937 resultados para additive variance
This dissertation investigates de role of the new additive manufacturing techniques in the treatment of pathologies with a patient-specific approach. Throughout this work the development methodology of these said products is explained in order to understand the different stages required to achieve a tailor made solution. The goal is to demonstrate the importance of the manufacturing technique and its capabilities to tailor-fit devices to patients and the adaptability of the process to tackle the most diverse situations. Three real cases are documented in order to prove the viability of the method and to showcase its advantages. Whenever possible patient-specific solutions are compared to their “off-the-shelf” counterparts in order to establish the pros and cons of each one of them. The dissertation is an insight into a possible future for the medical devices industry, where customization is expected to be the standard approach in the treatment of patients.
Traditionally, the teaching of human anatomy in health sciences has been based on the use of cadaveric material and bone parts for practical study. The bone materials get deteriorated and hardly mark the points of insertion of muscles. However, the advent of new technologies for 3D printing and creation of 3D anatomical models applied to teaching, has enabled to overcome these problems making teaching more dynamic, realistic and attractive. This paper presents some examples of the construction of three-dimensional models of bone samples, designed using 3D scanners for posterior printing with addition printers or polymer injection printers.
Most strawberry genotypes grown commercially in Brazil originate from breeding programs in the United States, and are therefore not adapted to the various soil and climatic conditions found in Brazil. Thus, quantifying the magnitude of genotype x environment (GE) interactions serves as a primary means for increasing average Brazilian strawberry yields, and helps provide specific recommendations for farmers on which genotypes meet high yield and phenotypic stability thresholds. The aim of this study was to use AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and GGE biplot (genotype main effects + genotype x environment interaction) analyses to identify high-yield, stable strawberry genotypes grown at three locations in Espírito Santo for two agricultural years. We evaluated seven strawberry genotypes (Dover, Camino Real, Ventana, Camarosa, Seascape, Diamante, and Aromas) at three locations (Domingos Martins, Iúna, and Muniz Freire) in agricultural years 2006 and 2007, totaling six study environments. Joint analysis of variance was calculated using yield data (t/ha), and AMMI and GGE biplot analysis was conducted following the detection of a significant genotypes x agricultural years x locations (G x A x L) interaction. During the two agricultural years, evaluated locations were allocated to different regions on biplot graphics using both methods, indicating distinctions among them. Based on the results obtained from the two methods used in this study to investigate the G x A x L interaction, we recommend growing the Camarosa genotype for production at the three locations assessed due to the high frequency of favorable alleles, which were expressed in all localities evaluated regardless of the agricultural year.
In the most recent years, Additive Manufacturing (AM) has drawn the attention of both academic research and industry, as it might deeply change and improve several industrial sectors. From the material point of view, AM results in a peculiar microstructure that strictly depends on the conditions of the additive process and directly affects mechanical properties. The present PhD research project aimed at investigating the process-microstructure-properties relationship of additively manufactured metal components. Two technologies belonging to the AM family were considered: Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). The experimental activity was carried out on different metals of industrial interest: a CoCrMo biomedical alloy and an AlSi7Mg0.6 alloy processed by LPBF, an AlMg4.5Mn alloy and an AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel processed by WAAM. In case of LPBF, great attention was paid to the influence that feedstock material and process parameters exert on hardness, morphological and microstructural features of the produced samples. The analyses, targeted at minimizing microstructural defects, lead to process optimization. For heat-treatable LPBF alloys, innovative post-process heat treatments, tailored on the peculiar hierarchical microstructure induced by LPBF, were developed and deeply investigated. Main mechanical properties of as-built and heat-treated alloys were assessed and they were well-correlated to the specific LPBF microstructure. Results showed that, if properly optimized, samples exhibit a good trade-off between strength and ductility yet in the as-built condition. However, tailored heat treatments succeeded in improving the overall performance of the LPBF alloys. Characterization of WAAM alloys, instead, evidenced the microstructural and mechanical anisotropy typical of AM metals. Experiments revealed also an outstanding anisotropy in the elastic modulus of the austenitic stainless-steel that, along with other mechanical properties, was explained on the basis of microstructural analyses.
This work is going to show the activities performed in the frame of my PhD studies at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini, at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”. The main topic of this dissertation will be the study of organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures and materials for advanced applications in different fields of materials technology and development such as theranostics, organic electronics and additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. This work is therefore divided into three chapters, that recall the fundamentals of each subject and to recap the state-of-the-art of scientific research around each topic. In each chapter, the published works and preliminary results obtained during my PhD career will be discussed in detail.
I veicoli ad alte prestazioni sono soggetti ad elevati carichi per piccoli intervalli di tempo. Questo comporta diverse criticità sulle componenti che costituiscono la vettura: una di queste è la pinza freno. Al fine di renderla performante è necessario il possesso di due proprietà. In primo luogo, la pinza freno deve essere il più leggera possibile poiché essa conferisce un'inerzia nella risposta della sospensione del veicolo, procurando il distacco dello pneumatico dal suolo e causando perdita di aderenza. In secondo luogo, è necessario contenere le deformazioni della pinza freno garantendo un determinato feeling per il pilota. Il compito del progettista è ottimizzare questi due parametri che hanno effetti antitetici. Questa difficoltà porta il progettista a creare design molto complessi per raggiungere l’ottimale e non sempre le geometrie ottenute sono realizzabili con tecnologie convenzionali. Questo studio riguarda il miglioramento prestazionale di una pinza freno costruita con una lega di alluminio 7075-T6 e lavorato dal pieno. Gli obbiettivi sono quello di produrre il nuovo corpo in titanio TI6Al4V, dal momento che le temperature di esercizio portano a grandi decadute di caratteristiche meccaniche dell’alluminio, contenere il più possibile la massa a fronte dell’aumento di densità di materiale e ovviamente limitare le deformazioni. Al fine di ottenere gli obbiettivi prefissati sono utilizzati metodi agli elementi finiti in diverse fasi della progettazione: per acquisire una geometria di partenza (ottimizzazione topologica) e per la validazione delle geometrie ottenute. Le geometrie ricavate tramite l’ottimizzazione topologica devono essere ricostruite tramite software CAD affinché possano essere ingegnerizzate. Durante la modellazione è necessario valutare quale tecnologia è più vantaggiosa per produrre il componente. In questo caso studio si utilizza un processo di addizione di materiale, più specificatamente una tecnica Selective Laser Melting (SLM).
Il 3D printing è presente da tempo in molti settori economici e da sempre ha nella sanità uno dei principali ambiti di applicazione. Durante il corso del presente lavoro sono state esaminate le principali applicazioni in campo sanitario con particolare focus sulla fase di planning in caso di chirurgia complessa. La pianificazione risulta essere la fase maggiormente impattante nel contesto più globale di gestione del paziente in quanto una maggior accuratezza nella visualizzazione del caso clinico consente di ottimizzare l’identificazione di un adeguato approccio chirurgico con ovvie conseguenti ripercussioni positive sulla totalità della degenza del paziente all’interno della struttura clinica ospitante. Nel dettaglio è stato valutato l’utilizzo di un innovativo protocollo di pre-planning e follow-up operatorio tramite la realizzazione di modelli stampati 3D a partire da immagini di diagnostica classica (TAC, MRI, 3Dscan) che hanno consentito di poter fornire allo specialista clinico di riferimento un prodotto che riproducendo perfettamente l’anatomia del soggetto (morfologia-proprietà fisiche del tessuto) ha consentito allo stesso un miglioramento delle usuali pratiche chirurgiche e terapeutiche in casi di elevata complessità in un arco temporale ristretto. I parametri utilizzati per la valutazione dei reali benefici dell’approccio esposto sono stati: tempi di pianificazione chirurgica e tempi di intervento all’interno di una più globale analisi dei costi associati. A fronte di un’indagine interna preventiva presso l’azienda ospedaliera ospitante sono stati designati i seguenti reparti come settori pilota: maxillofacciale, neurochirurgia e radiologia interventistica. Lo studio è stato svolto in collaborazione con l’ospedale M.Bufalini di Cesena in qualità di referente clinico e l’azienda Aid4Med Srl in qualità di azienda leader in pianificazione operatoria tramite ausili realizzati tramite tecniche di additive manufacturing.
The increased exploitation of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is inevitably bringing about an increase in production scraps and end-of-life components, resulting in a sharp increase in CFRP waste. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to find efficient ways to reintroduce waste into the manufacturing cycle. At present, several recycling methods for treating CFRPs are available, even if all of them still have to be optimized. The step after CFRP recycling, and also the key to build a solid and sustainable CFRP recycling market, is represented by the utilization of Re-CFs. The smartest way to utilize recovered carbon fibers is through the manufacturing of recycled CFRPs, that can be done by re-impregnating the recovered fibers with a new polymeric matrix. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques that fabricates parts with a polymeric filament deposition process that allows to produce parts adding material layer-by-layer, only where it is needed, saving energy, raw material cost, and waste. The filament can also contain fillers or reinforcements such as recycled short carbon fibers and this makes it perfectly compliant with the re-application of the shortened recycled CF. Therefore, in this thesis work recycled and virgin carbon fiber reinforced PLA filaments have been initially produced using 5% and 10% of CFs load. Properties and characteristics of the filaments have been determined conducting different analysis (TGA, DMA, DSC). Subsequently the 5%wt. Re-CFs filament has been used to 3D print specimens for mechanical characterization (DMA, tensile test and CTE), in order to evaluate properties of printed PLA composites containing Re-CFs and evaluate the feasibility of Re-CFs in 3D printing application.
Scopo dell'elaborato è stato la produzione di un materiale bio-composito formato da PLA ed un rinforzo di origine naturale derivante dal settore agricolo, nell'ottica di diminuire i costi dei manufatti costituiti da tale materiale, riducendo il contenuto di PLA, e rivalorizzare lo scarto di farine in applicazioni di stampa 3D. Inizialmente le farine sono state studiate mediante analisi spettroscopiche (FT-ATR), osservazioni al microscopio ottico e analisi TGA. Dopodiché sono stati prodotti filamenti per stampa 3D di materiale composito al 10% e caratterizzati termicamente (DSC, TGA, Cp) e meccanicamente (DMA). Successivamente alla stampa 3D di questi filamenti, sono stati analizzati comportamenti termici (CTE, DSC) e meccanici (prove di trazione, DMA) dei provini stampati. Si è infine valutata l'influenza del trattamento termico di ricottura sui provini stampati mediante analisi DSC e DMA.
This research work concerns the application of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in new electric mobility sectors. The unmatched freedom that AM offers can potentially change the way electric motors are designed and manufactured. The thesis investigates the possibility of creating optimized electric machines that exploit AM technologies, with potential in various industrial sectors, including automotive and aerospace. In particular, we will evaluate how the design of electric motors can be improved by producing the rotor core using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and how the resulting design choices affect component performance. First, the metallurgical and soft magnetic properties of the pure iron and silicon iron alloy parts (Fe-3% wt.Si) produced by LPBF will be defined and discussed, considering the process parameters and the type of heat treatment. This research shows that using LPBF, both pure iron and iron silicon, the parts have mechanical and magnetic properties different from the laminated ones. Hence, FEM-based modeling will be employed to design the rotor core of an SYN RM machine to minimize torque ripple while maintaining structural integrity. Finally, we suggest that further research should extend the field of applicability to other electrical devices.
This manuscript represents an overview on the studies I was involved in during my PhD at the Industrial Chemistry Department “Toso Montanari”, in the ASOM (Advanced Smart Organic Materials) research group under the supervision of Prof. Letizia Sambri and Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini. Those research have been focused on the development of organic materials for advanced applications in different fields, among which organic electronics, additive manufacturing (3D Printing) and biomedical applications can be underlined.
The increasing environmental global regulations have directed scientific research towards more sustainable materials, even in the field of composite materials for additive manufacturing. In this context, the presented research is devoted to the development of thermoplastic composites for FDM application with a low environmental impact, focusing on the possibility to use wastes from different industrial processes as filler for the production of composite filaments for FDM 3D printing. In particular carbon fibers recycled by pyro-gasification process of CFRP scraps were used as reinforcing agent for PLA, a biobased polymeric matrix. Since the high value of CFs, the ability to re-use recycled CFs, replacing virgin ones, seems to be a promising option in terms of sustainability and circular economy. Moreover, wastes from different agricultural industries, i.e. wheat and rice production processes, were valorised and used as biofillers for the production of PLA-biocomposites. The integration of these agricultural wastes into PLA bioplastic allowed to obtain biocomposites with improved eco-sustainability, biodegradability, lightweight, and lower cost. Finally, the study of novel composites for FDM was extended towards elastomeric nanocomposite materials, in particular TPU reinforced with graphene. The research procedure of all projects involves the optimization of production methods of composite filaments with a particular attention on the possible degradation of polymeric matrices. Then, main thermal properties of 3D printed object are evaluated by TGA, DSC characterization. Additionally, specific heat capacity (CP) and Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE) measurements are useful to estimate the attitude of composites for the prevention of typical FDM issues, i.e. shrinkage and warping. Finally, the mechanical properties of 3D printed composites and their anisotropy are investigated by tensile test using distinct kinds of specimens with different printing angles with respect to the testing direction.
The research project aims to improve the Design for Additive Manufacturing of metal components. Firstly, the scenario of Additive Manufacturing is depicted, describing its role in Industry 4.0 and in particular focusing on Metal Additive Manufacturing technologies and the Automotive sector applications. Secondly, the state of the art in Design for Additive Manufacturing is described, contextualizing the methodologies, and classifying guidelines, rules, and approaches. The key phases of product design and process design to achieve lightweight functional designs and reliable processes are deepened together with the Computer-Aided Technologies to support the approaches implementation. Therefore, a general Design for Additive Manufacturing workflow based on product and process optimization has been systematically defined. From the analysis of the state of the art, the use of a holistic approach has been considered fundamental and thus the use of integrated product-process design platforms has been evaluated as a key element for its development. Indeed, a computer-based methodology exploiting integrated tools and numerical simulations to drive the product and process optimization has been proposed. A validation of CAD platform-based approaches has been performed, as well as potentials offered by integrated tools have been evaluated. Concerning product optimization, systematic approaches to integrate topology optimization in the design have been proposed and validated through product optimization of an automotive case study. Concerning process optimization, the use of process simulation techniques to prevent manufacturing flaws related to the high thermal gradients of metal processes is developed, providing case studies to validate results compared to experimental data, and application to process optimization of an automotive case study. Finally, an example of the product and process design through the proposed simulation-driven integrated approach is provided to prove the method's suitability for effective redesigns of Additive Manufacturing based high-performance metal products. The results are then outlined, and further developments are discussed.
The main purpose of this thesis is to go beyond two usual assumptions that accompany theoretical analysis in spin-glasses and inference: the i.i.d. (independently and identically distributed) hypothesis on the noise elements and the finite rank regime. The first one appears since the early birth of spin-glasses. The second one instead concerns the inference viewpoint. Disordered systems and Bayesian inference have a well-established relation, evidenced by their continuous cross-fertilization. The thesis makes use of techniques coming both from the rigorous mathematical machinery of spin-glasses, such as the interpolation scheme, and from Statistical Physics, such as the replica method. The first chapter contains an introduction to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick and spiked Wigner models. The first is a mean field spin-glass where the couplings are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. The second instead amounts to establish the information theoretical limits in the reconstruction of a fixed low rank matrix, the “spike”, blurred by additive Gaussian noise. In chapters 2 and 3 the i.i.d. hypothesis on the noise is broken by assuming a noise with inhomogeneous variance profile. In spin-glasses this leads to multi-species models. The inferential counterpart is called spatial coupling. All the previous models are usually studied in the Bayes-optimal setting, where everything is known about the generating process of the data. In chapter 4 instead we study the spiked Wigner model where the prior on the signal to reconstruct is ignored. In chapter 5 we analyze the statistical limits of a spiked Wigner model where the noise is no longer Gaussian, but drawn from a random matrix ensemble, which makes its elements dependent. The thesis ends with chapter 6, where the challenging problem of high-rank probabilistic matrix factorization is tackled. Here we introduce a new procedure called "decimation" and we show that it is theoretically to perform matrix factorization through it.
The project aims to gather an understanding of additive manufacturing and other manufacturing 4.0 techniques with an eyesight for industrialization. First the internal material anisotropy of elements created with the most economically feasible FEM technique was established. An understanding of the main drivers for variability for AM was portrayed, with the focus on achieving material internal isotropy. Subsequently, a technique for deposition parameter optimization was presented, further procedure testing was performed following other polymeric materials and composites. A replicability assessment by means of the use of technology 4.0 was proposed, and subsequent industry findings gathered the ultimate need of developing a process that demonstrate how to re-engineer designs in order to show the best results with AM processing. The latest study aims to apply the Industrial Design and Structure Method (IDES) and applying all the knowledge previously stacked into fully reengineer a product with focus of applying tools from 4.0 era, from product feasibility studies, until CAE – FEM analysis and CAM – DfAM. These results would help in making AM and FDM processes a viable option to be combined with composites technologies to achieve a reliable, cost-effective manufacturing method that could also be used for mass market, industry applications.