could be concluded, that the direct viscosity assessment with a rheometer during vertebroplasty can help clinicians to define a lower threshold viscosity and thereby decrease the risk of leakage and make adjustments to their injection technique in real time. Secondly, the acceleration in hardening of PMMA-based cements at body temperature can be useful in minimizing leakages by addressing them with a short injection break.


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A new anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage constitutive model for bone is proposed using an eccentric elliptical yield criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. A micromechanics-based multiscale homogenization scheme proposed by Reisinger et al. is used to obtain the effective elastic properties of lamellar bone. The dissipative process in bone is modeled as viscoplastic deformation coupled to damage. The model is based on an orthotropic ecuntric elliptical criterion in stress space. In order to simplify material identification, an eccentric elliptical isotropic yield surface was defined in strain space, which is transformed to a stress-based criterion by means of the damaged compliance tensor. Viscoplasticity is implemented by means of the continuous Perzyna formulation. Damage is modeled by a scalar function of the accumulated plastic strain D(κ) , reducing all element s of the stiffness matrix. A polynomial flow rule is proposed in order to capture the rate-dependent post-yield behavior of lamellar bone. A numerical algorithm to perform the back projection on the rate-dependent yield surface has been developed and implemented in the commercial finite element solver Abaqus/Standard as a user subroutine UMAT. A consistent tangent operator has been derived and implemented in order to ensure quadratic convergence. Correct implementation of the algorithm, convergence, and accuracy of the tangent operator was tested by means of strain- and stress-based single element tests. A finite element simulation of nano- indentation in lamellar bone was finally performed in order to show the abilities of the newly developed constitutive model.


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Numerical simulation experiments give insight into the evolving energy partitioning during high-strain torsion experiments of calcite. Our numerical experiments are designed to derive a generic macroscopic grain size sensitive flow law capable of describing the full evolution from the transient regime to steady state. The transient regime is crucial for understanding the importance of micro structural processes that may lead to strain localization phenomena in deforming materials. This is particularly important in geological and geodynamic applications where the phenomenon of strain localization happens outside the time frame that can be observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Ourmethod is based on an extension of the paleowattmeter approach to the transient regime. We add an empirical hardening law using the Ramberg-Osgood approximation and assess the experiments by an evolution test function of stored over dissipated energy (lambda factor). Parameter studies of, strain hardening, dislocation creep parameter, strain rates, temperature, and lambda factor as well asmesh sensitivity are presented to explore the sensitivity of the newly derived transient/steady state flow law. Our analysis can be seen as one of the first steps in a hybrid computational-laboratory-field modeling workflow. The analysis could be improved through independent verifications by thermographic analysis in physical laboratory experiments to independently assess lambda factor evolution under laboratory conditions.


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Proton radiation therapy is gaining popularity because of the unique characteristics of its dose distribution, e.g., high dose-gradient at the distal end of the percentage-depth-dose curve (known as the Bragg peak). The high dose-gradient offers the possibility of delivering high dose to the target while still sparing critical organs distal to the target. However, the high dose-gradient is a double-edged sword: a small shift of the highly conformal high-dose area can cause the target to be substantially under-dosed or the critical organs to be substantially over-dosed. Because of that, large margins are required in treatment planning to ensure adequate dose coverage of the target, which prevents us from realizing the full potential of proton beams. Therefore, it is critical to reduce uncertainties in the proton radiation therapy. One major uncertainty in a proton treatment is the range uncertainty related to the estimation of proton stopping power ratio (SPR) distribution inside a patient. The SPR distribution inside a patient is required to account for tissue heterogeneities when calculating dose distribution inside the patient. In current clinical practice, the SPR distribution inside a patient is estimated from the patient’s treatment planning computed tomography (CT) images based on the CT number-to-SPR calibration curve. The SPR derived from a single CT number carries large uncertainties in the presence of human tissue composition variations, which is the major drawback of the current SPR estimation method. We propose to solve this problem by using dual energy CT (DECT) and hypothesize that the range uncertainty can be reduced by a factor of two from currently used value of 3.5%. A MATLAB program was developed to calculate the electron density ratio (EDR) and effective atomic number (EAN) from two CT measurements of the same object. An empirical relationship was discovered between mean excitation energies and EANs existing in human body tissues. With the MATLAB program and the empirical relationship, a DECT-based method was successfully developed to derive SPRs for human body tissues (the DECT method). The DECT method is more robust against the uncertainties in human tissues compositions than the current single-CT-based method, because the DECT method incorporated both density and elemental composition information in the SPR estimation. Furthermore, we studied practical limitations of the DECT method. We found that the accuracy of the DECT method using conventional kV-kV x-ray pair is susceptible to CT number variations, which compromises the theoretical advantage of the DECT method. Our solution to this problem is to use a different x-ray pair for the DECT. The accuracy of the DECT method using different combinations of x-ray energies, i.e., the kV-kV, kV-MV and MV-MV pair, was compared using the measured imaging uncertainties for each case. The kV-MV DECT was found to be the most robust against CT number variations. In addition, we studied how uncertainties propagate through the DECT calculation, and found general principles of selecting x-ray pairs for the DECT method to minimize its sensitivity to CT number variations. The uncertainties in SPRs estimated using the kV-MV DECT were analyzed further and compared to those using the stoichiometric method. The uncertainties in SPR estimation can be divided into five categories according to their origins: the inherent uncertainty, the DECT modeling uncertainty, the CT imaging uncertainty, the uncertainty in the mean excitation energy, and SPR variation with proton energy. Additionally, human body tissues were divided into three tissue groups – low density (lung) tissues, soft tissues and bone tissues. The uncertainties were estimated separately because their uncertainties were different under each condition. An estimate of the composite range uncertainty (2s) was determined for three tumor sites – prostate, lung, and head-and-neck, by combining the uncertainty estimates of all three tissue groups, weighted by their proportions along typical beam path for each treatment site. In conclusion, the DECT method holds theoretical advantages in estimating SPRs for human tissues over the current single-CT-based method. Using existing imaging techniques, the kV-MV DECT approach was capable of reducing the range uncertainty from the currently used value of 3.5% to 1.9%-2.3%, but it is short to reach our original goal of reducing the range uncertainty by a factor of two. The dominant source of uncertainties in the kV-MV DECT was the uncertainties in CT imaging, especially in MV CT imaging. Further reduction in beam hardening effect, the impact of scatter, out-of-field object etc. would reduce the Hounsfeld Unit variations in CT imaging. The kV-MV DECT still has the potential to reduce the range uncertainty further.


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Aging societies suffer from an increasing incidence of bone fractures. Bone strength depends on the amount of mineral measured by clinical densitometry, but also on the micromechanical properties of the bone hierarchical organization. A good understanding has been reached for elastic properties on several length scales, but up to now there is a lack of reliable postyield data on the lower length scales. In order to be able to describe the behavior of bone at the microscale, an anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage model was developed using an eccentric generalized Hill criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. The model was implemented as a user subroutine in Abaqus and verified using single element tests. A FE simulation of microindentation in lamellar bone was finally performed show-ing that the new constitutive model can capture the main characteristics of the indentation response of bone. As the generalized Hill criterion is limited to elliptical and cylindrical yield surfaces and the correct shape for bone is not known, a new yield surface was developed that takes any convex quadratic shape. The main advantage is that in the case of material identification the shape of the yield surface does not have to be anticipated but a minimization results in the optimal shape among all convex quadrics. The generality of the formulation was demonstrated by showing its degeneration to classical yield surfaces. Also, existing yield criteria for bone at multiple length scales were converted to the quadric formulation. Then, a computational study to determine the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the in-dentation response of bone using spherical and conical tips was performed. The constitutive model was adapted to the quadric criterion and yield surface shape and critical damage were varied. They were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic to total work ratio were found to be very well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not a significant fac-tor, while for spherical tips damage was insignificant. All inverse methods based on microindentation suffer from a lack of uniqueness of the found material properties in the case of nonlinear material behavior. Therefore, monotonic and cyclic micropillar com-pression tests in a scanning electron microscope allowing a straightforward interpretation comple-mented by microindentation and macroscopic uniaxial compression tests were performed on dry ovine bone to identify modulus, yield stress, plastic deformation, damage accumulation and failure mecha-nisms. While the elastic properties were highly consistent, the postyield deformation and failure mech-anisms differed between the two length scales. A majority of the micropillars showed a ductile behavior with strain hardening until failure by localization in a slip plane, while the macroscopic samples failed in a quasi-brittle fashion with microcracks coalescing into macroscopic failure surfaces. In agreement with a proposed rheological model, these experiments illustrate a transition from a ductile mechanical behavior of bone at the microscale to a quasi-brittle response driven by the growth of preexisting cracks along interfaces or in the vicinity of pores at the macroscale. Subsequently, a study was undertaken to quantify the topological variability of indentations in bone and examine its relationship with mechanical properties. Indentations were performed in dry human and ovine bone in axial and transverse directions and their topography measured by AFM. Statistical shape modeling of the residual imprint allowed to define a mean shape and describe the variability with 21 principal components related to imprint depth, surface curvature and roughness. The indentation profile of bone was highly consistent and free of any pile up. A few of the topological parameters, in particular depth, showed significant correlations to variations in mechanical properties, but the cor-relations were not very strong or consistent. We could thus verify that bone is rather homogeneous in its micromechanical properties and that indentation results are not strongly influenced by small de-viations from the ideal case. As the uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression are in conflict with the current literature on bone indentation, another dissipative mechanism has to be present. The elastic-viscoplastic damage model was therefore extended to viscoelasticity. The viscoelastic properties were identified from macroscopic experiments, while the quasistatic postelastic properties were extracted from micropillar data. It was found that viscoelasticity governed by macroscale properties has very little influence on the indentation curve and results in a clear underestimation of the creep deformation. Adding viscoplasticity leads to increased creep, but hardness is still highly overestimated. It was possible to obtain a reasonable fit with experimental indentation curves for both Berkovich and spherical indenta-tion when abandoning the assumption of shear strength being governed by an isotropy condition. These results remain to be verified by independent tests probing the micromechanical strength prop-erties in tension and shear. In conclusion, in this thesis several tools were developed to describe the complex behavior of bone on the microscale and experiments were performed to identify its material properties. Micropillar com-pression highlighted a size effect in bone due to the presence of preexisting cracks and pores or inter-faces like cement lines. It was possible to get a reasonable fit between experimental indentation curves using different tips and simulations using the constitutive model and uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression. Additional experimental work is necessary to identify the exact nature of the size effect and the mechanical role of interfaces in bone. Deciphering the micromechanical behavior of lamellar bone and its evolution with age, disease and treatment and its failure mechanisms on several length scales will help preventing fractures in the elderly in the future.


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A well developed theoretical framework is available in which paleofluid properties, such as chemical composition and density, can be reconstructed from fluid inclusions in minerals that have undergone no ductile deformation. The present study extends this framework to encompass fluid inclusions hosted by quartz that has undergone weak ductile deformation following fluid entrapment. Recent experiments have shown that such deformation causes inclusions to become dismembered into clusters of irregularly shaped relict inclusions surrounded by planar arrays of tiny, new-formed (neonate) inclusions. Comparison of the experimental samples with a naturally sheared quartz vein from Grimsel Pass, Aar Massif, Central Alps, Switzerland, reveals striking similarities. This strong concordance justifies applying the experimentally derived rules of fluid inclusion behaviour to nature. Thus, planar arrays of dismembered inclusions defining cleavage planes in quartz may be taken as diagnostic of small amounts of intracrystalline strain. Deformed inclusions preserve their pre-deformation concentration ratios of gases to electrolytes, but their H2O contents typically have changed. Morphologically intact inclusions, in contrast, preserve the pre-deformation composition and density of their originally trapped fluid. The orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1σ1) at the time of shear deformation can be derived from the pole to the cleavage plane within which the dismembered inclusions are aligned. Finally, the density of neonate inclusions is commensurate with the pressure value of σ1σ1 at the temperature and time of deformation. This last rule offers a means to estimate magnitudes of shear stresses from fluid inclusion studies. Application of this new paleopiezometer approach to the Grimsel vein yields a differential stress (σ1–σ3σ1–σ3) of ∼300 MPa∼300 MPa at View the MathML source390±30°C during late Miocene NNW–SSE orogenic shortening and regional uplift of the Aar Massif. This differential stress resulted in strain-hardening of the quartz at very low total strain (<5%<5%) while nearby shear zones were accommodating significant displacements. Further implementation of these experimentally derived rules should provide new insight into processes of fluid–rock interaction in the ductile regime within the Earth's crust.


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Skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis impose a severe socio-economic burden to ageing societies. Decreasing mechanical competence causes a rise in bone fracture incidence and mortality especially after the age of 65 y. The mechanisms of how bone damage is accumulated under different loading modes and its impact on bone strength are unclear. We hypothesise that damage accumulated in one loading mode increases the fracture risk in another. This study aimed at identifying continuum damage interactions between tensile and compressive loading modes. We propose and identify the material constants of a novel piecewise 1D constitutive model capable of describing the mechanical response of bone in combined tensile and compressive loading histories. We performed several sets of loading–reloading experiments to compute stiffness, plastic strains, and stress-strain curves. For tensile overloading, a stiffness reduction (damage) of 60% at 0.65% accumulated plastic strain was detectable as stiffness reduction of 20% under compression. For compressive overloading, 60% damage at 0.75% plastic strain was detectable as a stiffness reduction of 50% in tension. Plastic strain at ultimate stress was the same in tension and compression. Compression showed softening and tension exponential hardening in the post-yield regime. The hardening behaviour in compression is unaffected by a previous overload in tension but the hardening behaviour in tension is affected by a previous overload in compression as tensile reloading strength is significantly reduced. This paper demonstrates how damage accumulated under one loading mode affects the mechanical behaviour in another loading mode. To explain this and to illustrate a possible implementation we proposed a theoretical model. Including such loading mode dependent damage and plasticity behaviour in finite element models will help to improve fracture risk analysis of whole bones and bone implant structures.


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von Elise Bake


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Siguiendo los pasos de la narrativa latinoamericana del siglo XIX, en los años 30 y 40 en Venezuela, la literatura canónica propuso un trazado más o menos claro de los lugares de heroísmo y villanía involucrados en la refundación nacional. La apuesta iniciada por la intelectualidad del país, desde diciembre de 1935, se dirigía a la construcción de una nación moderna cuya imagen se solidificaba no sólo por medio de la narrativa de ficción, sino también en los registros masivos fundamentados en la oralidad, en los medios de comunicación en general y, particularmente, en fotografías e imágenes reproducidas por revistas de alta circulación, periódicos e, inclusive, en proyecciones audiovisuales. Como ocurre en estos ejercicios de organización nacional, inevitablemente, salieron a la luz por entonces, ciertas subjetividades nómades que generaron su propia discursividad ética y estéticamente ajena a las demandas del canon. Escrituras que crearon, en su interior un espacio de resistencia frente a todos los esfuerzos de normatización propuestos desde el poder. Aquí se inscribe el texto Mujeres (1943), de Isolda Calzadilla, una suerte de novela guión cinematográfico donde se deja en evidencia no sólo la conciencia en el uso del lenguaje de parte de la autora, sino además, la necesidad de replantearse los márgenes del centro urbano, de abrir las posibilidades de desarrollo subjetivo a las mujeres y de mostrar el envés de un mapa modernizante que llega a borrarse por completo detrás de la fachada.


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Para determinar el efecto de la carga frutal sobre el peso de frutos y la distribución de calibres se realizó un ensayo en durazneros variedades Bowen, Andross y Ross. Árboles en plena producción, conducidos en vaso tipo californiano e implantados a 6x5 m fueron raleados manualmente 20 días después de iniciado el endurecimiento de carozo. La carga frutal quedó establecida en el rango de 750 a 1 350 frutos/planta en Bowen y Ross y entre 850 y 1400 frutos/planta en Andross. Se realizaron evaluaciones de tamaño final de frutos, producción total y producción destinada a mitades. En las tres variedades se estableció un alto grado de correlación entre la carga frutal y los tres parámetros de evaluación y se observó una respuesta similar a diferentes niveles de carga frutal. A medida que se incrementó la carga frutal, se lograron aumentos en la producción total, aunque disminuyó el peso de frutos. La producción destinada a mitades aumentó en relación con la carga frutal, hasta alcanzar valores máximos con cargas de 1 150 frutos/planta. Luego se estabilizó y, superado un valor crítico en la carga frutal, empezó a disminuir. Para todo el rango de carga utilizado, el peso de frutos y la producción total fueron mayores en Ross. Esta variedad también logró los máximos valores de producción destinada a mitades. Andross superó a Bowen en los tres parámetros evaluados.


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Para determinar la relación entre la carga frutal y la productividad, medida en términos de producción destinada a mitades (PDM) y producción para pulpa, se realizó un ensayo en un monte comercial de duraznero variedad Bowen, Andross y Ross. Se utilizaron árboles injertados sobre patrón Nemaguard, conducidos en vaso tipo californiano e implantados a 6 m entre hileras y a 5 m entre plantas (333 árboles/ha), los que fueron raleados 20 días después del inicio de endurecimiento de carozo. La carga frutal quedó establecida en el rango de 750 a 1350 frutos/planta en Bowen y Ross y entre 850 y 1400 frutos/planta en Andross. A la cosecha se evaluó: tamaño de frutos; producción de los árboles, a través de las variables producción total, producción destinada a mitades (PDM) y producción para pulpa; y valor de la producción. La carga frutal se vinculó, con un alto grado de correlación, con todas las variables analizadas y se observó una respuesta a la carga de frutos muy similar en las tres variedades en estudio. A medida que se incrementó la carga frutal, aumentó la producción total, aunque disminuyó el peso medio de frutos. La PDM aumentó en función de la carga frutal, hasta alcanzar valores máximos con 1200 frutos/planta; por encima de un valor crítico en la carga frutal, la PDM empezó a disminuir. Los rendimientos de pulpa, en fábrica, no se relacionaron linealmente con los rendimientos totales del monte frutal y respondieron a una función similar a la que relaciona carga frutal y PDM. Los resultados indicaron que, con independencia del destino de la fruta, el raleo de frutos aseguró los rendimientos y la calidad de frutos que permitieron maximizar la rentabilidad del productor, convirtiéndose en una tarea cultural imprescindible, desde el punto de vista técnico y económico.


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El presente trabajo trata de realizar un diagnóstico de la situación de los ambientes del norte de Córdoba en general, y de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte en particular, rastreando las causas del deterioro de los ecosistemas involucrados. Se analizan así, las formas de apropiación de la naturaleza y valorización de los recursos naturales que hicieron las sociedades a través del tiempo. El modelo político-económico dominante a escala nacional repercutió fuertemente sobre las actividades productivas mas importantes de la región, basadas en una ganadería extensiva bovina y caprina y en la tala del monte para obtención de leña y carbón. Estas actividades desarrolladas tradicionalmente por unidades domésticas, hoy, en gran parte, han sido reemplazadas por el cultivo de soja. La crisis de las modalidades productivas locales así, como los cambios acaecidos en los procesos de trabajo de los cultivos de soja que limitan notablemente las posibilidades de inserción laboral estacional, agravan las condiciones de subsistencia de las familias de la región. El marco teórico se construye a partir del diálogo entre las perspectivas historicistas y los enfoques renovados en geografía, ya que ofrecen un amplio arco de vertientes que intentan explicar el estado actual de un territorio a partir del largo proceso de intervenciones humanas, a menudo teñido de diversas irracionalidades. El trabajo tiene como objetivo, mostrar la indisoluble e irreductible relación sociedad-naturaleza. En efecto, el empobrecimiento por degradación de una, conlleva al deterioro y al agravamiento de la situación de la otra. En este caso, el deterioro de los bosques y ecosistemas en general, paralelo a la crisis económica local, coloca a las poblaciones de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte del norte de cordobés, en los márgenes del sistema.


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El presente trabajo trata de realizar un diagnóstico de la situación de los ambientes del norte de Córdoba en general, y de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte en particular, rastreando las causas del deterioro de los ecosistemas involucrados. Se analizan así, las formas de apropiación de la naturaleza y valorización de los recursos naturales que hicieron las sociedades a través del tiempo. El modelo político-económico dominante a escala nacional repercutió fuertemente sobre las actividades productivas mas importantes de la región, basadas en una ganadería extensiva bovina y caprina y en la tala del monte para obtención de leña y carbón. Estas actividades desarrolladas tradicionalmente por unidades domésticas, hoy, en gran parte, han sido reemplazadas por el cultivo de soja. La crisis de las modalidades productivas locales así, como los cambios acaecidos en los procesos de trabajo de los cultivos de soja que limitan notablemente las posibilidades de inserción laboral estacional, agravan las condiciones de subsistencia de las familias de la región. El marco teórico se construye a partir del diálogo entre las perspectivas historicistas y los enfoques renovados en geografía, ya que ofrecen un amplio arco de vertientes que intentan explicar el estado actual de un territorio a partir del largo proceso de intervenciones humanas, a menudo teñido de diversas irracionalidades. El trabajo tiene como objetivo, mostrar la indisoluble e irreductible relación sociedad-naturaleza. En efecto, el empobrecimiento por degradación de una, conlleva al deterioro y al agravamiento de la situación de la otra. En este caso, el deterioro de los bosques y ecosistemas en general, paralelo a la crisis económica local, coloca a las poblaciones de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte del norte de cordobés, en los márgenes del sistema.


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El presente trabajo trata de realizar un diagnóstico de la situación de los ambientes del norte de Córdoba en general, y de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte en particular, rastreando las causas del deterioro de los ecosistemas involucrados. Se analizan así, las formas de apropiación de la naturaleza y valorización de los recursos naturales que hicieron las sociedades a través del tiempo. El modelo político-económico dominante a escala nacional repercutió fuertemente sobre las actividades productivas mas importantes de la región, basadas en una ganadería extensiva bovina y caprina y en la tala del monte para obtención de leña y carbón. Estas actividades desarrolladas tradicionalmente por unidades domésticas, hoy, en gran parte, han sido reemplazadas por el cultivo de soja. La crisis de las modalidades productivas locales así, como los cambios acaecidos en los procesos de trabajo de los cultivos de soja que limitan notablemente las posibilidades de inserción laboral estacional, agravan las condiciones de subsistencia de las familias de la región. El marco teórico se construye a partir del diálogo entre las perspectivas historicistas y los enfoques renovados en geografía, ya que ofrecen un amplio arco de vertientes que intentan explicar el estado actual de un territorio a partir del largo proceso de intervenciones humanas, a menudo teñido de diversas irracionalidades. El trabajo tiene como objetivo, mostrar la indisoluble e irreductible relación sociedad-naturaleza. En efecto, el empobrecimiento por degradación de una, conlleva al deterioro y al agravamiento de la situación de la otra. En este caso, el deterioro de los bosques y ecosistemas en general, paralelo a la crisis económica local, coloca a las poblaciones de los departamentos Río Seco, Tulumba y Sobremonte del norte de cordobés, en los márgenes del sistema.


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At subduction zones, the permeability of major fault zones influences pore pressure generation, controls fluid flow pathways and rates, and affects fault slip behavior and mechanical strength by mediating effective normal stress. Therefore, there is a need for detailed and systematic permeability measurements of natural materials from fault systems, particularly measurements that allow direct comparison between the permeability of sheared and unsheared samples from the same host rock or sediment. We conducted laboratory experiments to compare the permeability of sheared and uniaxially consolidated (unsheared) marine sediments sampled during IODP Expedition 316 and ODP Leg 190 to the Nankai Trough offshore Japan. These samples were retrieved from: (1) The décollement zone and incoming trench fill offshore Shikoku Island (the Muroto transect); (2) Slope sediments sampled offshore SW Honshu (the Kumano transect) ~ 25 km landward of the trench, including material overriden by a major out-of-sequence thrust fault, termed the "megasplay"; and (3) A region of diffuse thrust faulting near the toe of the accretionary prism along the Kumano transect. Our results show that shearing reduces fault-normal permeability by up to 1 order of magnitude, and this reduction is largest for shallow (< 500 mbsf) samples. Shearing-induced permeability reduction is smaller in samples from greater depth, where pre-existing fabric from compaction and lithification may be better developed. Our results indicate that localized shearing in fault zones should result in heterogeneous permeability in the uppermost few kilometers in accretionary prisms, which favors both the trapping of fluids beneath and within major faults, and the channeling of flow parallel to fault structure. These low permeabilities promote the development of elevated pore fluid pressures during accretion and underthrusting, and will also facilitate dynamic hydrologic processes within shear zones including dilatancy hardening and thermal pressurization.