900 resultados para Visualization Using Computer Algebra Tools


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The success of an ABV IP depends highly on the associated debugging environment. An efficient debugging environment helps the user to find out the exact location of the failure. Moreover, it provides information to the user in a refined detail of abstraction and permit adequate interaction. It has also been realized that adequate visualization support helps in tracking the behavioral aspects of the Design Under Test (DUT). Currently, the debugging tools provide information in the signal level and do not provide any information about the high-level behavior of the DUT. We present a debugging framework that takes the design specification, assertions and the user intent in a simple format and provides detailed information by processing the design trace on-line, or off-line. We also present a visualization framework to ease the debugging procedure. We have experimented with industrial standard on-chip bus protocols that ensure that this utility can be incorporated successfully in the present functional verification flow.


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Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) is a toolkit designed to automate as much as possible of the process of parallelising scalar FORTRAN 77 codes. The toolkit combines a very powerful dependence analysis together with user supplied knowledge to build an extremely comprehensive and accurate dependence graph. The initial version has been targeted at structured mesh computational mechanics codes (eg. heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)) and the associated simple mesh decomposition paradigm is utilised in the automatic code partition, execution control mask generation and communication call insertion. In this, the first of a series of papers [1–3] the authors discuss the parallelisations of a number of case study codes showing how the various component tools may be used to develop a highly efficient parallel implementation in a few hours or days. The details of the parallelisation of the TEAMKE1 CFD code are described together with the results of three other numerical codes. The resulting parallel implementations are then tested on workstation clusters using PVM and an i860-based parallel system showing efficiencies well over 80%.


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This work proceeds from the assumption that a European environmental information and communication system (EEICS) is already established. In the context of primary users (land-use planners, conservationists, and environmental researchers) we ask what use may be made of the EEICS for building models and tools which is of use in building decision support systems for the land-use planner. The complex task facing the next generation of environmental and forest modellers is described, and a range of relevant modelling approaches are reviewed. These include visualization and GIS; statistical tabulation and database SQL, MDA and OLAP methods. The major problem of noncomparability of the definitions and measures of forest area and timber volume is introduced and the possibility of a model-based solution is considered. The possibility of using an ambitious and challenging biogeochemical modelling approach to understanding and managing European forests sustainably is discussed. It is emphasised that all modern methodological disciplines must be brought to bear, and a heuristic hybrid modelling approach should be used so as to ensure that the benefits of practical empirical modelling approaches are utilised in addition to the scientifically well-founded and holistic ecosystem and environmental modelling. The data and information system required is likely to end up as a grid-based-framework because of the heavy use of computationally intensive model-based facilities.


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The quantity and quality of spatial data are increasing rapidly. This is particularly evident in the case of movement data. Devices capable of accurately recording the position of moving entities have become ubiquitous and created an abundance of movement data. Valuable knowledge concerning processes occurring in the physical world can be extracted from these large movement data sets. Geovisual analytics offers powerful techniques to achieve this. This article describes a new geovisual analytics tool specifically designed for movement data. The tool features the classic space-time cube augmented with a novel clustering approach to identify common behaviour. These techniques were used to analyse pedestrian movement in a city environment which revealed the effectiveness of the tool for identifying spatiotemporal patterns. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Seismic data is difficult to analyze and classical mathematical tools reveal strong limitations in exposing hidden relationships between earthquakes. In this paper, we study earthquake phenomena in the perspective of complex systems. Global seismic data, covering the period from 1962 up to 2011 is analyzed. The events, characterized by their magnitude, geographic location and time of occurrence, are divided into groups, either according to the Flinn-Engdahl (F-E) seismic regions of Earth or using a rectangular grid based in latitude and longitude coordinates. Two methods of analysis are considered and compared in this study. In a first method, the distributions of magnitudes are approximated by Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) distributions and the parameters used to reveal the relationships among regions. In the second method, the mutual information is calculated and adopted as a measure of similarity between regions. In both cases, using clustering analysis, visualization maps are generated, providing an intuitive and useful representation of the complex relationships that are present among seismic data. Such relationships might not be perceived on classical geographic maps. Therefore, the generated charts are a valid alternative to other visualization tools, for understanding the global behavior of earthquakes.


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Compute grids are used widely in many areas of environmental science, but there has been limited uptake of grid computing by the climate modelling community, partly because the characteristics of many climate models make them difficult to use with popular grid middleware systems. In particular, climate models usually produce large volumes of output data, and running them usually involves complicated workflows implemented as shell scripts. For example, NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) is a state-of-the-art ocean model that is used currently for operational ocean forecasting in France, and will soon be used in the UK for both ocean forecasting and climate modelling. On a typical modern cluster, a particular one year global ocean simulation at 1-degree resolution takes about three hours when running on 40 processors, and produces roughly 20 GB of output as 50000 separate files. 50-year simulations are common, during which the model is resubmitted as a new job after each year. Running NEMO relies on a set of complicated shell scripts and command utilities for data pre-processing and post-processing prior to job resubmission. Grid Remote Execution (G-Rex) is a pure Java grid middleware system that allows scientific applications to be deployed as Web services on remote computer systems, and then launched and controlled as if they are running on the user's own computer. Although G-Rex is general purpose middleware it has two key features that make it particularly suitable for remote execution of climate models: (1) Output from the model is transferred back to the user while the run is in progress to prevent it from accumulating on the remote system and to allow the user to monitor the model; (2) The client component is a command-line program that can easily be incorporated into existing model work-flow scripts. G-Rex has a REST (Fielding, 2000) architectural style, which allows client programs to be very simple and lightweight and allows users to interact with model runs using only a basic HTTP client (such as a Web browser or the curl utility) if they wish. This design also allows for new client interfaces to be developed in other programming languages with relatively little effort. The G-Rex server is a standard Web application that runs inside a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat and is therefore easy to install and maintain by system administrators. G-Rex is employed as the middleware for the NERC1 Cluster Grid, a small grid of HPC2 clusters belonging to collaborating NERC research institutes. Currently the NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) and POLCOMS (Holt et al, 2008) ocean models are installed, and there are plans to install the Hadley Centre’s HadCM3 model for use in the decadal climate prediction project GCEP (Haines et al., 2008). The science projects involving NEMO on the Grid have a particular focus on data assimilation (Smith et al. 2008), a technique that involves constraining model simulations with observations. The POLCOMS model will play an important part in the GCOMS project (Holt et al, 2008), which aims to simulate the world’s coastal oceans. A typical use of G-Rex by a scientist to run a climate model on the NERC Cluster Grid proceeds as follows :(1) The scientist prepares input files on his or her local machine. (2) Using information provided by the Grid’s Ganglia3 monitoring system, the scientist selects an appropriate compute resource. (3) The scientist runs the relevant workflow script on his or her local machine. This is unmodified except that calls to run the model (e.g. with “mpirun”) are simply replaced with calls to "GRexRun" (4) The G-Rex middleware automatically handles the uploading of input files to the remote resource, and the downloading of output files back to the user, including their deletion from the remote system, during the run. (5) The scientist monitors the output files, using familiar analysis and visualization tools on his or her own local machine. G-Rex is well suited to climate modelling because it addresses many of the middleware usability issues that have led to limited uptake of grid computing by climate scientists. It is a lightweight, low-impact and easy-to-install solution that is currently designed for use in relatively small grids such as the NERC Cluster Grid. A current topic of research is the use of G-Rex as an easy-to-use front-end to larger-scale Grid resources such as the UK National Grid service.


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This paper discusses how the use of computer-based modelling tools has aided the design of a telemetry unit for use with oil well logging. With the aid of modern computer-based simulation techniques, the new design is capable of operating at data rates of 2.5 times faster than previous designs.


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his paper evaluates six commonly available parts-of-speech tagging tools over corpora other than those upon which they were originally trained. In particular this investigation measures the performance of the selected tools over varying styles and genres of text without retraining, under the assumption that domain specific training data is not always available. An investigation is performed to determine whether improved results can be achieved by combining the set of tagging tools into ensembles that use voting schemes to determine the best tag for each word. It is found that while accuracy drops due to non-domain specific training, and tag-mapping between corpora, accuracy remains very high, with the support vector machine-based tagger, and the decision tree-based tagger performing best over different corpora. It is also found that an ensemble containing a support vector machine-based tagger, a probabilistic tagger, a decision-tree based tagger and a rule-based tagger produces the largest increase in accuracy and the largest reduction in error across different corpora, using the Precision-Recall voting scheme.


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The analysis of large amounts of data is better performed by humans when represented in a graphical format. Therefore, a new research area called the Visual Data Mining is being developed endeavoring to use the number crunching power of computers to prepare data for visualization, allied to the ability of humans to interpret data presented graphically.This work presents the results of applying a visual data mining tool, called FastMapDB to detect the behavioral pattern exhibited by a dataset of clinical information about hemoglobinopathies known as thalassemia. FastMapDB is a visual data mining tool that get tabular data stored in a relational database such as dates, numbers and texts, and by considering them as points in a multidimensional space, maps them to a three-dimensional space. The intuitive three-dimensional representation of objects enables a data analyst to see the behavior of the characteristics from abnormal forms of hemoglobin, highlighting the differences when compared to data from a group without alteration.


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Tensor3D is a geometric modeling program with the capacity to simulate and visualize in real-time the deformation, specified through a tensor matrix and applied to triangulated models representing geological bodies. 3D visualization allows the study of deformational processes that are traditionally conducted in 2D, such as simple and pure shears. Besides geometric objects that are immediately available in the program window, the program can read other models from disk, thus being able to import objects created with different open-source or proprietary programs. A strain ellipsoid and a bounding box are simultaneously shown and instantly deformed with the main object. The principal axes of strain are visualized as well to provide graphical information about the orientation of the tensor's normal components. The deformed models can also be saved, retrieved later and deformed again, in order to study different steps of progressive strain, or to make this data available to other programs. The shape of stress ellipsoids and the corresponding Mohr circles defined by any stress tensor can also be represented. The application was written using the Visualization ToolKit, a powerful scientific visualization library in the public domain. This development choice, allied to the use of the Tcl/Tk programming language, which is independent on the host computational platform, makes the program a useful tool for the study of geometric deformations directly in three dimensions in teaching as well as research activities. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During gray cast iron cutting, the great rate of mechanical energy from cutting forces is converted into heat. Considerable heat is generated, principally in three areas: the shear zone, rake face and at the clearance side of the cutting edge. Excessive heat will cause undesirable high temperature in the tool which leads to softening of the tool and its accelerated wear and breakage. Nowadays the advanced ceramics are widely used in cutting tools. In this paper a composition special of Si3N4 was sintering, characterized, cut and ground to make SNGN120408 and applyed in machining gray cast iron with hardness equal 205 HB in dry cutting conditions by using digital controlled computer lathe. The tool performance was analysed in function of cutting forces, flank wear, temperature and roughness. Therefore metal removing process is carried out for three different cutting speeds (300 m/min, 600 m/min, and 800 m/min), while a cutting depth of 1 mm and a feed rate of 0.33 mm/rev are kept constant. As a result of the experiments, the lowest main cutting force, which depends on cutting speed, is obtained as 264 N at 600 m/min while the highest main cutting force is recorded as 294 N at 300 m/min.


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Increased accessibility to high-performance computing resources has created a demand for user support through performance evaluation tools like the iSPD (iconic Simulator for Parallel and Distributed systems), a simulator based on iconic modelling for distributed environments such as computer grids. It was developed to make it easier for general users to create their grid models, including allocation and scheduling algorithms. This paper describes how schedulers are managed by iSPD and how users can easily adopt the scheduling policy that improves the system being simulated. A thorough description of iSPD is given, detailing its scheduler manager. Some comparisons between iSPD and Simgrid simulations, including runs of the simulated environment in a real cluster, are also presented. © 2012 IEEE.