744 resultados para Vaso-obliteration


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In a market environment increasingly competitive, the companies need to control of this process accurately, avoiding rework or rejection of materials during industrialization. This can be achieved by defining procedure that assure the maintenance of the materials characteristics, as specified initially in the projects. This graduation work has the objective of defining the best heat treatment parameter of normalizing for Heads, part of a pressure vessel, formed in P275NH material. The methodology applied is based on the execution of a sequence of Heat Treatments, using different parameters. The process variables were the cooling velocity, the hold time and the hold temperature variation. As a result of this study, it is noticed that the mechanical properties of the materials are strongly influenced by the hold temperature variation and by the cooling velocity, both determined for the heat treatment cycle


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The manufacturing process of components of Pressure Vessels has a great importance in the efficiency during the operation and life cycle of the equipment. Taking this into account, the objective of this dissertation was to analyze the methods to determine the strain rate in formed components by measuring the components themselves, and posterior results comparison with the values found in manufacturing standards of Pressure vessels. In this study the whole manufacturing process of a component from a pressure vessel, known as Head or End, was accompanied. Using the methodology obtained from literatures it was possible to execute the relative and logarithmic deformation measurements of these components and compare with the obtained results by means of equations presented in the Standards as AD-Merkblatt and ASME (for pressure vessels). The found results were also compared with the logarithmic methodology, taking into account the deformation of the empirical mesh and the thickness of the components studied. It is possible to conclude from this study that despite the existence of empirical methods of measurement of strain rate in components plastically formed, it is recommended the adoption in all situation of the component manufacturing standard. It can be noticed and explained during the development of this study and through the results found


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a market environment increasingly competitive, the companies need to control of this process accurately, avoiding rework or rejection of materials during industrialization. This can be achieved by defining procedure that assure the maintenance of the materials characteristics, as specified initially in the projects. This graduation work has the objective of defining the best heat treatment parameter of normalizing for Heads, part of a pressure vessel, formed in P275NH material. The methodology applied is based on the execution of a sequence of Heat Treatments, using different parameters. The process variables were the cooling velocity, the hold time and the hold temperature variation. As a result of this study, it is noticed that the mechanical properties of the materials are strongly influenced by the hold temperature variation and by the cooling velocity, both determined for the heat treatment cycle


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The manufacturing process of components of Pressure Vessels has a great importance in the efficiency during the operation and life cycle of the equipment. Taking this into account, the objective of this dissertation was to analyze the methods to determine the strain rate in formed components by measuring the components themselves, and posterior results comparison with the values found in manufacturing standards of Pressure vessels. In this study the whole manufacturing process of a component from a pressure vessel, known as Head or End, was accompanied. Using the methodology obtained from literatures it was possible to execute the relative and logarithmic deformation measurements of these components and compare with the obtained results by means of equations presented in the Standards as AD-Merkblatt and ASME (for pressure vessels). The found results were also compared with the logarithmic methodology, taking into account the deformation of the empirical mesh and the thickness of the components studied. It is possible to conclude from this study that despite the existence of empirical methods of measurement of strain rate in components plastically formed, it is recommended the adoption in all situation of the component manufacturing standard. It can be noticed and explained during the development of this study and through the results found


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the utilization by corn plants of P from triple superphosphate fertilizer labeled with P-32 (P-32-TSP), and of P from soil as affected by N rates and by the green manures (GM) sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) and millet (Pennisetum glaucum). The experiment was carried out using pots filled with 5 kg Oxisol (Rhodic Hapludox). A completely randomized design was used, in a 4x4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates. The treatments were: four P rates as TSP (0, 0.175, 0.350, and 0.700 g P per pot); four N rates as urea (0, 0.75, 1.50, and 2.25 g N per pot); and sunn hemp or millet as green manure. The additions of N and P by the GM were taken into account. After grain physiologic maturation, corn dry matter, P contents, accumulated P, and P recovery in the different treatments were measured. P-32-TSP recovery by corn increased with N increasing rates, and decreased with increasing rates of P-32-TSP. The mineral fertilizer provides most of the accumulated P by corn plants. The recovery of P-32-TSP by corn was 13.12% in average. The green manure species influence the assimilation of P-32-TSP by the plants.


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Tentorial dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) is a rare vascular disease, which accounts for less than 4% of all cases of intracranial DAVF Because of the high risk of intracranial hemorrhage, patients with tentorial DAVF need aggressive treatment. Management approaches are still controversial, and endovascular treatment has emerged as an effective alternative. In the current work, we describe our experience with the endovascular approach in the treatment of these deep and complex DAVF of the tentorium. Eight patients were treated between January 2006 and July 2009. Six patients (75%) presented with intracranial hemorrhage related to the DAVF rupture. Four patients (50%) had subarachnoid bleeding and two had intraparenchymal hematoma. Endovascular treatment was performed via the transarterial route alone in five cases (62.5%), by the transvenous approach in two cases (25.0%) and in a combined procedure using both arterial and venous routes in one patient (12.5%). Complete obliteration of the fistula was achieved in all cases. The outcome at 15 months was favorable (modified Rankin scale 0-3) in seven (87.5%) patients. Complete cure of the lesion was confirmed in these cases. This paper reports on the effectiveness of endovascular treatment in tentorial DAVF management The choice of the venous versus the arterial approach is determined by regarding different anatomical dispositions.


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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship among radiographic features observed on panoramic radiographs of sickle cell disease patients and analyze their relationship with history of systemic severity of the disease. Panoramic radiographs of 71 subjects with sickle cell disease were evaluated for the presence of the following radiographic bony alterations: radiopaque areas, increased spacing of bony trabeculae, horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae and corticalization of mandibular canal. History of clinical systemic severity was assessed through direct questioning about the frequency of vaso-occlusive crisis, history of stroke, clinical jaundice, femur head necrosis, and leg ulceration. Chi-square or Fisher's exact test were applied in order to analyze possible associations between radiographic features and history of complications, with < 0.05 significance level. Increased spacing of bony trabeculae was statistically associated with absence of corticalization of mandibular canal ( < 0.01) and horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae ( = 0.04). Statistically significant associations were demonstrated between history of clinical jaundice and presence of increased spacing of bony trabeculae ( = 0.02) and between history of stroke and presence of horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae ( = 0.04). Based on the results of the current study, maxillofacial radiographic features may be associated with clinical parameters of systemic complications in sickle cell disease patients. The relationship between radiographic features and history of complications associated with clinical severity of sickle cell disease has not been demonstrated in the literature. Acknowledgment of such possible association may help establish prognosis and influence clinical treatment of systemic and oral complications.


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Abstract Introduction This case report illustrates a rare case of teratoma of the mediastinum which was continuous to the pericardium and caused extrinsic compression to the right atrium. Case presentation A 22-year-old Caucasian man with no complaints or comorbid conditions presented to our hospital with obliteration of the right cardiophrenic sinus by a mass. A non-invasive investigation demonstrated a tumoral mass which was continuous to the pericardium and caused extrinsic compression to the right atrium. The clinical suspicion was a pericardial or bronchogenic cyst. Surgical and anatomopathologic findings led to the diagnosis of a mature cystic teratoma with atrophic thymic tissue at the external teratoma surface. Conclusion We present an original report of a mature teratoma causing obliteration of the right cardiophrenic sinus with extrinsic heart compression. The diagnosis of this tumor is very difficult through non-invasive investigation.


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Diante do amplo debate acerca da inclusão do educando com necessidades especiais em escola regular, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever a participação da criança com paralisia cerebral nas atividades funcionais nos diferentes ambientes da escola, a partir da percepção de seus professores. Participaram deste estudo 10 professores e seus respectivos alunos com paralisia cerebral do município de São Paulo. Foi realizada a aplicação da parte I da School Function Assessment junto aos professores, a fim de examinar o nível de participação do aluno em seis ambientes da escola: sala de aula, pátio/recreio, transporte para e da escola, banheiro, transições para/da sala de aula e hora da refeição/ lanche. O Teste de Friedman e o Teste de Wilcoxon para duas populações correlatas foram utilizados para identificar diferenças significativas entre os escores obtidos na participação nos ambientes. Os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas nos escores da participação nos ambientes Transporte e Pátio/Recreio, Transporte e Transições, Transporte e Classe, Transporte e Lanche, Banheiro e Classe, Banheiro e Lanche. As crianças tiveram boa participação na classe, porém, a presença de barreiras arquitetônicas interferiu no desempenho de tarefas no banheiro, como sentar-se no vaso sanitário e levantar-se dele, lavar as mãos, assim como o transporte não adaptado. Notou-se, ainda, que recursos para mobilidade, como andador ou muletas, consistiram em importantes facilitadores da participação no pátio/recreio e transições. Esta pesquisa evidenciou a necessidade de ações de esferas governamentais para implementação de adaptações ambientais nas escolas, especialmente aquelas relativas aos transportes e transições.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os estudos com stents farmacológicos têm avaliado predominantemente populações masculinas de descendência europeia. O estudo de braço único SPIRIT Women avalia o stent eluidor de everolimus XIENCE TM V em lesões de novo complexas em uma população feminina do mundo real, incluindo pacientes latino-americanas. Esta análise permite compreender como essa população responde ao implante de stent, comparativamente a pacientes não-latino-americanas. MÉTODOS: Das 1.572 pacientes matriculadas em 73 locais fora dos Estados Unidos, 138 (9%) foram recrutadas na Argentina, no Brasil e na Venezuela. RESULTADOS: As lesões-alvo tinham diâmetro de referência do vaso entre 2,25 mm e 4 mm e extensão da lesão ≤ 28 mm. As características basais foram semelhantes entre os grupos, com exceção de maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial, infarto do miocárdio (IM) de parede anterior e história familiar de doença arterial coronária na coorte latino-americana. As lesões tendiam a ser mais complexas em mulheres latino-americanas, com menor diâmetro de referência do vaso-alvo, maior extensão da lesão, maior excentricidade e angulação e mais lesões tipo B2/C. Os eventos foram adjudicados de acordo com as definições do Academic Research Consortium. Em um ano, o desfecho combinado de morte por todas as causas, IM e revascularização do vaso-alvo (RVA) foi de 12,1% na população não-latino-americana e de 10,1% na população latino-americana (P = 0,58). CONCLUSÕES: Em um ano, os baixos índices de eventos cardíacos adversos, incluindo trombose do stent, falha da lesão-alvo, morte cardíaca, IM e RVA nas mulheres latino-americanas foram comparáveis aos das mulheres não-latino-americanas, apesar da maior complexidade das lesões. Esses resultados demonstram a segurança e a eficácia do stent XIENCE TM V nessa pequena coorte de pacientes latino-americanas, à semelhança do que é observado com populações maiores e mais variadas.


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Varcare le frontiere della Storia attraverso le storie personali dei suoi personaggi ha sempre affascinato la sensibilità creatrice di Anita Desai, i cui romanzi possono essere considerati un interessante esempio di letteratura di confine, che riesce nel difficile compito di misurarsi, con eleganza e sensibilità, nella rappresentazione delle più feroci forme di marginalizzazione. Proponendo un dialogo tra alterità, che apre alle complessità storico-culturali in maniera del tutto a-ideologica e imparziale, la scrittrice indoinglese procede alla “provincializzazione” dell’India attraverso le numerose ambivalenze prodotte nelle zone frontaliere analizzate. Dalla rappresentazione della frontiera identitaria esterna, ovvero dall’ambivalente rapporto intrattenuto con il colonizzatore/ex-colonizzatore inglese, alla rappresentazione della frontiera identitaria interna, ovvero l’analisi delle contraddittorie relazioni tra le componenti etniche del subcontinente, Desai arriva infine a problematizzare storie di ambivalenti processi di marginalizzazione prodotti da mondi culturali così diversi come la Germania nazista, o gli indiani Huichol del lontano Messico, tracciando geografie culturali inedite della grande ragnatela della Storia. Desai riesce così a recuperare voci liminali spesso trascurate dalla postcolonialità stessa, per riconfigurarle in un’esplorazione profonda del comune destino dell’umanità, voci straniate e stranianti che acquisiscono un vero e proprio status di agency discorsiva, proiettando la sua scrittura verso una dimensione cosmopolitica. L’opera di Desai diventa indubbiamente un’opportunità concreta per scorgere nella differenza l’universalità di una comune umanità, vale a dire un’opportunità per vedere nell’alterità un’identità ribaltata.


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Le lesioni cerebrali possono generare danni permanenti e richiedono trattamenti immediati e a lungo termine. L’ipotermia cerebrale di 1 o 2°C inibisce il rilascio di aminoacidi neuro eccitatori e interrompe la risposta infiammatoria. L'effetto è maggiore se il raffreddamento viene eseguito immediatamente dopo il trauma. Oggi il raffreddamento viene effettuato in ospedale, raramente sul luogo dell’incidente (con ghiaccio). Tale soluzione è ostacolata dall’applicazione dei collari cervicali ed è condizionata dagli effetti a breve termine del ghiaccio. In questo studio è stata effettuata un’analisi di fattibilità di un dispositivo che, alle tecnologie per l’immobilizzazione cervicale, associ l'induzione terapeutica controllata e prolungata di una lieve ipotermia cerebrale (2-3°C), tramite raffreddamento transcutaneo del sangue nelle arterie carotidee. Il lavoro è suddiviso in due fasi: 1) modellizzazione teorica del fenomeno in esame; 2) verifica dei modelli teorici mediante test in vitro. Mediante i modelli numerici, sono state calcolate le temperature e i tempi per produrre un raffreddamento di 3°C. Considerando lo scambio di calore attraverso il collo, i vasi sanguigni e i tessuti cerebrali è stato calcolato un tempo minimo di circa 50 minuti per produrre il ΔT richiesto, con l’applicazione all’esterno del collo di un dispositivo che mantenga la temperatura a 5°C. Per la verifica è stata utilizzata una carotide sintetica ed una in tessuto biologico: queste sono state immerse in un contenitore isolato contenente acqua e connesse ad un simulatore dell’apparato circolatorio. Mantenendo costante la temperatura dell’acqua circolante mediante un termostato, sono stati misurati gli abbassamenti di temperatura nel vaso in funzione di quella esterna applicata. Il raffreddamento dei tessuti è stato realizzato con una cella di Peltier. La verifica dei modelli ha evidenziato un ΔT di -2°C. Il valore è inferiore a quello ipotizzato ma può ritenersi già efficace in ambito clinico e può essere migliorato ottimizzando il sistema di raffreddamento.


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The role of endovascular interventions in managing dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) is increasing. Furthermore, in patients with aggressive DAVFs, different surgical interventions are required for complete obliteration or disconnection. Our objective was to evaluate the management of patients with intracranial DAVFs treated in our institution to identify the parameters that may help guide the long-term management of these lesions.