985 resultados para Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)


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Background Over 20 million people in the US are living with an implantable medical device [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3114 Higgins,DavidM 2009}}1], with similar figures anticipated for Europe. Complications in the use of medical implants include the Foreign Body Response (FBR) characterised by macrophage adherence and fusion, and device-related infection due to bacterial biofilm formationADDIN RW.CITE{{3124 Harding,JacquelineL 2014}}2. Both can have detrimental consequences on the structural and functional integrity of the medical device [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3101 Anderson,JamesM 2008; 3124 Harding,JacquelineL 2014}}2,3], often necessitating removal; a painful and expensive procedure [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3121 Mah,Thien-FahC 2001}}4]. Materials are sought to attenuate both the FBR and device-related infection, leading to medical devices with improved biocompatibility and performance. Objectives The present work involves development of a semi-interpenetrating network (SIPN) hydrogel containing polygalacturonic acid (PGA), a biopolysaccharide similar in structure to hyaluronic acid. We aim to synthesise, characterise and determine the in vitro biocompatibility of the developed SIPN. Results & Discussion We have successfully incorporated PGA into a poly(HEMA) based hydrogel, which shows favourable swelling and wettability. The surface topography appears altered in comparison to the control material, with pronounced micrometer-scale features. In terms of in vitro performance, the SIPN showed increased protein adsorption, and biofilm formation (Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli, up to 1 Log CFU/sample greater than control). However the SIPN displayed minimal cytotoxicity towards L929 fibroblasts, and was resistant to the adherence of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Conclusions The PGA incorporated SIPN lacks cytotoxicity and shows reduced macrophage adherence, however the increased biofilm formation highlights a concern regarding possible device related infection in clinical use. Future work will focus on strategies to reduce bacterial adherence, while maintaining biocompatibility.


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In the coming decade installed offshore wind capacity is expected to expand rapidly. This will be both technically and economically challenging. Precise wind resource assessment is one of the more imminent challenges. It is more difficult to assess wind power offshore than onshore due to the paucity of representative wind speed data. Offshore site-specific data is less accessible and is far more costly to collect. However, offshore wind speed data collected from sources such as wave buoys, remote sensing from satellites, national weather ships, and coastal meteorological stations and met masts on barges and platforms may be extrapolated to assess offshore wind power. This study attempts to determine the usefulness of pre-existing offshore wind speed measurements in resource assessment, and presents the results of wind resource estimation in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Irish Sea using data from two offshore meteorological buoys


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Young people’s understandings of sexual readiness are under-researched and their perspectives are often missing in debates about sexuality and sex education. Research to date has predominantly focussed upon age and socio-cultural predictors of sexual debut, thus failing to explain how young people themselves conceptualise their readiness for sexual relations. Synthesised in this review is the evidence from 26 studies which included young people’s perspectives of their readiness to begin sexual intercourse, undertaken using either quantitative or qualitative methods. Available evidence suggests that young people may not view initiating sex as problematic, focusing instead on the rewards sex brings and less on health concerns. Gender differences emerged in conceptualisations of love, parenthood, respect and abuse within relationships and were further mediated by social class and ethnicity. Age was also significant in young people’s accounts. Those under 16 years may not be ‘sexually ready’ because their own retrospective analyses suggest they experienced difficulty negotiating their risk of coercion or exploitation. More research exploring more deeply young people’s understandings of sexual readiness is required. We recommend a rights-based approach to support young people’s participation in the research process and to include their voices in the development of relevant sex education and services.


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This project involved producing an app for smart devices to enable modernised learning for A-level maths students. Research in a stakeholder school showed that 94% of pupils surveyed within the upper-secondary level owned a smartphone and most owned a tablet also, emphasising the opportunity for using apps to support learning. The app was developed using iBuildApp, an online app-creation programme which requires no programming. Past exam questions and solutions, notes and video tutorials were included and the topic was vectors, identified by teachers as problematic. Pupils generally found the app easy to use and wanted further development. The videos were popular despite this not ranking highly as a preferred method of revision previously. Teachers were happy for pupils to use the app to supplement their learning, both in the classroom and outside.


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This article explores the contours of continued housing instability among a group of young people who are participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of youth homelessness in Dublin, Ireland, and considers the limitations of the ‘acculturation’ thesis in explaining long-term homelessness amongst the young. Baseline interviews were conducted with 40 young people, aged 14–23 years, in 2004, and follow-up interviews were conducted with 30 research participants successfully ‘tracked’ in 2005–06. By the time of follow-up, 17 of those interviewed had exited homelessness and 13 remained homeless. The article focuses on the latter group with the aim of exploring the processes and experiences associated with their continued homelessness. The findings presented demonstrate the adverse impact of their ongoing movement through emergency services targeting the under-18s, including their greater immersion in drug and criminal lifestyles. A majority had experienced one or more period of incarceration by the time of follow-up, and many were users of adult homeless services. Whilst some dimensions of young people's accounts are suggestive of a process of acculturation to street and hostel life, we argue that their continued homelessness is better explained as a consequence of their ongoing and unresolved transience and, in particular, their continued dependence on emergency hostel accommodation. The implications of the findings for policy and service provision for homeless young people are discussed.


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The families of homeless young people are most often portrayed as a precipitating factor in their homelessness. However, recent studies, particularly those taking a longitudinal approach, have drawn attention to the enabling role of family members and their positive influence on the housing trajectories of homeless youth. Drawing on selected findings from an ongoing longitudinal qualitative study of homeless young people in Dublin, Ireland, this paper aims to build on this relatively fertile area of research. We demonstrate the supportive role of the families of young people who experience homelessness (often as a consequence of difficult family environments) and specifically examine how family re-engagement is negotiated and achieved. The findings highlight a number of dimensions of transition and change. Prominent among these is the importance of renewed trust and communication. Young people and their parents also had to accept responsibility for areas of life that previously served to undermine their relationships and were implicated in the circumstances surrounding a young person's premature home-leaving. Tensions and resistances on the part of young people are highlighted, demonstrating the adaptive mechanisms at work as they attempt to re-engage with family members. The implications of the findings for social work intervention with homeless youth are discussed.


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In the past decade in particular, research attention has shifted from an almost exclusive focus on routes or pathways into homelessness towards the investigation of exits from homelessness. As well as demonstrating the multiple paths possible for young people who become homeless, recent research, and longitudinal studies in particular, has contributed to a more nuanced understanding of the complexity of the homeless pathways of young people. Nonetheless, knowledge and understanding of the nature of homeless exits, and of the mechanisms that facilitate the transition out of homelessness, is far from complete. This paper explores the processes surrounding the exit routes taken by young people out of homelessness and the meanings attached by them to these housing transitions based on selected findings from an ongoing qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth in Dublin, Ireland. More broadly, the paper considers the utility of distinguishing between the types of routes that young people take out of homelessness, with particular attention to the notions of ‘independent’ and ‘dependent’ exits. The paper aims to further the discussion and debate on the conceptualisation of homeless exits and also discusses a number of policy implications arising from the study's findings.


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A strong link between drug use and homelessness has long since been documented in the international literature. However, much of the research has concentrated on the direction of the relationship between drug use and homelessness, seeking to establish drug use as a cause or consequence of homelessness, with far less attention to the intersection of drug and homeless ‘careers’. This paper examines the drug and homeless pathways of young people who are participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth in Dublin, Ireland. The findings highlight downward drug transitions as associated with exiting homelessness and continued or escalated consumption as associated with remaining homeless. Analyses of the meanings young people attach to drug use over time reveal the importance of housing as an enabler to engaging with treatment and as assisting the process of becoming and remaining drug free. Young people who remained homeless did not accept their situations, as ‘acculturation’ accounts would suggest; rather, they aspired to changing their situations. However, they also face strong barriers to accessing housing which in turn hamper their efforts to address the matter of their drug use. The implications for how the homeless/drug use ‘nexus’ is conceptualised and understood, as well as implications for policy, are discussed.


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