888 resultados para acute drug administration
Background The use of simulation in medical education is increasing, with students taught and assessed using simulated patients and manikins. Medical students at Queen’s University of Belfast are taught advanced life support cardiopulmonary resuscitation as part of the undergraduate curriculum. Teaching and feedback in these skills have been developed in Queen’s University with high-fidelity manikins. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of video compared to verbal feedback in assessment of student cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance Methods Final year students participated in this study using a high-fidelity manikin, in the Clinical Skills Centre, Queen’s University Belfast. Cohort A received verbal feedback only on their performance and cohort B received video feedback only. Video analysis using ‘StudioCode’ software was distributed to students. Each group returned for a second scenario and evaluation 4 weeks later. An assessment tool was created for performance assessment, which included individual skill and global score evaluation. Results One hundred thirty eight final year medical students completed the study. 62 % were female and the mean age was 23.9 years. Students having video feedback had significantly greater improvement in overall scores compared to those receiving verbal feedback (p = 0.006, 95 % CI: 2.8–15.8). Individual skills, including ventilation quality and global score were significantly better with video feedback (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001, respectively) when compared with cohort A. There was a positive change in overall score for cohort B from session one to session two (p < 0.001, 95 % CI: 6.3–15.8) indicating video feedback significantly benefited skill retention. In addition, using video feedback showed a significant improvement in the global score (p < 0.001, 95 % CI: 3.3–7.2) and drug administration timing (p = 0.004, 95 % CI: 0.7–3.8) of cohort B participants, from session one to session two. Conclusions There is increased use of simulation in medicine but a paucity of published data comparing feedback methods in cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Our study shows the use of video feedback when teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation is more effective than verbal feedback, and enhances skill retention. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate the benefit of video feedback in cardiopulmonary resuscitation teaching.
Bakgrund: I Sverige insjuknar varje år ungefär 25 000 människor i någon form av demenssjukdom, en sjukdom som ökar världen över och troligtvis kommer att fördubblas inom de närmsta 20 åren. Demenssjukdom drabbar hjärnan vilket påverkar minnet och den kognitiva förmågan och kan ge beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD). Studier visar att nio av tio personer någon gång kommer att visa symtom som ångest, oro, vandrande och aggressiva beteenden. Läkemedelsadministrering för att behandla symtom som oro, ångest och agiterande beteenden är inte ovanligt. Dock kan läkemedel ofta orsaka biverkningar hos äldre människor. Att istället använda djurterapi för att behandla symtom som kan uppstå vid demenssjukdomar kan ses som ett positivt alternativ då studier visat att djurterapi har en positiv inverkan på människan med demenssjukdom och andra kognitiva sjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilken inverkan djurterapi har på människor med demenssjukdom och andra kognitiva sjukdomar. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt baserad på artiklar med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats (n=15). Resultat: Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att djurterapi ger minskad stressnivå, minskat uppvisande av aggressiva beteenden, färre vanföreställningar, minskad ångest, nedstämdhet, sorgsenhet, depressiva symtom och apatiska beteenden samt ökning av glädje, lycka, engagemang, vakenhet, medvetenhet, verbala uttryck samt ökat minne. Konklusion: Resultatet tyder på att djurterapi med fördel kan användas som alternativ eller kompletterande behandling för människor med demenssjukdom. Dock ser författarna att utökad forskning behövs för att se långvarig inverkan av djurterapins effekter.
Introduction: The raising frequency of cancer diseases is leading to a widespread application of antineoplastic drugs, thus increasing the probability of workplace surfaces contamination. Most of these drugs are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as known or suspected human carcinogens. Skin absorption is the main route for antineoplastic drugs exposure in occupational settings, therefore cleaning protocols have paramount influence in surfaces contamination and, consequently, in exposure. The aim of this study was to assess surfaces contamination in a Portuguese chemotherapy unit before and during drug administration, in both preparation and administration facilities. Methods: Samples were collected by wipe-sampling from potentially contaminated surfaces selected by previous protocol observation. Samples were analyzed by HPLCDAD. Cyclophosphamide (CP), 5-fluorouracil (5FU), and paclitaxel (PTX) were used as surrogate markers for surfaces contamination for all cytotoxic drugs. Results: From the 34 samples collected before any preparation and administration activities, 41.2% were contaminated with 5-FU (4.0-84.7 ng/cm2) and 23.5% of the samples were contaminated with CP (19.8-139.6 μg/cm2). Only 2 samples presented contamination by PTX (5.9%) with a maximum value of 3.7 ng/cm2. Of the 37 samples collected during preparation and administration of antineoplastic drugs, 48.7% were contaminated with 5-FU (1.9-88.7 ng/cm2) and 24.3% with CP (12.0-93.9 μg/cm2). None of the samples showed contamination with PTX. Discussion: Data showed differences in contamination levels before and after the handling of antineoplastic drugs in preparation and in administration settings. These results point out the importance of cleaning procedures. This is well in accordance to previous studies that showed how the type of cleaning procedures and products used can be determinant for surfaces decontamination.
Development and characterization of Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) platforms for bone tissue engineering
The development of scaffolds based on biomaterials is a promising strategy for Tissue Engineering and cellular regeneration. This work focuses on Bone Tissue Engineering, the aim is to develop electrically tailored biomaterials with different crystalline and electric features, and study their impacts onto cell biological behavior, so as to predict the materials output in the enhancement of bone tissue regeneration. It is accepted that bone exhibits piezoelectricity, a property that has been proved to be involved in bone growth/repair mechanism regulation. In addition electrical stimulations have been proved to influence bone growth and repair. Piezoelectric materials are therefore widely investigated for a potential use in bone tissue engineering. The main goal is the development of novel strategies to produce and employ piezoelectric biomaterials, with detailed knowledge of mechanisms involved in cell-material interaction. In the current work, poly (L-lactic) acid (PLLA), a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer, exhibiting biodegradibility, biocompatibility and piezoelectricity is studied and proposed as a promoter of enhanced tissue regeneration. PLLA has already been approved for implantation in human body by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at the moment it is being used in several clinical strategies. The present study consists of first preparing films with different degrees of crystallinity and characterizing these PLLA films, in terms of surface and structural properties, and subsequently assessing the behavior of cells in terms of viability, proliferation, morphology and mineralization for each PLLA configuration. PLLA films were prepared using the solvent cast technique and submitted to different thermal treatments in order to obtain different degrees of crystallinity. Those platforms were then electrically poled, positively and negatively, by corona discharge in order to tailor their electrical properties. The cellular assays were conducted by using two different osteoblast cell lines grown directly onto the PLLA films:Human osteoblast Hob, a primary cell culture and Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cell line. This thesis gives also a comprehensive introduction to the area of Bone Tissue Engineering and provides a review of the work done in this field in the past until today, in that same field, including the one related with bone’s piezoelectricity. Then the experimental part deals with the effects of the crystallinity degrees and of the polarization in terms of surface properties and cellular bio assays. Three different degrees of crystallinity, and three different polarization conditions were prepared; which results in 9 different configurations under investigation.
The phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) family are cAMP specific phosphodiesterases that play an important role in the inflammatory response and is the major PDE type found in inflammatory cells. A significant number of PDE4 specific inhibitors have been developed and are currently being investigated for use as therapeutic agents. Apremilast, a small molecule inhibitor of PDE 4 is in development for chronic inflammatory disorders and has shown promise for the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis as well as other inflammatory diseases. It has been found to be safe and well tolerated in humans and in March 2014 it was approved by the US food and drug administration for the treatment of adult patients with active psoriatic arthritis. The only other PDE4 inhibitor on the market is Roflumilast and it is used for treatment of respiratory disease. Roflumilast is approved in the EU for the treatment of COPD and was recently approved in the US for treatment to reduce the risk of COPD exacerbations. Roflumilast is also a selective PDE4 inhibitor, administered as an oral tablet once daily, and is thought to act by increasing cAMP within lung cells. As both (Apremilast and Roflumilast) compounds selectively inhibit PDE4 but are targeted at different diseases, there is a need for a clear understanding of their mechanism of action (MOA). Differences and similarity of MOA should be defined for the purposes of labelling, for communication to the scientific community, physicians, and patients, and for an extension of utility to other diseases and therapeutic areas. In order to obtain a complete comparative picture of the MOA of both inhibitors, additional molecular and cellular biology studies are required to more fully elucidate the signalling mediators downstream of PDE4 inhibition which result in alterations in pro- and anti-inflammatory gene expression. My studies were conducted to directly compare Apremilast with Roflumilast, in order to substantiate the differences observed in the molecular and cellular effects of these compounds, and to search for other possible differentiating effects. Therefore the main aim of this thesis was to utilise cutting-edge biochemical techniques to discover whether Apremilast and Roflumilast work with different modes of action. In the first part of my thesis I used novel genetically encoded FRET based cAMP sensors targeted to different intracellular compartments, in order to monitor cAMP levels within specific microdomains of cells as a consequence of challenge with Apremilast and Roflumilast, which revealed that Apremilast and Roflumilast do regulate different pools of cAMP in cells. In the second part of my thesis I focussed on assessing whether Apremilast and Roflumilast cause differential effects on the PKA phosphorylation state of proteins in cells. I used various biochemical techniques (Western blotting, Substrate kinase arrays and Reverse Phase Protein array and found that Apremilast and Roflumilast do lead to differential PKA substrate phosphorylation. For example I found that Apremilast increases the phosphorylation of Ribosomal Protein S6 at Ser240/244 and Fyn Y530 in the S6 Ribosomal pathway of Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial fibroblast and HEK293 cells, whereas Roflumilast does not. This data suggests that Apremilast has distinct biological effects from that of Roflumilast and could represent a new therapeutic role for Apremilast in other diseases. In the final part of my thesis, Phage display technology was employed in order to identify any novel binding motifs that associate with PDE4 and to identify sequences that were differentially regulated by the inhibitors in an attempt to find binding motifs that may exist in previously characterised signalling proteins. Petide array technology was then used to confirm binding of specific peptide sequences or motifs. Results showed that Apremilast and Roflumilast can either enhance or decrease the binding of PDE4A4 to specific peptide sequences or motifs that are found in a variety of proteins in the human proteome, most interestingly Ubiquitin-related proteins. The data from this chapter is preliminary but may be used in the discovery of novel binding partners for PDE4 or to provide a new role for PDE inhibition in disease. Therefore the work in this thesis provides a unique snapshot of the complexity of the cAMP signalling system and is the first to directly compare action of the two approved PDE4 inhibitors in a detailed way.
In 2009 and 2010, the major drug regulatory bodies, the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Administration in the USA, issued requests for the generation of information relating to the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, efficacy and safety of investigational drugs in pregnant women prior to approval. In the wake of thalidomide, research involving pregnant women other than for obstetric or gynaecologic purposes became rare, and studies of investigational drugs practically unknown. Consequently, none of the legislation applicable in the UK and few of the guidelines introduced in the last 40 years properly addresses the conduct of clinical trials of investigational drugs in this population. This thesis questions whether the legal protection for the foetus is adequate in clinical trials. The answer appears to be a qualified “no”. Arguments persist regarding the moral standing of the foetus, particularly regarding abortion. That will not be the intent of such trials, and a moral case is made for the conduct of clinical trials in this population by analogy with the neonate, and the pregnant woman’s autonomy. Legally, we already recognise the foetus has ‘interests’ which crystallise upon live birth, and that compensation is recoverable for harm inflicted in utero manifesting as congenital injury. The essence of research is quite different from medical practice, and the extent to which this is understood by trial participants is unclear. The approvals processes contain a number of inadequacies which have the potential to expose the foetus to harm and affect the consent of the pregnant woman. The recovery of compensation in the event of children born injured following clinical trials during pregnancy in many ways may be more complex than other personal injury cases.. The conclusions of this thesis are that the existence of a foetus does merit recognition by the law in this setting and that morally such studies are justifiable. However, the present legislation and approval processes potentially expose the foetus to avoidable risk and may not be appropriate to enable the recovery of compensation, thereby creating potential to deter future trial participants. A proposal is made regarding an approach to simplify the process for recovery of compensation, and thereby strengthen the approval and consent processes.
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Resumo: Diversos surtos de Salmonella ocasionados pelo consumo de tomate contaminados com este micro-organismo têm sido relatados ultimamente, o que torna primordial a investigação sobre a presença desse patógeno nesse alimento. Métodos que permitam a avaliação rápida da presença de Salmonella em alimentos são de suma importância. O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar o método tradicional da Food and Drug Administration - Bacteriologycal Analytical Manual (FDA-BAM) com um método rápido da mini Vitek Immuno Diagnostic System Assay (Mini?Vidas-SLM)-bioMérieux, para detecção de Salmonella Brazil inoculada artificialmente na superfície de tomates. Foram analisadas 215 amostras de tomates inoculadas artificialmente com Salmonella Brazil com níveis de inóculos variando de 0,4 a 940 UFC/tomate. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os métodos estudados apresentaram uma ótima concordância entre si, para todas as faixas de inóculo analisadas.
Dietary fiber was classified according to its solubility in an attempt to relate physiological effects to chemical types of fiber. Soluble fibers (B-glucans, gums, wheat dextrin, psyllium, pectin, inulin) were considered to have benefits on serum lipids, while insoluble fibers (cellulose, lignin, pectins, hemicelluloses) were linked with laxation benefits. More important characteristics of fiber in terms of physiological benefits are viscosity and fermentability. Viscous fibers (pectins, B-glucans, gums, psyllium) are those that have gel-forming properties in the intestinal tract, and fermentable fibers (wheat dextrin, pectins, B-glucans, gum, inulin) are those that can be metabolized by colonic bacteria. Objective: To summarize the beneficial effects of dietary fiber, as nutraceuticals, in order to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system. Methods: Our study is a systematic review. Electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, with supplement of relevant websites, were searched. We included randomized and non-randomized clinical trials, epidemiological studies (cohort and case-control). We excluded case series, case reports, in vitro and animal studies. Results: The WHO, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Heart Foundation and the Romanian Dietary Guidelines recommends that adults should aim to consume approximately 25–30 g fiber daily. Dietary fiber is found in the indigestible parts of cereals, fruits and vegetables. There are countries where people don’t eat enough food fibers, these people need to take some kind of fiber supplement. Evidence has been found that dietary fiber from whole foods or supplements may (1) reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving serum lipids and reducing serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, (2) decreases the glycaemic index of foods, which leads to an improvement in glycemic response, positive impact on diabetes, (3) protect against development of obesity by increasing satiety hormone leptin concentrations, (4) reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer by normalizes bowel movements, improve the integrity of the epithelial layer of the intestines, increase the resistance against pathogenic colonization, have favorable effects on the gut microbiome, wich is the second genomes of the microorganisms, (5) have a positive impact on the endocrine system by gastrointestinal polypeptide hormonal regulation of digestion, (6) have prebiotic effect by short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) production; butyrate acid is the preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells, promotes normal cell differentiation and proliferation, and also help regulate sodium and water absorption, and can enhance absorption of calcium and other minerals. Although all prebiotics are fiber, not all fiber is prebiotic. This generally refers to the ability of a fiber to increase the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial to human health, and (7) play a role in improving immune function via production of SCFAs by increases T helper cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and increased cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells. Conclusion: Fiber consumption is associated with high nutritional value and antioxidant status of the diet, enhancing the effects on human health. Fibers with prebiotic properties can also be recommended as part of fiber intake. Due to the variability of fiber’s effects in the body, it is important to consume fiber from a variety of sources. Increasing fiber consumption for health promotion and disease prevention is a critical public health goal.
Contexto: La eficacia de los cannabinoides en el dolor neuropático es desconocida. El control del dolor es determinante en los pacientes ya que genera un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: El presente trabajo pretende demostrar la evidencia sobre la eficacia de los medicamentos cannabinoides en el control del dolor neuropático oncológico, mediante la evaluación de la literatura disponible. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios experimentales, observacionales y revisiones sistemáticas en un periodo de 15 años. Se incluyeron todos los estudios desde el años 2000 con evidencia IB según la escala de evidencia de Oxford. Resultados: Cuatro estudios cumplieron criterios para su inclusión, sin embargo la evidencia es baja y no permite recomendar o descartar los cannabinoides como terapia coadyuvante en control del dolor neuropático oncológico. La combinación de THC/CDB (Sativex®) parece ser un medicamento seguro pues no se reportaron muertes asociadas a su uso, sin embargo la presentación de eventos adversos a nivel gastrointestinal y neurológico podría aumentar el riesgo de interacciones medicamentosas y tener un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes oncológicos. Conclusiones: No hay suficiente literatura y la evidencia no es suficiente para recomendar o descartar el uso de los cannabinoides en dolor neuropático oncológico. Futuros estudios deben realizarse para analizar el beneficio de estos medicamentos. Aunque ética y socialmente hay resistencia para el uso de los cannabinoides, actualmente hay una gran discusión política en el mundo y en Colombia para su aceptación como terapia en el control del dolor.
Lycopene is a natural carotenoid, free radical scavenger, and presents protective effects by inhibiting oxidative DNA damage. The objective of the current study was to investigate the cytogenetic effects of a single acute and four daily gavage administrations of lycopene, and to examine possible protective effects on chromosomal damage induced by the antitumor drug cisplatin (cDDP) in rat bone marrow cells. The animals were divided into treatment groups, with three lycopene doses in the acute treatment (2, 4, and 6 mg/kg b.w.), three lycopene doses in the subacute treatment (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/kg b.w.) with and without cDDP (5 mg/kg b.w. i.p.), and respective controls. The results indicated that lycopene is neither cytotoxic nor clastogenic when compared with the negative controls (P > 0.01). cDDP-treated animals submitted to acute and subacute treatments with different lycopene doses showed a significant reduction (p < 0.01) in the number of abnormal metaphases when compared with the animals treated only with cDDP. The protective effects of lycopene on cDDP-induced chromosomal damage may be attributed to its antioxidant activity. These results suggest that this carotenoid may prove useful in reducing some of the toxic effects associated with certain classes of chemotherapeutic agents. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A prostaglandina F2a pode ser usada em caes para aumentar o volume do ejaculado em casos de inseminação artificial, criopreservação seminal ou biotecnologias de reprodução. Os efeitos colaterais após a administração da PGF2a, como taquicardia, salivação, emese, diarréia e convulsões geralmente são relacionadas com a dose utilizada. Esse trabalho objetiva relatar a ocorrência de hepatite tóxica aguda após a administração de PGF2a em um cão, e discutir a importância de se utilizar essa droga com cautela nessa espécie.
Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD) is able to attenuate cardiovascular responses to acute restraint stress through activation of 5-HT1A receptors. Previous results from our group suggest that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in the antiaversive effects of the CBD. Moreover, it has been proposed that synapses within the BNST influence restraint-evoked cardiovascular changes, in particular by an inhibitory influence on the tachycardiac response associated to restraint stress. Thus, the present work investigated the effects of CBD injected into the BNST on cardiovascular changes induced by acute restraint stress and if these effects would involve the local activation of 5-HT1A receptors. The exposition to restraint stress increased both blood pressure and heart rate (HR). The microinjection of CBD (30 and 60nmol) into the BNST enhanced the restraint-evoked HR increase, in a dose-dependent manner, without affecting the pressor response. The selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 by itself did not change the cardiovascular responses to restraint stress, but blocked the effects of CBD. These results showed that CBD microinjected into the BNST enhanced the HR increase associated with acute restraint stress without affecting the blood pressure response. Although these results are not in agreement with those observed after systemic administration of CBD, they are similar to effects observed after reversible inactivation of the BNST. Moreover, similar to the effects observed after systemic administration, CBD effects in the BNST seem to depend on activation of 5-HT1A receptors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP.
Background Chinese aphrodisiacs have become popular remedy for sexual dysfunction and improvement of libido in men in Malawi. However, selling of these drugs seems not to be well regulated. Probably the aphrodisiacs that are currently on the market have unknown efficacy, potency and safety profiles. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of imported Chinese aphrodisiacs using guinea pigs as a model. Materials and Methods Two types of drugs were purchased from vendors in Blantyre City. Tonic tea, which was purported to improve erectile function and libido, and sperm multiplier tablets which were claimed to increase the sperm count. The tonic tea was prepared by soaking one tea bag in 100ml boiling water. The tea was cooled and administered to eight male experimental animals in varying doses. Each animal was introduced into a separate cage with a female guinea pig. Sexual behaviour such as mounting, sniffing behind the female were observed and recorded. Each sperm multiplier tablet was dissolved in distilled water and administered to the experimental animals in the morning and evening for seven days. At the end of the treatment, the experimental and control animals were sacrificed, their semen collected and analysed sperm motility, concentration and morphology. Results For the tonic tea, there were no statistical differences between the experimental and the control animals in terms of the number of mountings and sniffing behind the female. The sperm multiplier drug showed statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control animals in terms of the sperm motility (78.24 ± 1.35 vs. 86.54 ± 1.88, p< 0.05), and concentration (54.28 ± 1.24 vs. 67.59 ± 2.12, p<0.05). Conclusion The tonic tea did not show any efficacy in improving erection and libido. The sperm multiplier tablets, purported to increase sperm production, significantly increased the sperm motility, sperm concentration in the treated animals.
Objective: To evaluate the importance of contextual and policy factors on nurses’ judgment about medication administration practice.---------- Design: A questionnaire survey of responses to a number of factorial vignettes in June 2004. These vignettes considered a combination of seven contextual and policy factors that were thought to influence nurses’ judgments relating to medication administration.---------- Participants: 185 (67% of eligible) clinical paediatric nursing staff returned completed questionnaires.--------- Setting: A tertiary paediatric hospital in Brisbane, Australia.---------- Results: Double checking the patient, double checking the drug and checking the legality of the prescription were the three strongest predictors of nurses’ actions regarding medication administration.--------- Conclusions: Policy factors and not contextual factors drive nurses’ judgment in response to hypothetical scenarios.