770 resultados para Wedding Resort


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While environmental legislation in Australia regulates tourism development, it is less effective in operational areas because of the dependency of tourism on environmental resources that are not managed by operators, and the small but incremental nature of operational impacts. The absence of functional environmental standards for tourism means that little guidance exists: a problem compounded by variability in the diversity of operation types and receiving environments, as well as the accessibility of information by a non-technical audience. While legislation and economic considerations may provide impetus to adopt environmental practices, it is proposed that an environmental philosophy is necessary for tourism businesses to seek out and maintain alternative sustainable modes of operation. Review of the environmental audit process used by a Queensland resort suggests commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance is attributable to individual and corporate ethics. While the case is an ecotourism operation, the literature indicates that these factors have relevance to tourism generally. Although client satisfaction and return on investment objectives are constraints, environmental auditing can provide impetus for practical expression of environmental objectives. Facilitation of ethically-motivated voluntary action may be more effective in achieving tourism's environmental objectives than codifying standards in static legislation.


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One of the paradoxical effects of the 7 July bombings in London was to expose the ambivalence in the British government's attempt to wage war on terror by forcefully prosecuting war against those who resort to jihad abroad, actively participating in coalitions of the wining whether in Afghanistan or Iraq, while affording some of Islamism's key ideologists and strategists a high degree of latitude in the United Kingdom itself. This indicates a number of contradictions in official policy that simultaneously recognizes the globalized threat from violent Islamic militancy while, under the rubric of multiculturalism, tolerating those very strains of Islamist radicalism, some of which draw upon the interdependent and transnational character of conflict, to render the UK vulnerable to those very same violent forces. Consequently, the British authorities displayed a studied indifference towards this developing transnational phenomenon both during the 1990s and in some respects even after the London bombings. To explore the curious character of the government's response to the Islamist threat requires the examination of the emergence of this radical ideological understanding and what it entails as a reaction to modernization and secularism in both thought and practice. The analysis explores how government policies often facilitated the non-negotiable identity politics of those promoting a pure, authentic and regenerated Islamic order both in the UK and abroad. This reflected a profound misunderstanding of the growing source and appeal of radical Islam that can be interpreted as a consequence of the slow-motion collision between modernity in its recent globalized form and an Islamic social character, which renders standard western modernization theory, and indeed, the notion of a 'social science' itself, deeply questionable.


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Entanglement purification protocols play an important role in the distribution of entangled systems, which is necessary for various quantum information processing applications. We consider the effects of photodetector efficiency and bandwidth, channel loss and mode mismatch on the operation of an optical entanglement purification protocol. We derive necessary detector and mode-matching requirements to facilitate practical operation of such a scheme, without having to resort to destructive coincidence-type demonstrations.


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Background: The frequencies with which physicians make different medical end-of-life decisions (ELDs) may differ between countries, but comparison between countries has been difficult owing to the use of dissimilar research methods. Methods: A written questionnaire was sent to a random sample of physicians from 9 specialties in 6 European countries and Australia to investigate possible differences in the frequencies of physicians' willingness to perform ELDs and to identify predicting factors. Response rates ranged from 39% to 68% (N= 10 139). Using hypothetical cases, physicians were asked whether they would ( probably) make each of 4 ELDs. Results: In all the countries, 75% to 99% of physicians would withhold chemotherapy or intensify symptom treatment at the request of a patient with terminal cancer. In most cases, more than half of all physicians would also be willing to deeply sedate such a patient until death. However, there was generally less willingness to administer drugs with the explicit intention of hastening death at the request of the patient. The most important predictor of ELDs was a request from a patient with decisional capacity (odds ratio, 2.1-140.0). Shorter patient life expectancy and uncontrollable pain were weaker predictors but were more stable across countries and across the various ELDs (odds ratios, 1.1-2.4 and 0.9-2.4, respectively). Conclusion: Cultural and legal factors seem to influence the frequencies of different ELDs and the strength of their determinants across countries, but they do not change the essence of decision making.


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A pesquisa, em 5 capítulos, desenvolve o tema dos/as pobres como categoria social nos Sl 3-14, subunidade do primeiro livro do saltério (Sl 3-41). Os Sl 3-14 são atribuídos a Davi, o fato está relacionado com as escolas e suas teologias presentes na edição final do saltério. Esses salmos nasceram nas comunidades camponesas do antigo Israel, posteriormente, foram aperfeiçoados e adaptados por grupos de cantores oficiais no templo de Jerusalém. Os Sl 3-14 se destacam pelo lamento e pela súplica individual. Pertencem a uma coleção pré-exílica, mas concentra textos tardios, do pós-exílio. Os lugares que ocupam foram pensados estrategicamente. Os Sl 9; 10 apresentam conceitos hebraicos que identificam os/as pobres: dak, ani, ebyon. Estes/as designam pequenos/as camponeses/as livres, ainda com acesso à terra. Ao longo do antigo Israel não sofreram mudanças bruscas como categoria social, no entanto, podem assinalar-se algumas características que os/as distinguem nos períodos correspondentes ao primeiro e o segundo templo de Jerusalém. Ademais, os Sl 9; 10 apresentam palavras sinônimas que também os/as identificam: hellkah pobre/infeliz e naqi inocente . Apesar das pequenas variações dos conceitos, todos apontam à uma categoria social, com direito à apelação nos tribunais, embora com fraca influência jurídica. Essa comunidade tem identidade teológica. Javé é apresentado como o seu defensor. A espoliação no saltério é algo dramático, porque o rosto do/a pobre é o próprio rosto de Javé. A pobreza não é um assunto de espiritualidade nem de casualidade. É gerada por um sistema político-social, planejado de forma inteligente, que não permite ao povo da roça progredir como agricultor. Esse setor poderoso, nacional ou estrangeiro, é identificado nos textos, sob os conceitos: goyim nações , sorerim agressores , oyebim inimigos , raxa im injustos . O seu domínio é suportado pela violência e as armas. A ideologia dos sistemas dominantes é fundamental para a interpretação dos textos. A sociedade dos salmistas apresenta crises com relação à identidade humana. A violência e a paz se disputam os espaços. O Sl 8 mostra uma sociedade alternativa pensada a partir daquilo aparentemente fraco: as olelim crianças e os yanaqim lactantes (Sl 8,3). O grito das criancinhas, o grito dos/as oprimidos/as, unido ao grito da criação, se compara à dor de parto, com o qual inicia a vida. Trata-se de um grito que busca transformar os trajetos entortados da história. Esses são indícios da esperança que distingue a teologia dos/as pobres. Os Sl 3-7 e 11-14 continuam a apresentar a situação dos/as pobres. Às vezes, localizam-se os conceitos: ani oprimido e ebyon pobre , outras, recorre-se a novos sinônimos como has͇id fiel e sadiq justo . Esses salmos demonstram que os/as pobres estão presentes também nos textos onde tais conceitos não aparecem. As agrupações (Sl 3-7 e 11-14) são uma pausa na subunidade (Sl 3-14), não uma quebra de sentido com os Sl 8; 9 e 10. Finalmente, se localiza na sociedade dos Sl 3-14, o Modo de Produção Tributário. As teorias das ciências econômica, arqueológica, histórica, contribuem com a compreensão do universo sóciopolítico gerador de pobres.


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Esta dissertação analisará a recorrência do termo sinal no Quarto Evangelho, tendo como paradigma a exegese de João 6.1-15, perícope denominada como multiplicação dos pães e peixes. O texto da multiplicação dos pães e peixes se insere no Bloco dos Sinais (capítulo 1-12), o qual é marcado por sete sinais, sendo eles: o casamento de Caná (2.1-11); a cura do filho do oficial do rei (4.43-54); a cura de um paralítico de Betesda (5.1-15), a multiplicação dos pães e peixes (6.1-15); andar sobre as águas (6.16-21); cura do cego de nascença (9.1-41) e a ressurreição de Lázaro (11.1-45). A pesquisa revelou, além das peculiaridades narrativas, semióticas e hermenêuticas, próprias do Evangelho de João, que o termo sinal enquadra a narrativa, além de estruturar e proporcionar cadência para o texto joanino. Nota-se tangência e diálogo entre os sinais, de modo que a perícope de João 6.1-15 exerce papel central no Bloco da Paixão por ser um texto identitário dos leitores, bem como da comunidade joanina.


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O presente trabalho investiga a formação e a atuação das professoras indígenas da Escola Estadual Indígena Tupi-Guarani Ywy Pyaú, localizada no município de Peruíbe, Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que assume a perspectiva narrativa na medida em que recorram à história oral dos sujeitos envolvidos, contemplando aspectos significativos para a sua formação profissional que venham ajudar a compreender sua prática cotidiana. a presente pesquisa evidencia que apesar do aporte legal emanado a partir de 1988, o direito à educação escolar indígena - específica e diferenciada - ainda não está garantido. Através das entrevistas e nas visitas efetuadas na escola da aldeia Piaçagüera pude observar a existência de demandas que merecem e necessitam de soluções eficazes e urgentes por parte do poder público, pois se constituem em entraves significativos para a consecução do projeto político pedagógico das escolas indígenas. Além disso, a condição do professor indígena como portador da tradição do grupo e ao mesmo tempo como representante do saber instituído coloca paradoxos à formação e ao exercício da profissão docente. Estas questões devem ser equacionadas a partir da visão dos povos indígenas numa perspectiva de autonomia e respeito à diversidade.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado abordou a qualidade de vida, a percepção de suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos em idosas participantes de um programa da Universidade para a Terceira Idade, no município de São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo - Brasil. O estudo objetivou descrever uma possível relação entre o perfil sociodemografico da amostra, a percepção subjetiva da qualidade de vida, a percepção subjetiva de suporte social, e o consumo de medicamentos, submetendo a testes estatísticos, um conjunto de possíveis relações entre as características sociodemográficas, percepção de qualidade de vida, percepção de suporte social e consumo de medicamentos. Utilizou-se o método descritivo exploratório, de corte transversal, e de caráter quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de agosto a outubro de 2014, através de uma amostra de conveniência, formada por 150 mulheres, com idade média de 66,13 anos. Foram utilizados instrumentos autoaplicáveis: WHOQOL-OLD e WHOQOL-BREF (Word Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument); Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS); um questionário sobre a utilização de medicamentos de uso geral, e um questionário contendo os dados sociodemográficos. Dos resultados, 59,3% da amostra concluiu o ensino fundamental, 49,3% é casada, 79,3% não exerce atividade remunerada, e 78,7% não exerce atividades voluntárias. Apresentou boa percepção de Qualidade de Vida Global (82,90%), sendo o domínio com menor valor médio o Funcionamento do Sensório (12,56%), e maior escore médio no domínio Autonomia (14,66%). Sente segurança ao recorrer à rede de suporte social prático (53,08%), e insegurança ao recorrer à sua rede de apoio social emocional (28,88%). A prevalência do uso de medicamentos foi de 3,6%, todos prescritos, e os princípios ativos mais utilizados pertenciam aos tratamentos da hipertensão e sistema cardiovascular. Não foram evidenciadas correlações significativas relevantes entre as variáveis do estudo, do ponto de vista estatístico. Apesar de residirem em um município com elevado Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano, conclui-se que o aumento das possíveis incapacidades físicas das idosas apontam dificuldades de acesso aos recursos do ambiente, onde a amostra estava inserida. Sugere-se a criação de pesquisas e intervenções com idosas, incluindo nos programas de educação continuada, espaços para debate com o tema da finitude e o envelhecimento, bem como a realização de novos estudos de natureza qualitativa, para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a qualidade de vida, a percepção do suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos nesta população, como também a inclusão de outros grupos sociodemográficos de idosas, em estudos longitudinais.


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BACKGROUND: Recombinant protein production is universally employed as a solution to obtain the milligram to gram quantities of a given protein required for applications as diverse as structural genomics and biopharmaceutical manufacture. Yeast is a well-established recombinant host cell for these purposes. In this study we wanted to investigate whether our respiratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, TM6*, could be used to enhance the productivity of recombinant proteins over that obtained from corresponding wild type, respiro-fermentative strains when cultured under the same laboratory conditions. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate at least a doubling in productivity over wild-type strains for three recombinant membrane proteins and one recombinant soluble protein produced in TM6* cells. In all cases, this was attributed to the improved biomass properties of the strain. The yield profile across the growth curve was also more stable than in a wild-type strain, and was not further improved by lowering culture temperatures. This has the added benefit that improved yields can be attained rapidly at the yeast's optimal growth conditions. Importantly, improved productivity could not be reproduced in wild-type strains by culturing them under glucose fed-batch conditions: despite having achieved very similar biomass yields to those achieved by TM6* cultures, the total volumetric yields were not concomitantly increased. Furthermore, the productivity of TM6* was unaffected by growing cultures in the presence of ethanol. These findings support the unique properties of TM6* as a microbial cell factory. CONCLUSIONS: The accumulation of biomass in yeast cell factories is not necessarily correlated with a proportional increase in the functional yield of the recombinant protein being produced. The respiratory S. cerevisiae strain reported here is therefore a useful addition to the matrix of production hosts currently available as its improved biomass properties do lead to increased volumetric yields without the need to resort to complex control or cultivation schemes. This is anticipated to be of particular value in the production of challenging targets such as membrane proteins.


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Investigating the experience of violence against women and exploring women's coping strategies is a crucial component of re-tailoring the provision of services for victims/survivors. This article explores violence against women in the context of culture, theory of fear of violence and literature on spaces perceived to be 'safe' or 'dangerous' by women victims/survivors of violence in Ethiopia. To collect the relevant data, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with Ethiopian women who are victims/survivors of violence and three interviews with gender experts in Ethiopia. Our group of women suffer in 'silence' and confide only in friends and relatives. They did not resort to institutional support due to lack of awareness and general societal disapproval of such measures. This contrasts with claims by experts that the needs of these women are addressed using an institutional approach. Culture, migration status and lack of negotiating power in places of work are key factors when considering violence. The majority of the respondents in this study occupy both public and private spaces such as bars and homes and have experienced violence in those spaces. The social relations and subsequent offences they endured do not make spaces such as these safe. Education of both sexes, creation of awareness, sustainable resource allocation to support victims/survivors, ratification of the Maputo protocol and effective law enforcement institutions are some of the practical strategies we propose to mitigate the incidence of violence in Ethiopia. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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In recent years, there has been a growing realisation that beyond the realm of legitimate entrepreneurship is a large, hidden enterprise culture composed of entrepreneurs conducting some or all of their trade off-the-books. Until now, however, few have evaluated how many entrepreneurs start-up their ventures trading off-the-books and why they do so. Reporting face-to-face interviews conducted in Ukraine during 2005-2006 with 331 entrepreneurs, the finding is not only that the vast majority (90%) operate partially or wholly off-the-books, but also that they are not all driven by necessity, as a last resort and as a survival strategy into entrepreneurship. Revealing how many are willing rather than reluctant entrepreneurs; and that even those who were initially reluctant and ventured into it out of necessity, became more willing entrepreneurs over time as their business became established - the paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for both further research and public policy. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Access control (AC) is a necessary defense against a large variety of security attacks on the resources of distributed enterprise applications. However, to be effective, AC in some application domains has to be fine-grain, support the use of application-specific factors in authorization decisions, as well as consistently and reliably enforce organization-wide authorization policies across enterprise applications. Because the existing middleware technologies do not provide a complete solution, application developers resort to embedding AC functionality in application systems. This coupling of AC functionality with application logic causes significant problems including tremendously difficult, costly and error prone development, integration, and overall ownership of application software. The way AC for application systems is engineered needs to be changed. ^ In this dissertation, we propose an architectural approach for engineering AC mechanisms to address the above problems. First, we develop a framework for implementing the role-based access control (RBAC) model using AC mechanisms provided by CORBA Security. For those application domains where the granularity of CORBA controls and the expressiveness of RBAC model suffice, our framework addresses the stated problem. ^ In the second and main part of our approach, we propose an architecture for an authorization service, RAD, to address the problem of controlling access to distributed application resources, when the granularity and support for complex policies by middleware AC mechanisms are inadequate. Applying this architecture, we developed a CORBA-based application authorization service (CAAS). Using CAAS, we studied the main properties of the architecture and showed how they can be substantiated by employing CORBA and Java technologies. Our approach enables a wide-ranging solution for controlling the resources of distributed enterprise applications. ^


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This study explores how great powers not allied with the United States formulate their grand strategies in a unipolar international system. Specifically, it analyzes the strategies China and Russia have developed to deal with U.S. hegemony by examining how Moscow and Beijing have responded to American intervention in Central Asia. The study argues that China and Russia have adopted a soft balancing strategy of to indirectly balance the United States at the regional level. This strategy uses normative capabilities such as soft power, alternative institutions and regionalization to offset the overwhelming material hardware of the hegemon. The theoretical and methodological approach of this dissertation is neoclassical realism. Chinese and Russian balancing efforts against the United States are based on their domestic dynamics as well as systemic constraints. Neoclassical realism provides a bridge between the internal characteristics of states and the environment which those states are situated. Because China and Russia do not have the hardware (military or economic power) to directly challenge the United States, they must resort to their software (soft power and norms) to indirectly counter American preferences and set the agenda to obtain their own interests. Neoclassical realism maintains that soft power is an extension of hard power and a reflection of the internal makeup of states. The dissertation uses the heuristic case study method to demonstrate the efficacy of soft balancing. Such case studies help to facilitate theory construction and are not necessarily the demonstrable final say on how states behave under given contexts. Nevertheless, it finds that China and Russia have increased their soft power to counterbalance the United States in certain regions of the world, Central Asia in particular. The conclusion explains how soft balancing can be integrated into the overall balance-of-power framework to explain Chinese and Russian responses to U.S. hegemony. It also suggests that an analysis of norms and soft power should be integrated into the study of grand strategy, including both foreign policy and military doctrine.


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Employee orientation problems for a resort chain were studied and addressed through action research. The implemented solution leveraged experiential learning to foster employee initiative and problem solving to instill a culture of learning, improve customer satisfaction and increase employee retention. Business results were achieved but learner/ management reaction was mixed.


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In his study -The IRS Collection Division: Contacts and Settlements - by John M. Tarras, Assistant Professor School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, Michigan State University, Tarras initially states: “The collection division of the internal revenue service is often the point of contact for many hospitality businesses. The author describes how the division operates, what the hospitality firm can expect when contacted by it, and what types of strategies firms might find helpful when negotiating a settlement with the IRS.” The author will have you know that even though most chance meetings with the IRS Collection Division are due to unfortunate tax payment circumstances, there are actually more benign reasons for close encounters of the IRS kind. This does not mean, however, that brushes with the IRS Collection Division will end on an ever friendlier note. “…the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with its added complexity will cause some hospitality firms to inadvertently fail to make proper payments on a timely basis,” Tarras affords in illustrating a perhaps less pugnacious side of IRS relations. Should a hospitality business owner represent himself/herself before the IRS? Never, says Tarras. “Too many taxpayers ruin their chances of a fair settlement by making what to them seem innocent remarks, but ones that turn out to be far different,” warns Professor Tarras. Tarras makes the distinction between IRS the Collection Division, and IRS the Audit Division. “While the Audit Division is interested in how the tax liability arose, the Collection Division is generally only interested in collecting the liability,” he informs you. Either sounds firmly in hostile territory. They don’t bluff. Tarras does want you to know that when the IRS threatens to levy on the assets of a hospitality business, they will do so. Those assets may extend to personal and real property as well, he says. The levy action is generally the final resort in an IRS collection effort. Professor Tarras explains the lien process and the due process attached to that IRS collection tactic. “The IRS can also levy a hospitality firm owner's wages. In this case, it is important to realize that you are allowed to exempt from levy $75 per week, along with $25 per week for each of your dependents (unless your spouse works),” Professor Tarras says with the appropriate citation. What are the options available to the hospitality business owner who finds himself on the wrong side of the IRS Collection Division? Negotiate in good faith says Professor Tarras. “In many cases, a visit to the IRS office will greatly reduce the chances that a simple problem will turn into a major one,” Tarras advises. He dedicates the last pages of the discussion to negotiation strategies.