950 resultados para Urban Informatics, iPhone, Mobile Applications, Urban Planning, Civic Engagement


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The present work evaluated urban forest indicators, acquired through airborne high-resolution multiespectral images, on the quality of the urban design and its vegetative fraction, in special its trees, in nine neighborhoods of Piracicaba, SP. There were made supervised classifications for characterization of intra-urban elements and the proportions obtained, as exposed soil, tree cover, lawns, asphalt, concrete pavements and roofs. They were studied for the measurement of the urban forest in each place. These variables were related to each other, as well as with the independent variables: population density, people with more than fifteen years of study and family heads with income above twenty minimum wages, obtained through population census. Through the analysis of linear regression variables were identified for intra-urban areas evaluation. Correlations were made and linear regressions among the data obtained from the image and among the proposed indicators. Negative correlations were obtained among population density and arboreal covering and the evaluated indices, in accordance with the predicted in the literature. Composite indicators are proposed, as: the proportion between arboreous space on waterproof space (PAW) and the proportion between arboreous space on building space (PAB). It is concluded by the possibility of the use of those indicators for evaluation of the urban forest and definition of priorities in the execution of ordinances to the improvement of the urban forestry, being prioritized the application of resources in the most lacking neighborhoods.


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This paper attempts to show the convergence of principles between labor market politics and urban management, emphasizing it relationship with pro-market theories. Limits and possibilities of the application of this theoretical frame were investigated by examining the changes in both composition and stock of labor in three important business spaces in São Paulo: Central Area, Paulista Avenue and the new expansion front near Luiz Carlos Berrini and Águas Epraiadas avenues. Despite the claims of pro-market theoreticians, information provided by Labor Ministry showed that between 1996 and 2000, a re-arrangemenet of the workers contingent among the investigated areas occurred, instead of the expected growth. The favorable behavior registered in Berrini/ Águas Espraiadas, because of the bulky volume of investments, took place at the same time that a decrease of labor in the Downtown; meanwhile, in Paulista, a growth of the number of employees was observed, in spite of the landing less elevated of investments.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a methodology for evaluating neighborhood impacts using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and to apply the procedures to the companies of the High-Technology Industrial Cluster of São Carlos. To this end, an evaluation was made of the neighborhood impacts on the physical environment, urban components, quality of life, and urban infrastructure using impact matrices, and the impacts were assigned scores according to type, order, magnitude and duration. Fifty one companies were examined based on data provided by the companies themselves and on field surveys. The impacts are represented spatially in proportional symbols maps, based on the spatial distribution of the companies in the urban area of the city of São Carlos and the areas of influence of each company. The application of the proposed methodology served to validate it and indicated that the neighborhood impacts caused by the companies of this study are related to each company's type of activity, its size, and its occupation of the area. © 2008 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.


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Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.


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With more than 60% of its territory under environmental protection, the city of Cubatão shelters the Industrial Pole and is located midway of two great metropolitan regions of State of São Paulo: Grande São Paulo and Baixada Santista. Both the implantation of industries and the construction of highways stimulated a process of migration and irregular occupation of the territory, with significant loss of the original vegetal covering of Atlantic Forest, in addition to pollution of water resources and the soil. The present work analyzed the dynamics of the landscape of a stretch of the city of Cubatão, associated to the Highway System Anchietas-Imigrantes, on the basis of economic cycles and regional public policies, aiming at helping the urban and environmental planning of coastal cities. We used a temporal series of air photographs of five decades and bibliographical surveys on the description of the region occupation. A non planned urban expansion for the city was evidenced, closely related with regional economic cycles and road building, directed to areas adjacent to highways and railroads, marshland and flooded plains landfills and mounts hillsides, including areas near Serra do Mar State Park. One suggests that the questions of environmental and urban planning of coastal cities are dealt with in the regional domain and in a participative way on the basis of studies of economic expansion and tourist activities in Baixada Santista, guaranteeing the maintenance of the remainders of Atlantic Forest in São Paulo coast.


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The geographical space aimed by this study was the Brazil-Bolivia border, involving the urban areas of the Brazilian city, Corumbá, and the Bolivian ones, Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez. The objective of this study was to analyze the touristic border spaces, speculating about their similarities and divergences regarding integrated planning. Secondary data, resulting from field work, was used in the methodology. The border generates a tangled web of relationships and streams. The presented spatial elements mix complex rationalities, sometimes approaching, sometimes denying and even disregarding the possibilities that can be translated by the border.


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The aim of this study was to carry out a zoning in the municipal ecological park of Ourinhos, SP, located southwest of São Paulo State, aiming to subsidize the planning and management of this area. With this purpose it was made an inventory of the landscape resources of this park with hypsometry, declivity, use of soil and zoning mappings. From this zoning, we analyzed the possibilities of implementing purposes of use, with the objective of preserving this area, minimizing the negative environmental impacts. Thus, this research was of extreme importance, since it allowed to identify and rank, in the territory, areas or sectors that are priority to the development of activities, as well as contribute to the conservation of natural and socio-cultural heritage.