940 resultados para adjuvant arthritis
Purpose: To determine the acceptability of short term neo-adjuvant maximal androgen deprivation (MAD) to patients treated with external beam radiation for locally advanced prostate cancer. Methods: Between 1996 and 2000, 818 patients with locally advanced, but non-metastatic, prostate cancer were entered into a randomised clinical trial (TROG 96.01), which compared radiation treatment alone with the same radiation treatment and 3 or 6 months neo-adjuvant MAD with goserelin and flutamide. Relevant symptoms, and how troublesome they were to the patient, were scored using a self-assessment questionnaire. This was completed by the patient at registration, and at specified times during and after treatment. Patients taking flutamide had liver function tests checked at regular intervals. Results: All patients have completed at least 12 months follow-up after treatment. Nearly all patients completed planned treatment with goserelin, but 27% of patients in the 6-month MAD treatment arm, and 20% in the 3-month arm, had to stop flutamide early. This was mainly due to altered liver function (up to 17% patients) and bowel side effects (up to 8% patients). However, although flutamide resulted in more bowel symptoms for patients on MAD, there was significant reduction in some urinary symptoms on this treatment. Acute bowel and urinary side effects at the end of radiation treatment were similar in all treatment arms. Side effect severity was unrelated to radiation target volume size, which was reduced by MAD, but symptomatology prior to any treatment was a powerful predictor. Of the 36% of patients who were sexually active before any treatment, the majority became inactive whilst on MAD. However, sexual activity at 12 months after radiation treatment was similar in all treatment arms, indicating that the effects of short term MAD on sexual function are reversible. Conclusion: Despite temporary effects on sexual activity, and compliance difficulties with flutamide, short-term neo-adjuvant MAD was not perceived by patients to be a major inconvenience. If neo-adjuvant MAD in the way tested can be demonstrated to lead to improved biochemical control and/or survival, then patients would view these therapeutic gains as worthwhile. Compliance with short-term goserelin was excellent, confirming that LH-RH analogues have a potential role in more long-term adjuvant treatment. However, for more protracted androgen deprivation, survival advantages and deleterious effects need to be assessed in parallel, in order to determine the optimal duration of treatment. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All fights reserved.
Purpose: Persistent infection of cervical epithelium with high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) results in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) from which squamous cancer of the cervix can arise. A study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of an HPV 16 immunotherapeutic consisting of a mixture of HPV16 E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant (HPV16 Immunotherapeutic) for patients with CIN. Experimental design: Patients with CIN (n = 3 1) were recruited to a randomised blinded placebo controlled dose ranging study of immunotherapy. Results: Immunotherapy was well tolerated. Immunised subjects developed HPV16 E6E7 specific immunity. Antibody, delayed type hypersensitivity, in vitro cytokine release, and CD8 T cell responses to E6 and E7 proteins were each significantly greater in the immunised subjects than in placebo recipients. Loss of HPV16 DNA from the cervix was observed in some vaccine and placebo recipients. Conclusions : The HPV16 Immunotherapeutic comprising HPV16E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant is safe and induces vaccine antigen specific cell mediated immunity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Human Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6 and E7 oncoproteins are associated with cervical cancer development and progression and can therefore be used as target antigens for cancer immunotherapy. In this study we evaluated the immunogenicity in mice, of different vaccine formulations using recombinant HPV16 derived E6E7 or E7GST fusion proteins. When co-administered with ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant, these E6E7 proteins consistently induced E7 specific CTL, in vivo tumor protection, antibody and DTH responses. ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant has been developed for use in the formulation of novel human vaccines and has been evaluated for safety and toxicity in human trials. A formulation containing aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)(3)) gave a lesser degree of E7 specific antibody, and no local E7 specific CTL response but similar DTH and tumor protection. These findings demonstrate the potential of ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant to stimulate both cellular and humoral immune responses to endogenously processed target antigens, and hence is the preferred adjuvant when CTL responses are desirable. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Improved disease free and overall survivals were seen in curatively resected patients with gastric and gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma treated with the Intergroup 0116 (INT 0116) protocol of postoperative adjuvant chemoradiotherapy compared to surgery alone. This protocol has not been widely adopted in Australian centres because of perceived risks of toxicity. Methods: We reviewed the case records from 45 consecutive patients treated between May 1998 and August 2003 with the INT 0116 protocol and variations at five Australian institutions. The median age was 61.5 years (range 38-79). Twenty-nine patients had gastric and 12 had gastroesophageal junction primaries. All patients had attempted curative resection, however, seven had involved microscopic margins (R1 resection). Thirty-five had regional node involvement and none had evidence of distant metastasis. Results: The overall National Cancer Institute - Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) version 2.0 grade 3 and grade 4 toxicity rates for all patients were 37.8% and 4.4%, respectively. There were no treatment related deaths. Gastrointestinal grade 3 toxicity was observed in 20% of patients, while haematologic grade 3 and 4 toxicity was observed in 17.8%. Toxicities experienced led to chemotherapy dose reductions in 22 patients and dose delay in 11 patients. Seven patients had a delay in radiotherapy and two did not proceed with radiotherapy. At a median follow up of 16 months (range 5-35) from surgery, 28 patients have relapsed (six with local recurrence alone) with 22 deaths occurring, all but one caused by cancer. Conclusion: The INT 0116 protocol is a safe and feasible schedule in a multicentre setting with an acceptable rate of toxicity and is an appropriate adjuvant treatment option for high-risk resected gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
A problem facing the use of subunit peptide and protein vaccines is their inability to stimulate protective immune responses. Many different approaches have been utilized to overcome this inefficient immune activation. The approach we have taken is to modify the vaccine antigen so that it now has adjuvant properties. To do this, multiple copies of minimal CD8 T cell epitopes were attached to a poly lysine lipid core. These constructs are known as lipid-core-peptides (LCP). The research presented here examines the adjuvant activity of LCP. Using mouse models, we were able to show that LCP were indeed able to activate antigen-presenting cells in vitro and to activate cytotoxic T-cell responses in vivo. More importantly, LCP were able to stimulate the development of a protective antitumour immune response.
Objective. Since 1996, autologous hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been used to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To date, published reports have been individual cases or series containing small numbers. This study combined the worldwide experience in a single analysis. Methods. The Autoimmune Disease Databases of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Autologous Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry (ABMTR) were used to identify patients with RA treated with autologous HSCT. Further information relating to patient and treatment-specific variables was obtained by questionnaire. Results. Seventy-six patients were registered from 15 centers. Seventy-three patients had received autologous HSCT, and in 3 patients hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) were mobilized but not transplanted. Transplanted patients (median age 42 yrs, 74% female, 86% rheumatoid factor positive) had been previously treated with a mean of 5 (range 2-9) disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD). Significant functional impairment was present, with a median Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score of 1.4 (range 1.1-2.0) and Steinbrocker score mean 2.39 (SD 0.58). The high dose treatment regimen was cyclophosphamide (CYC) alone in the majority of patients, mostly 200 mg/kg (n = 62). Seven patients received anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) in addition to CYC, 2 patients busulfan and CYC (BuCYC), and one patient CYC with total body irradiation and ATG. One patient received fludarabine with ATG. Following treatment, one patient received bone marrow but the rest received chemotherapy and/or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor mobilized peripheral blood stem cells. The harvest was unmanipulated in 28 patients, the rest receiving some form of lymphocyte depletion, mostly through CD34+ selection. Median followup was 16 months (range 3-55). Responses were measured using the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria. Forty-nine patients (67%) achieved at least ACR 50% response at some point following transplant. There was a significant reduction in the level of disability measured by the HAQ (p < 0.005). Most patients restarted DMARD within 6 months for persistent or recurrent disease activity, which provided disease control in about half the cases. Response was significantly related to seronegative RA (p = 0.02) but not to duration of disease, number of previous DMARD, presence of HLA-DR4, or removal of lymphocytes from the graft. There was no direct transplant related mortality, although one patient, treated with the BuCYC regimen, died 5 months post-transplant from infection and incidental non-small cell lung cancer. Conclusion. Autologous HSCT is a relatively safe form of salvage treatment in severe, resistant RA. In these open label studies significant responses were achieved in most patients, with over 50% achieving an ACR 50 or more response at 12 months. Although the procedure is not curative, recurrent or persistent disease activity may be subsequently controlled in some patients with DMARD. Clinical trials are necessary to develop this approach inpatients with aggressive disease who have failed conventional treatment including anti-tumor necrosis factor agents.
Objective Hereditary hemochromatosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. Among Northern Europeans the carrier frequency is estimated to be I in 10, while up to 1 in 200 is affected by the disease. Arthropathy is one early clinical manifestation of this disease, but the articular features are often misdiagnosed. In this study the two frequent mutations of the HLA-linked hemochromatosis gene (HFE) were investigated, in a rheumatology clinic population. Methods Two hundred and six consecutive patients (mean age 57.7 years; 38 male/168 female) attending a rheumatology clinic over a period of 14 months were screened for HFE mutations (C282Y and H63D). All standard diagnostic procedures were used to identify the aetiology: of the arthropathy. Mutations were evaluated by separation on PAGE of digested PCR amplificates of DNA (by SnapI and Bcl-I, for C282Y and H63D, respectively) obtained from PBMCs. Results The C282Y and H63D allele frequencies were 4.5 and 12.8 inpatients with rheumatic diseases. Five patients were homozygote for H63D (2.4%), and one,for C282Y (0.5%). Five patients were compound heterozygous (2.4%). The observed C282Y allele frequency in rheumatic patients with undifferentiated arthritis was 12.9 and exceeded that of healthy subjects (p = 0.01). Conclusions Determination of the HFE genotype is clinically useful in patients with arthritis of unknown origin, to allow early diagnosis of hemochromatosis.
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention in improving cancer-related fatigue. Patients and Methods This randomized controlled trial involved 109 women commencing adjuvant chemotherapy for stage I or II breast cancer in five chemotherapy treatment centers. Intervention group patients received an individualized fatigue education and support program delivered in the clinic and by phone over three 10- to 20-minute sessions 1 week apart. Instruments included a numeric rating scale assessing confidence with managing fatigue; 11-point numeric rating scales measuring fatigue at worst, average, and best; the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue and Piper Fatigue Scales; the Cancer Self-Efficacy Scale; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30; and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. For each outcome, separate analyses of covariance of change scores between baseline (T1) and the three follow-up time points (T2, T3, and T4) were conducted, controlling for the variable's corresponding baseline value. Results Compared with the intervention group, mean difference scores between the baseline (T1) and immediate after the test (T2) assessments increased significantly more for the control group for worst and average fatigue, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue, and Piper fatigue severity and interference measures. These differences were not observed between baseline and T3 and T4 assessments. No significant differences were identified for any pre- or post-test change scores for confidence with managing fatigue, cancer self-efficacy, anxiety, depression, or quality of life. Conclusion Preparatory education and support has the potential to assist women to cope with cancer-related fatigue in the short term. However, further research is needed to identify ways to improve the potency and sustainability of psychoeducational interventions for managing cancer-related fatigue.
Agreement on response criteria in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has allowed better standardization and interpretation of clinical trial reports. With recent advances in therapy, the proportion of patients achieving a satisfactory state of minimal disease activity (MDA) is becoming a more important measure with which to compare different treatment strategies. The threshold for MDA is between high disease activity and remission and, by definition, anyone in remission will also be in MDA. True remission is still rare in RA; in addition, the American College of Rheumatology definition is difficult to apply in the context of trials. Participants at OMERACT 6 in 2002 agreed on a conceptual definition of minimal disease activity (MDA): "that state of disease activity deemed a useful target of treatment by both the patient and the physician, given current treatment possibilities and limitations." To prepare for a preliminary operational definition of MDA for use in clinical trials, we asked rheumatologists to assess 60 patient profiles describing real RA patients seen in routine clinical practice. Based on their responses, several candidate definitions for MDA were designed and discussed at the OMERACT 7 in 2004. Feedback from participants and additional on-site analyses in a cross-sectional database allowed the formulation of 2 preliminary, equivalent definitions of MDA: one based on the Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28) index, and one based on meeting cutpoints in 5 out the 7 WHO/ILAR core set measures. Researchers applying these definitions first need to choose whether to use the DAS28 or the core set definition, because although each selects a similar proportion in a population, these are not always the same patients. In both MDA definitions, an initial decision node places all patients in MDA who have a tender joint count of 0 and a swollen joint count of 0, and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) no greater than 10 mm. If this condition is not met: center dot The DAS28 definition places patients in MDA when DAS28
Aims To investigate the concentration-effect relationship and pharmacokinetics of leflunomide in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Data were collected from 23 RA patients on leflunomide therapy (as sole disease modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD)) for at least 3 months. Main measures were A77 1726 (active metabolite of leflunomide) plasma concentrations and disease activity measures including pain, duration/intensity of morning stiffness, and SF-36 survey. A population estimate was sought for apparent clearance (CL/F ) and volume of distribution was fixed (0.155 l kg(-1)). Factors screened for influence on CL/F were weight, age, gender and estimated creatinine clearance. Results Significantly higher A77 1726 concentrations were seen in patients with less swollen joints and with higher SF-36 mental summary scores than in those with measures indicating more active disease (P < 0.05); concentration-effect trends were seen with five other disease activity measures. Statistical analysis of all disease activity measures showed that mean A77 1726 concentrations in groups with greater control of disease activity were significantly higher than those in whom the measures indicated less desirable control (P < 0.05). There was large between subject variability in the dose-concentration relationship. A steady-state infusion model best described the pharmacokinetic data. Inclusion of age as a covariate decreased interindividual variability (P < 0.01), but this would not be clinically important in terms of dosage changes. Final parameter estimate (% CV interindividual variability) for CL/F was 0.0184 l h(-1) (50%) (95% CI 0.0146, 0.0222). Residual (unexplained) variability (% CV) was 8.5%. Conclusions This study of leflunomide in patients using the drug clinically indicated a concentration-effect relationship. From our data, a plasma A77 1726 concentration of 50 mg l(-1) is more likely to indicate someone with less active disease than is a concentration around 30 mg l(-1). The marked variability in pharmacokinetics suggests a place for individualized dosing of leflunomide in RA therapy.
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) has been defined as a unique inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis. Its exact prevalence is unknown, but estimates vary from 0.3% to 1% of the population. The clinical features described initially are recognised by most experienced clinicians, although they are most distinct in early disease. Initially, PsA typically presents as an oligoarticular and mild disease. However, with time PsA becomes polyarticular, and it is a severe disease in at least 20% of patients. Patients with PsA who present with polyarticular disease are at risk for disease progression. In addition to progression of clinical and radiological damage, health related quality of life is reduced among patients with PsA. It important to note that patients included in recent drug trials resemble patients followed prospectively in a clinic.
Periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) appear to share many pathologic features. In this review, the common pathologic mechanisms of these two common chronic conditions are explored. Emerging evidence now suggests a strong relationship between the extent and severity of periodontal disease and RA. While this relationship is unlikely to be causal, it is clear that individuals with advanced RA are more likely to experience more significant periodontal problems compared to their non-RA counterparts, and vice versa. A case is made that these two diseases could be very closely related through common underlying dysfunction of fundamental inflammatory mechanisms. The nature of such dysfunction is still unknown. Nonetheless, there is accruing evidence to support the notion that both conditions manifest as a result of an imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. As a result, new treatment strategies are expected to emerge for both diseases that may target the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines and destructive proteases. The clinical implications of the current data dictate that patients with RA should be carefully screened for their periodontal status.