1000 resultados para Verviers (Belgique)--Conditions sociales
Lutzomyia spinicrassa is a vector of Leishmania braziliensis in Colombia. This sand fly has a broad geographical distribution in Colombia and Venezuela and it is found mainly in coffee plantations. Baseline biological growth data of L. spinicrassa were obtained under experimental laboratory conditions. The development time from egg to adult ranged from 59 to 121 days, with 12.74 weeks in average. Based on cohorts of 100 females, horizontal life table was constructed. The following predictive parameters were obtained: net rate of reproduction (8.4 females per cohort female), generation time (12.74 weeks), intrinsic rate of population increase (0.17), and finite rate of population increment (1.18). The reproductive value for each class age of the cohort females was calculated. Vertical life tables were elaborated and mortality was described for the generation obtained of the field cohort. In addition, for two successive generations, additive variance and heritability for fecundity were estimated.
In recent years, the fight against money laundering has emerged as a key issue of financial regulation. The Wolfsberg Group is an important multistakeholder agreement establishing corporate responsibility (CR) principles against money laundering in a domain where international coordination remains otherwise difficult. The fact that 10 out of the 25 top private banking institutions joined this initiative opens up an interesting puzzle concerning the conditions for the participation of key industry players in the Wolfsberg Group. The article presents a fuzzy-set analysis of seven hypotheses based on firm-level organizational factors, the macro-institutional context, and the regulatory framework. Results from the analysis of these 25 financial institutions show that public ownership of the bank and the existence of a code of conduct are necessary conditions for participation in the Wolfsberg Group, whereas factors related to the type of financial institution, combined with the existence of a black list, are sufficient for explaining participation.
Several Brazilian Aedes aegypti populations are resistant to the larvicidae temephos. Methoprene, that inhibits adult emergence, is one of the alternatives envisaged by the Brazilian Dengue Control Program (PNCD). However, at Brazil vector infestation rates are measured through larvae indexes and it has been claimed that methoprene use in the field could face operational problems. In order to define a standardized protocol, methoprene effect was evaluated in laboratory conditions after continuous exposure of larvae (Rockefeller strain) to a methoprene formulation available to the PNCD. Methoprene-derived mortality occurs mainly at the pupa stage and pupa development is inversely proportional to methoprene concentration. Number and viability of eggs laid by treated and control females are equivalent. A methoprene dose-dependent delay in the development was noted; however, b correlations were found for total mortality or adult emergence inhibition if data obtained when all control mosquitoes have emerged are compared to data obtained when methoprene-treated groups finish development. The cumulative record of total methoprene-induced mortality at the time control adults emerge is proposed for routine evaluation of field populations. Mortality of all specimens, but not of larva, could account for adult emergence inhibition, confirming the inadequacy of larvae indexes to evaluate methoprene effect.
The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to examine health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland.This report uses information collected from parents in the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) along with population data collected in the 2011 Northern Ireland Census to estimate the prevalence of any longstanding condition, asthma, eczema, sight problems and hearing problems among seven-year-olds in Northern Ireland in 2011. The analysis identifies risk factors associated with each condition and provides estimates of the prevalence of these conditions for each of the 11 Local Government Districts.A report on health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland has previously been published by the IPH.See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.
Rapport de synthèseObjectif: Evaluer les données sociales, économiques et médicales concernant les enfants sans permis de séjour pris en charge à l'Hôpital de l'Enfance afin de pouvoir mieux comprendre leurs besoins spécifiques.Conclusions: La majorité des enfants ayant participé à l'étude sont originaires d'Amérique Latine et vivent dans des conditions de vie très précaires. Leur état de santé global est satisfaisant et la plupart bénéficient d'un suivi médical régulier. La prévention ciblée sur une meilleure hygiène de vie est particulièrement importante en raison de l'incidence élevée de sur poids et d'obésité dans cette population. Ce qui est connu et ce que l'étude apporte de nouveau: Cette étude est la 1ère qui analyse la situation socio-économique et l'état de santé d'enfants sans?papiers en Suisse. Les points forts de cette étude sont son caractère prospectif et le suivi de plus de la moitié de ces enfants à 1 an malgré une population particulièrement vulnérable et difficile à monitorer.Méthode: Etude exploratoire prospective par le biais d'un questionnaire incluant des données socio-démographiques, médicales et scolaires de 103 enfants sans permis de séjour ayant consulté pour la 1ère fois l'Hôpital de l'Enfance entre août 2003 et mars 2006. Ces enfants étaient ensuite reconvoqués pour une deuxième consultation 1 année plus tard afin d'obtenir un suivi médical.Résultats principaux: 87% des enfants sont originaires d'Amérique Latine, 36% ont moins de 2 ans. Cette population vit dans des conditions précaires avec un revenu familial sous le seuil de pauvreté (89% des familles vivent avec moins de 3100.- CHF/mois). Les raisons principales de consultation étaient des maladies infectieuses, un bilan de santé demandé par l'école ou un contrôle du nourrisson. La plupart des enfants étaient en bonne santé ou présentaient les mêmes pathologies retrouvées chez des enfants d'un âge similaire. 13% des enfants entre 2 et 16 ans sont obèses et 27% souffrent de surpoids. Tous les enfants en âge d'être scolarisés fréquentent l'école dans l'année suivant le 1er contrôle médical et 48% sont assurés auprès d'une assurance maladie.Biais: Au contrôle medical à 1 an, nous n'avions pas de donnée supplémentaire concernant 43% des enfants qui avaient été perdus de vue (courrier envoyé revenu en retour).
The embryonic development of human lice was evaluated according to the changes in the morphology of the embryo observed through the transparent chorion. Based on ocular and appendage development, three stages of embryogenesis were established: early, medium, and late. Influence of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the laboratory rearing of Pediculus humanus capitis eggs was assessed. The optimal ranges for temperature and RH were 27-31°C and 45-75%. The susceptibility of human louse eggs to insecticide spinosad (a macrocyclic lactone) was assessed by immersion method. The results showed similar susceptibility to spinosad in early, medium, and late stages of head lice eggs. In addition, this study showed similar susceptibility of head and body lice eggs to spinosad, an insecticide that has not been used as pediculicide in Argentina (lethal concentration 50: 0.01%).
This is the summary report of the Speak out for Change engagement exercise carried out by the Neurological Conditions Network. This engagement undertook to ask people's experiences of living with a neurological condition and caring for someone with a neurological condition. Across the wide range of conditions represented,� the 142 patient experiences gathered to date, have consistently revealed issues around information, choice and control, independence and the emotional impact of neurological conditions.