956 resultados para Transportation logistics
Este estudo trata a questão da Logística na operacionalização do transporte público por ônibus da Região Metropolitana de Belém - RMB, particularmente, da concessionária Empresa Belém Rio, que atua na Capital do Pará. O foco principal foi perceber se existem indicadores de desempenho eficaz na operacionalização mais racional e equilibrada desse modal de transporte. A pesquisa foi conduzida por uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos da Logística e suas operações, como também da utilização dessa ferramenta de gestão no transporte, seguido de uma apresentação do enfoque evolutivo da RMB, com especial atenção a questão do transporte de passageiros. A metodologia foi preparada para atender à pesquisa de campo e ao estudo descritivo. Consistiu basicamente na determinação de variáveis extraídas de indicadores que tiveram por base o conceito de Logística. O questionário foi estruturado com base nessas vertentes e aplicados à uma população de 44 sujeitos, funcionários da referida empresa. Além desse procedimento foi realizada uma entrevista com a gerência executiva, na intenção não de tratamento, mas de buscar informações que pudessem subsidiar a análise. Os dados coletados no instrumento metodológico foram tratados e sistematizados em gráficos e tabelas por ferramentas estatísticas. Na análise dos dados quantificados, foi utilizada a literatura para cruzamento de informações, além do que o uso de algumas falas de respondentes. Dentro dos resultados obtidos, encontram-se observações que podem subsidiar algumas tomadas de decisão para a melhoria de desempenho da citada empresa. Além do que, disponibilizadas percepções que poderão ser utilizadas por outros estudos.
A growing awareness of the modern society about the direct relationship between a growing global community with increasing total industrial activities on one hand and various environmental problems and a natural limitation of natural resources on the other hand set the base for sustainable or “green” approaches within the supply chain. This paper therefore will look at the issue of “Green Logistics” which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities by taking into account functions such as recycling, waste and carbon emission reduction and the use of alternative sources of energy. In order to analyze how these approaches and ideas are being perceived by the system as a whole two models from the area of prospective and scenario planning are being used and described to identify the main drivers and tendencies within the system in order to create feasible hypothesis. Using the URCA/CHIVAS model allows us to identify the driver variables out of a high number of variables that best describe the system “Green Logistics”. Followed by the analysis of the actor’s strategies in the system with the Mactor model it is possible to reduce the complexity of a completely holistic system to a few key drivers that can be analyzed further on. Here the implications of URCA/CHIVAS and Mactor are being used to formulate hypotheses about the perception of Green Logistics and its successful implementation among logistics decision makers by an online survey. This research seeks to demonstrate the usefulness of scenario planning to a highly complex system observing it from all angles and extracting information about the relevant factors of it. The results of this demonstration indicate that there are drivers much beyond the factory walls that need to be considered when implementing successfully a system such as Green Logistics.
The role of maritime transportation within international trade was drastically revamped during the inception of the globalization process, which enhanced the contribution of ports in world economy as main logistics gateways for global production and trade. As a result, the relationship between ports and governments has changed. Devolution ideologies that had been applied in other industries decades ago were now being considered by governments for the port industry. Many central governments sought to extract themselves from commercial activities of ports and devolving this responsibility to local governments, communities or private entities. The institution of devolution programs also changed the governance structures of ports further influencing port performance. Consequently, the recent worldwide trend towards devolution in the port industry has spawned considerable variety of governance models that are now set in place around the world. While some countries opt for more decentralized structures others prefer to retain a centralization of powers. In this way some governments consider local features and national integration more than others, which ultimately influence the success of a port reform implementation. Nevertheless, the prime intent of governments is now to maximize the efficiency and performance of their domestic ports. This issue intends to examine the changed port governance environment in Brazil by determining how and why imposed port reforms of the Brazilian federal government have been affecting the overall performance of the national port system, over the last decades, using the Port of Santos as a sample upon an exploratory study. For that, the study will use a contingency theory-based framework – the Matching Framework - that views port performance as a function of the fit among the dimensions of external operating environment, strategy and structure of a port organization. In essence, the greater the fit among these dimensions the better the expected performance of a port will be, and vice-versa. Port managers, government officials and academics alike shall be interested in this document.
The study presents the results and recommendations deriving from the application of two supply chain management analysis models as proposed by the Supply Chain Council (SCOR, version 10.0) and by Lambert (1997, Framework for Supply Chain Management) on the logistics of cash transfers in Brazil. Cash transfers consist of the transportation of notes to and from each node of the complex network formed by the bank branches, ATMs, armored transportation providers, the government custodian, Brazilian Central Bank and financial institutions. Although the logistic to sustain these operations is so wide-ranged (country-size), complex and subject to a lot of financial regulations and security procedures, it has been detected that it was probably not fully integrated. Through the use of a primary and a secondary data research and analysis, using the above mentioned models, the study ends up with propositions to strongly improve the operations efficiency
This study evaluated stress indicators of juvenile piau (Leporinus friderici) during and after a 4-hour transportation in order to establish an appropriate transportation protocol for this type of fish. Fish were transported in plastic bags (133.1 g/L) and sampled before loading, during 1, 2, 3 and 4 h and after transportation (2, 6, 12 and 24 h). Blood samples were analyzed for cortisol and glucose levels, hematocrit, hemoglobin level, number and mean corpuscular volume of erythrocytes. Water pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and ammonia were monitored before, during and after transportation. No mortality was observed through the experiment. Ammonia levels increased throughout transportation, but the low pH values kept NH3 in safe levels for fish. Cortisol levels increased within 4 h of transportation, and returned to control condition 2 h after arrival. Plasma glucose increased within one hour of transportation, reaching peak value within 4 h and returning to initial condition 2 h after arrival. Erythrocyte number and hemoglobin levels showed the lowest levels 2 h after arrival, and mean corpuscular volume increased during transportation, decreasing at 12 and 24 h after arrival. Transporting piau is stressful, but fish recover the initial condition in short time, showing tolerance to the changes in the water quality parameters.
The current natural gas production of 52 Mm3d-1 and the large projects for its expansion has been setting new boundaries for the Brazilian industry of oil and gas. So far, one of the biggest challenges regards to the logistics for gas transportation from offshore fields. Therefore, the transformation of natural gas into gasoline, diesel and/or olefins via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis would be an alternative to this matter. In this work, the production of hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor was investigated and a perovskite-type catalyst (LayCu0,4Fe0,6O3 ± d) was used with y varying from 0 to 1 on a molar basis. In addition, Nb2O5 support was also applied in order to observe the selectivity of the produced hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process. It is shown that the hydrogen conversion was influenced by the support as well as the different phases of the samples. The kinetic results for the CO2 production suffered great influence with the introduction of the Nb2O5 support throughout the series of samples studied. The catalysts allowed obtaining welldefined cuts of hydrocarbons in the range of C1-C6 and C17-C28, and these results were clearly influenced by the support and the lanthanum content. The higher olefin/paraffin ratio obtained was 1.8 when using a non-supported perovskite with y equal to 0.8. This would indicate the suitability of using this material for the production of olefins
Having the objective of minimizing costs and improving their image in the consumer and export market, car battery industries began to seek environmental alternatives geared towards sustainable development. Reverse logistics flow represents an unprecedented tool for the economic and operational development of company activities, as well as a differential in the search for competitive advantages through environmentally correct practices. The aim of this paper is to describe the reverse logistics chain adopted by automotive battery industries in the midwest of the state of São Paulo, proposing a reverse logistics framework for small manufacturers that creates actions aimed at not harming the environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of post-consumer materials is directly related to reducing the cost of production and extraction of natural resources. Non-recyclable materials are randomly disposed in the environment. Brazil is one of the largest consumers of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. The purpose of this paper is to describe the opportunities and challenges of the logistics model for post-consumer PET bottle recycling in Brazil, while providing knowledge of its practices along the recycling chain. The results describe the need to educate those directly and indirectly involved in the process: to reduce consumption in order to reduce the amount of waste generated: to structure the post-consumer reverse chain and engage industrial sectors and government, through public policies, to support cleaner technologies along the PET bottle production chain. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the benefits of sugar cane ethanol in Brazil, appointing the productivity of this type of fuel based on hectares of plantation, its carbon dioxide cycle and the contribution to reduce the greenhouse effect. In the following step the uses of ethanol for hydrogen production by steam reforming is analyzed and some comparison with natural gas steam reforming is performed. The sugar cane industry in Brazil, in a near future, in the hydrogen era, could be modified according to our purpose, since besides the production of sugar, and ethylic and anhydric alcohol, Brazilian sugar cane industry will also be able to produce biohydrogen.Fuel cells appear like a promising technology for energy generation. Among several technologies in the present, the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is the most appropriate for vehicles application, because it combines durability, high power density, high efficiency, good response and it works at relatively low temperatures. Besides that it is easy to turn it on and off and it is able to support present vibration in vehicles. A PEMFC's problem is the need of noble catalysts like platinum. Another problem is that CO needs to be in low concentration, requiring a more clean hydrogen to avoid fuel cell deterioration.One part of this paper was developed in Stockholm, where there are some buses within the CUTE (clean urban transport for Europe) project that has been in operation with FC since January 2004. Another part was developed in Guaratingueta, Brazil. Brazil intends to start up a program of FC buses. As conclusion, this paper shows the economical analysis comparing buses moved by fuel cells using hydrogen by different kinds of production. Electrolyze with wind turbine, natural gas steam reforming and ethanol steam reforming. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The state is responsible for creating regulatory and infrastructural conditions in a determined territory. These actions generate macrodynamics, however, in some cases they show selective and restricted, as in the case concerning the transportation sector. The actions of the Brazilian government aimed at territorial fluidity nowadays are evidenced especially by the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). The PAC in the axes allocated to the transport sector, called logistics, which in turn appears as a pressing necessity and as an ideology of the current period. Therefore, within this context of territorial transformations resulting from this program we situate our work that aims to understand how the actions of the State implemented and planned under the PAC are configuring or can configure the brazilian territorial logistics, particularly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
An 8-year-old male Boxer with a severely contaminated open fracture of the left radius and ulna fracture, produced by a helicopter propeller, was treated using bone transport by the Ilizarov method. Extensive diaphyseal bone loss and soft-tissue vascular damage were present. The radius and ulna were stabilised with an Ilizarov ring external fixator. The bone defect was partially shortened and restored by gradual transport of a bone segment created from proximal segments of the radius and ulna. The external fixator was removed 4fi months after the beginning of the latency period, due to instability caused by osteolysis around the wires. A cast was placed for 3 weeks. Although the bone transport had resulted in formation of approximately 4 cm of bone, the antebrachium showed approximately 50% shortening when compared to the contralateral limb. The infection was eradicated, and the dog was able to bear weight on the operated limb when walking.
Neste trabalho estuda-se um problema de dimensionamento de lotes e distribuição que envolve além de custos de estoques, produção e preparação, custos de transportes para o armazém da empresa. Os custos logísticos estão associados aos contêineres necessários para empacotar os produtos produzidos. A empresa negocia um contrato de longo prazo onde um custo fixo por período é associado ao transporte dos itens, em contrapartida um limite de contêineres é disponibilizado com custo mais baixo que o custo padrão. Caso ocorra um aumento ocasional de demanda, novos contêineres podem ser utilizados, no entanto, seu custo é mais elevado. Um modelo matemático foi proposto na literatura e resolvido utilizando uma heurística Lagrangiana. No presente trabalho a resolução do problema por uma heurística Lagrangiana/surrogate é avaliada. Além disso, é considerada uma extensão do modelo da literatura adicionando restrições de capacidade e permitindo atraso no atendimento a demanda. Testes computacionais mostraram que a heurística Lagrangiana/surrogate é competitiva especialmente quando se têm restrições de capacidade apertada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)