973 resultados para Unipotent Transformations


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Density functionals that reproduce the helium liquid-gas interface as a function of temperature have been used, within an improved homogeneous nucleation approach, to investigate thermal nucleation and cavitation in both helium isotopes. The results are compared with available experimental data on cavitation in 3He and 4He. Predictions are made for cavitation in 3He at negative pressures and for nucleation in both isotopes.


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We present numerical results of the deterministic Ginzburg-Landau equation with a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient, for different values of the volume fraction phi of the minority component. The morphology of the domains affects the dynamics of phase separation. The effective growth exponents, but not the scaled functions, are found to be temperature dependent.


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We study the interfacial modes of a driven diffusive model under suitable nonequilibrium conditions leading to possible instability. The external field parallel to the interface, which sets up a steady-state parallel flux, enhances the growth or decay rates of the interfacial modes. More dramatically, asymmetry in the model can introduce an oscillatory component into the interfacial dispersion relation. In certain circumstances, the applied field behaves as a singular perturbation.


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Ginzburg-Landau equations with multiplicative noise are considered, to study the effects of fluctuations in domain growth. The equations are derived from a coarse-grained methodology and expressions for the resulting concentration-dependent diffusion coefficients are proposed. The multiplicative noise gives contributions to the Cahn-Hilliard linear-stability analysis. In particular, it introduces a delay in the domain-growth dynamics.


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We consider stochastic partial differential equations with multiplicative noise. We derive an algorithm for the computer simulation of these equations. The algorithm is applied to study domain growth of a model with a conserved order parameter. The numerical results corroborate previous analytical predictions obtained by linear analysis.


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Front and domain growth of a binary mixture in the presence of a gravitational field is studied. The interplay of bulk- and surface-diffusion mechanisms is analyzed. An equation for the evolution of interfaces is derived from a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient. Scaling arguments on this equation give the exponents of a power-law growth. Numerical integrations of the Ginzburg-Landau equation corroborate the theoretical analysis.


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To quantify the vibrational anharmonicity of the long-wavelength acoustic modes of bcc Cu74.1Al23.1Be2.8 near its martensitic transition temperature Ms (261 K), the hydrostatic pressure derivatives (¿CIJ/¿P)P=0 of the elastic stiffness moduli have been measured. The Grüneisen parameters at 268 K (just above Ms), especially of longitudinal modes, which become smaller than those of the shear modes, are quite different from those at 295 K: the anharmonicity changes markedly in the vicinity of the transition. Similar trends are noted for Cu66.5Al12.7Zn20.8. Experimental data near Ms are used to estimate cubic invariants in the strain order parameters in a Landau formalism.


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We present a study of the influence of atomic order on the relative stability of the bcc and the 18R martensitic structures in a Cu2.96Al0.92Be0.12 crystal. Calorimetric measurements have shown that disorder increases the stability of the 18R phase, contrary to what happens in Cu-Zn-Al alloys for which it is the bcc phase that is stabilized by disordering the system. This different behavior has been explained in terms of a model recently reported. We have also proved that the entropy change at the martensitic transition is independent of the state of atomic order of the crystal, as predicted theoretically. Our results suggest that differences in the vibrational spectrum of the crystal due to different states of atomic order must be equal in the bcc and in the close-packed phases.


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Neutron-scattering techniques have been used to study the premartensitic state of a family of Cu-Al-Be alloys, which transform from the bcc phase to an 18R martensitic structure. We find that the phonon modes of the TA2[110] branch have very low energies with anomalous temperature dependence. A slight anomaly at q=2/3 was observed; this anomaly, however, does not change significantly with temperature. No elastic peaks, related to the martensite structure, were found in the premartensitic state of these alloys. The results are compared with measurements, performed under the same instrumental conditions, on two Cu-Al-Ni and a Cu-Zn-Al martensitic alloy.


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We have measured the adiabatic elastic constants of two Cu-Al-Ni martensitic alloys using ultrasonic methods and we have compared the results to recent neutron-scattering experiments. It is shown that the elastic behavior of Cu-Al-Ni alloys follows the same trends exhibited by other Cu-based alloys; in particular, the TA2 long-wavelength acoustic modes are softer than all other modes.


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Domain growth in a system with nonconserved order parameter is studied. We simulate the usual Ising model for binary alloys with concentration 0.5 on a two-dimensional square lattice by Monte Carlo techniques. Measurements of the energy, jump-acceptance ratio, and order parameters are performed. Dynamics based on the diffusion of a single vacancy in the system gives a growth law faster than the usual Allen-Cahn law. Allowing vacancy jumps to next-nearest-neighbor sites is essential to prevent vacancy trapping in the ordered regions. By measuring local order parameters we show that the vacancy prefers to be in the disordered regions (domain boundaries). This naturally concentrates the atomic jumps in the domain boundaries, accelerating the growth compared with the usual exchange mechanism that causes jumps to be homogeneously distributed on the lattice.


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Domain growth in a two-dimensional binary alloy is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation of an ABV model. The dynamics consists of exchanges of particles with a small concentration of vacancies. The influence of changing the vacancy concentration and finite-size effects has been analyzed. Features of the vacancy diffusion during domain growth are also studied. The anomalous character of the diffusion due to its correlation with local order is responsible for the obtained fast-growth behavior.


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We study the behavior of the random-bond Ising model at zero temperature by numerical simulations for a variable amount of disorder. The model is an example of systems exhibiting a fluctuationless first-order phase transition similar to some field-induced phase transitions in ferromagnetic systems and the martensitic phase transition appearing in a number of metallic alloys. We focus on the study of the hysteresis cycles appearing when the external field is swept from positive to negative values. By using a finite-size scaling hypothesis, we analyze the disorder-induced phase transition between the phase exhibiting a discontinuity in the hysteresis cycle and the phase with the continuous hysteresis cycle. Critical exponents characterizing the transition are obtained. We also analyze the size and duration distributions of the magnetization jumps (avalanches).