872 resultados para Trees in cities


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The aim of this study was to assess the dentistry profile, based on social and demographic data, post-graduation formation, and to verify the insertion of dental graduates in the labour force. The participants were professionals graduated from a Brazilian Public Dental School, between 2000 and 2010. An instrument was sent by mail and/or e-mail to them. It was used Kruskal Wallis Test. Among 1047 questionnaires, 189 returned and 65.6% were answered by female. In relation to post-graduation course, 57.7% of professionals performed it, however 56.9% not attended only in their area; 66.6% of professionals are concentrated in cities larger than 100 thousand habitants. There was association between income and gender, and others. The predominant work modality was self-employed. Among the total, 36.5% want to work part-time in dentistry. The female gender was predominant and there was wage discrepancy between genders. The professionals have been concentrated in largest cities.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The city of Lençóis Paulista has a great part of its agricultural land cultivated by sugar cane and reforestation of eucalyptus and pine trees. In the county there are industries that exploit energy extracted from energy cogeneration. The city of Lençóis Paulista, in recent years, has been demonstrating considerable levels of economic and social growth with the industries that are working with sugarcane and eucalyptus mainly responsible. However, the expansion of agricultural land in many cases does not take into consideration the permanent preservation areas that are protected by the law. The APP's are of fundamental importance in the management and conservation of the environment preserving the natural plants and wildlife, and also preventing erosion and the silting of drainage networks. This objective of this study was to diagnose land use, analyze if Permanent Preservation Areas are regulated to the Brazilian Forestry Code (1965) and also diagnose areas of conflict. In relation to the use and occupation of land, the research has shown how the land is divided (agricultural crops and urban zones), and highlighted areas of conflict with the Permanent Preservation Areas. All of the information is contained in maps using Geographic Information Systems. However, it has become clear that environmental laws are not respected as much in urban areas as they are in rural areas. The PPA's are virtually nonexistent, thus creating damage to the environment and local population.


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The supply of cold hours needed to the dormancy breaking of shoots is the limiting factor for the cultivation of temperate climate fruit trees in warmer regions. In subtropical conditions, it is necessary to use chemical products to promote uniform sprouting. This research aimed at evaluating the effect of garlic extract and hydrogen cyanamide in sprouting, growth, production and production cycle of the fig tree. The experiment was conducted during the production cycles of 2011/12 and 2012/13. We used plants from the cultivar Roxo de Valinhos. Production pruning was made in the months of July/2011 and July/2012, and the following treatments were applied immediately after it: 2% hydrogen cyanamide and garlic extract in 4%, 8% and 12% doses, and a control treatment. Split plots were used as the experimental design, with five repetitions in blocks; each plot consisted of five treatments with hydrogen cyanamide, garlic extract and control; the subplots consisted of two production cycles. The use of hydrogen cyanamide promoted an anticipation of sprouting and the use of hydrogen cyanamide and garlic extract promoted a concentration of the productive period, when compared to the control. The estimated garlic extract dose that promoted the highest production per plant was 3%.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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We begin our Master Conservationist recognition in Production Agriculture with the Buskirk Family of Hemingford in the Panhandle. Will David and Toni Buskirk, Dean and Sonya Buskirk, Chad Buskirk, and Dustin and Shelly McConville, please come forward? They started with a half-section which has grown to 2,855 acres, as well as a tree-planting business. The family formed a partnership in 1995 and named it “Trees are Us” in 1998. They have used no-till farming on 1,000 acres of cropland since 1980 and planted over 165,000 trees. A low-pressure irrigation system saves about 400 acre inches of water every growing season. They built their own no-till tree planter for differing soil conditions and a machine to install biodegradable weed barriers. Their enthusiasm for trees is contagious as they visit with others and perform volunteer work in the area. Their unique tree planting equipment is made available nationwide, which results in the planting of more than 2 million trees in over 10 states annually. Congrats to the Buskirks.


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We assessed the efficacy of free-ranging dogs, confined by buried fences and electronic collars, for reducing deer damage to apple trees in three commercial apple orchards in Oswego County, New York State. During 1995 and 1996, we monitored paired dog-protected and control plots in each orchard. Within dog-protected areas, the percentage of damaged buds was lower, and fruit yield was higher in both 1995 and 1996 than for control plots. Gross economic returns were higher from dog-protected than control plots in both 1995 (by 51%) and 1996 (by 184%). After two seasons of growth, trees planted in May 1995 had nearly three times the cross-sectional area, and were 60% taller if they were in dog-protected rather than control plots. Dogs provided increased economic returns for growers at much lower cost than conventional barrier fencing.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Seit Beginn der Waldzustandserhebungen im Jahr 1984 verschlechterte sich der Zustand der Eiche sowohl auf Bundesebene als auch im Land Rheinland-Pfalz deutlich. 1998 konnten nur noch 5 % der rheinland-pfälzischen Eichen in die Kategorie "ohne Schadensmerkmale" eingestuft werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ergab sich die Notwendigkeit, die biotischen Stress- und Schadfaktoren näher zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit lag der Fokus auf den holzbewohnenden Käfern von Traubeneichen (Quercus petraea) aus dem Pfälzerwald. Zu diesem Zweck wurden für die erste Probenserie Untersuchungsbäume aus den Vitalitätsstufen 'vital', 'geschädigt', 'ein Jahr tot' und 'zwei Jahre tot' ausgewählt und in die drei Straten Stammfuß, Kronenansatz und Derbholz unterteilt. In der zweiten Probenserie kamen keine 'vitalen' Stämme mehr zum Einsatz. Die einzelnen Proben wurden in Fasseklektoren überführt, in denen die xylobionten Käfer ihre Entwicklung beenden und schlüpfen konnten. Die erste Probenserie wurde im Herbst 1998 entnommen, die zweite Serie im darauffolgenden Herbst. Zusätzlich zu diesen Laboruntersuchungen wurden Freilanduntersuchungen mit Stammeklektoren an vier stehenden Eichen im Wald durchgeführt. Die gefangenen Tiere wurden nach Ordnungen sortiert und gezählt, die Käfer nach Möglichkeit bis zur Art bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse der ersten und zweiten Serie wurden in Abundanzen (Ind./m² Rindenoberfläche) umgerechnet, um einen Vergleich der Proben untereinander möglich zu machen. Insgesamt wurden aus den Fasseklektoren beider Serien Käfer mit einer Abundanz von 36.990 Ind./m² ausgewertet. In den Fallen der Stammeklektoren wurden insgesamt 1.487 Käfer gefunden. Den weitaus größten Teil der Käfer der Fasseklektoren stellen die Borkenkäfer (Scolytidae). Dieses Ergebnis schlägt sich auch in der Betrachtung der Dominanz der einzelnen Arten nieder. In nahezu allen Fällen gehörten die Hauptarten in die Familie Scolytidae. Der mit den Absterbeerscheinungen der Eichen in Verbindung gebrachte Prachtkäfer Agrilus biguttatus (Buprestidae) trat in deutlich geringeren Abundanzen auf. Aufgrund seiner Fraßtätigkeit (Ringelung der Larven im Kambialbereich der Bäume) gehört er aber zu den potentiell stark schädigenden Käfern. Neben A. biguttatus sind auch A. sulcicollis und die gefundenen Borkenkäfer in der Lage, vorgeschädigte und geschwächte Eichen zu befallen und noch weiter zu schwächen. Aus waldhygienischen Gründen sollten deshalb regelmäßige Kontrollen durchgeführt werden. Bei erkennbarem Befall sollten die betroffenen Bäume gefällt und aus dem Bestand entfernt werden. Langfristig können die Vermeidung von nicht-standortgerechtem Eichenanbau und das Anlegen von naturnahen Mischbeständen zu den waldbaulichen Maßnahmen gerechnet werden, die eine Reduktion des Infektionsrisikos zur Folge haben. Die 'ein Jahr toten' Bäume wiesen die mit Abstand höchste Abundanz an Lebendholzbesiedlern auf. Bäume, die bereits ein Jahr länger tot im Bestand standen, wurden von deutlich weniger Lebendholzbesiedlern befallen, d.h. von 'zwei Jahre toten' Bäumen ging ein potentiell geringerer Infektionsdruck aus als von 'ein Jahr toten' Eichen. Im Laufe des Verrottungsprozesses verringert sich diese Gefahr noch weiter, da die Holzfeuchte weiter abnimmt und die Lebendholzbesiedler keine Nahrungsgrundlage mehr vorfinden. Besonders die Gefahr des Neubefalls durch Agrilus von mindestens zweijährig toten Bäumen besteht kaum, weil zumindest die Larven der ersten Stadien des Prachtkäfers auf lebendes Gewebe angewiesen sind.